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Bumblefoot/Guns N’ Roses (New Statement From Ron 02/20)

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Maybe it's something to do with an upcoming album? If Bumble is on it then it'd be bad press if he's "officially really actually" out of the band when it comes out.

I have some magic beans to sell you. PM me.

The point is not whether the band ACTUALLY will release a new record in short time, it is being able to pressure BBF not to say anything damaging, which would probably say anything about his reasons for leaving, by claiming the band is about to release. Basically, by signing such an agreement, if it really exists, BBF has left himself without option to say anything critical because lawyers would jump on him and say it is irreparble considering the band's strategies. It might be ludicruos but BBF wll be unable to fight it in court because he would have little to win and everything to lose.

Oh just use your fucking brain, genius

With this two comments he basically announced (major sites will pick up this sooner than later) so if he singed a piece of shit paper then he just basically ruined it NOW

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Subsy said he heard the plan was for it to come out this year

"subsy" was the owner of this site, he was obviously interested in making people believe that there would be something new this year...;)
He said this in the past week, when he no longer had a financial interest in the site. Edited by Amir
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I really don't blame him for coming out like this, I'm sure he gets pestered daily about his involvement in Guns when he's trying to promote a new solo album

It's strange that GnR/Team Brazil have him stuck in a gag deal to not share what's going on, I only hope Bumble leaks more ChiDem demos at some point :awesomeface:

Nobody cares about his solo career

he will not leak anything since he haven't got anything (remember he was whining because they never wrote together and nobody collaboratiing with him)

Maybe he has got Atlas Shrugged, dunno, other than that he is got nothing


Subsy said he heard the plan was for it to come out this year

"subsy" was the owner of this site, he was obviously interested in making people believe that there would be something new this year... ;)
He said this in the past week, when he no longer had a financial interest in the site.

Nope, he said AGAIN this in the past week

Anyway it doesn't matter, NOBODY can confirm an album in GNR world

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Wait a minute ... how do we know BBF was talking about GN'R?

We don't. People are speculating as usual. Maybe he has existing deals in place with promoters and can't say anything? Maybe he's not out of the band? Maybe he is out of the band? Maybe he was asked to keep it on the DL as a professional courtesy? Maybe there is no GNR anymore? Maybe he out right now working on solo stuff but will be back once things are ready to get going again?

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Well, thanks for biringing back Estranged Bumble, and I wish you all the best.

If that means Fortus on full lead duties, I'm all good.

100% ! Bumble got battered by fans to play estranged and he brought it back

Fortus is capable to take lead easily

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This almost sounds like what happened with both Robin and Brain, where they were out but they couldn't say they were out and nobody from GnR was speaking up about it one way or the other.

To be fair non-disclosure agreements are pretty common in the entertainment industry. I think it's absolute paranoia to have one for a band, but in other areas, they do exist quite often. Especially with all of the social media/smart phone proliferation, there's usually a clause that you can't talk about your project(s) even among friends on social media. Even if you're an extra at Central Casting and you publicly talk about or share photos from a film or TV project you're doing, you can get dropped from the Central Casting roster. So it's taken quite seriously.

But yeah, it is sheer paranoia to have it in a band. I can understand asking them to sign a clause not to share any information from recording, leak videos/photos/music, or disclose personal information about Axl (that's pushing it, but still). I can't understand a contract that says that someone who has been in a band for 10 years cannot even disclose that he's left said band. It sounds as though BBF is saying everything he can say without being sued, and that's sad.

You have to put things into perspective as Axl has been a control freak about what is said about him since the beginning. Remember he tried to get journalists, who wanted access to the band, during the UYI tours to sign agreements which allowed him to control what they wrote about the band.

Lets assume that Bumble did have to sign a gag order, anyone who works for Axl surely would know what they are getting into when they sign on. It comes with the job.

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This almost sounds like what happened with both Robin and Brain, where they were out but they couldn't say they were out and nobody from GnR was speaking up about it one way or the other.

To be fair non-disclosure agreements are pretty common in the entertainment industry. I think it's absolute paranoia to have one for a band, but in other areas, they do exist quite often. Especially with all of the social media/smart phone proliferation, there's usually a clause that you can't talk about your project(s) even among friends on social media. Even if you're an extra at Central Casting and you publicly talk about or share photos from a film or TV project you're doing, you can get dropped from the Central Casting roster. So it's taken quite seriously.

But yeah, it is sheer paranoia to have it in a band. I can understand asking them to sign a clause not to share any information from recording, leak videos/photos/music, or disclose personal information about Axl (that's pushing it, but still). I can't understand a contract that says that someone who has been in a band for 10 years cannot even disclose that he's left said band. It sounds as though BBF is saying everything he can say without being sued, and that's sad.

