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Post-2000 GN'R Deserve A Better Legacy Than This

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I just see it as an era of GNR. What the intentions of it were and what it actually became is not clear. It was an era of struggle. I think that can inspire great music. CD represents that era pretty well.

If Axl chooses to get some of the old guys back to do a more back to basics or self titled album I don't think that would take anything away from the CD era.

to me each era is like an exorcism of emotion. So the next one might be the antidote to CD. Or expresses where they ended up finally. CD is the late 90s fall out of the successful era. It kind of had to be like that.

But if they find something new to express to me that's the natural artistic process. If they can move past the isolated frustrated state of CD then that's a good thing. To get perspective on that.

Like Axl said he's been living in hell for the last 20 years. What that actually meant I'm not sure but there are signs of him pulling through it on CD. Rising above it.

But the cd is art and you can move on to something else and it actually can just clarify it.

"One will come to mimic the christ and the deceived will worship this false prophet and that is the day we most fear"

I'm with you. I think I can accept a reunion, but part of me wants him to keep it going.

I'm glad you two understand each other.

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I just see it as an era of GNR. What the intentions of it were and what it actually became is not clear. It was an era of struggle. I think that can inspire great music. CD represents that era pretty well.

If Axl chooses to get some of the old guys back to do a more back to basics or self titled album I don't think that would take anything away from the CD era.

to me each era is like an exorcism of emotion. So the next one might be the antidote to CD. Or expresses where they ended up finally. CD is the late 90s fall out of the successful era. It kind of had to be like that.

But if they find something new to express to me that's the natural artistic process. If they can move past the isolated frustrated state of CD then that's a good thing. To get perspective on that.

Like Axl said he's been living in hell for the last 20 years. What that actually meant I'm not sure but there are signs of him pulling through it on CD. Rising above it.

But the cd is art and you can move on to something else and it actually can just clarify it.

"One will come to mimic the christ and the deceived will worship this false prophet and that is the day we most fear"

I'm with you. I think I can accept a reunion, but part of me wants him to keep it going.
Look if Axl does a reunion it's just out of sympathy or the goodness of his heart. And more power to him. Like Tommy said it can be a good experience. But it could be a heap of shit for Axl and a missed opportunity for him to evolve again, to put out another great record. I'm not sure exactly where I stand who gives a shit what I think or want anyway but yeah I think I like the idea of the picture perfect past and then make the final scene of the movie rock is what I lean to. Charlie help us all.
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I just see it as an era of GNR. What the intentions of it were and what it actually became is not clear. It was an era of struggle. I think that can inspire great music. CD represents that era pretty well.

If Axl chooses to get some of the old guys back to do a more back to basics or self titled album I don't think that would take anything away from the CD era.

to me each era is like an exorcism of emotion. So the next one might be the antidote to CD. Or expresses where they ended up finally. CD is the late 90s fall out of the successful era. It kind of had to be like that.

But if they find something new to express to me that's the natural artistic process. If they can move past the isolated frustrated state of CD then that's a good thing. To get perspective on that.

Like Axl said he's been living in hell for the last 20 years. What that actually meant I'm not sure but there are signs of him pulling through it on CD. Rising above it.

But the cd is art and you can move on to something else and it actually can just clarify it.

"One will come to mimic the christ and the deceived will worship this false prophet and that is the day we most fear"

I'm with you. I think I can accept a reunion, but part of me wants him to keep it going.
Look if Axl does a reunion it's just out of sympathy or the goodness of his heart. And more power to him. Like Tommy said it can be a good experience. But it could be a heap of shit for Axl and a missed opportunity for him to evolve again, to put out another great record. I'm not sure exactly where I stand who gives a shit what I think or want anyway but yeah I think I like the idea of the picture perfect past and then make the final scene of the movie rock is what I lean to. Charlie help us all.

Axl is evolving?

From a dude who put out 63 songs and almost 7 hours of material in a six year period, Axl evolved into an "artist" who put out 75 minutes and 15 songs over the last 20 years.

Personally, I'd love to get the old Axl back. The guy who wanted to rip people's faces off with his rock, to make fists fly in the air with his anthems, and to pull on heart strings with his ballads.

Honestly, we don't know how Axl has evolved with his "art." Because we really have nothing to compare it to. I suppose you can compare Oh My God with Chinese Democracy the album.

