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The "Axl/Slash/Duff + 2 Mystery Players Re-banded But Not A Reunion Tour" Thread - Announcement Imminent!

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I'm seriously feeling nostalgic. The 1st time I saw them was Dallas, 1987 at the Bronco Bowl opening for the Cult. Guns ******* tore the roof off the place. Ian Astbury announced that, if there was a man in the room with hair longer than his, then he would suck his ****

I could only afford 2 albums that year, Appetite was one and Steve Earle's Copperhead Road was the other. Those 2 were the sound of my 1st car.

I edited cause I'm new and don't know your ways. Hi :)

Welcome! You don't need to sensor those swear words.

Good to know, and thanks for the warm welcome :)

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Not being a dick or anything, but I really don't see Axl caring too much about Scott's passing.

I think it's difficult to know what he thinks about this sort of thing because he doesn't use social media in the conventional way expected of celebrities. We'll probably find out in a about a decades time that he sent the Weiland family a basket of puppies or something in condolence. Compared to the 80s/90s we hardly know what he thinks about anything and the few things that do go up on twitter are often a bit left field at best.

The untimely death of a someone like Scott had an effect on Axl

For sure. I always feel weird when misfortune falls upon someone I didn't particularly care for. It kinda reminds us all

If our own mortality. They have friends and enemies in common. I saw that Perla used it as an oppurtunity to promote herself. It is well known that Scott and Axl did not exactly have a mutual admiration society. So I think that's why Axl didn't make any public comments.

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Scott dying sucks.

But it isn't the reason an announcement is delayed. It's weird how people always attach a random excuse. They wouldn't do it during thanksgiving. Nor on a Friday. Not when Scott died. Not during or after a terror attack. Not on a Wednesday. Not on Christmas. The excuses just never end.

What a load of rubbish. Whether there will be an announcement or not, anyone in PR or marketing would know not to announce something like this on the day another rockstar dies, or there are terrorist attacks. It's illogical.
Excuse after excuse after excuse.

How long have the rumors been flying around?

You would have to be completely naive or a pure Axl nutter to think that TB was going to announce the reunion two months ago but keep having to delay it because of random deaths and tragedies.

This is why I'm starting to lose faith. I heard someone on this board say last week "They're gonna wait for people to celebrate thanksgiving with their families before they announce it." Thats when I realized the excuses are getting ridiculous. I really want this to happen, but I'm starting to get skeptical. Edited by Gibson_Guy87
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I never thought they would announce it now. These deadline dates are being made up by posters, and people are getting their hopes up. Something is happening imo, but there's no indication that news will come anytime soon. The media just feeds of forum chatter and then it becomes an echo chamber of speculation presented as fact.

I doubt any announcement will come this year. We should wait and see what Slash's schedule is looking like for next year. That will be a more concrete sign.

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I never thought they would announce it now. These deadline dates are being made up by posters, and people are getting their hopes up. Something is happening imo, but there's no indication that news will come anytime soon. The media just feeds of forum chatter and then it becomes an echo chamber of speculation presented as fact.

I doubt any announcement will come this year. We should wait and see what Slash's schedule is looking like for next year. That will be a more concrete sign.

Something is happening but it doesn't necessarily mean a reunion. It could be that they are singing off on a bunch of licensing crap (like the video game).

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I'm surprised noone saw this video..and it appears to definatelly make the whole reunion thing, at very least, uncertain...The interview was supposedly given in July 2015 and Slash said he hadn't talked to Axl since 1996. This could mean that his whole "friends with Axl" statement given in August 2015 can merely mean they agreed on some band-related legalities (logos, insignia) and most likely, thru their lawyers..So, to me, unless I totally missed something obvious here, this pretty much shoots down the whole reunion talk, at least for a near future. Kinda dissapointed to be honest but thankfully wasn't holding my hopes too high:


Edited by RussTCB
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I'm surprised noone saw this video..and it appears to definatelly make the whole reunion thing, at very least, uncertain...The interview was supposedly given in July 2015 and Slash said he hadn't talked to Axl since 1996. This could mean that his whole "friends with Axl" statement given in August 2015 can merely mean they agreed on some band-related legalities (logos, insignia) and most likely, thru their lawyers..So, to me, unless I totally missed something obvious here, this pretty much shoots down the whole reunion talk, at least for a near future. Kinda dissapointed to be honest but thankfully wasn't holding my hopes too high:


Thanks for posting this.

There are a lot of people throughout the thread who've been pointing out things like this. I know a LOT of people have drawn their own conclusions and the press have defintely drawn their own, but the only concrete fact so far is that Slash once said things between he and Axl are cool.

Pretty much everything else since then has been rumor, innuendo, websites making things up, users expanding on that, wesites re-quoting users and other websites quoting them. Somehow we ended up where we are, but I expect nothing less from the GN'R circus haha.

