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The "Axl/Slash/Duff + 2 Mystery Players Re-banded But Not A Reunion Tour" Thread - Announcement Imminent!

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.. I hope to god tb is getting axl ready, this is the time to pull out the rasp, look, ect...

That's my big thing. No matter what happens next, I just hope Axl is ready for it. He needs to go out on top.


If he come out in 2011-2014 shape and voice, then the reunion will be a laughfest

Which will probably happen :facepalm:

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Slash is still refusing to answer any Guns N' Roses reunion questions.

From a new interview a few days ago in Poland.


That is actually a very good sign for those who hope/beleive something is in the works. Othervise, a simple "No, no reunion of any kind is planned in the near future" would bring the whole story to an end.

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Slash is still refusing to answer any Guns N' Roses reunion questions.

From a new interview a few days ago in Poland.


That is actually a very good sign for those who hope/beleive something is in the works. Othervise, a simple "No, no reunion of any kind is planned in the near future" would bring the whole story to an end.

I'm sure there are conspiracy theorists who would still argue with "well maybe he just won't give it away" lmfao... Although there is the Vicky Hamilton tidbit but, who are we kidding, she blabbed a private conversation hoping he'd say yes in an attempt to keep herself relevant to the situation. Personally I think she wants to talk things out with axl because even though she's a little bitter I'm sure even she's warming up to missing the guy, especially since everyone else seemingly has... But rant aside:

But for me, I'll agree with you. I would really have to change my tune of he said "no it isn't true it's not happening". But again, he just declined to talk about it. So somethings up I would think. I'm expecting an epic response at some point to explain why everybody from slash to bumblefoot are quiet..

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"Strange coincidences that might mean it's happening" doesn't equal "ANNOUNCEMENT TUESDAY ZOMG!!!1!11!" which is roughly where this forum is at. I hope I am proved wrong. But spoiler alert:

I won't be.
Isn't it funny how these zealots try and turn everything into a deep clue with secret meaning. It's hilarious to watch.

Obviously something is going on behind the scenes. Negotiations are taking place to see if a Slash and Duff can rejoin GnR. (That isn't a GnR reunion, people).

But the way these people try and turn everything into a clue is hilarious. They are actually quoting a comment from Brandy Glanville as proof. And the fact that Axl isn't talking to the media is proof (must be newcomers to the world of Axl Rose).

The amount of emotion and meaning that two 50-year old men sharing a stage together has to some posters on here is pretty sad.

Odds are it isn't going to happen.

Odds are if it does happen it will be another Frankenstein lineup featuring old and new members.

Odds are it won't be the classic line up

Odds are if there is any sort of old guys rejoining there won't be new music and it's just a group of 50-year-old guys doing a jukebox tour to fund their retirement.

Odds are Realistic that if anybody rejoins the band it would just be Duff.

The odds are slim for a full reunion that includes new music. Hopefully there will be. Who cares about a partial reunion with no music. What's the point.

Hopefully the odds will come through for the FANS. A full reunion and new album.

Seeing as Guns haven't toured the UK for 5 years, any sort of tour/line-up is enough to get me giddy.

Seeing as at least half the AFD/UYI era line-up is close to getting back together (a line-up I was too young to see in their heyday) is a very real possibility, this makes me even giddier.

If you can't get excited by it, you've gotta question why you're even wasting your time on a Guns dedicated forum.

I've seen Axl and Slash on stage together in their prime.

I prefer to see artists create music together. That excites me more than seeing old dudes doing a jukebox tour for cash.

I'm an adult. Seeing a rock band doesn't make me giddy.

I've seen a hundred concerts. Seeing one more isn't going to change my life. A two hour show is fun and a good time. But that's all it is. A couple hours of fun. An album gives you a life time of enjoyment.

You don't get to decide what level if excitement we must have to post here.

Yeah because if Axl and Slash come to your hometown you wont go to see them

They won't. It's a town of 8,000 people and Blue oyster Cult is the biggest band that ever played here.

If they come to a city near me do I go?

Depends on ticket prices and the set list.

Sorry I'm not as excited as some people about seeing two musicians past their prime play songs they made famous 30 years ago. I don't need to see Axl/Slash team up on Mr Brownstone for the 327th time.

So I might go see them. I might not. Depends.

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.. I hope to god tb is getting axl ready, this is the time to pull out the rasp, look, ect...

That's my big thing. No matter what happens next, I just hope Axl is ready for it. He needs to go out on top.


