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Brain speaks about Guns (and Buckethead)

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Geez the backlash starts now! So if there's no reunion tonight, you all are just gonna bash Axl. Not mentioning the fact Slash & Duff quit, can't have been easy dealing with millionaire junkies. GnR right now is the shits but at least somebody tried to rescue it instead of walking away not giving a shit.

One album in 24 years proves your point wrong.
Better than 24 years of buttrock, don't you agree?
What is buttrock? I'm a fan of all kinds of music, regardless of who sings it or what genre it is.

I'd rather have 5-6 albums from Axl than just one. I guess you and I differ in that regard.

Are you making some sort of weird comparison to the music Axl puts out compared to Slash, Duff and Izzy? Surely you aren't, you surely are more intelligent than that. I hope you aren't that stupid. Only complete morons think that it is some sort of competition.

But just for fun. Which fan do you think is more happy? Since 1994

Artist A: one album, guest spot on two or three albums, an interview about every five years, songs kept secret in a mythical vault.


Artist B: 8 studio albums, guest spot on about 25 different albums, several interviews every year, YouTube spots showing behind the scenes action while recording new album.

Which fan do you think is more satisfied?

Slash and Duff walked away from a tyrant and have continued their careers by collaborating with many different musicians and bands over the last 20 years, continually releasing music, playing live, releasing dvd's, writing books, etc etc.

And Axl kept the GNR name and has twiddled his thumbs in the same time frame turning himself and the GNR name into a long running joke and is now spoken of in the past tense while Duff and Slash are well liked and respected by the industry, fans and their peers and continue to build on their legacy.

Creeper fans don't understand this. They think the world revolves around Axl and that slash/duff and izzy were just lucky to be graced with his presence.

Axl is my favorite rock singer of all time. I love CD. GnR is my favorite band of all time. I named my last dog Axl. But some of the "fans" on these forums make me embarrassed to be a GnR and Axl fan. Crazy is crazy, even if they love the same singer you do.

why are you posting the EXACT SAME SHIT thread after thread for years now?

why are you make 2-3 people's opinion a general consensus about GNR related things when it's clearer than day that your assumptions and comments only contain straw man arguments?

Why are you back under a new name after you got banned?

Lol. Half your posts are just you crying about my posts. Over and over. This is probably the 50th time you have posted the EXACT same thing about me. Bit ironic, isn't it?

You don't know what a straw man argument is. You should look up the definition.

Put me on ignore if you don't like my posts you clown. That would be better than you constantly whining and crying and getting your feelings hurt every time you choose to read my posts.

Life is too short to keep getting your feelings hurt by a complete stranger on an internet rock forum. I personally get a kick out of knowing I have so much control over you......but for your own sanity, putting me on ignore is probably the safest choice to protect your sensitive self. Plus, that might prevent you from getting banned yet again.

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And everyone on this website hates Axl.

Axl is my favorite rock singer of all time.

And there are tons of people who worship Axl's every move to a creepy level.

So your post is 100% false.

So weird. You ignore everybody in the relationship section. But take great offense to anybody that says something about Axl. Why do you care what people think about him?

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And Miser is a pussy little fag.

And you have a shitty username.

And everyone on this website hates Axl.

Axl is my favorite rock singer of all time.

And there are tons of people who worship Axl's every move to a creepy level.

So your post is 100% false.

So weird. You ignore everybody in the relationship section. But take great offense to anybody that says something about Axl. Why do you care what people think about him?

I find it illogical to have a fan forum in which around 85% of the membership despises the central member of the band.

I am here for the band more than the people, that is why.

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And Miser is a pussy little fag.

And you have a shitty username.

And everyone on this website hates Axl.

Axl is my favorite rock singer of all time.

And there are tons of people who worship Axl's every move to a creepy level.

So your post is 100% false.

So weird. You ignore everybody in the relationship section. But take great offense to anybody that says something about Axl. Why do you care what people think about him?

I find it illogical to have a fan forum in which around 85% of the membership despises the central member of the band.

I am here for the band more than the people, that is why.

So start your own forum?

Have you contacted Downzy with ideas of how you think you can improve the forum?

Why is it Ok for you to judge people here when you personally ruin sections in Anything Goes? Many long time posters have answered your questions in the Relationship thread and you completely ignore them. Shouldn't you work on yourself and your posting habits before bashing other people?

