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The "Axl/Slash/Duff + 2 Mystery Players Re-banded But Not A Reunion Tour" Thread - Announcement Imminent!

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Who cares about whether he can sing or not? A reunion is more about the visual aspects of them being together again

I beg your pardon?!? :lol: So you just wanna look at them? Thats...bizzare.

Oh come on! :D Whatever pounds Axl has gained has been lost by Duff. It evens out! And Slash dressed the exact way he did in 1984 (less makeup though). It's going to be perfect for that market segment of people who are not really interested in GN'R but can afford atrocious ticket prices for bragging rights in the office next Monday.

Axl has done a complete 180,

That remains to be seen.

Besides, maybe he wanted to do a 360 but needed a rest halfway through?

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Who cares about whether he can sing or not? A reunion is more about the visual aspects of them being together again

I beg your pardon?!? :lol: So you just wanna look at them? Thats...bizzare.

Oh come on! :D Whatever pounds Axl has gained has been lost by Duff. It evens out! And Slash dressed the exact way he did in 1984 (less makeup though). It's going to be perfect for that market segment of people who are not really interested in GN'R but can afford atrocious ticket prices for bragging rights in the office next Monday.

So you pay your money to see a band do a musical performance where the musical performance is of no import, rather it is about some sort of deep rooted need to see a bunch of men who used to stand near each other standing near each other again...only 30 years later? :lol: Well fuck me, this is the most bulletproof reunion in music history then :lol:

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This is all assuming he is going along the reunion route, it makes sense having lost bumblefoot and having very little interest in new material as evidenced by the never ending cd tour... it's the only way we will see any new colours being poured into the band so I don't mind on that front, not really interested in a reunion to be honest, I'd just like to hear the CD part 2 stuff, don't really think a new record with the old guys will work out well with Axl's creativity stalling hard, maybe if it comes out in five years cause forcing some chemistry after so many years and conflicts... I dunno if it'll be a smart idea.

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Who cares about whether he can sing or not? A reunion is more about the visual aspects of them being together again

I beg your pardon?!? :lol: So you just wanna look at them? Thats...bizzare.

Oh come on! :D Whatever pounds Axl has gained has been lost by Duff. It evens out! And Slash dressed the exact way he did in 1984 (less makeup though). It's going to be perfect for that market segment of people who are not really interested in GN'R but can afford atrocious ticket prices for bragging rights in the office next Monday.

So you pay your money to see a band do a musical performance where the musical performance is of no import, rather it is about some sort of deep rooted need to see a bunch of men who used to stand near each other standing near each other again...only 30 years later? :lol: Well fuck me, this is the most bulletproof reunion in music history then :lol:

The hell I am! But yeah, to many people I am afraid it is just that... It's that "corporate" section of the audience. Those that attend whatever is trendy to attend because it is trendy. Those who liked GN'R back in the 90s but don't really care anymore. Those that have barely registrered that there's been a feud going on. Those that are more interested in being able to say "I was there" then actully being there.

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So pretty much nobody here heard of Dish Nation before today but then again a lot of us hadn't heard of the reporter /news outlet that broke the Slash/Axl reconciliation story either.


Well it was on tape at least. Don't know how acurate it is tho b.c it doesn't show his reaction to being asked the question.

You posted an answer to a question. Congratulations. I love you and believe even more..
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Who cares about whether he can sing or not? A reunion is more about the visual aspects of them being together again, and for people to be able to brag that they, too, saw the classic Guns live. It has ZERO to do with music. It's not like they will release more music together. It is pure cash-grab and nostalgia.

How do you know any of that? Why on earth wouldn't they make more music together?

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Who cares about whether he can sing or not? A reunion is more about the visual aspects of them being together again, and for people to be able to brag that they, too, saw the classic Guns live. It has ZERO to do with music. It's not like they will release more music together. It is pure cash-grab and nostalgia.

How do you know any of that? Why on earth wouldn't they make more music together?

Wisdom i think they call it. Foresight.

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I cannot see Axl relinquishing his CD songs, he's had duff play them, but imagine Slash on it, would be like looking at a funhouse mirror with all the vitriol and blood that went into that ten year project! Dunno how the afro one will feel about being forced to play a handful of them, maybe they'd be big hits if the casuals see Slash playing the CD opening riff, image is an intriguing thing, or if TWAT was played, they'd be like man Slash came up with another classic solo!!! Or Axl on slither or some shit, it's frightening that many would presume they are probably tracks off 'that new axl and slash record'! Maybe they will pull off the great train robbery and get a number 1 record by amassing all their killer solo projects onto a fake record and sell it to the new fans who are better than the old fans.

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Who cares about whether he can sing or not? A reunion is more about the visual aspects of them being together again, and for people to be able to brag that they, too, saw the classic Guns live. It has ZERO to do with music. It's not like they will release more music together. It is pure cash-grab and nostalgia.

How do you know any of that? Why on earth wouldn't they make more music together?

I was using hyperbole. Yeah sure, some will attend because they are interested primarily in the music.

