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I fuckin' hate animals. I mean, don't get me wrong, i respect their right to live and that (thats noble of me, eh? :lol:), just not around me. Horrible thick stinky beasts, never understood this passion people have for pets, spending money or a fuckin' rat or a mutt or some fuckin' reptile, for 'companionship', fuck me, if i was ever that hard up I'd probably chuck it in :lol:

Seriously though, how tragic is that, people coming home and talking to their dogs and cats :lol: This ain't Garfield and you ain't Jim Arbuckle alright, you wanna talk, pick up the phone and call your Mum or something!

'Hello Rover, how was your day?'

'Woof Woof!'

*goes in the pantry and shoots himself*

Get a fuckin' Sooty puppet or something, it's cheaper!

'Whats that Sooty? I'm a sad lonely bastard?'



And great pics, username!

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