If he come out in 2011-2014 shape and voice, then the reunion will be a laughfest

Which will probably happen :facepalm:

If that's what happens....................................son of a btich.

If I've said it once, I've said it 1000 times:


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"Strange coincidences that might mean it's happening" doesn't equal "ANNOUNCEMENT TUESDAY ZOMG!!!1!11!" which is roughly where this forum is at. I hope I am proved wrong. But spoiler alert:

I won't be.
Isn't it funny how these zealots try and turn everything into a deep clue with secret meaning. It's hilarious to watch.

Obviously something is going on behind the scenes. Negotiations are taking place to see if a Slash and Duff can rejoin GnR. (That isn't a GnR reunion, people).

But the way these people try and turn everything into a clue is hilarious. They are actually quoting a comment from Brandy Glanville as proof. And the fact that Axl isn't talking to the media is proof (must be newcomers to the world of Axl Rose).

The amount of emotion and meaning that two 50-year old men sharing a stage together has to some posters on here is pretty sad.

Odds are it isn't going to happen.

Odds are if it does happen it will be another Frankenstein lineup featuring old and new members.

Odds are it won't be the classic line up

Odds are if there is any sort of old guys rejoining there won't be new music and it's just a group of 50-year-old guys doing a jukebox tour to fund their retirement.

Odds are Realistic that if anybody rejoins the band it would just be Duff.

The odds are slim for a full reunion that includes new music. Hopefully there will be. Who cares about a partial reunion with no music. What's the point.

Hopefully the odds will come through for the FANS. A full reunion and new album.

Seeing as Guns haven't toured the UK for 5 years, any sort of tour/line-up is enough to get me giddy.

Seeing as at least half the AFD/UYI era line-up is close to getting back together (a line-up I was too young to see in their heyday) is a very real possibility, this makes me even giddier.

If you can't get excited by it, you've gotta question why you're even wasting your time on a Guns dedicated forum.

I've seen Axl and Slash on stage together in their prime.

I prefer to see artists create music together. That excites me more than seeing old dudes doing a jukebox tour for cash.

I'm an adult. Seeing a rock band doesn't make me giddy.

I've seen a hundred concerts. Seeing one more isn't going to change my life. A two hour show is fun and a good time. But that's all it is. A couple hours of fun. An album gives you a life time of enjoyment.

You don't get to decide what level if excitement we must have to post here.

But neither do you. You're projecting your own experiences onto others just as much as _Patience_.

I'll speak for myself, but I never got to see Axl and Slash on the same stage together. I had tickets during the Metallica/GNR tour, but after the Montreal riot, my parents prevented me from going (which, considering I was only 12, was probably the right call considering what just went down in Montreal). So seeing Axl and Slash on the same stage would be a huge thrill. I remember freaking out back in 2006 when Izzy walked on stage at the Hammerstein show I was attending.

Just because someone gets giddy about a concert doesn't make them less of an adult. That's a rather arbitrary judgement. The same could be said with respect to your views on a new album. Isn't it a relative proposition? I'm not saying that _Patience_ is correct with his/her judgement, but it's kind of silly to accuse someone of making judgemental statements towards others and then doing the exact same thing to them. Thank you for calling me out and correcting me.

I just read another post where somebody said "anybody with a brain" in relation to agreeing with their point. I'm sure you called them out as well.


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Sorry I'm not as excited as some people about seeing two musicians past their prime play songs they made famous 30 years ago. I don't need to see Axl/Slash team up on Mr Brownstone for the 327th time.

Personally, and I'm not saying this applies to you, but I don't know how anyone that saw NuGuns since 2000 could possibly say that about a reunion. There are no doubt people saying "I'm not interested. They are over the hill" that then saw NuGuns upwards of 5 or more times in the last 15 years. That to me is inexplicable. Why you'd settle for that, but then say there's nothing good to come of a reunion. Its something people haven't seen in over 20 years, and its basically setlist-wise the exact same thing as NuGuns, except its the original guys playing the material.

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Whether the (nugnr) band members have left because there is a reunion in the offing, or whether their defection is merely

coincidental with Axl and Slash's rapprochement, it has certainly built up a 'do or die' scenario, the least desirable outcome of which would be Axl simply recruiting a couple of Johnny Randoms

and doing the South America-Vegas itinerary again. I just could not imagine him going back to that, but then, I could never have imagined him selling Budweiser or cash-grabbing in Vegas at one point either!


We''ll see...