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No smoke without fire. I think Axl is caving in!

Is it really so impossible for Duff to convince Axl Slash is not evil anymore? and if that was true, why would Axl look for 2 new guitar players and a bass player?

I don't know. Marc said all the proof he needs is Del wishing happy b day to Slash. That was odd. I wonder why that is. Also a lot of circumstantial evidence.

I don't know if a full reunion will ever take place, but Duff back in Guns is likely, which is great in and of itself, but something is going on with Slash as well I think.

Edited by Rovim
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I'm surprised noone saw this video..and it appears to definatelly make the whole reunion thing, at very least, uncertain...The interview was supposedly given in July 2015 and Slash said he hadn't talked to Axl since 1996. This could mean that his whole "friends with Axl" statement given in August 2015 can merely mean they agreed on some band-related legalities (logos, insignia) and most likely, thru their lawyers..So, to me, unless I totally missed something obvious here, this pretty much shoots down the whole reunion talk, at least for a near future. Kinda dissapointed to be honest but thankfully wasn't holding my hopes too high:


This interview is from November 2014, at least that says the description
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I do think there's a good chance that something will happen eventually but that something could be as small as a guest slot at a show or on a song. The 'we are cool' comment was almost certainly related to various legalities some of which we are seeing the fruits of now ( Vegas dvd, merch, music streaming sites).

If a full reunion show is on the cards realistically I imagine it taking maybe 18 months at least from the point of conception, of course if it is happening we don't know exactly when that point was, if it was post DJ leaving it makes sense that we are actually a while off it coming into fruition.

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Scott dying sucks.

But it isn't the reason an announcement is delayed. It's weird how people always attach a random excuse. They wouldn't do it during thanksgiving. Nor on a Friday. Not when Scott died. Not during or after a terror attack. Not on a Wednesday. Not on Christmas. The excuses just never end.

What a load of rubbish. Whether there will be an announcement or not, anyone in PR or marketing would know not to announce something like this on the day another rockstar dies, or there are terrorist attacks. It's illogical.
Excuse after excuse after excuse.

How long have the rumors been flying around?

You would have to be completely naive or a pure Axl nutter to think that TB was going to announce the reunion two months ago but keep having to delay it because of random deaths and tragedies.

This is why I'm starting to lose faith. I heard someone on this board say last week "They're gonna wait for people to celebrate thanksgiving with their families before they announce it." Thats when I realized the excuses are getting ridiculous. I really want this to happen, but I'm starting to get skeptical.

don't worry bro we're just waiting for them to celebrate Christmas first

if not then it'll certainly be after they spend Valentines with their significant other

no later than after they grill out and watch fireworks on July 4th though

Edited by -W.A.R-
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I'm surprised noone saw this video..and it appears to definatelly make the whole reunion thing, at very least, uncertain...The interview was supposedly given in July 2015 and Slash said he hadn't talked to Axl since 1996. This could mean that his whole "friends with Axl" statement given in August 2015 can merely mean they agreed on some band-related legalities (logos, insignia) and most likely, thru their lawyers..So, to me, unless I totally missed something obvious here, this pretty much shoots down the whole reunion talk, at least for a near future. Kinda dissapointed to be honest but thankfully wasn't holding my hopes too high:


This interview is from November 2014, at least that says the description

Ohhh...I missed the description..went by the video post date...well..I'm glad I was WRONG! Thanks for pointing it out! :)

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I'm surprised noone saw this video..and it appears to definatelly make the whole reunion thing, at very least, uncertain...The interview was supposedly given in July 2015 and Slash said he hadn't talked to Axl since 1996. This could mean that his whole "friends with Axl" statement given in August 2015 can merely mean they agreed on some band-related legalities (logos, insignia) and most likely, thru their lawyers..So, to me, unless I totally missed something obvious here, this pretty much shoots down the whole reunion talk, at least for a near future. Kinda dissapointed to be honest but thankfully wasn't holding my hopes too high:


This interview is from November 2014, at least that says the description

Ohhh...I missed the description..went by the video post date...well..I'm glad I was WRONG! Thanks for pointing it out! :)

So... we're back on reunion?! :lol:

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Did I not see something form Vicky Hamilton where she stated she heard from Slash that there would be no reunion?

That's enough for me.

She has no reason to lie and is credible. Put that against the fact that nobody else with credible connections to the band has said there would be a reunion.

People are caught up on why it's not being denied but why would you deny something that was never suggested?

This whole thing seems to be invented by wishful thinking based on a Slash comment that did not suggest anything about a reunion.

I just don't get it. Maybe I've been burned too many times over the years but nothing is happening unless you officially hear it.

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Did I not see something form Vicky Hamilton where she stated she heard from Slash that there would be no reunion?

That's enough for me.

