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Fernando : " Working on making something happen"

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And who the fuck is this guy to try to make something happen? What a joke of a little boy who somehow found himself in Axl's house. Go away.

Don't blame him ... Axl was the one who took those people into his house ... and you got nothing to do with it ... it's his life and his house.

Regarding your first question, he is parte of GN'R management ... he's supposed to make something happen ...

Yeah, cool. I know damn well who the leech is.

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It is just such a a shame that the best rock singer of our generation has no interest in sharing his music with his millions of diehard and loyal fans.

The final sad thing is that Axl isn't too old to still be The Axl Rose again. He still has the tools and talent to be the most relevant hard rock singer In the world for the next decade. The hard rock world is still there for Axl to dominate. He doesn't want to do that - and that is fine. It is his career to do whatever he wants with it. But it is a frigging shame and disappointment for his MILLIONS of fans who have supported him for 25-30 years.

The fans are the losers. The Beta and Fernando are the winners. Millions of fans are the losers.

Imagine how amazing it would be if Axl released three rock albums over the next decade. Each with 10 rockers, 2 ballads and 2 Axl epics (twat, estranged). Then he could go the Neil Young and Paul McCartney route to finish out his career.

Axl has about a 10 year window left to kick rock's ass. One album every 15 years won't do that.

I sure hope Axl thinks about his fans and decides to finish out his career giving something back to them. The people who deposited that 150 million dollars into his bank account.

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It is just such a a shame that the best rock singer of our generation has no interest in sharing his music with his millions of diehard and loyal fans.

The final sad thing is that Axl isn't too old to still be The Axl Rose again. He still has the tools and talent to be the most relevant hard rock singer In the world for the next decade. The hard rock world is still there for Axl to dominate. He doesn't want to do that - and that is fine. It is his career to do whatever he wants with it. But it is a frigging shame and disappointment for his MILLIONS of fans who have supported him for 25-30 years.

The fans are the losers. The Beta and Fernando are the winners. Millions of fans are the losers.

Imagine how amazing it would be if Axl released three rock albums over the next decade. Each with 10 rockers, 2 ballads and 2 Axl epics (twat, estranged). Then he could go the Neil Young and Paul McCartney route to finish out his career.

Axl has about a 10 year window left to kick rock's ass. One album every 15 years won't do that.

I sure hope Axl thinks about his fans and decides to finish out his career giving something back to them. The people who deposited that 150 million dollars into his bank account.

I am sure that he is storing stuff for after his death to be released.

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Everything Axl and the Band did just suck, in the opionion of most people here. So tell me where would be your motivation of doing something new?


According to most (not all) of the posters here, CD and the touring since '11 suck. Do you disagree with that?
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Everything Axl and the Band did just suck, in the opionion of most people here. So tell me where would be your motivation of doing something new?

According to most (not all) of the posters here, CD and the touring since '11 suck. Do you disagree with that?

I disagree with it on the grounds that it isn't true.

Plenty of users here like CD and plenty of users here have enjoyed some concerts since 2011.

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Everything Axl and the Band did just suck, in the opionion of most people here. So tell me where would be your motivation of doing something new?

According to most (not all) of the posters here, CD and the touring since '11 suck. Do you disagree with that?

I disagree with it on the grounds that it isn't true.

Plenty of users here like CD and plenty of users here have enjoyed some concerts since 2011.

We need a poll.
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I can never keep track of whether Axl doesn't care what people think and is therefore a badass, or cares what people think and is therefore a victim of all the mean mean hate from haters and is excused from ever having to do anything ever again. I need a flow chart.

Edited by magisme
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I can never keep track of whether Axl doesn't care what people think and is therefore a badass, or cares what people think and is therefore a victim of all the mean mean hate from haters and is excused from ever having to do anything ever again. I need a flow chart.

I care deeply and will be severely butthurt if you don't vote no in my poll for both options and make yourself look retarded for lying.

True story.

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Sorry. I voted yes to both. Don't worry though, there are plenty of people on the forum with terrible taste in music. :lol:

Looks like there are way more people with terrible taste in regards to CD than reading the forum on a daily basis would lead one to believe. The tour results so far are surprising in that it wasn't a unanimous yes, but the overwhelming discrepancy in voters is closer to what I expected. Looks like Russ was much more right than I ever thought I'd have to give him credit for though. Congrats Russ.
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