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Do you think Axl is saving his voice?

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I got to thinking about this the other night while talking with some buddies. The general consensus among fans and casual fans and non fans is that Axl's voice is done. He sounds weird, he sounds like Mickey Mouse, he sounds weak but is it possible he's saving his voice for when it matters? Think about it. In 2002 if I remember correctly he never really wanted to get out and tour and what did he sound like? That crappy clean, uninspired voice. Then in 2006 when they did that big kick off with the Hammerstein shows in NYC and the X amount of Tuesdays left and the tour leading into that he had a pretty decent sounding voice. Maybe he sounded good in 2006 because it was supposed to matter. Then in 2009 they toured to support the actual album and he sounded pretty good even all the way into early 2010. Since then though he's had nothing to "promote" and his voice once again went all Mickey Mousey and weird. It sounded wimpy and lots of the time you wonder if he's even trying or if he even cares. To be fair GnR had entered another period where maybe Axl thought "what does it matter?". Axl must know that at this point if a reunion were to happen or if the band were to tour a new release that he is viewed as the weak link. Is it possible though that he's saving his voice for such a moment where he can reunite and hold his own? He shos glimpses of his old voice here and there so is it possible that when the shows mean something to him he'd deliver full on? Maybe he's saving it for a reunion.

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Good theory. But I think his voice is just a bit damaged. If he had the switch then he would turn it on for TV and blu Ray shows. Of course he might have a preparation that gets his voice where he wants it. I guess we will get to test your theory on the upcoming album release or reunion tour.

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That's a very interesting theory. It's like sportsmen... people as Federer will only give their best when they're really motivated and when it does matter (big tournaments). If a reunited GNR became huge and started playing in stadiums with a lot of attention from the media, I'm pretty sure Axl's energy and motivation would bring something amazing.

In the last years, Axl went through the motions, unmotivated by nugnr. That state of mind can change if GNR becomes successful again.

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I don't think Axl consciously decides to hold back or give less than 100%. But it's all about inspiration. When he did the shows with Duff in 2010 and Izzy in 2012 he was kicking ass, you could tell he had fire in his belly and wanted to prove to his old bandmates that he still had it. Whilst I don't think the 09-14 lineup really inspired him to push himself vocally, I still think he was doing the best he could on any given night. I don't think it's fair to say that he's not even trying, I mean, have you tried singing GNR songs? They're not easy. But perhaps he would try a little harder, prepare, warm up and have vocal coaching etc if he did a reunion.

Edited by Towelie
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I've been a fan for at least 25 years and I can recall back in 93 people saying his voice was had it.

Axl's always see-sawed vocal wise, I think these days it's just laziness/lack of preparation more than anything.

I have no doubt if Axl didn't just go in cold and with no rehearsal he could blaze once again.

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The general consensus among fans and casual fans and non fans is that Axl's voice is done.

It's fair enough that casual and non-fans think that. But when people who have posted on here for years go into the latest voice thread, take a shit saying 'His voice is gone' and leave, it's purely because they're fucking thick as pigshit.

We've got a shitload of evidence dating back to 2001 demonstrating that he either turns up for a run of shows with the intention of re-creating something close to his heyday standard of performance or he turns up uninspired and goes through the motions physically whilst singing clean and saving his voice.

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That's a very interesting theory. It's like sportsmen... people as Federer will only give their best when they're really motivated and when it does matter (big tournaments). If a reunited GNR became huge and started playing in stadiums with a lot of attention from the media, I'm pretty sure Axl's energy and motivation would bring something amazing.

In the last years, Axl went through the motions, unmotivated by nugnr. That state of mind can change if GNR becomes successful again.

Utter nonsense. The Federer part that is.

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When he first played with Duff in 2010, he sounded like vintage Axl. Probably still has it in him, just needs to do the right preparations.

The last gigs he did with Duff were excruciatingly cringeworthy.

But he sounded like shit on the golden gods thing, despite Duff being there.

You can point to anomalies all day. Who knows why he could pull out the magic for a small crowd in Philly 2012 and the last few 2014 shows but couldn't for the VMAs or or the London 2012 Blu Ray or any of the pro-shot streams or Rio'11 or Reading 2010.

The fact is that when you break it down into when he gives a fuck and when he doesn't it pretty much equates to touring cycles.

I mean for fuck's sake, do you people really think it's a coincidence that when he physically moves and performs and runs around the stage like it's 1992 that he also sings like it's 1992 (i.e. 2006-2010) and when he looks daft and isn't working the stage like old-skool-Axl that he's also singing clean and phoning it in, comparatively speaking (i.e. 2002, 2011-2014)?

Get a fucking clue, people.

Realistically, at 54 and onwards, is he likely to be able to pull off another year like 2010 again? Probably not. But if you're basing that off what he did between 2011 and 2014 then you're fucking thick because he clearly wasn't trying to impress anybody at that time.

Edited by Jordan Rose
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He obviously sings better when you can see he is trying his ass off.


The fact is, we need this version of axl in a reunion setting.

The hope is that we will get this version of Axl when he performs the new songs with whomever he chooses to play with.

Nobody will care what he looks like, what he wears, complain about his weight ect... If he just sings decent.

I disagree. People will care less if he wears The Disguise if he sings like 2010 (I would suggest The Disguise prohibits him moving and performing with the ferocity of 2010: his hat would fly off and he would sweat to death).

However, as i've painstakingly demonstrated, if he does happen to give a shit and perform like it's 2010, he'll probably look pretty badass too.

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Thought Axl's voice was fine or even pretty fucking great on the VMA's in 02, the issue was that he was lost his place/ran out of puff.

For what it's worht, Ozzy Osbourne said it was one of the most intense performances he had ever seen.

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It's not his freaking voice. It's his health regimen. If he actually were to get himself in shape and committed himself to being a lead singer, he would be fine. There are a ton of singers with similar style and rasp that have taken care of themselves that sound just fine into their 50s and 60s.

My guess is we haven't seen or heard from him in awhile because he is working on getting himself back and shape and preparing for the reunion.. or at least I'm hoping.

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That's a very interesting theory. It's like sportsmen... people as Federer will only give their best when they're really motivated and when it does matter (big tournaments). If a reunited GNR became huge and started playing in stadiums with a lot of attention from the media, I'm pretty sure Axl's energy and motivation would bring something amazing.

In the last years, Axl went through the motions, unmotivated by nugnr. That state of mind can change if GNR becomes successful again.

Utter nonsense. The Federer part that is.

Yeah, does this dude even watch tennis?

Completely false.

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But he sounded like shit on the golden gods thing, despite Duff being there.

I wouldn't doubt he was sick for that one and the bridge school show. At the golden gods, wasn't he clutching his chest at one point while singing through trying to hit some notes?

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