I enjoy your posts, but you always try and paint the picture of Axl being this mad genius artist..........when in reality, he was this hoodlum, bad boy from Indiana with the voice from hell, who hit the music scene at the perfect time and over a couple year period became a rock icon and multi-millionaire. He went from living on the streets and running from the law to being a King with people and hot chicks groveling at his feet. Just because he is our favorite singer doesn't mean he's a mad scientist with a heart of gold, whose life's mission is to evolve his "art." Dude is a rock and roll singer. He isn't Bob Dylan and Bob Marley.

Personally, I don't really care how Axl has evolved with his "art."

I just wish the guy would share his rock n roll music with his millions of fans.

He doesn't have to be a legend. He doesn't have to put out the next great album of our generation. He doesn't have to beat Stairway to Heaven.

Dude just needs to release some kick ass rock n roll.

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Here is some stats for you which show how breathtakingly lazy Axl is,

1985-1994 Axl released original songs at about 5.5 songs per year. 1995-2015 that statistic drops to a shockingly lethargic 0.6 songs per year! And that is not including covers (GN'R released twenty covers officially, 1985-1994 if you include the Manson song and the Rosie b-side).

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Their best songs were written when they were 'urchins living under the street' All the Appetite and most of the Use Your Illusions songs were mostly written during that time. The best and most real material usually comes from adversity.

I think fame, money and super stardom can sometimes creatively incapacitate artists. That is unless your a more lightweight artist that can crank out some feel good tunes for Disney or Pixar movies.

So now flash forward all these yeas, maybe Axl / Slash and co. can start writing and playing together gain. Sometimes when you get older you start to not give a shit anymore about the things you used to get upset about. You just want to have fun, reminisce and just say 'fuck it' lets do something fun for ourselves and the fans.

At least that's my hope :)

Edited by passenger57
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Axl is evolving?

From a dude who put out 63 songs and almost 7 hours of material in a six year period, Axl evolved into an "artist" who put out 75 minutes and 15 songs over the last 20 years.

At least he didn't repeat himself. We're not talking about quantity here. Slash has repeated himself 7 times now. He gives his fans about 1 album every 2 years on average.

Many cool moments on Contraband, and his other solo efforts, but it's a rehash. It's what his idols did. Aerosmith, AC/DC, some metal tinged hard rock. That's fine, but considering his Guns output there is nothing there that adds to what he did artistically imo.

Chinese is timeless and inspired. It's unacceptable to put out 1 album in 24 years, yet I accept it cause I think what he did manage to release is good enough to be considered a logical evolution from UYI, fusing together more of the musical influences he likes, and he did manage to create a melting pot with all the different styles and many Guns elements he kept while somehow making it sound fresh and focused. I think Better is a good example.

If you magically had CD ll right now to listen to and it was just as good as Chinese, what will be of more worth to you? Slash's 7 albums since he left Guns, or Chinese l and ll? 7 mediocre Slash albums compared to Axl's 2 really great albums? (if CD ll is as good as Chinese)

I believe we'll know soon enough and if that's true, and Axl releases CD ll and it's just as good than I'll probably feel he fucked up yeah, but still better than repeating yourself like Slash did. Just my own preference as a fan.

And while I like some of Izzy's solo tunes and recognize many Guns elements in them, it doesn't have the production values or the meticulous attention to detail, great vocals and great guitars which were always crucial elements in every Guns album since AFD.

"The legacy" of post-2000 Gn'R will probably be 2 great albums, give or take 30 songs to listen to until you're dead and some kick ass shows from years like 2006/7 and 2010 and perhaps CD ll will get represented live in a cool way as well.

Could be worse than 6 great albums in Gn'R's catalog and all the crazy shit with all the different incarnations. The stuff of legends. I'll take what I can get, and at least I can trust Axl to try and deliver a quality product when all the stars align.

He's late as shit man. He's evolving all the time, only in slow motion. That's probably never going to change. But once it's out, if it's out, it's a win.

He is an artist. An insecure one that cares deeply about how people perceive him and his music.

He's threatened by the constraints of time and expectations, cause he probably wants to release it only when he feels it's ready, and in the right conditions.

Edited by Rovim
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Axl is evolving?

From a dude who put out 63 songs and almost 7 hours of material in a six year period, Axl evolved into an "artist" who put out 75 minutes and 15 songs over the last 20 years.

At least he didn't repeat himself. We're not talking about quantity here. Slash has repeated himself 7 times now. He gives his fans about 1 album every 2 years on average.

