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The "Axl/Slash/Duff + 2 Mystery Players Re-banded But Not A Reunion Tour" Thread - Announcement Imminent!

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Besides... Axl and Slash need to resolve their problems on a personal level. The business side is settling and they dont need necessarily to be on stage with the whole band like KISS to prove that they love each other now. At best I see Slash talking to the media a few years later that they met at a diner or something and had a chat.

Obviously I really really want a reunion, but I would be fine with that if they just met up at some point and hashed out their differences. On a personal level, it would just be nice for them to get all that stuff out and done with.

I could easily see them never appearing on stage together again. It seems like it always happens with everyone, but it really wouldn't surprise me if they were the exception. Cause its not money driven. Like people like the Eagles just love money too much not to. Same with KISS. Axl, for all he's worth, has never truly been about that (at least in the backing down and giving in to what people want sort of thing) and I can't ever imagine Slash will need the money that bad. Obviously it would help, but he IS an icon. I have to imagine he's set for life and for his kids.

It would suck to wait, but I'd be absolutely fine hearing in 10 years from Slash that the two of them sat down and were civil. And maybe call each other every now and then. Mainly cause I think it would be good for Axl. He's getting older, and I just hope he doesn't feel full of regret. It really does seem like it all affects him so personally and irrationally, so I would hope that at some point in his life if it isn't a reunion tour, that he at least mends his fences with Slash. I could just see that being something thats really comforting for the guy, despite the fact that I don't know him and I'm probably just dreaming.

Having said that, I am still hoping GNR goes out with a bang and not a whimper. I want that world domination reunion tour, more than Zep, more than anything. For bands that are still alive and able to do it, no one's even close to them for me.

Just a little side question and I'm not being sarcastic, I really am curious as to your answer.

Axl and Slash aren't friends of yours. Why do you care at all if they are friends or not? There are lots of great bands where members aren't buddies. I believe that Jagger and Richards aren't close. I've read Tyler and Perry aren't best buds. And of course less popular bands - the Skids hate Bach, Dokken and Lynch, Pearcy and The band, Tate and Queensryche, etc.

Lots of great bands where the members don't get along. Why is it important to you if two guys from guns n roses are friends or not? And do you just feel that way about Axl and Slash? Do you also hope that say Axl and Adler become friends?

Again - no big deal. Just curious why people care about who complete strangers are friends with.

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Axl likes to go all out, so rehearsals aren't really realistic. He isn't to go to that level in an empty room, so it's no help. Maybe he'd have to warm up his voice twice and that's ridiculous. So it's impractical. Real game time is the only answer.

Rehearsals are where people get a feel for each other. Where musicians work things out. Where you can experiment and make small and subtle changes.

I sang for a band during rehearsals back about 20 years ago. The lead singer went to jail for a couple months. The band had me and another guy sing for them in rehearsals just so they could have a voice during the songs.

Kind of like having a baseball practice - but without a first baseman. You can do it and get some good work in. But without your full team you aren't getting the best practice in possible.

And if you are charging people 150-250 dollars to watch you perform then you owe it to them to put the best possible team out there.

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Besides... Axl and Slash need to resolve their problems on a personal level. The business side is settling and they dont need necessarily to be on stage with the whole band like KISS to prove that they love each other now. At best I see Slash talking to the media a few years later that they met at a diner or something and had a chat.

Obviously I really really want a reunion, but I would be fine with that if they just met up at some point and hashed out their differences. On a personal level, it would just be nice for them to get all that stuff out and done with.

I could easily see them never appearing on stage together again. It seems like it always happens with everyone, but it really wouldn't surprise me if they were the exception. Cause its not money driven. Like people like the Eagles just love money too much not to. Same with KISS. Axl, for all he's worth, has never truly been about that (at least in the backing down and giving in to what people want sort of thing) and I can't ever imagine Slash will need the money that bad. Obviously it would help, but he IS an icon. I have to imagine he's set for life and for his kids.

It would suck to wait, but I'd be absolutely fine hearing in 10 years from Slash that the two of them sat down and were civil. And maybe call each other every now and then. Mainly cause I think it would be good for Axl. He's getting older, and I just hope he doesn't feel full of regret. It really does seem like it all affects him so personally and irrationally, so I would hope that at some point in his life if it isn't a reunion tour, that he at least mends his fences with Slash. I could just see that being something thats really comforting for the guy, despite the fact that I don't know him and I'm probably just dreaming.

Having said that, I am still hoping GNR goes out with a bang and not a whimper. I want that world domination reunion tour, more than Zep, more than anything. For bands that are still alive and able to do it, no one's even close to them for me.

Exactly. But the problem is that Axl shot himself in the foot by repeatedly saying that there will be no reunion... not in this lifetime. It would be very strange for him and to others to see him bowing down and taking the generic reunion route.

