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Are Axl's "no shows" exagerrated?

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So I think he does have some kind of emotional issue. Something triggers him off and then things go bad.

I think the added pressure of the big shows effected Axl more as a singer. The fame and everything. Duff and Slash werent in great shape on the Illusion tours, but Axl is the singer and look at the shows he was attepting. I would question why try to do such huge shows but that's why they were such a stadium draw. Go big or go home but more pressure. Club days maybe younger, more focused, hungry. its a much shorter set and less pressure.

But also I think maybe the late fees weren't high enough. Didn't they carry on after St Louis or these other high riot shows. There's no authorities to say ok it's over you can't do this. Especially when they were pushing UYI albums. But at the same time if Axl turns up on time and sucks a dick vocally that could be worse.

But it seems like Axl was messed up on that Illusion tour. Going from therapy to the stage. He probably shouln't have been on that tour. But it was do or die. There was a lot of money invested in videos etc.

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So I think he does have some kind of emotional issue. Something triggers him off and then things go bad.

I think the added pressure of the big shows effected Axl more as a singer. The fame and everything. Duff and Slash werent in great shape on the Illusion tours, but Axl is the singer and look at the shows he was attepting. I would question why try to do such huge shows but that's why they were such a stadium draw. Go big or go home but more pressure. Club days maybe younger, more focused, hungry. its a much shorter set and less pressure.

But also I think maybe the late fees weren't high enough. Didn't they carry on after St Louis or these other high riot shows. There's no authorities to say ok it's over you can't do this. Especially when they were pushing UYI albums. But at the same time if Axl turns up on time and sucks a dick vocally that could be worse.

But it seems like Axl was messed up on that Illusion tour. Going from therapy to the stage. He probably shouln't have been on that tour. But it was do or die. There was a lot of money invested in videos etc.

The tour's success probably contributed to the continued lateness, in a bizarre sort of way. Axl could get away with it. Back in the club days if someone had fined then $1000/minute (which is an overtime rate some places) it would have destroyed them. They wouldn't have been able to buy the gear they needed, pay for rehearsal space, etc. etc. etc. Nobody had that kind of money. They also needed to keep booking those gigs and building a fan base. Especially during the early club days, as good as they were, there were a hundred other bands the club owners could book instead, if one particular band gave them any trouble.

During the Illusions tour? Sold out stadiums every night? It added up, but it was less of a financial hit. I can't remember where I read this, but IIRC at one point Axl was paying the late fees out of his own pocket/share of the profit so it didn't hit the rest of the band, but I don't know if that was during the Illusions era or more recently. And hey, during Illusions they were the biggest band in the world. There was way more leeway there for them to do whatever the fuck they want, and there were probably fewer people around who had the influence, ability or volition to tell them NO.

The Illusions tour was three years...quite honestly the walls might have closed in on anyone by the end of that. And I think that anyone who follows the band has accepted, or at least knows, that Axl has some personal things in the mix..

I am glad he seems to have changed that now, however, and has worked on getting onstage on time. I do think that it's going to be a sticking point in any reunion talk and that neither Slash nor Duff would be OK with a return to those Illusions-era practices.

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So I think he does have some kind of emotional issue. Something triggers him off and then things go bad.

I think the added pressure of the big shows effected Axl more as a singer. The fame and everything. Duff and Slash werent in great shape on the Illusion tours, but Axl is the singer and look at the shows he was attepting. I would question why try to do such huge shows but that's why they were such a stadium draw. Go big or go home but more pressure. Club days maybe younger, more focused, hungry. its a much shorter set and less pressure.

But also I think maybe the late fees weren't high enough. Didn't they carry on after St Louis or these other high riot shows. There's no authorities to say ok it's over you can't do this. Especially when they were pushing UYI albums. But at the same time if Axl turns up on time and sucks a dick vocally that could be worse.

But it seems like Axl was messed up on that Illusion tour. Going from therapy to the stage. He probably shouln't have been on that tour. But it was do or die. There was a lot of money invested in videos etc.