Many cool moments on Contraband, and his other solo efforts, but it's a rehash. It's what his idols did. Aerosmith, AC/DC, some metal tinged hard rock. That's fine, but considering his Guns output there is nothing there that adds to what he did artistically imo.

Chinese is timeless and inspired. It's unacceptable to put out 1 album in 24 years, yet I accept it cause I think what he did manage to release is good enough to be considered a logical evolution from UYI, fusing together more of the musical influences he likes, and he did manage to create a melting pot with all the different styles and many Guns elements he kept while somehow making it sound fresh and focused. I think Better is a good example.

If you magically had CD ll right now to listen to and it was just as good as Chinese, what will be of more worth to you? Slash's 7 albums since he left Guns, or Chinese l and ll? 7 mediocre Slash albums compared to Axl's 2 really great albums? (if CD ll is as good as Chinese)

I believe we'll know soon enough and if that's true, and Axl releases CD ll and it's just as good than I'll probably feel he fucked up yeah, but still better than repeating yourself like Slash did. Just my own preference as a fan.

And while I like some of Izzy's solo tunes and recognize many Guns elements in them, it doesn't have the production values or the meticulous attention to detail, great vocals and great guitars which were always crucial elements in every Guns album since AFD.

"The legacy" of post-2000 Gn'R will probably be 2 great albums, give or take 30 songs to listen to until you're dead and some kick ass shows from years like 2006/7 and 2010 and perhaps CD ll will get represented live in a cool way as well.

Could be worse than 6 great albums in Gn'R's catalog and all the crazy shit with all the different incarnations. The stuff of legends. I'll take what I can get, and at least I can trust Axl to try and deliver a quality product when all the stars align.

He's late as shit man. He's evolving all the time, only in slow motion. That's probably never going to change. But once it's out, if it's out, it's a win.

He is an artist. An insecure one that cares deeply about how people perceive him and his music.

He's threatened by the constraints of time and expectations, cause he probably wants to release it only when he feels it's ready, and in the right conditions.

Yeah but what if

Side 1





Side 2





Slither with Jimmy Page on keyboards


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I agree with Rovim's post. I wouldnt like 7 same albums as Slash's to be in GNR catalog. But also i dont like 1 album in 20 years. CD + CD2 + Reunion record + reunion DVD would be the best way to end it, in my opinion. I dont think id like CD3 if its more of the same

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Axl is evolving?

From a dude who put out 63 songs and almost 7 hours of material in a six year period, Axl evolved into an "artist" who put out 75 minutes and 15 songs over the last 20 years.

Chinese is timeless and inspired. It's unacceptable to put out 1 album in 24 years, yet I accept it cause I think what he did manage to release is good enough to be considered a logical evolution from UYI, fusing together more of the musical influences he likes, and he did manage to create a melting pot with all the different styles and many Guns elements he kept while somehow making it sound fresh and focused. I think Better is a good example.

This is petty funny. I give your humor around an 8/10, but it needs to be perhaps a bit more subtle.

Saying something as clearly sarcastic as "Chinese is timeless and inspired" is a bit too extreme. You've overshot the mark. It's like saying "we all know the moon is made of goat ribs."

You gotta dial down the sarcasm if you want it to be truly funny.

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I do agree that Better is a good song but it's still not a "logical evolution while keeping the GNR sound". Robin's solo reminds Slash's style a bit. That's fucking it.

At least Rovim hasn't said the album will be more appreciated in 20 years. Or I hope he didn't, couldn't read the whole thing. Too much wasted-like shitposting.

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Axl is evolving?

From a dude who put out 63 songs and almost 7 hours of material in a six year period, Axl evolved into an "artist" who put out 75 minutes and 15 songs over the last 20 years.

At least he didn't repeat himself. We're not talking about quantity here. Slash has repeated himself 7 times now. He gives his fans about 1 album every 2 years on average.

Many cool moments on Contraband, and his other solo efforts, but it's a rehash. It's what his idols did. Aerosmith, AC/DC, some metal tinged hard rock. That's fine, but considering his Guns output there is nothing there that adds to what he did artistically imo.

Chinese is timeless and inspired. It's unacceptable to put out 1 album in 24 years, yet I accept it cause I think what he did manage to release is good enough to be considered a logical evolution from UYI, fusing together more of the musical influences he likes, and he did manage to create a melting pot with all the different styles and many Guns elements he kept while somehow making it sound fresh and focused. I think Better is a good example.

