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Fortus Denies He's Out

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Most likely we're going to see the band consist of Axl, Slash, Duff, Pitman, Dizzy, Fortus, and Frank.

That just looks so watered down... Two keyboardists is ridiculous and Frank is awful....

oh because a full reunion wouldnt be?

I don't think it would be or they would have done it a long time ago.. They mended friendships first so why not?

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Don't you remix mixed tracks though?

So you think when they mixed CD they did 12 other tracks too?

But Fortus worked on them some more?

I guess everything could be top secret. But how do you go through that process secretly.

Possibly Atlas was mixed. But they were still talking about deciding what to use from all the material. Then Tommy and Ron were more like new material guys.

So maybe Fortus is actually on that CD Ii material so thats why he likes it. Tommy thought the re-record was unneccesary, so maybe he was with Ron for a fresh start. But at the same time everyone thinks a reunion is the best option. I mean Tommy saying its great in some way doesnt exactly mean give up on wverything.

But Axl still has CD II and Remix.

So now Beast-core is a thing.

I think... going by what Axl and Bumble have said about songs being done, that they had 30 songs ready to go when Bumble finished adding his guitar tracks.

Axl said in 2006 that 26 songs were done, and 6 more are almost done.

Bumble said many times that he added his guitar parts to 30 songs, including Chinese.

It's almost 2016. 10 years since Axl said there was enough finished material for at least another album.

My guess is that now, Axl is at the letting go phase. When he says it's done, I think it's true, but he kinda uses his time while delays occur for some reason to tinker with it some more.

I don't know what the Slash situation is right now, and Duff seems like a surprisingly realistic candidate to replace Tommy, but regardless of all of that I think Fortus is still in the band, CD ll is still a go.

Either Axl will hire more pros to play his material live, or just Duff back in Guns, Slash and Duff, or no tour at all which is highly unlikely considering this is a business as well and Axl will probably want to represent CD ll live.

Edited by Rovim
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But how do you tinker with mixed tracks? Once it's mixed and mastered it's done?

It's just that there's about 3 or 4 scenarios about the material, 5 if you still have a mullet.

I'll go with Fortus finishing it off over the last few years. But then when does it go to mix. And who does it?

Or was it done along with CD, if so how does that work with Fortus finishing it?

Maybe in 2010 the label rejected it to mix so Axl had time to work on it some more. So it's still live to be Slash'd and mixed?

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But how do you tinker with mixed tracks? Once it's mixed and mastered it's done?

It's just that there's about 3 or 4 scenarios about the material, 5 if you still have a mullet.

I'll go with Fortus finishing it off over the last few years. But then when does it go to mix. And who does it?

Or was it done along with CD, if so how does that work with Fortus finishing it?

Maybe in 2010 the label rejected it to mix so Axl had time to work on it some more. So it's still live to be Slash'd and mixed?

An album was mixed and mastered in 1999 and delivered to the label if I understand correctly. There is always a self destruct button. Always a kill switch until he's confident it's exactly what he wants.

I just think Axl always keeps his right to go back and change shit until the very last moment.

And yeah, I think it was completed in 2007. I suspect Axl gave Bumble Chinese and CD ll, the songs he viewed as the one double album, 30 songs.

Things probably have changed since, so if I'm allowed to make a wild guess here, I'd say as time passes, Axl takes another listen and song choices, arrangement, little imperfections, changes are being made.

He wasn't sure if Catcher was gonna make it on Chinese. Every year recording technology advances and he cares about that shit as well imo. More delays caused by delays. A vicious flat circle.

And the insecurities. Robin convinced him to put This I Love out.

Also, if a miracle happens and Slash is allowed back in Guns, Axl is all about adding current guitar players into the mix but it's best not to even go there at this time imo.

Fortus said he wrote a bunch of stuff, my hope is that his presence will be felt. I have nothing to go by, but it seems from interviews he's excited. 2016 will reveal more.

Edit: I know it sounds weird to mix and master an album and then tinker with it, but is that really out of the realm of possibility with Axl? do you not think he tinkered with it when he was not touring since it was maybe completed in 2007? Axl is a studio animal like Slash is a live one.

When it's not his music, he can pull an Angel Down, but to release an album is so...final. And this is without the technical issues of releasing a new Guns album with the label, and lost talent that needs to be replaced and possibly represented on the record as it was with Chinese.

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But how do you tinker with mixed tracks? Once it's mixed and mastered it's done?

Done and then 5, 6, 10 years later so much has changed, including Axl's outlook on his own unreleased material. I'd imagine he comes back to it, with maybe a new part that came to him in an inspired moment, copy karate paste and do whatever he wants and produce it himself.

So if CD ll was done in 2007, mixed and mastered and almost 9 years since and Axl didn't tinker with it some more? I just can't see that.

