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Are Axl's "no shows" exagerrated?

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Some people here are fucking insane.

Honestly if some of you people were viciously raped by Axl Rose you'd send him a Valentine Card in return.

Late starts from a pampered millionaire who has one job to do that day has so many "fuck you"s in it, they warrant listing.

  1. Tired and bored despite spending lots of $$ to be here? - fuck you
  2. Need to catch a bus or train? - fuck you
  3. Need to pay a baby sitter? - fuck you
  4. Need to get kids to school tomorrow? - fuck you
  5. Dangerous walk home at this late hour? - fuck you
  6. Work tomorrow? - fuck you
  7. Hit by missiles meant for the empty stage? - fuck you
  8. Working at the venue on minimum wage with no overtime? - fuck you
  9. Dangerous roadie work to do after a 20 hour day that's not your fault? - fuck you
  10. Truck to drive to the next venue now 5 hours late and you're exhausted? - fuck you
  11. Stage to be set up and now late so will have even less time to rest? - fuck you
  12. Tired, angry bored band? - fuck you guys!

That's just some of them...for fuck's sake people Justin Beiber is the latest star to start this shit. Justin fucking Beiber....that's the kind of ego you need to care so little for so many that you'll do this shit without reservation. Our man keeps some very shitty company in this regard.

So many of you have swallowed the spin from Axl & his hangers on about his nerves, wanting to do great shows etc...any old shit to stop admitting that the man thinks whatever his needs, no matter how minor or whimsical...supersede all of the harsh realities his actions will visit upon those who are his biggest supporters (band, roadcrew & fans).

I'll leave it at this..would Springsteen, U2, Metallica or the Foos pull such shit on their support network?


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The more on time he gets the more mickey we got.

It's all down to you being responsible for your own life. When I saw the Stones I forgot to book a return bus ticket so I had to sleep on the station with one eye open.

I think people just centre in on this one thing that could go wrong as a defense mechanism. Lots of other stuff could go wrong too.

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The more on time he gets the more mickey we got.

It's all down to you being responsible for your own life. When I saw the Stones I forgot to book a return bus ticket so I had to sleep on the station with one eye open.

I think people just centre in on this one thing that could go wrong as a defense mechanism. Lots of other stuff could go wrong too.

Yeah, it's really exaggerated. And how many no shows out of all the shows he was supposed to do? don't think it's too bad.

And even when he's not that late anymore, he can be late again, he can pick the wrong raincoat, fuck up lyrics and it won't be perfect. I mean... what if he's late as shit again? then what will we do? I'm a busy man. Got mouths to feed. Cats to come back to.

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Maybe 3. One in the early days. Then Vancouver and Philly.

I'm more interested in why than moralizing about it. People are late for stuff all the time.

Honestly, I think they're just bitter about other shit so they use whatever they can but it's pathetic. Not sure I can be seen in this thread anymore. I guess it's also considered disrespectful to waste people's time when they've paid for something and it says right here on the ticket 8 O'clock!

especially in the modern age when just the other day I see this man riding a bicycle in traffic, no hands, he's busy using the time to text, mostly focusing on his phone.

Or old people. People with kids. Bitter people. People expect efficiency in a rock concert and have become spoiled. Child-like behavior. I want it now so I can do more shit. Than fuckin' go to a Nickelback show.

And a lot of artists cater to that, but a lot don't. Like Axl. Don't think he's going to change anytime soon anyway.

This is why we need to switch to holograms, at least for some of the time. At least for some people. For the music fan that appreciates consistency.

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Victim culture really. Everyone is just jockeying for position to be hard done by. Beats actually doing anything yourself. You just wait for the fuck up and then use that to get what you want. Which is just to feel better than everyone else at all times. Axl was late, what will my boss think? I don't agree with lateness. Very disrespectful. I want respect.

People complaining about late shows probably just turn up for Nov Rain, take some pics snd videos then cut out to beat the traffic.