She has no reason to lie and is credible. Put that against the fact that nobody else with credible connections to the band has said there would be a reunion.

People are caught up on why it's not being denied but why would you deny something that was never suggested?

This whole thing seems to be invented by wishful thinking based on a Slash comment that did not suggest anything about a reunion.

I just don't get it. Maybe I've been burned too many times over the years but nothing is happening unless you officially hear it.

Eh, I don't how much I trust Vicky. I agree, she doesn't really have a reason to lie, but I also don't know if I find her "credible". She was their manager at the very beginning and has barely done anything since. Never once have I really heard her talk about talking to the other guys. Seem convenient now that she has this scoop. The whole thing with her leaves me a little fishy, which is why I'm not taking her as gospel.

Why would you deny something that was never suggested? Simply because it serves to hurt Axl way more than help him. The reunion rumors have never been this big and if it doesn't happen, its gonna be laid at the feet of one Mr. Axl Rose. And even if he's not directly responsible, I guarantee it will hurt his ticket sales if and when he ever decides to tour again. Cause if its without the originals, after all this hoopla, and he spent all this time using the "publicity" to get people pumped about his new band. I just don't think anyone's gonna care. He's lost 2-3 members, refilling them with new nobodies in place of a GNR reunion seems like it would put him dead in the water. But maybe I'm wrong.

Personally, I saw the tweets they did ("didn't no news mean good news" or whatever they were saying) as a denial. Not outright, but to me it didn't scream as positive as it did to others. I saw it all as an annoyed "everyone's a journalist nowadays" with no actual proof as "its not fucking happening, and you guys are all stupid for thinking it is" and the "no news means good news" as "just cause we're not saying anything doesn't mean we don't have cool stuff coming up. I mean, its not a reunion, but we've got some cool things coming. Don't assume cause I've been silent that I'm fat and lonely and broke." That was at least how I took it and people went the totally opposite way. To me, if Axl said something like "Everyone just chill out..." I would take that as a more maybe something's happening and they are taking their own time. But I saw the dig at the journalists as an exasperated "this is today's society, and you're all wrong, which is why you're not journalists".

Those are, and have been, my current feelings regarding the subject. I've also long said that its been long enough that Slash knows how to answer an Axl Rose question. He knows what will make headlines, and he knows to nip these things in the bud if they get exaggerated, usually during the interview. He doesn't, and never did that here, knowing what I have to imagine is full well that hearing the words "Axl Rose" and "friends" in the same question and basically answering yes would do to people. He's not new to this, and if it really is a lot less than people think I think Slash made a major fuck up. Then by not announcing sooner there's no reunion, even saying like "I'm not saying never, but that isn't even on the table right now", I have to think Slash knows what he's doing, but again maybe I'm wrong.

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I'm surprised noone saw this video..and it appears to definatelly make the whole reunion thing, at very least, uncertain...The interview was supposedly given in July 2015 and Slash said he hadn't talked to Axl since 1996. This could mean that his whole "friends with Axl" statement given in August 2015 can merely mean they agreed on some band-related legalities (logos, insignia) and most likely, thru their lawyers..So, to me, unless I totally missed something obvious here, this pretty much shoots down the whole reunion talk, at least for a near future. Kinda dissapointed to be honest but thankfully wasn't holding my hopes too high:


This interview is from November 2014, at least that says the description

Ohhh...I missed the description..went by the video post date...well..I'm glad I was WRONG! Thanks for pointing it out! :)

No welcome, I'm glad too :)
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Have there been any notable media members who have called out Slash for he and his team keeping a lid on interviews and restricting questions?

I was listening to Chuck Klosterman on a podcast with Bill Simmons talking about interviewing Tom Brady, and how Brady wouldn't answer questions about deflate gate even though Chuck was under the impression he would. Chuck said he wouldn't have even bothered to do the interview if he knew Beady wouldn't do those questions. You have to wonder if there is a similar frustration amongst media members not being able to ask Slash the biggest most relevant questions people are actually interested in hearing answers to.

Edited by TeeJay410
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I'm surprised noone saw this video..and it appears to definatelly make the whole reunion thing, at very least, uncertain...The interview was supposedly given in July 2015 and Slash said he hadn't talked to Axl since 1996. This could mean that his whole "friends with Axl" statement given in August 2015 can merely mean they agreed on some band-related legalities (logos, insignia) and most likely, thru their lawyers..So, to me, unless I totally missed something obvious here, this pretty much shoots down the whole reunion talk, at least for a near future. Kinda dissapointed to be honest but thankfully wasn't holding my hopes too high:


This interview is from November 2014, at least that says the description

Ohhh...I missed the description..went by the video post date...well..I'm glad I was WRONG! Thanks for pointing it out! :)

So... we're back on reunion?! :lol:

Yes Sir, we are! :D

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