As for why they won't make music together? Because they could barely do it back in the 90s, it was already then like pulling fucking teeth, and there is no reason to assume Axl has become easier to collaborate with over the years, or that the other guys are willing to accept that endless bullshit and no-shows, or willing to offer their own respective careers to go through that process again. Lastly, there is nothing suggesting they have come together music-wise in the passing years, nor anything to suggest their creative juices are still flowing like they did.

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19 pages in haven't seen it asked so I'm gonna do it... Has anyone even thought about HOW the reunion will be announced?!?!

(A) A press conference with the boys? Including axl and slash hugging it out?

(B) another one of these "sources" making the announcement with a 100 page thread debating on if it's even real or not?

© more gnr Twitter cryptic tweets

Personally I would assume Choice A would be it but who knows but.. Maybe I'm forgetting an option?

How the hell does this get announced and who announces it?

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Theoretically and hypotetically thinking it would be very hard to keep the surprise element alive with a possible reunion comeback announcement. I think it would be a big relief for numerous fans to see all the AFD lineup guys sitting next to each other in a press conference type of situation. That would show that this is the real deal, no need to be cryptical and speculate anymore.

Then I woke up from my dream.

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19 pages in haven't seen it asked so I'm gonna do it... Has anyone even thought about HOW the reunion will be announced?!?!

(A) A press conference with the boys? Including axl and slash hugging it out?

(B) another one of these "sources" making the announcement with a 100 page thread debating on if it's even real or not?

© more gnr Twitter cryptic tweets

Personally I would assume Choice A would be it but who knows but.. Maybe I'm forgetting an option?

How the hell does this get announced and who announces it?

Probably the promoter will confirm the dates or something. Won't see Axl until he hits the stage wearing a beaver skin jacket and cape.
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Who cares about whether he can sing or not? A reunion is more about the visual aspects of them being together again, and for people to be able to brag that they, too, saw the classic Guns live. It has ZERO to do with music. It's not like they will release more music together. It is pure cash-grab and nostalgia.

How do you know any of that? Why on earth wouldn't they make more music together?

I was using hyperbole. Yeah sure, some will attend because they are interested primarily in the music.

As for why they won't make music together? Because they could barely do it back in the 90s, it was already then like pulling fucking teeth, and there is no reason to assume Axl has become easier to collaborate with over the years, or that the other guys are willing to accept that endless bullshit and no-shows, or willing to offer their own respective careers to go through that process again. Lastly, there is nothing suggesting they have come together music-wise in the passing years, nor anything to suggest their creative juices are still flowing like they did.

Fair enough! Personally I tend to believe that people change as they grow older. After all these years you'd think that they've learned a few things about collaboration. Maybe Axl and Slash have both seen that they can never write the kind of hit songs as they used to without each other. Slash knows that he's free to continue with his solo career so Axl's slow way of working shouldn't bother him anymore. Cause he's free to do what ever he wants to do while waiting. Axl and Slash have both said that GNR didn't break up because of creative differences, so that shouldn't be a problem. Axl's "no show bullshit" shouldn't be much of a problem either. We all know that GNR has been a pretty reliable band lately. IMO CD and Slash's albums prove that they both still have a lot of creative juices in them.

I think they've both learned to appreciate each others creative input more over the years and that's why they might be able to collaborate better these days. Plus they're probably in a much better place mentally as they were back in the day. Axl's life doesn't seem to be full of lawsuits and all kinds of other bullshit. Slash and Duff are sober now. Plus the whole pressure of staying relevant while alternative rock bands are taking over is old news. Everything seems to be different as it was back in the days, so I believe there's a good chance that they might join forces to make new GNR music again.

Of course I don't know that as a fact, just like you don't know your point of view as a fact either. So yeah, let's just agree to disagree.

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I'm hoping good ol' Dexter'll come on here and have a MASSIVE rant at all the fans:

'now listen here you bunch of fuckin' no life, tickle-dicked, suspect chin, weenie-ass, hunchbacked little f@ggots, some little bullshit about me shaking hands with cancer comes out and suddenly you're all wetting your drawers, projecting bullshit based on rumour cuz you got no fuckin' lives, fuck you, you're all little people on the power trip, i done told y'all (yes, he suddenly turns into Red Foxx :lol:) ain't gon' be fuckin' reunion cuz i fuckin' says so, you're my fans, i ain't yours, you're defined in relation to ME, without me you'd all be doing jigsaw puzzles with your afternoons, you don't dictate shit to me and i don't owe you no fuckin' happy ending...for the rest of you, new tour dates comin', Merry Christmas cocksuckers!'

Edited by Len B'stard
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I reckon the reunion should be free...tickets should be sent out to members of GnR forums :lol: Y'know, for all their dedication and backing over the years. I mean Axl was the one demanding a free Mayweather Pacquiao rematch cuz the fans had been fucked around, well GnR fans have been pretty fairly fucked around too, they should do a big free in Hyde Park thing :D

*Len wakes up, face in a bowl of cereal*

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