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The "Axl/Slash/Duff + 2 Mystery Players Re-banded But Not A Reunion Tour" Thread - Announcement Imminent!

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Whether the (nugnr) band members have left because there is a reunion in the offing, or whether their defection is merely

coincidental with Axl and Slash's rapprochement, it has certainly built up a 'do or die' scenario, the least desirable outcome of which would be Axl simply recruiting a couple of Johnny Randoms

and doing the South America-Vegas itinerary again. I just could not imagine him going back to that, but then, I could never have imagined him selling Budweiser or cash-grabbing in Vegas at one point either!


We''ll see...

I just don't get the hate for the Budweiser commercial. I thought it was brilliant. And I HATE Budweiser beer. And the residencies were a blast! Vegas and GNR is a great combo. The only problem for me is the cigarette smoke. It made me very ill and I have been given strict medical advice to not attend another residency in Vegas which is a total bummer for me

I can only speak for myself but I found it embarrassing. A cheap nasty and shamefaced bit of cash-grabbing. Same as Johnny Rotten doing a butter commercial, or Iggy Pop flogging car insurance. Vegas is where you go when you are washed-up.

You are entitled to your opinion. I just really liked the performances of the rappers and Axl looked so cute making the toast. But I am one of those people who watches the Super Bowl for the commercials. And I think the perception of Las Vegas being for washed up acts is not true like it was in the past. They have some great Broadway shows. And some of those Cirque Du Soleil shows like Beatles LOVE are amazing.

.. I hope to god tb is getting axl ready, this is the time to pull out the rasp, look, ect...

That's my big thing. No matter what happens next, I just hope Axl is ready for it. He needs to go out on top.


If he come out in 2011-2014 shape and voice, then the reunion will be a laughfest

Which will probably happen :facepalm:

Why would it be a laugh fast? I thought Axl looked and sounded great. It still blows me away the way he runs around the stage.

In all honesty, it seems like everything Axl does blows you away.

The question is, would you been blown away if it wasn't Axl but a random person or mabey a person you don't like?

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I can't believe so many people have put so much stock into some unsubstantiated story by some nobody reporter on a gossip forum that carries no weight in the real world. 79 pages, really?!

Its more than you think. Yes, there isn't one piece of credible evidence. BUT, the rumors have never been this big, and since Slash said in an interview he was friends with Axl, everyone has been silent on the issue. Even a month or so ago Steven was saying "I would be the last to know" and then he went completely silent. And trust me, with all these rumors, there's no way NO ONE has reached out to ask him.

I'm just like you. It seems silly to read when there's literally nothing that actually points to it. But the bottom line is no one is talking, and if it weren't real it would be in at least ONE of their best interests to deny it. No one has. Something is definitely happening, whether its a reunion or not remains to be seen, but it is a solid theory since no one is talking. If it ends up not being reunion, many of us will look silly. But in the end, there was nothing to talk about here anyway so this was more fun than that.

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Slash is still refusing to answer any Guns N' Roses reunion questions.

From a new interview a few days ago in Poland.


For anyone curious about what it says, this is what my computer translated the article to say:

"You are missing on our part have any questions about the possibility of the return of Guns N 'Roses? Well, as a service Aantyradio.pl wanted to ask Slash, but the artist refused to comment to us on how to put its relationship with Axl Rosem and whether he would again stand next to him and the rest of the form colleagues on stage. Earlier in statements quoted saying that peace with Axl, and that the return of Guns N 'Roses would be a lot of fun."

That is verbatim what it said. Maybe there's a better translation out there, but this was word for word what my computer translated it to, misspellings of Axl's name and all.

Thanks for posting.

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I think real information about the reunion will leak a few days before its announced...this is just too big to be contained until last minute.

The single greatest news in the history of Rock N Roll.


I can't believe so many people have put so much stock into some unsubstantiated story by some nobody reporter on a gossip forum that carries no weight in the real world. 79 pages, really?!

Its more than you think. Yes, there isn't one piece of credible evidence. BUT, the rumors have never been this big, and since Slash said in an interview he was friends with Axl, everyone has been silent on the issue. Even a month or so ago Steven was saying "I would be the last to know" and then he went completely silent. And trust me, with all these rumors, there's no way NO ONE has reached out to ask him.

I'm just like you. It seems silly to read when there's literally nothing that actually points to it. But the bottom line is no one is talking, and if it weren't real it would be in at least ONE of their best interests to deny it. No one has. Something is definitely happening, whether its a reunion or not remains to be seen, but it is a solid theory since no one is talking. If it ends up not being reunion, many of us will look silly. But in the end, there was nothing to talk about here anyway so this was more fun than that.

Can you post a link to the interview where Slash said that he and Axl were "friends" again? Thanks.

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Axl is in phenomenal shape. You guys won't get to see him until next summer though. 2016 is going to be huge! No doubt about a new album next November. GNR is in multiple contract talks with sponsors and venues to run a full tour. There are talks that the album Axl turned in 3 months ago probably isn't enough to revive rock but will likely garner plenty of awards for its unique vision and groundbreaking sound. The anger in his rasp can be heard in every note.