You have to put things into perspective as Axl has been a control freak about what is said about him since the beginning. Remember he tried to get journalists, who wanted access to the band, during the UYI tours to sign agreements which allowed him to control what they wrote about the band.

Lets assume that Bumble did have to sign a gag order, anyone who works for Axl surely would know what they are getting into when they sign on. It comes with the job.

Yeah, no argument there. As soon as GnR had any leverage at all Axl pretty much cherry-picked his interviews and I do remember hearing about that contract. To be fair there had also been a lot of completely false information about the band that had been published and I can understand being pissed about that, but he took it way too far to try to control what was said.

As for BBF, yeah, you know what the contract says when you sign it. If you don't read it, that's your own fault. Still, I find it very odd that there would be something barring a person from even saying that they'd *left* the band. As far as I know, I've never heard of another NDA where it bars the person from saying they've quit the project.

Edited by stella
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To be honest, it wouldn't surprise me if Ron started to burn bridges within the GNR camp when he repeatedly (and publicly) made out like he was some kind of martyr, going out on stage every night with a bad back.

His manner and approach in that situation didn't sit well with me.


Edited by LA_0013
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Wait a minute ... how do we know BBF was talking about GN'R?

We don't. People are speculating as usual. Maybe he has existing deals in place with promoters and can't say anything? Maybe he's not out of the band? Maybe he is out of the band? Maybe he was asked to keep it on the DL as a professional courtesy? Maybe there is no GNR anymore? Maybe he out right now working on solo stuff but will be back once things are ready to get going again?

maybe you can't use simple logic, bro?

anyway blabbermouth picked up so it's over...


"I can't erase a decade of history"

This is confirmation for me. Pretty rude. So did he delete those comments after he posted them?

He hides them

Yeah that part is what makes me cringe.... i bet the paychecks were good, Mr. Coverfoot

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To be honest, it wouldn't surprise me if Ron started to burn bridges within the GNR camp when he repeatedly (and publically) made out like he was some kind of martyr, going out on stage every night with a bad back.

His manner and approach in that situation didn't sit well with me.


I mean if he was that injured and in that much pain what else could he have done?

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If he was 'THAT' injured he should have pulled out or done something about it. If not, roll up your sleeves, (bank the cheques) and carry on.

Not continually bitch and whine online about how hard done by he was.

Doesn't exactly have any problems when he's travelling the world doing guitar clinics or plugging his hot sauce


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If he was 'THAT' injured he should have pulled out or done something about it. If not, roll up your sleeves, (bank the cheques) and carry on.

Not continually bitch and whine online about how hard done by he was.

Doesn't exactly have any problems when he's travelling the world doing guitar clinics or plugging his hot sauce


Get real for a moment. There is a lot riding on these gigs, you just don't pull out that easily with no replacement. Even Ashba played with a knee injury the gig I saw him (he tweeted afterwards he went straight to a doctor).

And don't forget the cancer scare BBF had, to simply say he's exaggerating for the sake of complaining and pissing off management, the guy's just being honest.

As far as I'm concerned, if Guns releases a new album, I'd like him to stay onboard for it and the touring, if they are just continuing their same old setlist tour, he's better off doing his own thing and signing up with a more productive band.

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To be honest, it wouldn't surprise me if Ron started to burn bridges within the GNR camp when he repeatedly (and publically) made out like he was some kind of martyr, going out on stage every night with a bad back.

His manner and approach in that situation didn't sit well with me.


I mean if he was that injured and in that much pain what else could he have done?

ITA. It sounds as though the gigs would have been cancelled if BBF had not played. It might have been more decent for GnR to find a temporary replacement or rework the songs for two guitarists when BBF was so injured. IIRC he didn't say anything at the time; he appeared to be visibly in pain when he played, but he still gave it his all. It was only afterward when he said what a bad way he'd been in.

And frankly his complaints about not being able to communicate with his employer, safety concerns when the band's crew had not been given a day off (when they did that surprise b-day party in Europe) and the last-minute scheduling of gigs were valid. I actually think that BBF might have had the idea that by airing these complaints, things might change for the better - because I honestly feel that he DID want to make GnR better. Getting a variety of songs added to the setlist; trying to talk about recording - these all show enthusiasm. One can't blame him for finally throwing up his hands with this.

Edited by stella
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To be honest, it wouldn't surprise me if Ron started to burn bridges within the GNR camp when he repeatedly (and publically) made out like he was some kind of martyr, going out on stage every night with a bad back.

His manner and approach in that situation didn't sit well with me.


I mean if he was that injured and in that much pain what else could he have done?

ITA. It sounds as though the gigs would have been cancelled if BBF had not played. It might have been more decent for GnR to find a temporary replacement or rework the songs for three guitarists when BBF was so injured. IIRC he didn't say anything at the time; he appeared to be visibly in pain when he played, but he still gave it his all. It was only afterward when he said what a bad way he'd been in.

