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A Civil Rights Leader Has Disguised Herself As Black For Years, Her Parents Say


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Sex is physical.

Certainly is in your case, as the slew of missing girlies in the New England area that ran into you would attest to, had they not been harassed by lewd innuendo in the street, stalked for half a mile, subjected to sudden brutal violent rape, stuffed in the back of a car with knackered brakes, furnished with a pair of concrete slippers and slung into the waters of the bay like an anchor :lol:

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I think the poor woman is mentally ill.

She was born white but pretended to be black for what over 5 years or so or maybe more? She has to have had to wear makeup and got her hair kinked up to look like this.

If she is so passionate about working for black people's rights, she could have without pretending to be a black woman. I feel sorry for her. She looks so confused and doesn't seem very smart, so I'm wondering how she fooled so many people for so long?

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Despite the legal document naming Larry and Ruthanne as her birth parents, Dolezal still questions her heritage.
"I'm not necessarily saying that I can prove they're not," Dolezal told Guthrie, "but I don't know that I can actually prove they are. I mean, the birth certificate was issued a month and a half after I'm born. Certainly there were no medical witnesses to my birth. It was in the woods."

Larry says a simple DNA test would prove they are Rachel's parents.



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At the end of the day it's all just mind games for middle class people, theoretical ideological bullshit, just figure out a line, assign some kinda vague logic to it and then go 'OK people, THIS is how it's going to be!'. It's just rubbish, intellectual junk, sort of like anarchy, it's just an idiotic concept for students to wet their fuckin' knickers over 'oh wouldn't anarchy be cool, lets all go mad'...uh...but it wouldn't, would it cuz you'd be dead because people that have done more than turn pages and squint at small print would break your fuckin' necks. Same with gender reassignment and this fuckin' ridiculous race fucking debate that believe it or not some people are actually fucking taking seriously as a concept, it's just ideological bullshit and it's a real real real minority of society that even entertain the debate, let alone take it seriously on any level. It really is ridiculous first world bullshit and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fucker believes a word of it, the only people who go for that shit are confused middle class people, the upper echelons of society don't give a fuck about all these fuckin' little bullshit debates and so-called connundrums that modern life throws up, they're making that money. Working classes don't give a fuck either, they think it's ridiculous and worthy of basically taking the piss out of. It's just all middle class people and that just love to hear the sound of their own opinion being trumpeted (i know, look whoose talking eh? :lol:). It has nothing to do with anybodys rights or society, just a generations of 'soccer Moms' trying to show everybody how fuckin' forward thinking and right on they are.

No one gives a fuck about Bruce Bender and the amazing bi-colour Caucasian with the Angela Davis haircut, the whole fucking thing is odious. And y'know what the fun parts gonna be? The fun parts gonna be 5 years from now, when the dust surrounding this debate has settled (which we're gonna interpret as YAY!!! EVERYONE LOVES TRANSGENDERS NOW!!!), once thats happened and we're all happy about how right on and forward thinking we are, thats when we're gonna start looking to Asia...and Africa...cuz y'know there's nothing we love more than spreading the good word. 'Mr Kenyata? Good evening, I've come from the west. Y'know how you can tell when you've had a baby boy cuz of his willy and that? Yeah, thats all changed actually!', which I can imagine going AMAZINGGGLY well, kinda like the enlightening of countries like Uganda and Nigeria about the joys of homosexuality :lol:

Edited by Len B'stard
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Racism is a mental illness. All white people are racist. Mentally ill people shouldn't have access to guns.

I know I don't get why all people of color want to live in white countries to face oppression and white supremacy.

Millions of these people risk there lives crossing the Mediterranean every year just to live with white racism


Edited by mike bibby
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  • 1 month later...

Racism is a mental illness. All white people are racist. Mentally ill people shouldn't have access to guns.

I know I don't get why all people of color want to live in white countries to face oppression and white supremacy.

Millions of these people risk there lives crossing the Mediterranean every year just to live with white racism



Why don't we solve war with war? bomb them and then help them themselves fight back.

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