They wouldn't tell me if Slash did any work on the record but from the small clip I was played I could distinctly hear some of Slash's unique guitar tones.

Sorry guys this is all my sources had at the moment. I'll try to bring more information soon! 2-4 months...I can't decide

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Wonder how late Axl will be to the first reunion show?

3 years?
Asked if his warmer relationship with Axl will lead to a reunion of GUNS N' ROSES' classic lineup, Slash said: "Oh, I couldn't answer that one, though" Pressed on why that is, Slash replied: "All right, let's get off the subject, 'cause, you know, that's an old one."

Read more at http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/slash-confirms-he-and-axl-rose-are-friends-again-it-was-probably-way-overdue/#hm6F3yYX0TMBqjJ0.99

Never say never.

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I can't believe so many people have put so much stock into some unsubstantiated story by some nobody reporter on a gossip forum that carries no weight in the real world. 79 pages, really?!

so much stock? lol yup definitely got all my eggs in this basket

Then why did you reply? You must have taken offense to my comment... which means you've been checking this thread every 10 minutes waiting for the update that was 'days away'.

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I can't believe so many people have put so much stock into some unsubstantiated story by some nobody reporter on a gossip forum that carries no weight in the real world. 79 pages, really?!

Its more than you think. Yes, there isn't one piece of credible evidence. BUT, the rumors have never been this big, and since Slash said in an interview he was friends with Axl, everyone has been silent on the issue. Even a month or so ago Steven was saying "I would be the last to know" and then he went completely silent. And trust me, with all these rumors, there's no way NO ONE has reached out to ask him.

I'm just like you. It seems silly to read when there's literally nothing that actually points to it. But the bottom line is no one is talking, and if it weren't real it would be in at least ONE of their best interests to deny it. No one has. Something is definitely happening, whether its a reunion or not remains to be seen, but it is a solid theory since no one is talking. If it ends up not being reunion, many of us will look silly. But in the end, there was nothing to talk about here anyway so this was more fun than that.

Thanks for the update, Captain Obvious (I say that very gently and not as an insult).

I'm completely aware of all the speculation... the comment Slash made and the damning silence from anyone related to GNR. I have no doubt... absolutely NO DOUBT... that a reunion in some shape or form will happen. And I'd be perfectly happy with Axl and Slash (and Duff to a lesser extent) and any other combination of backing musicians. Let's face it... Axl and Slash are GNR... like Steven and Joe are Aerosmith... or Jimmy and Robert are Zeppelin.

Back on topic though, I was specifically pointing to the origination of this rumor and how BS it is. The mere posting of the rumor about the reunion news being 'days away' would be like posting a rumor from The National Enquirer that Axl was killed by aliens over the weekend (which, somehow, in the GNR world, may actually be kinda plausible).

It would be one thing if this was reported by MTV or a major news outlet... like CNN, the BBC or FOX... with semi-credible sources. But this is coming from a website and a reporter that are basically a bunch of nobody's.

Yet, we now have 80 pages of BS about an unsubstantiated rumor. That was my point.

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I can't believe so many people have put so much stock into some unsubstantiated story by some nobody reporter on a gossip forum that carries no weight in the real world. 79 pages, really?!

so much stock? lol yup definitely got all my eggs in this basket

Then why did you reply? You must have taken offense to my comment... which means you've been checking this thread every 10 minutes waiting for the update that was 'days away'.

yup. you got me lol seriously dude youre contributing to this mess of a thread just as much as i am. you know that right?

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i dont think this thread is so much about wtv article some brazilian "jouranlist" decided to pull out of his ass, its more of the go to thread to talk about a reunion though... and lets face it, im sure even you prefer to discuss some overblown rumor than the actual facts (new slot machines and old christmas t-shirts) and its also a great place for those who derive pleasure out of other peoples wishes not coming true, to get their jollies by telling us all why they know for a fact that it wont happen

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Reasonable people: "where's the evidence?"

GNR fans: "there's none, I know that, but the coincidences, man, I just know! And you're an asshole for even asking."

Take the tinfoil top hats off for a minute guys. One interview where Slash says he and Axl don't actively hate each other anymore (the word "friend" only shows up in clickbait headlines), one or two baseless rumors, and a handful of news sites reporting on a French GNR forum's speculation as gospel - that's what you have. What you've got here is failure to communicate, and a bunch of people who want so badly to believe. Sorry folks. There's nothing to believe here. It's. Not. Happening.

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Reasonable people: "where's the evidence?"

GNR fans: "there's none, I know that, but the coincidences, man, I just know! And you're an asshole for even asking."

Take the tinfoil top hats off for a minute guys. One interview where Slash says he and Axl don't actively hate each other anymore (the word "friend" only shows up in clickbait headlines), one or two baseless rumors, and a handful of news sites reporting on a French GNR forum's speculation as gospel - that's what you have. What you've got here is failure to communicate, and a bunch of people who want so badly to believe. Sorry folks. There's nothing to believe here. It's. Not. Happening.