If you magically had CD ll right now to listen to and it was just as good as Chinese, what will be of more worth to you? Slash's 7 albums since he left Guns, or Chinese l and ll? 7 mediocre Slash albums compared to Axl's 2 really great albums? (if CD ll is as good as Chinese)

I believe we'll know soon enough and if that's true, and Axl releases CD ll and it's just as good than I'll probably feel he fucked up yeah, but still better than repeating yourself like Slash did. Just my own preference as a fan.

And while I like some of Izzy's solo tunes and recognize many Guns elements in them, it doesn't have the production values or the meticulous attention to detail, great vocals and great guitars which were always crucial elements in every Guns album since AFD.

"The legacy" of post-2000 Gn'R will probably be 2 great albums, give or take 30 songs to listen to until you're dead and some kick ass shows from years like 2006/7 and 2010 and perhaps CD ll will get represented live in a cool way as well.

Could be worse than 6 great albums in Gn'R's catalog and all the crazy shit with all the different incarnations. The stuff of legends. I'll take what I can get, and at least I can trust Axl to try and deliver a quality product when all the stars align.

He's late as shit man. He's evolving all the time, only in slow motion. That's probably never going to change. But once it's out, if it's out, it's a win.

He is an artist. An insecure one that cares deeply about how people perceive him and his music.

He's threatened by the constraints of time and expectations, cause he probably wants to release it only when he feels it's ready, and in the right conditions.

But that's not a fair comparison.

I'm sure die-hard Slash fans are happy as clams that their favorite musician has put out seven albums of material.

My second favorite band right now is Hardcore Superstar. They've released TEN ALBUMS since 1998. Roughly the same time that Axl went solo. Are all 10 albums perfect? Nope. Do some of the albums sound familiar? Yep. Did they evolve and grow on each album? Nope. Do I love every song or album? Nope. But as a fan of the band, they've given me 140 songs to listen to. Axl has given me 15. Axl might be 100 times more of a musical genius or icon or whatever than HCSS lead singer. But at the end of the day, they've given their fans 140 songs to enjoy. Axl has given us 15.

And I'd be happy as a clam if Axl repeated himself. At least a couple times.

If we had CD2 and two more Axl albums over the past 23 years that featured songs that weren't even considered Classics. The songs that were the real driving engine behind GnR's success. Nightrain. Rocketqueen. Yesterdays. You're Crazy. Perfect Crime. Take away the hits and you still have an incredible collection of music.

Maybe it's a generational thing. When I was in my prime music years, which I put as 15-to-25 years old......when we are young, free, bought every album possible, would cruise around with friends listening to music (never do that anymore).....bands were putting out albums every year or every other year. Just like Guns n Roses did from 1987-to-1993. It was amazing.

Sure, bands could have put out one awesome album every 10 years instead of five albums that each had 2-3 standouts. But as a fan of a band, or of a genre, I have to tell you, it was absolutely amazing to get 2-3 new albums every month from bands in the genre I loved. Man, think about that. Every month I'd go to the music store and buy at least 2 or 3 CDs. Sometimes 4 or 5. Every month there was new music. And you knew your 2-3 favorite bands would put out an album every year or every two years.

In 1989, no fan every said "Damn, these guys are my favorite band. But they just put out an album two years ago. I really wish they wouldn't have released this album and instead waited six more years to release an even better album."

AS FOR CD and Axl Rose.......

I'd much rather - a billion time rather - have CD and CD2 and 40 songs that aren't considered A-list songs or potential singles. AKA; rocketqueen. Nightrain. Yesterdays. Catcher. Than to just have one great album every 20 years.


Would you rather have Axl released four albums since 2000. Or are you glad he has only released one album in that time frame. No caveats, no explanations about Axl's art or his vision. And no debate on the quality of his songs.

What would you rather have today? CD and that's it. Or CD and four other albums?

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I'm sure die-hard Slash fans are happy as clams that their favorite musician has put out seven albums of material.

If you take the best songs from Slash's albums since real Gn'R broke up, you definitely have an incredibly good record. And you're right, Slash's fans are happy with the new material, I'm very surprised people know and enjoy his new material just like his Guns material.

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I'm sure die-hard Slash fans are happy as clams that their favorite musician has put out seven albums of material.

If you take the best songs from Slash's albums since real Gn'R broke up, you definitely have an incredibly good record. And you're right, Slash's fans are happy with the new material, I'm very surprised people know and enjoy his new material just like his Guns material.

This concept that it's better for an artist to NOT release music.......I will never understand people with that logic.

People here actually praise Axl for not releasing music, and bash other artists that do share their music with their fans.