There are three other forums that are 100% pro-Axl 100% of the time. This is the most popular GnR forum on the internet. Why would you want to change the most popular forum? Why don't you post at the forums where you aren't allowed to criticize Axl? Wouldn't you be happier at those forums?

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And Miser is a pussy little fag.

And you have a shitty username.

And everyone on this website hates Axl.

Axl is my favorite rock singer of all time.

And there are tons of people who worship Axl's every move to a creepy level.

So your post is 100% false.

So weird. You ignore everybody in the relationship section. But take great offense to anybody that says something about Axl. Why do you care what people think about him?

I find it illogical to have a fan forum in which around 85% of the membership despises the central member of the band.

I am here for the band more than the people, that is why.

So start your own forum?

Have you contacted Downzy with ideas of how you think you can improve the forum?

Why is it Ok for you to judge people here when you personally ruin sections in Anything Goes? Many long time posters have answered your questions in the Relationship thread and you completely ignore them. Shouldn't you work on yourself and your posting habits before bashing other people?

There are three other forums that are 100% pro-Axl 100% of the time. This is the most popular GnR forum on the internet. Why would you want to change the most popular forum? Why don't you post at the forums where you aren't allowed to criticize Axl? Wouldn't you be happier at those forums?

I'm not bashing anyone. I just think the level of hate the guy gets is a little bit extreme. It's just rock music at the end of the day. I have no personal feelings about Axl Rose other then I hope the guy finds peace and I like the music he helped make and I think the persona he had in the early '90s was kind of cool. The fact that people take music or what musicians do so seriously, like, people here act affronted by Axl, is odd to me. I don't feel Axl Rose (or any other musician for that matter) owes me anything, whereas it seems some here feel like they're personally owed or were personally wronged by Axl. Would I have liked if the old band stayed together, or got back together? Of course. Would I like if Axl's GNR put out more music? Yeah. But I don't see any reason in crucifying the guy because he doesn't do things to my standard. No one forces me, or anyone else, to go see his shows or buy his music, he's not in my debt.

Where did I say I want to change the forum? I never said criticism shouldn't be allowed, or that it should be censored in any way or to ANY degree. You are twisting my words and my intent. I just find the level of genuine hate some people seem to have for someone they don't even know to be odd.

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Buddy, if you somehow found yourself lucky enough to be one of the engineers on a GnR record you would be so excited about it that you would take any and all the shit that came with it. Once you would be in the same room as Axl, you would shrink back just like everyone else and just pander to him.


Absolutely 100% false. You don't know anything about me. Even now, if someone threw me the chance to engineer anything from any of these monkeys, I'd more likely say no than yes. Nothing comes from working with Axl other than a damaged reputation, and whatever financial scraps he tosses out to his lapdogs isn't worth the loss of reputation.

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Buddy, if you somehow found yourself lucky enough to be one of the engineers on a GnR record you would be so excited about it that you would take any and all the shit that came with it. Once you would be in the same room as Axl, you would shrink back just like everyone else and just pander to him.


Absolutely 100% false. You don't know anything about me. Even now, if someone threw me the chance to engineer anything from any of these monkeys, I'd more likely say no than yes. Nothing comes from working with Axl other than a damaged reputation, and whatever financial scraps he tosses out to his lapdogs isn't worth the loss of reputation.

Everyone who has worked with Axl at the very least has some interesting stories to tell.

Who has a damaged reputation from working with Axl? Slash, Duff, Izzy, Matt, even Steven all have pretty good reputations, and all of the newer guys are mostly unknown to the public but were unknown even before they worked with Axl. The only one whose reputation has been damaged by Axl is his own....

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You know for all the crazy and inefficient things that Axl does and the amount of nonsense and lengths he goes to in order to achieve whatever it is he wants to achieve..I have to say that I still follow him because of his craziness. Don't get me wrong I look forward to the day we get new music from him and I think he's one of the most naturally talented singers in history, but he stays interesting because there are so many stories about what makes Axl...Axl. It really is insane the way he lives, but at the same time if he was anything else I don't know if I would care as much.

That's what makes him an artist. He's not an average Joe like many ppl here wish he would be. Most great artists were or are insane. It's the nature of the beast.

I loved this Brain interview and I don't think what he said is offensive because he told it in such a nice funny way that it makes you go wowing at every story he shared about Guns, Axl and Buckethead.