Welcome to my brain pretty much every other day for the past month :lol:

Some mornings I wake up, check the board and think "It's happening". Other mornings I wake up, check the board and think "Y'all is crazy" lol. For those interested, today is an "Y'all is crazy" day.

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There is also Slash now being available for a tour in 2016, Slash2baz' (or whatever he is called) comments after having talked to Slash himself, the weight of the speculations, absence of any denials from anyone involved, Axl's sudden stop in any evident interest in a follow-up, band members leaving. This is only conjecture, of course, I find it amusing how anyone can be so sure. My main reason NOT to believe it will happen, is of course Axl's adamant objections to it. But he tends to surprise me. I really don't know what to believe now.

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This is only conjecture, of course, I find it amusing how anyone can be so sure. My main reason NOT to believe it will happen, is of course Axl's adamant objections to it.

This. All of the conclusions people are drawing are pure conjecture. Axl has said time and again that it won't, and that hasn't changed. Why should he come out with a statement just to say "I've heard rumors that I will do a thing I said I wont, and even though those rumors are made up, I just wanted to remind you that I wont do it. Giraffica!"

And these "sources"? Really?!?! Weiland is in no position to know, Ashba said nothing more than he hopes it happens as a fan and that he hopes his departure makes it more likely, Sixx was speculating like the rest of U.S. If we are in a position that a Real Housewife could be the one to break the story of the return of the most dangerous man in the world, then I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

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Reasonable people: "where's the evidence?"

GNR fans: "there's none, I know that, but the coincidences, man, I just know! And you're an asshole for even asking."

Take the tinfoil top hats off for a minute guys. One interview where Slash says he and Axl don't actively hate each other anymore (the word "friend" only shows up in clickbait headlines), one or two baseless rumors, and a handful of news sites reporting on a French GNR forum's speculation as gospel - that's what you have. What you've got here is failure to communicate, and a bunch of people who want so badly to believe. Sorry folks. There's nothing to believe here. It's. Not. Happening.

Welcome to my brain pretty much every other day for the past month :lol:

Some mornings I wake up, check the board and think "It's happening". Other mornings I wake up, check the board and think "Y'all is crazy" lol. For those interested, today is an "Y'all is crazy" day.

That's where I'm at too. I'm reasonably confident we'll probably see Duff up there with Axl next time he surfaces but Slash I waver back and forth on. Perhaps Slash does too! :lol:

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Reasonable people: "where's the evidence?"

GNR fans: "there's none, I know that, but the coincidences, man, I just know! And you're an asshole for even asking."

Take the tinfoil top hats off for a minute guys. One interview where Slash says he and Axl don't actively hate each other anymore (the word "friend" only shows up in clickbait headlines), one or two baseless rumors, and a handful of news sites reporting on a French GNR forum's speculation as gospel - that's what you have. What you've got here is failure to communicate, and a bunch of people who want so badly to believe. Sorry folks. There's nothing to believe here. It's. Not. Happening.

Oh fuck you all.

I've been saying for weeks it ISN'T happening, trying not to get my hopes up for something that will ultimately disappoint me, and all anyone has been saying here is how its crazy to assume nothing is happening. To actually say now that "reasonable" people are asking for evidence and there isn't any is crazy. Everyone I know thats asked me I've said "don't believe it till it happens. This happens a lot." And then EVERYONE here says "well you're stupid not to believe anything".

Fuck you. Don't tell me nothing's happening after weeks of me saying the same thing and everyone telling me THAT was stupid. Fuck you. Now there better be a reunion.

Edited by gunsfanoldie
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Reasonable people: "where's the evidence?"

GNR fans: "there's none, I know that, but the coincidences, man, I just know! And you're an asshole for even asking."

Generalizations suck. But it could be done the other way around too.

Reasonable people: Considering how many strange coincidences there are and nobody denies the possibility of a reunion even though everybody is talking about it, suggests that there's a good chance that something is going on behind the scenes.

Wannabe reasonable people: You people or are hilarious! You don't have 100% proof of a reunion and yet you dare to speculate about it. How delusional can you get. You can't make this shit up!

axlslash, on 25 Nov 2015 - 3:14 PM, said:

Take the tinfoil top hats off for a minute guys. One interview where Slash says he and Axl don't actively hate each other anymore (the word "friend" only shows up in clickbait headlines),

This is the problem with you wannabe reasonable people. You act like you're the voice of reason even though you don't know anything about the subject. The word friend was NOT used only in the headlines as a clickbait. If you had botherered to watch the interview you'd see that the reporter actually asks Slash a question. I quote: "I've heard that you made friends with Axl Rose again. How was that possible after all those years? Then Slash answers that it was probably way overdue but it's very cool at this point. It's a direct answer to the question. If you'd actually do some research on the subject instead of being so busy acting like a voice of reason, you'd actually make a little bit more sense.

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