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The way I see it is Axl isn't talking to them (frank or Richard) Axl is probably working on making a reunion happen, or getting cd2 out. If he wants cd2 out then the reunion is his bargaining chip, if he wants the reunion than cd2 is canned. The reason frank and Richard aren't out...contracts? Or he's making sure Izzy and Matt or Steven are good for the reunion.

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Possibly, but I don't buy it.

As in we never heard who mixed the Beaven record that wasn't considered good enough. What I think they had was very good demos. The problem was no hit, maybe too industrial and piano ballads a bit flat. Thats what i think the label would feel.

Then again after the RTB re-record, Ezrin said it wasnt ready to mix when Axl said it was. So it wasn't mixed.

So Ron could add parts in 2006 and then it could be mixed in 2007. Del announced going to mix as something final. It was known Nevermind Wallace would mix it.

But that's not to say they didn't mix 30 songs in 2007, right?

Ron did say an old stuff still needed to be mixed and mastered though.

Wallace did 2 mixes of CD, one compressed like Metallica DM and one louder. Axl chose the louder one I think.

Let's say they did mix 30. Some didnt come out great. So you back the raw materials, record more with Fortus and Slash and then get those mixed when the next record happens.

Either way they have the material and 16 songs maybe a few more to chose from.

So I do think that Slash could add parts into songs which actually might not be like CD songs. Soul Monster is very Black Sabbath, there may be material that is more hard rock like IRS that would suit Slash or Atlas Shrugged is Nov Rain glam rock (zutaut). Theres 4 Freese songs that were A Listed that Slash could play riffs on.

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But how do you tinker with mixed tracks? Once it's mixed and mastered it's done?

Done and then 5, 6, 10 years later so much has changed, including Axl's outlook on his own unreleased material. I'd imagine he comes back to it, with maybe a new part that came to him in an inspired moment, copy karate paste and do whatever he wants and produce it himself.

So if CD ll was done in 2007, mixed and mastered and almost 9 years since and Axl didn't tinker with it some more? I just can't see that.

Yes but not after mix imo. Once label pays for big mixer it goes to release.

Thats not to say Axl didnt have 30 tracks mixed, ron said it all would still need mixing.

But you're right if they did mix, they could still go back and add parts and do the mix again. I'm just not sure that happened.

But there were leaks of the album finished without Ron?

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The way I see it is Axl isn't talking to them (frank or Richard) Axl is probably working on making a reunion happen, or getting cd2 out. If he wants cd2 out then the reunion is his bargaining chip, if he wants the reunion than cd2 is canned. The reason frank and Richard aren't out...contracts? Or he's making sure Izzy and Matt or Steven are good for the reunion.

I think maybe Axl just has no plans to tour next year so everyone is free. If he gets CD 2 out then they will put a band together to tour.

You are right if Slash and Duff come into picture and label wants them on the record or Slash won't tour other people's album. Then it gets complicated.

None of those guys did anything wrong to get fired they just move on. Fortus, Frank, Dizzy are still interested. Tommy may even be ready if and when a tour comes up but he won't stand in the way of Duff or a reunion. And no matter what people say of Dj he was only trying to help. The success of CD is down to Dj and Ron touring it against all this opposition and that leads bery much to a point where Axl is less defensive. If it pile drived into the ground after release I doubt we'd ever see Axl again. Definitely no reunion.

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But how do you tinker with mixed tracks? Once it's mixed and mastered it's done?

Done and then 5, 6, 10 years later so much has changed, including Axl's outlook on his own unreleased material. I'd imagine he comes back to it, with maybe a new part that came to him in an inspired moment, copy karate paste and do whatever he wants and produce it himself.

So if CD ll was done in 2007, mixed and mastered and almost 9 years since and Axl didn't tinker with it some more? I just can't see that.

Yes but not after mix imo. Once label pays for big mixer it goes to release.

Thats not to say Axl didnt have 30 tracks mixed, ron said it all would still need mixing.

But you're right if they did mix, they could still go back and add parts and do the mix again. I'm just not sure that happened.

But there were leaks of the album finished without Ron?

Yeah, I think you're right and it wasn't mixed back in 1999, but we don't know. For the sake of argument let's say it wasn't.

I think Wallace mixed 30 songs in 2007. Axl said he always viewed Chinese as a double. I guess once it became clear it wasn't going to be a trilogy, those 30 songs became Chinese the double album.

I don't know if the leaks were mixed and mastered.

Not sure what happened either. Baseless guess: Axl said CD ll was done for a while a year and a half ago, we know he likes to tinker, and it's probably possible he'll tinker some more even if CD ll is already mixed and mastered.

I think whatever work is left, it's minimal and maybe Axl is going for 2016. Attempting to get the album ready and out.

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