Axl talked about how he didn't want to do the Illusions tour. Thank fuck he did? yes! but he said it was cause he did it for Slash, cause of pressure that came from Slash. Do I blame Slash for that? fuck no! but perhaps Axl recognized his limitations, cause it happened before he made it big. He had a problem, and it escalated because of stardom and the power that comes with it. Too much for Axl to handle I'm afraid, but... was it too much? maybe as a human being, but the tour was a success, all things considered. All things.

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He still seemed pretty late in South America but there have been less complete fuck up since Reading. Less intensive touring seems the answer. He wasn't late in Vegas?

To be honest, I think it's fine. I think there's always a chance he'll go apeshit, but much more stable now. For Axl anyway, and compared to the shenanigans he pulled in the past.

I also think Duff recognized this and maybe even Slash. All the conditions are right. Waves already set in motion. Axl needs to go for it. Release CD ll from prison, and find a way to get shit done with Slash and Duff. Can accomplish a lot in 7 years with that kind of fire power.

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So I think he does have some kind of emotional issue. Something triggers him off and then things go bad.

I think the added pressure of the big shows effected Axl more as a singer. The fame and everything. Duff and Slash werent in great shape on the Illusion tours, but Axl is the singer and look at the shows he was attepting. I would question why try to do such huge shows but that's why they were such a stadium draw. Go big or go home but more pressure. Club days maybe younger, more focused, hungry. its a much shorter set and less pressure.

But also I think maybe the late fees weren't high enough. Didn't they carry on after St Louis or these other high riot shows. There's no authorities to say ok it's over you can't do this. Especially when they were pushing UYI albums. But at the same time if Axl turns up on time and sucks a dick vocally that could be worse.

But it seems like Axl was messed up on that Illusion tour. Going from therapy to the stage. He probably shouln't have been on that tour. But it was do or die. There was a lot of money invested in videos etc.

Axl talked about how he didn't want to do the Illusions tour. Thank fuck he did? yes! but he said it was cause he did it for Slash, cause of pressure that came from Slash. Do I blame Slash for that? fuck no! but perhaps Axl recognized his limitations, cause it happened before he made it big. He had a problem, and it escalated because of stardom and the power that comes with it. Too much for Axl to handle I'm afraid, but... was it too much? maybe as a human being, but the tour was a success, all things considered. All things.

It definitely made for great rock n roll shows. All the shows were on a knife edge. It's one of the most notorious tours of all time. There was a lot going on.

He still seemed pretty late in South America but there have been less complete fuck up since Reading. Less intensive touring seems the answer. He wasn't late in Vegas?

To be honest, I think it's fine. I think there's always a chance he'll go apeshit, but much more stable now. For Axl anyway, and compared to the shenanigans he pulled in the past.

I also think Duff recognized this and maybe even Slash. All the conditions are right. Waves already set in motion. Axl needs to go for it. Release CD ll from prison, and find a way to get shit done with Slash and Duff. Can accomplish a lot in 7 years with that kind of fire power.

Slash being onboard for CD II would probably loosen the labels purse strings for video money.
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So I think he does have some kind of emotional issue. Something triggers him off and then things go bad.

I think the added pressure of the big shows effected Axl more as a singer. The fame and everything. Duff and Slash werent in great shape on the Illusion tours, but Axl is the singer and look at the shows he was attepting. I would question why try to do such huge shows but that's why they were such a stadium draw. Go big or go home but more pressure. Club days maybe younger, more focused, hungry. its a much shorter set and less pressure.

But also I think maybe the late fees weren't high enough. Didn't they carry on after St Louis or these other high riot shows. There's no authorities to say ok it's over you can't do this. Especially when they were pushing UYI albums. But at the same time if Axl turns up on time and sucks a dick vocally that could be worse.

But it seems like Axl was messed up on that Illusion tour. Going from therapy to the stage. He probably shouln't have been on that tour. But it was do or die. There was a lot of money invested in videos etc.

Axl talked about how he didn't want to do the Illusions tour. Thank fuck he did? yes! but he said it was cause he did it for Slash, cause of pressure that came from Slash. Do I blame Slash for that? fuck no! but perhaps Axl recognized his limitations, cause it happened before he made it big. He had a problem, and it escalated because of stardom and the power that comes with it. Too much for Axl to handle I'm afraid, but... was it too much? maybe as a human being, but the tour was a success, all things considered. All things.