I just don't get the hate for the Budweiser commercial. I thought it was brilliant. And I HATE Budweiser beer. And the residencies were a blast! Vegas and GNR is a great combo. The only problem for me is the cigarette smoke. It made me very ill and I have been given strict medical advice to not attend another residency in Vegas which is a total bummer for me

I can only speak for myself but I found it embarrassing. A cheap nasty and shamefaced bit of cash-grabbing. Same as Johnny Rotten doing a butter commercial, or Iggy Pop flogging car insurance. Vegas is where you go when you are washed-up.

You are entitled to your opinion. I just really liked the performances of the rappers and Axl looked so cute making the toast. But I am one of those people who watches the Super Bowl for the commercials. And I think the perception of Las Vegas being for washed up acts is not true like it was in the past. They have some great Broadway shows. And some of those Cirque Du Soleil shows like Beatles LOVE are amazing.

.. I hope to god tb is getting axl ready, this is the time to pull out the rasp, look, ect...

That's my big thing. No matter what happens next, I just hope Axl is ready for it. He needs to go out on top.


If he come out in 2011-2014 shape and voice, then the reunion will be a laughfest

Which will probably happen :facepalm:

Why would it be a laugh fast? I thought Axl looked and sounded great. It still blows me away the way he runs around the stage.

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Whether the (nugnr) band members have left because there is a reunion in the offing, or whether their defection is merely

coincidental with Axl and Slash's rapprochement, it has certainly built up a 'do or die' scenario, the least desirable outcome of which would be Axl simply recruiting a couple of Johnny Randoms

and doing the South America-Vegas itinerary again. I just could not imagine him going back to that, but then, I could never have imagined him selling Budweiser or cash-grabbing in Vegas at one point either!


We''ll see...

I just don't get the hate for the Budweiser commercial. I thought it was brilliant. And I HATE Budweiser beer. And the residencies were a blast! Vegas and GNR is a great combo. The only problem for me is the cigarette smoke. It made me very ill and I have been given strict medical advice to not attend another residency in Vegas which is a total bummer for me

I can only speak for myself but I found it embarrassing. A cheap nasty and shamefaced bit of cash-grabbing. Same as Johnny Rotten doing a butter commercial, or Iggy Pop flogging car insurance. Vegas is where you go when you are washed-up.

You are entitled to your opinion. I just really liked the performances of the rappers and Axl looked so cute making the toast. But I am one of those people who watches the Super Bowl for the commercials. And I think the perception of Las Vegas being for washed up acts is not true like it was in the past. They have some great Broadway shows. And some of those Cirque Du Soleil shows like Beatles LOVE are amazing.

.. I hope to god tb is getting axl ready, this is the time to pull out the rasp, look, ect...

That's my big thing. No matter what happens next, I just hope Axl is ready for it. He needs to go out on top.


If he come out in 2011-2014 shape and voice, then the reunion will be a laughfest

Which will probably happen :facepalm:

Why would it be a laugh fast? I thought Axl looked and sounded great. It still blows me away the way he runs around the stage.

He was okay at the very best during some shows. But overall we know Axl can do a lot better than that.

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Sorry I'm not as excited as some people about seeing two musicians past their prime play songs they made famous 30 years ago. I don't need to see Axl/Slash team up on Mr Brownstone for the 327th time.

Personally, and I'm not saying this applies to you, but I don't know how anyone that saw NuGuns since 2000 could possibly say that about a reunion. There are no doubt people saying "I'm not interested. They are over the hill" that then saw NuGuns upwards of 5 or more times in the last 15 years. That to me is inexplicable. Why you'd settle for that, but then say there's nothing good to come of a reunion. Its something people haven't seen in over 20 years, and its basically setlist-wise the exact same thing as NuGuns, except its the original guys playing the material.

Exactly this. It's tough and just crazy to assume you know exactly what everybody else is thinking, however I agree that if the same material is going to get played over and over, I'd rather have the guys who wrote and recorded the material as their own perform it. Kind of like a "lesser of two evils" situation...

As far as them being "over the hill", I think without question that statement above all, not that you're saying it, but the band will have to prove that they can still hang with the best of them. There will certainly be pressure to sound good, and a lot of pressure will certainly be on Axl. I hope that it doesn't lead to too many late starts, that's what I'm worried about the most. Because at that point thins are probably flying off the handle... We'll see

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Sorry I'm not as excited as some people about seeing two musicians past their prime play songs they made famous 30 years ago. I don't need to see Axl/Slash team up on Mr Brownstone for the 327th time.