Axl is an eccentric rockstar, the last rock legend of generation X and when he's gone we are going to regret being so hard on him. Also, if I didn't misheard, Brain said he would be up for coming back to GNR for a short tour thing and that is really cool. I hope he gets invited back :)

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Release more than one album in 20 years = Average Joe

For me it is 100% about the music. I stopped caring about the other stuff when I was 14 years old.

I don't care if he is a average joe, a rock star, a humanitarian or a complete asshole. We aren't friends in real life. We don't have a spiritual connection.

I just wish the guy took his job more seriously.

What good is to to be a "rock star" that doesn't share his music with his fans???

Would the people that praise his behavior now have a change of tune and bash Axl for being a sellout and not a "rock star" anymore if he suddenly started releasing albums every two years and doing tons of interviews?

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Buddy, if you somehow found yourself lucky enough to be one of the engineers on a GnR record you would be so excited about it that you would take any and all the shit that came with it. Once you would be in the same room as Axl, you would shrink back just like everyone else and just pander to him.


Absolutely 100% false. You don't know anything about me. Even now, if someone threw me the chance to engineer anything from any of these monkeys, I'd more likely say no than yes. Nothing comes from working with Axl other than a damaged reputation, and whatever financial scraps he tosses out to his lapdogs isn't worth the loss of reputation.

You're just talking the talk.

You're right though, I don't know you but, I'd wager that the majority of people in sound engineering jobs would bend over backwards for a job like that. No new or relatively unknown engineer in their right mind would turn down a gig as big as GnR. You take a gig like that for exposure, and for the chance to work in some of the best studios, with the best of the best in producers / engineers, outboard gear etc. personal bias / preconceived notions have no place in a job like yours, open mind, ears wide open.

Also, what producer or engineer that's worked with Axl has a bad name because of the association? haven't heard Axl or the GnR camp bad mouthing anyone, or any artist sayin' they wouldn't work with someone because they worked with GnR. I think you made that up.

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What's interesting about his laughing at Bucket is that IIRC they were friends, weren't they? I thought that Brain was one of the people who got Bucket into the band. Having said that, if he was even doing the puppet shitck behind the scenes with the band and their management, that's just bizarre...hilarious, but bizarre.

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And Miser is a pussy little fag.

And you have a shitty username.

And everyone on this website hates Axl.

Axl is my favorite rock singer of all time.

And there are tons of people who worship Axl's every move to a creepy level.

So your post is 100% false.

So weird. You ignore everybody in the relationship section. But take great offense to anybody that says something about Axl. Why do you care what people think about him?

I find it illogical to have a fan forum in which around 85% of the membership despises the central member of the band.

I am here for the band more than the people, that is why.

So start your own forum?

Have you contacted Downzy with ideas of how you think you can improve the forum?

Why is it Ok for you to judge people here when you personally ruin sections in Anything Goes? Many long time posters have answered your questions in the Relationship thread and you completely ignore them. Shouldn't you work on yourself and your posting habits before bashing other people?

There are three other forums that are 100% pro-Axl 100% of the time. This is the most popular GnR forum on the internet. Why would you want to change the most popular forum? Why don't you post at the forums where you aren't allowed to criticize Axl? Wouldn't you be happier at those forums?

I'm not bashing anyone. I just think the level of hate the guy gets is a little bit extreme. It's just rock music at the end of the day. I have no personal feelings about Axl Rose other then I hope the guy finds peace and I like the music he helped make and I think the persona he had in the early '90s was kind of cool. The fact that people take music or what musicians do so seriously, like, people here act affronted by Axl, is odd to me. I don't feel Axl Rose (or any other musician for that matter) owes me anything, whereas it seems some here feel like they're personally owed or were personally wronged by Axl. Would I have liked if the old band stayed together, or got back together? Of course. Would I like if Axl's GNR put out more music? Yeah. But I don't see any reason in crucifying the guy because he doesn't do things to my standard. No one forces me, or anyone else, to go see his shows or buy his music, he's not in my debt.

Where did I say I want to change the forum? I never said criticism shouldn't be allowed, or that it should be censored in any way or to ANY degree. You are twisting my words and my intent. I just find the level of genuine hate some people seem to have for someone they don't even know to be odd.

Hold your horses there chief, Axl is a big boy and can take care of himself.

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What's interesting about his laughing at Bucket is that IIRC they were friends, weren't they? I thought that Brain was one of the people who got Bucket into the band. Having said that, if he was even doing the puppet shitck behind the scenes with the band and their management, that's just bizarre...hilarious, but bizarre.


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