In the past, I have already pulled a quote from a Rollingstone interview back in the day that proves this was BS. Axl was happy to be on tour and stated he was very close to Slash. This whinge was pure revisionism...i.e. a lie.

I know its a waste of time trying to break through that fanboy shell of yours but have you ever considered the idea its precisely people like you, who forgive all, that have led Axl to the fruitless place he is today? If there were more people in his life that called him out and got him to man up and deliver when needed, he just might have made GNR 2.0 a success or better still, kept GNR 1.0 together for longer.

That's what kills me about you guys, you're his biggest fans but you're not actually good for the guy.

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In the past, I have already pulled a quote from a Rollingstone interview back in the day that proves this was BS. Axl was happy to be on tour and stated he was very close to Slash. This whinge was pure revisionism...i.e. a lie.

I know its a waste of time trying to break through that fanboy shell of yours but have you ever considered the idea its precisely people like you, who forgive all, that have led Axl to the fruitless place he is today? If there were more people in his life that called him out and got him to man up and deliver when needed, he just might have made GNR 2.0 a success or better still, kept GNR 1.0 together for longer.

That's what kills me about you guys, you're his biggest fans but you're not actually good for the guy.

I'm bad news for people like Axl. I'm sure he cares so much about what I think. Please.

And I believe him. I have no reason to believe he lied about this. And there is no shell. Only my opinion man. I'm sorry that it's different than yours. No need to make it personal, just discuss the topic at hand and have some class.

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I think it's more they lie at the time to keep things going. then later you get the real story.

I could buy Axl was fucked on that tour. Look what happened.

It's a lot more believable than Axl was fine, everything was great but Axl kept no showing and causing riots for no reason.

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In a way, if you've already agreed to it and you need to present the band and it's music again to the world, as a frontman you can't really say you don't want to do it and then go on tour.

So that was what I was thinking as well: he lied then, after Slash convinced him to do it. Axl didn't want to do the 2001/2002 tour as well according to him. And 2006/2007 was just for the money Merck said? so they could finance the completion of Chinese.

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Slash loves the road but Axl doesn't that much. Like after the Illusion tour Slash basically wanted do a quick record and keep touring. Both him and Duff went out with solo records. That was the life they knew and the lifestyle. But Axl wasn't into drugs that bad. I think he even begged Duff not to go out on tour again. Thinking he would die.

But yeah Axl had to do that tour kind of. But in interviews before Illusion he was saying how he didn't care he had proved he could work a stadium and he had a certain amount of money that he was good. Might have been Kurt Loder interview.

I get the impression Axl got money and realised he didn't want to die for rock n roll and started trying to fix himself. You know improve himself. Doing therapy and trying to work out why he was beating women.

So I think he was in a different place to the band who just liked to party. Maybe he was more like Izzy but wanted to stay in the game. More about his dreams.

And that's sort of what CD is. Axl's mind state in the mid to late 90s. Trying to be righteous but nobody was in that frame of mind it was still party 24/7.

Like Axl said he did that interview where he talked about his abuse and every one told him to go fuck himself. it's just stuff nobody wanted to know. That's not what GNR was about to most people. Same with Nov Rain and Estranged.

Axl also said he did certain songs on UYI just to keep people happy. But he only did the videos of songs he liked.

So I don't think they were on the same page for UYI and that transfered to the tour. Axl slightly isolated from the party and Slash tiring of doing a set of ballads. Axl going theough all this heavy emotional stuff on one of the biggest tours ever.

Not really a surprise things went south a couple of times.

Edited by wasted
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I'm sure there's a few factual errors but it's more just my impression of the situation.

I think Axl tours to get his artistic vision out there or keep the thing alive. Not sure if he enjoys it. Slash makes a record so he can play live. He seems to love it.

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I'm sure there's a few factual errors but it's more just my impression of the situation.

I think Axl tours to get his artistic vision out there or keep the thing alive. Not sure if he enjoys it. Slash makes a record so he can play live. He seems to love it.

I think Axl enjoys it when he's in the mood to do it. In the studio I imagine it's the same deal. When he's in the mood. But yeah, Slash's home is the stage, Axl's the studio. It's very easy to see.