Personally, and I'm not saying this applies to you, but I don't know how anyone that saw NuGuns since 2000 could possibly say that about a reunion. There are no doubt people saying "I'm not interested. They are over the hill" that then saw NuGuns upwards of 5 or more times in the last 15 years. That to me is inexplicable. Why you'd settle for that, but then say there's nothing good to come of a reunion. Its something people haven't seen in over 20 years, and its basically setlist-wise the exact same thing as NuGuns, except its the original guys playing the material.

There is nothing wrong with that.

And if Axl let's a couple older members back into the band and they tour - millions of people will agree with you.

I think u are combining a lot of things that should t be combined to make your point. We went to GnR shows during the last decade because we had no other option. That has nothing to do with going to see a completely different line up next year.

If Axl is just going to be a GnR jukebox then sure, might as well do it with the lineup that creates the songs. I agree.

But just for me personally, a tour with no music offers very little excitement.

I would choose an Axl Rose solo tour to support a new solo album, with a band full if unknowns OVER a GnR reunion tour with no new music.

But that's just my own personal preference.

A semi-GnR reunion will being happiness to millions if fans. Just not to me.

How many days are we talking here?


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Sorry I'm not as excited as some people about seeing two musicians past their prime play songs they made famous 30 years ago. I don't need to see Axl/Slash team up on Mr Brownstone for the 327th time.

Personally, and I'm not saying this applies to you, but I don't know how anyone that saw NuGuns since 2000 could possibly say that about a reunion. There are no doubt people saying "I'm not interested. They are over the hill" that then saw NuGuns upwards of 5 or more times in the last 15 years. That to me is inexplicable. Why you'd settle for that, but then say there's nothing good to come of a reunion. Its something people haven't seen in over 20 years, and its basically setlist-wise the exact same thing as NuGuns, except its the original guys playing the material.

Exactly this. It's tough and just crazy to assume you know exactly what everybody else is thinking, however I agree that if the same material is going to get played over and over, I'd rather have the guys who wrote and recorded the material as their own perform it. Kind of like a "lesser of two evils" situation...

As far as them being "over the hill", I think without question that statement above all, not that you're saying it, but the band will have to prove that they can still hang with the best of them. There will certainly be pressure to sound good, and a lot of pressure will certainly be on Axl. I hope that it doesn't lead to too many late starts, that's what I'm worried about the most. Because at that point thins are probably flying off the handle... We'll see

Totally agree. Most sane people feel this way as well. it would be different if nugnr did something and released and toured new music. But why would I want to go see a cover band playing gnr hits? If I am going to see a nostalgia show, give me the people responsible for the music.

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Slash is still refusing to answer any Guns N' Roses reunion questions.

From a new interview a few days ago in Poland.


That is actually a very good sign for those who hope/beleive something is in the works. Othervise, a simple "No, no reunion of any kind is planned in the near future" would bring the whole story to an end.

I don't know, but yeah, Slash has probably answered those questions hundreds of times now.

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I mean, honestly. What's more likely? That Axl Rose is working out really hard, practicing singing, locked in a studio working on songwriting, and rehearsing collaboratively with a band?

Or that Axl Rose can now license and market GNR to no end, now that he and Slash and Duff are all business-friendly again?

Let's get serious, for the love of god!

I've been believing it to be true, but when you put it like that.. well in my mind I have been saying the ultimate confirmation would be Axl getting into shape. But what is the likelihood of that. Very little.

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I mean, honestly. What's more likely? That Axl Rose is working out really hard, practicing singing, locked in a studio working on songwriting, and rehearsing collaboratively with a band?

Or that Axl Rose can now license and market GNR to no end, now that he and Slash and Duff are all business-friendly again?

Let's get serious, for the love of god!

I've been believing it to be true, but when you put it like that.. well in my mind I have been saying the ultimate confirmation would be Axl getting into shape. But what is the likelihood of that. Very little.

Axl would need a guy like Buddy Rich to properly tell him to either exercise or fuck off

Whether the (nugnr) band members have left because there is a reunion in the offing, or whether their defection is merely

coincidental with Axl and Slash's rapprochement, it has certainly built up a 'do or die' scenario, the least desirable outcome of which would be Axl simply recruiting a couple of Johnny Randoms

and doing the South America-Vegas itinerary again. I just could not imagine him going back to that, but then, I could never have imagined him selling Budweiser or cash-grabbing in Vegas at one point either!


We''ll see...

