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Am I the only one who fucking loves GNR's cover of Since I Don't Have You?

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I loved sympathy for the devil. I'm really not sure why it has gotten the hate it has, aside from the tension it brought the band. Axl sounded great, slash sounded great, Matt was drumming like he was actually interested, it's one of my favorite covers they have done.

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I always see this getting ratted on, but I've always considered it somewhat of a jewel in their back catalogue, in the fact that it's so different from their usual style and yet they really knock it out of the park on all fronts. From Slash's opening guitar licks which just sing (back in the days when his lead work was instantly recognisable) to Axl's impassioned vocal delivery.

I fucking love this cover and all you naysayers can suck it if you think otherwise. ;)

Well, that was my first GNR song/clip i've ever heard when i was 4 years old :lol:

I like the drum sounds at the end, reminds me of Twin Peaks

Nowadays, i don't listen to it, cause it's too cheesy but it's not terrible.

Edited by Strange Broue
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It's been my favorite song on TSI since I purchased it on the release date just over 22 years ago now. Time flies,kids.

you are obviously more than 100 years old because you are obsessed with the term: "kids"

You are obsessed with my posts, Broham. Do you have anything of value to add to the discussion?

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