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For those questioning Adler's UYI chops

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He is a professional drummer, with practice he CAN play UYI material and probably most of CD for that matter. AFD drums are harder than much of UYI... Don't Cry was written with Adler in the band. Easy drums. Same with NR and Estranged.

He wrote 99% of UYI material.

no one's questioning whether or not he could play sorum's complex drum fills

they're questioning whether or not he could do a reunion tour without dying/compromising the tour

Pretty much, yes.

Edited by 31illusions
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I agree with that fellas! But I have also read "Adler can only knows AFD" "Can't play UYI or CD material".

Obviously he could learn the songs and play them adequately.

The issue is, some of those songs wouldn't really benefit from his trademark sleazy, swingy 80s sound. Could he switch it up? Maybe.

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He is a professional drummer, with practice he CAN play UYI material and probably most of CD for that matter. AFD drums are harder than much of UYI... Don't Cry was written with Adler in the band. Easy drums. Same with NR and Estranged.

He wrote 99% of UYI material.

no one's questioning whether or not he could play sorum's complex drum fills

they're questioning whether or not he could do a reunion tour without dying/compromising the tour

Pretty much, yes.

He did not write 99% of UYI material.

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Hey I thought this bad was dangerous?? Axl and Slash is a huge get, but the Egyptians started with the foundation when they build the pyramids. Alder in - full time - for as long as he can go! If he screws up, Sorum fills in. Easy easy fix. Been done before. This is how it should be. Not one fan should disagree or argue about it. Both drummers would sign up for it in a heartbeat. If Steven exceeds expectations and is pulling it of, bring in Matt to play some songs each night on a regular basis. After all, it's his drums we hear on 30 recorded songs.

If the greatest rock band since the 70s, with the greatest singer since the 70s, and the greatest guitar player since the 70s can't pull this off, then they should be embarrassed to tour using the name Guns N' Fucking Roses!!

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If they do LA show(s) then invite him up, or let him do a number of songs or a full AFD set.

IMO he isn't needed in a reunion, and would be more of a risk than anything else both with his state of mind/being as well as his potential impact on Slash/Axl - imagine the amount of crap Steven will sprout to anyone and everyone who will listen and take an interview.......he'd pretty much embarrass himself and the band over time even if he stays clean and plays relatively well. The guy is like an excitable young kid who has drunk too much soda and eaten way too much candy, never seems to think before he speaks or anything :P

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He's definitely in the loop. There's no way he'd be silent otherwise. Even if it's just guest spots. Sadly, though, in the here and now I think he's the weakest choice of the three for a tour of this nature. Those drum cam videos he put up were merely adequate for gigs at that level. And that was just AFD tracks. I can't see him playing UYI parts on a stadium tour. The rest of the band couldn't see that first time around.

Maybe they should do what Smashing Pumpkins did in the last 90s and use three drummers at once!

Frank is now the GNR drummer I enjoy most and I'd like to hear him on Double Talkin' Jive and Locomotive too.

So whoever loses, we win.

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Yep, the question is not whether he can play. It is everything else. I am going to wager a guess that the trio are steering clear of includng him for the same reason they have all avoided hiring him for the past 20 years for their various projects.

Edited by stella
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He is a professional drummer, with practice he CAN play UYI material and probably most of CD for that matter. AFD drums are harder than much of UYI... Don't Cry was written with Adler in the band. Easy drums. Same with NR and Estranged.

interesting stuff. these 4 songs sound so much rougher and more appetite like....dust n bones f.ex. is so boring on uyi...and here it sounds so bluesy and dirty...with a more aggressive voice of axl it could have been a cool song.

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If the are going to do it, Steven should be involved in some way. I say just make it his job to lose.. If he fucks it up, they have plenty of people that could jump right in and take the seat. I bet he would do just fine though.

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If the are going to do it, Steven should be involved in some way. I say just make it his job to lose.. If he fucks it up, they have plenty of people that could jump right in and take the seat. I bet he would do just fine though.

im pretty much of the same ruthless thinking provided how fucking good he was

just listening to that clip as i have never heard of this all time most telling GNR gem personifying duff's claim to him and steven's jam sense and influences to the 70's disco funk sound via cameo and prince

man use your illusion would've been 100 times better had steven made it

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There is too much at stake on this tour for a liability like Steven. Don't blame the band, he is the one who put himself in the position where his ex - colleagues don't want to work with him again (and have not for all these years).

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