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What Are You Listening To 2015.


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Guest Len B'stard

Oh shit, how did i forget Play With Fire? I totally get what you mean about the quiet threatening menace though, it's not on all of em but a great many. Its always sounds a lot more...looser and fun. But yeah, it had a certain air to it, a kind of standoffish air.

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Guest Len B'stard

Keith Richards makes a lot of the idea of weaving guitars but if you listen to The Stones, especially early on, it weren't just the two guitars, it's the bass and drums and everything kinda locks in to give certain musical pieces this kinda tumbling quality, a real drive, it's beautiful to behold when they really nail and 19th Nervous Breakdown is a good example of them really nailing it. The Stones suffer from production i think so they were great in that early era where production, relative to what it is now, wasn't such an overbearing thing.

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Guest Len B'stard

Bill deserves a lot more credit than he gets, the bass, in the context of the songs The Stones played, rhythm and blues basically (as opposed to pure blues which would benefit from a little heavier bass) Bill does brilliantly because there's just enough of it to give the rhythm section enough depth so it don't sound tinny, he really was quite special, despite the merciless piss-taking he's put up with.

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They were definitely tighter and more intricate in the playing in the very early stages, having little room for error out of reverence for the artists they were covering and so on. And the spotlight was sharply on them as pop stars.

Later, with the dominance of Keef's interweaving guitars, Bill's role wouldn't be so ... what's the word... relevant... his role in the Stones got kind of diminished.

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What do you make of Brian Jones MG, broadly speaking?

I have to give him credit for having a genial influence on the group in the early stages which kept them going. It's funny how telling some of the early pictures are - Jones is in the foreground kind of staring down the camera, and Jagger is kind off shyly off to one side... Jones clearly looks like the dominant top-dog in the group.

Jones's stamp is all over songs like Ruby Tuesday, Out Of Time, Paint It Black...

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Guest Len B'stard

Do you think his importance, musically, is kinda high up there or not as important as the Brian afficiandos make out? To your taste, what do you perfer, his era, Taylor era, Wood era?

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Do you think his importance, musically, is kinda high up there or not as important as the Brian afficiandos make out? To your taste, what do you perfer, his era, Taylor era, Wood era?

Well he definitely was very important, he guided The Rolling Stones through the critical early pop phase, he was at that time until ...i don't know, Satanic Majesties?, regarded as sort of their leader, wasn't he?

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Guest Len B'stard

Do you think they got all their was to get out of what was an exceptionally talented dilletante or do you think the direction they would've went with Brian would've been more interesting? You kinda never got anymore interesting songs off The Stones after him eh? I mean like, they were cool, they were rockin', they were everything even post Brian but they never quite had that thing where you thought maybe they could be musically groundbreaking ever again.

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Why I like and prefer the Brian Jones period -

The whole pop rise to the top, releasing different albums across the Atlantic, going from cover artists to original interpreters of their own compositions... the more moddish hip side of the stones... the clothes and haircuts and graphics on the singles sleeves... just the whole aura of them as a group.

Do you think they got all their was to get out of what was an exceptionally talented dilletante or do you think the direction they would've went with Brian would've been more interesting? You kinda never got anymore interesting songs off The Stones after him eh? I mean like, they were cool, they were rockin', they were everything even post Brian but they never quite had that thing where you thought maybe they could be musically groundbreaking ever again.

Had he held his stuff together they could possibly have gone in more interesting directions but wasn't he burned out at the end?

And he copped a kick in the head from Keef, didn't he, shortly before he died?

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Guest Len B'stard

What, like a literal kick in the head, really? I never knew that. I know they got into it over Anita. Have you seen the state of her lately, fuck me, time ain't kind to none of us, eh?

Edited by sugaraylen
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Guest Len B'stard

On the actual day he DIED too, really? I never heard none of this. Then again, i don't really dig any deeper than the big 'definitive' bios that come out.

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There have been stories that there was growing antipathy between Jones and (both) Richards and Jagger, and of the latter two's plans to ultimately oust Jones from the band, and that they very much saw him as a spent force, a victim to his excesses, and a kind of tiresome burden to them now... he was hallucinating and losing coherence.

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