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Do you think Axl is saving his voice?

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That's a very interesting theory. It's like sportsmen... people as Federer will only give their best when they're really motivated and when it does matter (big tournaments). If a reunited GNR became huge and started playing in stadiums with a lot of attention from the media, I'm pretty sure Axl's energy and motivation would bring something amazing.

In the last years, Axl went through the motions, unmotivated by nugnr. That state of mind can change if GNR becomes successful again.

Utter nonsense. The Federer part that is.

Yeah, does this dude even watch tennis?

Completely false.

I'm completely right.

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Well assuming a reunion is in fact in the works, I'm sure even Axl knows he needs to work on his voice. Proper and long rest would be a significant start.

He should call up Rob Halford to get some tips. I always thought they had similar voices.. Especially on some of those Hollywood Rose songs.

His voice also seems to be stronger when he is in better shape... Maybe he is working on that as well.

Edited by Tom-Ass
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Considering how sensitive Axl is to criticism I doubt he is saving his voice and opening himself up to criticism.

Considering how he struggled the last few tours does this really make sense?

It is counterintuitive. But then, a lot of human behavior is.

Maybe, knowing that he has a problem of being too sensitive to comments about his performing, he purposefully (though subconsciously) puts himself in a position that will draw more criticism, so he can work through it?

Or, maybe he secretly likes being criticized because it gives him a reason to lash out?

Or, maybe he's had the idea of a big "comeback" for years, the real start of "Round 2", and likes the idea of it being like a Rocky movie or something. "C'mon Rock! What are you waiting for!"

Just guessing, and don't really know what I'm talking about. But I suspect it's something like that.

Edited by Brunzopolis
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That's a very interesting theory. It's like sportsmen... people as Federer will only give their best when they're really motivated and when it does matter (big tournaments). If a reunited GNR became huge and started playing in stadiums with a lot of attention from the media, I'm pretty sure Axl's energy and motivation would bring something amazing.

In the last years, Axl went through the motions, unmotivated by nugnr. That state of mind can change if GNR becomes successful again.

Utter nonsense. The Federer part that is.

Yeah, does this dude even watch tennis?

Completely false.

He obviously doesn't.

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Maybe the problem is more that he still thinks he can turn it on whenever he wants. Seems that just isn't the case anymore. He probably needs a lot more time and preparation now to sound good. But he doesn't do those things, he doesn't prepare.

If there were a reunion I suppose we'd finnaly find out if his voice is gone. As he would have to be the biggest idiot on the planet to not heavily invent in some preparatation for an event as big as a reunion.

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The idea that he's saving his voice is as absurd as the idea that he's saving the best NuGNR material for ChiDem 2.

You can't deny his voice has cycles and it seems his voice was strongest when he seemed most into and when there seemed to be a plan(2006). 2009/2010 he probably still thought he had a plan and he sounded good. In years since then it's clear it's just a bullshit nostalghia act and his voice was bad so................ maybe when it matters he'll perform like it does.

I don't know what there is left to save

That could be it too. I just really hope that if a reunion happens Axl doesn't become the DLR of Guns n Roses.

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When he first played with Duff in 2010, he sounded like vintage Axl. Probably still has it in him, just needs to do the right preparations.

The last gigs he did with Duff were excruciatingly cringeworthy.

But he sounded like shit on the golden gods thing, despite Duff being there.

I mean for fuck's sake, do you people really think it's a coincidence that when he physically moves and performs and runs around the stage like it's 1992 that he also sings like it's 1992 (i.e. 2006-2010) and when he looks daft and isn't working the stage like old-skool-Axl that he's also singing clean and phoning it in, comparatively speaking (i.e. 2002, 2011-2014)?

Get a fucking clue, people.

Realistically, at 54 and onwards, is he likely to be able to pull off another year like 2010 again? Probably not. But if you're basing that off what he did between 2011 and 2014 then you're fucking thick because he clearly wasn't trying to impress anybody at that time.

Actually I saw him both in 2010 and 2012 and he sang great; every gig I saw him perform in 2013-14 with Duff was bad. He couldn't hold it together for most of the gig vocally. I wouldn't say this if I didn't notice it, it bothered me.

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Wasn't Golden Gods still kinda early on, he did better during the residency shows.

There were times during the Golden Gods and other performances where you can see he's trying to do something vocally but just can't, for whatever reason. I don't think his voice is gone though, he just needs to prep months in advance of a tour as opposed to singing his voice into shape during the tour. It has been 5 years since we've seen the full throttle rasp though.

Maybe 2010 took its toll or Axl realized he wouldn't be able to keep doing that, idk. It's too bad Golden Gods didn't happen after the residency. You would expect Axl to bring it for something like that but it gets the pass of being early on ( just after SA I think ).

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Is he saving his voice for a reunion? :lol: What, you mean purposely singing shit for the last 5 years as part of an on-going masterplan? :lol: Well done genius, thats exactly it! :lol: Saving it for a reunion that, to date, no ones made any mention of except forum stalkers? Riiiiiiiiiiight :lol:

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Thought Axl's voice was fine or even pretty fucking great on the VMA's in 02, the issue was that he was lost his place/ran out of puff.

For what it's worth, Ozzy Osbourne said it was one of the most intense performances he had ever seen.

It may very well have been down to nerves because the scream at the start does not explain why they are by far the weakest versions of Jungle, Madagascar and Paradise pout of EVERY SINGLE 2002 show. Just look and listen to how badly he is struggling to sing with any power on the Madagascar voices during 'It's never tooooo late.' He has got absolutely nothing. And the high parts sound like crap. Just compare to any of the soundboards.

Not to put too fine a point on it but Ozzy is brain-damaged. Everyone else trashed the performance and for what it's worth Axl called it a catastrophe.

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