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Victim culture really. Everyone is just jockeying for position to be hard done by. Beats actually doing anything yourself. You just wait for the fuck and then use that to get what you want.

People complaining about late shows probably just turn up for Nov Rain, take some pics snd videos then cut out to beat the traffic.

Personally, I need a few hours to get properly stoned and drunk before a show and mingle. I actually enjoy the anticipation and you get to meet cool people sometimes or a homeless guy on your way home if it's a Guns show, and there are no trains which happened when I saw Axl.

I wasn't mad. Reenactment of exceptionally well picked Die Hard scenes with homeless guy on the street until the cab came and I was home at 3 am JUST on time to water my plants.

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Slash, Duff, and IIRC Matt and Izzy, have all expressed, numerous times, that they were extremely upset about the lateness during the Illusions tour and thought that it was unprofessional and wrong. This isn't just a case of fans whining about something; the people who had to work with Axl were not cool with it either. So did they have the victim mentality too, or were they perhaps justifiably pissed off about something that was unnecessary and just caused a lot of grief and inconvenience to a lot of people? All the points Intercourse mentioned are very valid.

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Victim culture really. Everyone is just jockeying for position to be hard done by. Beats actually doing anything yourself. You just wait for the fuck and then use that to get what you want.

People complaining about late shows probably just turn up for Nov Rain, take some pics snd videos then cut out to beat the traffic.

Personally, I need a few hours to get properly stoned and drunk before a show and mingle. I actually enjoy the anticipation and you get to meet cool people sometimes or a homeless guy on your way home if it's a Guns show, and there are no trains which happened when I saw Axl.

I wasn't mad. Reenactment of exceptionally well picked Die Hard scenes with homeless guy on the street until the cab came and I was home at 3 am JUST on time to water my plants.

Axl was on time in Taipei 09 and it was probably because it was non-negotatiable. The venue shut at 11pm.

But it started raining during Nov Rain and the drive home was still 3 hours. So I was soaked in this car freezing to death. I got home about 2am then woke up with the flu. theres just no garuantees in life.

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Axl was on time in Taipei 09 and it was probably because it was non-negotatiable. The venue shut at 11pm.

But it started raining during Nov Rain and the drive home was still 3 hours. So I was soaked in this car freezing to death. I got home about 2am then woke up with the flu. theres just no garuantees in life.

Yeah it makes it better in a way imo. You're living. And besides, I'm not objective cause Axl only came to my country twice in 23 years. It's not like I can go see Guns every time they tour, so I really did not give a fuck.

But I think that's how it should be anyway. I don't mind giving the entertainer more time to deliver. Axl delivered like a motherfucker that night. I'm checking out half naked chicks getting my drink on. Complaints, complaints, complaints.

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Slash, Duff, and IIRC Matt and Izzy, have all expressed, numerous times, that they were extremely upset about the lateness during the Illusions tour and thought that it was unprofessional and wrong. This isn't just a case of fans whining about something; the people who had to work with Axl were not cool with it either. So did they have the victim mentality too, or were they perhaps justifiably pissed off about something that was unnecessary and just caused a lot of grief and inconvenience to a lot of people? All the points Intercourse mentioned are very valid.

They were just playing the good guys while fucked up on coke and heroin playing songs about being bad asses. Then the media turns up and it's Axl's fault?

But I see you're point. They are right in theory.

But what about Duff's It's So Easy lyrics? It's a bit hypocritical to throw Axl under the bus for being late to a GNR show. Them being anout to OD every night probably didn't help the whole operation run smoothly.

They were basically saying we are the victims of Axl just like you. Don't make me laugh!

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They were just playing the good guys while fucked up on coke and heroin playing songs about being bad asses. Then the media turns up and it's Axl's fault?

But I see you're point. They are right in theory.

But what about Duff's It's So Easy lyrics? It's a bit hypocritical to throw Axl under the bus for being late to a GNR show. Them being anout to OD every night probably didn't help the whole operation run smoothly.