And frankly his complaints about not being able to communicate with his employer, safety concerns when the band's crew had not been given a day off (when they did that surprise b-day party in Europe) and the last-minute scheduling of gigs were valid. I actually think that BBF might have had the idea that by airing these complaints, things might change for the better - because I honestly feel that he DID want to make GnR better. Getting a variety of songs added to the setlist; trying to talk about recording - these all show enthusiasm. One can't blame him for finally throwing up his hands with this.

Absolutely 100% spot on

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To be honest, it wouldn't surprise me if Ron started to burn bridges within the GNR camp when he repeatedly (and publically) made out like he was some kind of martyr, going out on stage every night with a bad back.

His manner and approach in that situation didn't sit well with me.


I mean if he was that injured and in that much pain what else could he have done?

ITA. It sounds as though the gigs would have been cancelled if BBF had not played. It might have been more decent for GnR to find a temporary replacement or rework the songs for two guitarists when BBF was so injured. IIRC he didn't say anything at the time; he appeared to be visibly in pain when he played, but he still gave it his all. It was only afterward when he said what a bad way he'd been in.

And frankly his complaints about not being able to communicate with his employer, safety concerns when the band's crew had not been given a day off (when they did that surprise b-day party in Europe) and the last-minute scheduling of gigs were valid. I actually think that BBF might have had the idea that by airing these complaints, things might change for the better - because I honestly feel that he DID want to make GnR better. Getting a variety of songs added to the setlist; trying to talk about recording - these all show enthusiasm. One can't blame him for finally throwing up his hands with this.

Haven't you heard? It's all an elaborate ruse to destroy GNR and remake it as Bumbles N' Footses.


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How can you sign orders such as that? All of these people, Robin, Bucket, Bumble, must have signed something gagging them. If Axl produces a document which states,

''I will not talk about Axl, Guns N' Roses, Team Brazil, or persons afflicted with those said organisations upon the event of my departure from, same organisations, under penalty of criminal proceedings''

I am going to tell Axl to shove that document up his arse.

And what does that tell you about the insecurity of these people, that they feel the need to shut people up?

They probably have something in the initial contract when they first signed up...and at that point you're probably hard up for a few quid so they sign it thinkin' fuck it, if i ever do end up getting slung out I'll just have to keep it shut.

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BBF is/was the most talented guitar player next to FuckitHead Axl has ever had in his band. I really wish Axl would just release more music than he does. There's supposed to be tons of stuff ready to go or almost ready to go. He has loads of dough and could bankroll the releases himself if he wanted to. I don't get it at all. So sad that we're being deprived from hearing what the dude has to offer. Or... maybe there's nothing there to release at all. Which I find extremely hard to believe and fathom. Such a sad travesty...

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To be honest, it wouldn't surprise me if Ron started to burn bridges within the GNR camp when he repeatedly (and publically) made out like he was some kind of martyr, going out on stage every night with a bad back.

His manner and approach in that situation didn't sit well with me.


I mean if he was that injured and in that much pain what else could he have done?

ITA. It sounds as though the gigs would have been cancelled if BBF had not played. It might have been more decent for GnR to find a temporary replacement or rework the songs for three guitarists when BBF was so injured. IIRC he didn't say anything at the time; he appeared to be visibly in pain when he played, but he still gave it his all. It was only afterward when he said what a bad way he'd been in.

And frankly his complaints about not being able to communicate with his employer, safety concerns when the band's crew had not been given a day off (when they did that surprise b-day party in Europe) and the last-minute scheduling of gigs were valid. I actually think that BBF might have had the idea that by airing these complaints, things might change for the better - because I honestly feel that he DID want to make GnR better. Getting a variety of songs added to the setlist; trying to talk about recording - these all show enthusiasm. One can't blame him for finally throwing up his hands with this.

Absolutely 100% spot on

This. He's been very clear that TB explicitly told him that his failure to show up would mean canceling the gigs. UCAP was originally just supposed to be a few shows, and he agreed. When the shows went well, TB added more and more, and Ron just had to go along with it. He did an interview where he talked about how he was so wrecked at the Philly show because his prescription ran out and, with the tour extended, he hadn't had a chance to get in and see the doc to extend or alter it.

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I like how BF actually acts like his departure is so huge everyone is wanting to know why he left. Lol, he's like the modern Slash, but without the epic fallout of the greatest band ever thing going on back in the day, haha

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I told people here and elsewhere years ago that this band had gagging orders on its employees. I was told firsthand by Dizzy when I was supposed to be interviewing him in '06. Asshats such as Jarmo vehemently denied the existence of such clauses. This band is pathetic.

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