Whether you love him or hate him... but the public cannot deny that Axl is not a sellout. He is very self destructive. He will do whatever he wants to do and not go the usual easy route.

I think its a cliche that every band breaks up and makes up and does a reunion tour/album... very Spinal Tap. It would be better that Axl decides what he wants to do with the GNR name... since he made it a solo effort with GNR name... he should decide whether he wants to end it or continue it in Chinese democracy fashion.

If its the latter... then no reunion.

If its the former... then admit that Chinese Democracy years were a mistake or were not the real GNR.

So much time has passed that even I dont want GNR to do a reunion. Especially since a lot of time/effort was spent on music post 1996 Spaghetti Incident.

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Apollo -

The problem here is that you don't take into consideration Axl as a factor. His shortcomings. What we know about the way he operates. You just talk about how wrong it is, and how far it is from the right way of doing it.

You saw the rehearsals for the VMA's in 2002. Axl sang a bit of Madagascar in a funny voice, sarcastically while he's walking around like a boss.

And this was for a special MTV performance, the whole world was watching. Did he prepare? fuck no. He's not going to fundamentally change the way he does or does not do things anytime soon imo.

Better to expect small improvements, baby steps. Like he improved with the late start times and no more riots in recent years. He said he doesn't like to work out, he's fat and 53 years old. He doesn't sing or rehearse before a tour as far as we know.

Edited by Rovim
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Axl likes to go all out, so rehearsals aren't really realistic. He isn't to go to that level in an empty room, so it's no help. Maybe he'd have to warm up his voice twice and that's ridiculous. So it's impractical. Real game time is the only answer.

Rehearsals are where people get a feel for each other. Where musicians work things out. Where you can experiment and make small and subtle changes.

I sang for a band during rehearsals back about 20 years ago. The lead singer went to jail for a couple months. The band had me and another guy sing for them in rehearsals just so they could have a voice during the songs.

Kind of like having a baseball practice - but without a first baseman. You can do it and get some good work in. But without your full team you aren't getting the best practice in possible.

And if you are charging people 150-250 dollars to watch you perform then you owe it to them to put the best possible team out there.

Maybe but Axl is a seasoned rock star. If he goes to rehearsal, warms his voice up, sings anywhere near what he needs to. Then he has to chill out and re-warm up his voice and he's already sung that song today. Nothing can really prepare you to face the crowd.

But I get the for morale part. You go down there and hang out with your band. Not why he doesn't hang out more.

I get the impression he wakes up at 6pm and it takes all this preparation to get on stage.

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You know what is happening with this reunion? Fuck all. Just like Chinese Democracy 2? Fuck all. Or that remix album? Nothing, zilch.

What generally happens with this absurd band is absolutely nothing.

When Axl proves you wrong I am going to buy you a Budweiser.

Wrong about what? A reunion? CD2?

He doesn't even have a band!! The only thing I can possibly conceive him doing is recruiting another set of hacks and resuming his criss-crossing between South America and Vegas, with his increasingly plummeting vocal abilities. But even that would take time to set up considering he is minus two guitarists and a bassist.

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I get the feeling if in 2021 Axl wanted to play Rock in Rio he'd be able to get Dj, Ron and Tommy on board. If not Izzy, Slash and Duff.

I just wonder if he has another cd he wants to put out or if CD was the last GNR album.

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It's possible, although I don't think they tend to put up a mailing list for a band unless tickets are going to be available soon.

That is a good point. Although I have to say, I'm really hating GNR for redefining the word "soon".. "Soon" used to mean hearing news within a reasonable period, for them they drag things out as long as possible and it can drive a man insane. Who the hell knows what's going on for sure behind scenes but clearly there is still more legally to get worked out..
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You really think Axl will let Ticketing agents and promoters dictate anything? If it's happening, it's happening on his terms.

I don't. I agree completely but, it makes you wonder. If I had to guess, one of two things are going on: either the announcement is coming "probably soon", or (and I think this is more likely) there's still a lot to legally work out behind the scenes and some folks are having a hard time keeping this one a secret. It's kind of like being a kid and actually catching Santa put the presents under the Christmas tree Christmas Eve. Can you really wait to unwrap your presents til Christmas morning at that point?! Edited by Billsfan
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What a lovely festival analogy for the time of year.

lol well it's a good point don't ya think? Honestly if you happened to bump into Fernando on the street and he told you the reunion was happening how would you react?! Personally I'd jump for joy and run to the top of Mount Everest screaming the good news to the top of my lung!!!
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If one more person says soon I'm going postal.


God. Ie Seth MacFArlane is proud

What a lovely festival analogy for the time of year.

lol well it's a good point don't ya think? Honestly if you happened to bump into Fernando on the street and he told you the reunion was happening how would you react?! Personally I'd jump for joy and run to the top of Mount Everest screaming the good news to the top of my lung!!!
Is Stevie Adler your hero?
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