They were basically saying we are the victims of Axl just like you. Don't make me laugh!

It's ok to be a junkie . That's rock n' roll. But don't you fuckin' be late! that's just nasty and disrespectful. People listen to Appetite and go fuck yeah! and then expect the people responsible for this lived in music to be the shining example of virtue when it comes to shit like being late. It's again... pathetic.

Even when Axl himself explained, late start times are not a big issue anymore and he shows up everytime, the bitiching continues and it only reflects the scale of the problem: people are bitching like cunts if it's not exactly how they've ordered it, in time motherfucker.

Axl talked about that as well if I recall correctly.

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Yet what is the majority view on this, yours or mine? To Joe Public, ''Axl is a wanker who does not turn up on time''. Your exoneration of the guy does not resonate with the masses in the slightest.

There are more clips I can post than Ireland incidentally.

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Yet what is the majority view on this, yours or mine? To Joe Public, ''Axl is a wanker who does not turn up on time''. Your exoneration of the guy does not resonate with the masses in the slightest.

There are more clips I can post than Ireland incidentally.

No more clips.

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I mean everywhere i read there's those people bashing Axl for doesn't show up or cancel the show in last minute. Of course i know alot of shows did not start on time BUT "people" on different comment sections on various forums/facebook complain about this so much that it sounds like he is late EVERY show or cancel every now and then. But then again people seem tho get stuck in the 90's and don't realise people change over time..

And people seem to forget all the good things he brought to the music industry.. Hate all the negativity and cruel bashing that's all. :thumbsdown:

For me personally.. i really don't care wether Axl are on time or 10,20,40 minutes late when i get to see one of the greatest singers/rockers of all time. :headbang:

In Philly, they didn't cancel it till 11pm , 3-4 hours after the doors opened and about 2 hours after the 2nd opener left the stage. For the Metallica tour, they came on between 2-3 hours after Metallica finished their set.

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Greatly exhgretaed indeed - it's actually just a matter of statistics. On my personal account saw Gn'R once back in '92 then Axl's band on '06 & '10 and both "bands" showed up as scheduled albeit a bit late and played great shows.

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The truth hurts when it is so visceral, doesn't it? A crowd of drunken Irishman braying for Axl's head. Love the Irish. Say it how it is.

I'll give it to you straight: It hurts reading most of your posts, but for some masochistic tendency, I keep reading the shit you spew and most of it is ego driven drivel imo. It's not that you're stupid, you're just blind and uptight and you can't admit when you're wrong which is unfortunate cause you're almost always wrong.

Am I wrong about the masses believing ''Axl to be a wanker for turning up late''? No.

Am I wrong about an Axl lateness experience being exceptionally boring and devoid of any kind of 'rawk n' roll'? No - unless you believe buying overpriced skull t-shirts and pondering on 'how you are going to get home' is 'rawk n' roll'.

Just where am I wrong here?

It is such a shame rovim as your musical tastes are good when you are not speaking from Axl's inner rectum. I like your posts in My World but here you have ginger blindness, the worst kind in fact.

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Am I wrong about the masses believing ''Axl to be a wanker for turning up late''? No.

Am I wrong about an Axl lateness experience being exceptionally boring and devoid of any kind of 'rawk n' roll'? No - unless you believe buying overpriced skull t-shirts and pondering on 'how you are going to get home' is 'rawk n' roll'.

Just where am I wrong here?

It is such a shame rovim as your musical tastes are good when you are not speaking from Axl's inner rectum. I like your posts in My World but here you have ginger blindness, the worst kind in fact.

You caught me. I am, in fact, speaking from Axl's inner rectum. I was the whole time. We have Wi-Fi in here (Slash is chilling at the gooch right now, says hi) This place is huge. It's fair to say there's a lot going on. You should visit, we'll shoot some pool.

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