I just don't get the hate for the Budweiser commercial. I thought it was brilliant. And I HATE Budweiser beer. And the residencies were a blast! Vegas and GNR is a great combo. The only problem for me is the cigarette smoke. It made me very ill and I have been given strict medical advice to not attend another residency in Vegas which is a total bummer for me

I can only speak for myself but I found it embarrassing. A cheap nasty and shamefaced bit of cash-grabbing. Same as Johnny Rotten doing a butter commercial, or Iggy Pop flogging car insurance. Vegas is where you go when you are washed-up.

You are entitled to your opinion. I just really liked the performances of the rappers and Axl looked so cute making the toast. But I am one of those people who watches the Super Bowl for the commercials. And I think the perception of Las Vegas being for washed up acts is not true like it was in the past. They have some great Broadway shows. And some of those Cirque Du Soleil shows like Beatles LOVE are amazing.

.. I hope to god tb is getting axl ready, this is the time to pull out the rasp, look, ect...

That's my big thing. No matter what happens next, I just hope Axl is ready for it. He needs to go out on top.


If he come out in 2011-2014 shape and voice, then the reunion will be a laughfest

Which will probably happen :facepalm:

Why would it be a laugh fast? I thought Axl looked and sounded great. It still blows me away the way he runs around the stage.

The amount of facepalms and cringe-o-meter is full for me now so i better not respond to this post with my original thoughts

self censored myself, because the mods still let her posting here :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

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Sorry I'm not as excited as some people about seeing two musicians past their prime play songs they made famous 30 years ago. I don't need to see Axl/Slash team up on Mr Brownstone for the 327th time.

Personally, and I'm not saying this applies to you, but I don't know how anyone that saw NuGuns since 2000 could possibly say that about a reunion. There are no doubt people saying "I'm not interested. They are over the hill" that then saw NuGuns upwards of 5 or more times in the last 15 years. That to me is inexplicable. Why you'd settle for that, but then say there's nothing good to come of a reunion. Its something people haven't seen in over 20 years, and its basically setlist-wise the exact same thing as NuGuns, except its the original guys playing the material.

There is nothing wrong with that.

And if Axl let's a couple older members back into the band and they tour - millions of people will agree with you.

I think u are combining a lot of things that should t be combined to make your point. We went to GnR shows during the last decade because we had no other option. That has nothing to do with going to see a completely different line up next year.

If Axl is just going to be a GnR jukebox then sure, might as well do it with the lineup that creates the songs. I agree.

But just for me personally, a tour with no music offers very little excitement.

I would choose an Axl Rose solo tour to support a new solo album, with a band full if unknowns OVER a GnR reunion tour with no new music.

But that's just my own personal preference.

A semi-GnR reunion will being happiness to millions if fans. Just not to me.

I get that, and I'm not trying to single you out personally. You just happen to kind of be the one speaking semi-about that right now, and I've spoken to you before and know you're sane.

Basically, I get the argument about the no new music. But your scenario of Axl touring solo with a band of unknowns just isn't a thing. If it was, it would have happened by now. I would have LOVED to have seen that these last 15 years. I think it would have been greatly. Clearly, he didn't want to. There's just too much time and to little music to, personally, prove it otherwise. Hence the reason I don't know how a reunion can't be pretty exciting to any and everyone.

I think what bothers me is everyone has been fine with NuGuns continuing for so long, and now with a reunion we're somehow moving backwards. We aren't. We've been in idle since after a year Chinese was released. So it seems people were happy with NuGuns continuing but unhappy or not interested in a reunion, which to me makes no sense when new music clearly isn't on the horizon. People always wanted it, but they were fine to support NuGuns without it all this time, and would have undoubtedly continued to do so if this reunion talk didn't come up. So I mean, at least with a reunion its a new spark and it is the real people that made the music.

You're getting yourself off the hook saying we had no other choice but to keep seeing Guns all these years. Thats not true. I saw them once, and it was fine, but I didn't like it enough to go back, especially not for those prices. I lived the last decade not seeing GNR shows when I could have, and it wasn't even a hard decision. Meanwhile, I saw Slash every time he was around, cause he was doing exactly what everyone wanted NuGuns to do (new music) and he had a great live show. There were alternatives. People ignored them and are now using the logic they SHOULD have used on NuGuns on the only legitimate form of Guns N Roses thats been around since 1993.

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I think real information about the reunion will leak a few days before its announced...this is just too big to be contained until last minute.

The single greatest news in the history of Rock N Roll.

I won't believe it till I see one of the original members actually speaking those words, or its written on one of their official websites.

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