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Would you rather have Axl released four albums since 2000. Or are you glad he has only released one album in that time frame. No caveats, no explanations about Axl's art or his vision. And no debate on the quality of his songs.

What would you rather have today? CD and that's it. Or CD and four other albums?

I think the real question is what Axl will do next. I just want to get as much unreleased material from him as possible, and maybe a tour of CD ll, and then Duff and Slash back in Guns to cap it off with a reunion album and a tour.

I didn't excuse Axl's lack of output, and I've explained why I prefer that as a fan over an artist that repeats himself like Slash for example.

Music is a language, so what's the point in saying the same thing over and over again with your albums?

I don't think it's possible to get 1 album from Axl every 2 years, so I'm just being realistic, yet hopeful that we'll get at least one more album and a tour.

As for the timeless and inspired comment, that's clearly just what my feelings are about it since I've been listening to some of these songs since 2006. 9 years and I still go back to the tunes, so at least for me, personally, it's an album that I'll probably always come back to.

Far from ideal, but better than nothing if CD ll is ever released and is as good as Chinese.

Edited by Rovim
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I do agree that Better is a good song but it's still not a "logical evolution while keeping the GNR sound". Robin's solo reminds Slash's style a bit. That's fucking it.

At least Rovim hasn't said the album will be more appreciated in 20 years. Or I hope he didn't, couldn't read the whole thing. Too much wasted-like shitposting.

I think if you take Chinese as a whole, there are many Gn'R-esque moments on it. The Blues, There Was A Time, and Robin's solo on Better. This I Love could have been an old Guns song.

Catcher would have sounded right as a "true" Guns song with Slash on it.

Izzy would have felt right at home playing Chinese Democracy (the song)

It's just that some of Axl's musical influences are alien to old Guns, and Slash was a huge part of the sound, Izzy's tunes, and the rest of the classic line up. You're not going to get that with those specific people gone.

Still, It has enough Guns elements for me to enjoy, and while it doesn't have some, you have Bucket and Robin to bring their own styles to it and their work on Chinese is great imo.

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I just don't think you need to put out songs to evolve. 50 samey songs isn't evolution or artistic. I'm not saying it's worse either really. But it seems like Axl wants to do something a bit different each time. He doesn't want to repeat the same record again. And that causes problems. Guitarists just want to play and see where it goes. Axl is trying to make some kind of personal statement or express certain things? That's just what I think. He might not be, but each song means something. Even back in AFD or Lies every song is a big deal, about something or someone. And they only seem to release the ones that are significant in some way for the most part. I follow a band that puts out filler left and right and some of those songs get some nod but mostly they arent that important. But with GNR even filler tracks have some special meaning the media fans know about. It's either a live favorite or a classic epic or a song about bitch slappin vince neil. That's why today they have a shit ton of material that could be played live from a handfull of cds. There's 9 or 10 timeless classics on AFD. That has a bigger impact than a band with two cool songs on their debut album. That bought GNR a bit of time to release the next big record. And again with UYI they delivered a motherload that I didn't really get bored with until the early 2000s. And then CD again is stacked with 10 songs at least. That kind of album makes a bigger splash than 3 cds with a bunch of filler tracks. But you get the momentum and constant contact like with Megadeth. Didnt like the ladt record about a post apocalyptic future here's another one and another one. I like them all, but all the songs aren't that special. Maybe it's a psychological thing where Axl wants the records to be a big deal to maintain the profile or ego or whatever. But you cant argue that UYI or CD just has a lot more on it than most rock cds that come out. Of course it's subjective but at some point whether its your cup of tea becomes less relevant. CD just has more going on than 13 or Super Collider. for better or worse CD will be remember and reassessed, those two or three Megadeth records will just be filed under: Not Rust in Peace. I'm not really sure why Axl does it like that, it's like he's trying out epic the last record. That's what Slash said wverything just gets bigger. In the end both bands probably end up with 10 great songs to play live, it's just GNR has this strong battleship album to sail on. Dave has a squadron of tie fighters. It's all good, i don't see a negative really. Other than the pain it causes us waiting for the cds.

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Yeah but what if Jimmy page was on lead?

Axl would have copy/pasted it with caram and replaced it with John 5 cause he likes his feel.

Side 1

CD with John 5

ITW with Jimmy Page

Scraped with Brian May

Side 2

Slither with Caram Constanza

Prostitute with Perla Hudson

Madagascar with Jimmy Page on samplers

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