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I think it's a big undertaking for Axl, but when he's already there and it's going well, I think he's enjoying it. I definitely believe the studio is the main thing for him, and he alluded to that in an interview.

Slash is the opposite really. The road warrior. albums are just excuses to get up there again and play his guitar. His first band name included the word "road".

As a side note, the position both Axl and Slash are in right now, in their careers is interesting. I think with Duff and Fortus in the band as well, it could yield some fruits.

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They should reform Road Crew. Duff singing, Slash on guitar and Steven on drugs. Do a quick ep then hit up the Viper Rooms.

The only type of GNR reunion I'm interested in is a complete recreation of this:

Same exact setlist +Catcher TWAT By The Sword and Fall To Pieces

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Slash loves the road but Axl doesn't that much. Like after the Illusion tour Slash basically wanted do a quick record and keep touring. Both him and Duff went out with solo records. That was the life they knew and the lifestyle. But Axl wasn't into drugs that bad. I think he even begged Duff not to go out on tour again. Thinking he would die.

But yeah Axl had to do that tour kind of. But in interviews before Illusion he was saying how he didn't care he had proved he could work a stadium and he had a certain amount of money that he was good. Might have been Kurt Loder interview.

I get the impression Axl got money and realised he didn't want to die for rock n roll and started trying to fix himself. You know improve himself. Doing therapy and trying to work out why he was beating women.

So I think he was in a different place to the band who just liked to party. Maybe he was more like Izzy but wanted to stay in the game. More about his dreams.

And that's sort of what CD is. Axl's mind state in the mid to late 90s. Trying to be righteous but nobody was in that frame of mind it was still party 24/7.

Like Axl said he did that interview where he talked about his abuse and every one told him to go fuck himself. it's just stuff nobody wanted to know. That's not what GNR was about to most people. Same with Nov Rain and Estranged.

Axl also said he did certain songs on UYI just to keep people happy. But he only did the videos of songs he liked.

So I don't think they were on the same page for UYI and that transfered to the tour. Axl slightly isolated from the party and Slash tiring of doing a set of ballads. Axl going theough all this heavy emotional stuff on one of the biggest tours ever.

Not really a surprise things went south a couple of times.

That's pretty much completely how I see it. Axl brought the scripture and the band brought the party. Its a hickory dichotomy.

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Lol. You can't make this stuff up.

Now People on here are able to determine that Axl was actually lying about things in the past because he felt pressured by Slash.

Does that mean we need to brand Axl as being a liar, like some people often do towards Slash?

The Axl defense on here is so ridiculous at tons that I don't know how some do it with a straight face.

Awhile back people we're taking a statement from Axl and saying DONT take the actual words from his mouth at face value. Let US tell you what he really "meant" with his statement.

Now we shouldn't take things Axl has said in the past as his version of the truth. Because he was just telling little white lies to make people happy.

There is no humanly way possible that you people actually believe all this. Is there?

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I went to a show in 2013 where Axl apologized for being late...he said he had been there since 3 that afternoon but they were having technical issues after the opening band finished their set.

The crazy thing was he was only 20 min late.

I'd settle for 20 minutes late. Hell I would settle for even an hour. What the hell go get a couple of brews take a piss, have some conversation with your fellow friends.. And nothing wrong with a little anticipation!

2-3 hours late.. Man I love axl to death and always will but, I've refused to travel/buy tickets to some semi-recent shows because of that risk. At this point if it meant seeing the old band in person, well.. But for a lineup including dj ashba, frank ferrer, and bumblefoot? No thanks. Even I can't stomach that and like it or not, axl deserves every crack and criticism he gets for that. Although he was happy enough to joke about it on kimmel so.. Yeah 2-3 hours late, no excuse when it's consistent.

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Axl IS a liar. Thats not really a bad thing, but its also not debatable.

The man can't get to a stage on time. He's never once given a logical reason. Pick any random time. "I was in the shower getting ready and all of a sudden I was 3 hours late, so I'm booking it to get here to you guys." Thats a lie! And thats fine. But you know, you can't then say Axl isn't a liar. Thats a deliberate lie that only morons would believe is true.

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