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Gilby and Matt most likely to return. I can see Izzy doing a guest spot. Steven would die of a heart attack.

I don't get why Gilby should be back. He's a footnote in GNR's story and he's not a brilliant guitar player.

Gilby was the first DJ Ashba, who cares.

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Interesting they said "regroup" rather than "reunite" in the press release.

I agree with it and hope not too many label it a reunion. A reunion is the 7 or 8 guys involved from '87-93. Any form of that. Since they're still including more recent GNR members such as fortus frank and pitman, to me that's a hybrid lineup and it could be cool because now ALL guns material is fair game. Appetite, lies, illusions, spaghetti, even Chinese.. Maybe Chinese leftovers even?! Who knows but I'd be willing to bet that this was the only way they could get axl to really consider doing this beyond mending fences with slash.. Makes sense
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Gilby and Matt most likely to return. I can see Izzy doing a guest spot. Steven would die of a heart attack.

I don't get why Gilby should be back. He's a footnote in GNR's story and he's not a brilliant guitar player.

You don't need another brilliant guitarist, you have Slash... Just need someone to play rhythm.. Preferably not a poser..
Richard is your guy then. Super great, reliable player and doesn't overdo it and isn't a poser... plus he knows the material. Edited by Ak1nney
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Gilby and Matt most likely to return. I can see Izzy doing a guest spot. Steven would die of a heart attack.

I don't get why Gilby should be back. He's a footnote in GNR's story and he's not a brilliant guitar player.

You don't need another brilliant guitarist, you have Slash... Just need someone to play rhythm.. Preferably not a poser..

Gilby and Fortus are both replacements. Fortus is a better guitar player too.

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For 20 years, people were screaming for Slash and Duff to return.

Slash and Duff return, people find something else to complain about.


That's sort of a broad statement, isn't it?

I would estimate as many people hoped for a full reunion as people that just hoped for Duff and Slash.

And most people have been positive about what is happening. Some are just annoyed that people like Frank and Kushner are being banded around instead of Adler and Izzy.

Surely you can see how some people would be disappointed that the long awaited and wished for "reunion" isn't really a reunion, but instead just another hybrid version of GnR?

And surely you can admit that GnR / TB is doing themselves no favors by refusing to let the fans know what the deal is.

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Just a thought but maybe.. Just maybe.. They'll have Steven play the appetite songs with civil war and anything else they play being illusions or even Chinese, they would have frank play. Frank played just a little bit on Chinese but enough that he's played all those songs and covered everything GNR in general. It would work out and Adler would still be involved. Just a thought..

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For 20 years, people were screaming for Slash and Duff to return.

Slash and Duff return, people find something else to complain about.


That's sort of a broad statement, isn't it?

I would estimate as many people hoped for a full reunion as people that just hoped for Duff and Slash.

And most people have been positive about what is happening. Some are just annoyed that people like Frank and Kushner are being banded around instead of Adler and Izzy.

Surely you can see how some people would be disappointed that the long awaited and wished for "reunion" isn't really a reunion, but instead just another hybrid version of GnR?

And surely you can admit that GnR / TB is doing themselves no favors by refusing to let the fans know what the deal is.

Izzy is my favorite member after Axl, so while I'd love to see him involved, if he doesn't want to do it, I'm ok with Fortus getting the nod. Drummer? Eh...sure, a Steven/Matt combo would be nice, but if they go with Frank, it is what it is.

For me (and most RATIONAL people), Axl / Duff / Slash is a reunion. End of story.

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What the fuck is everyone's problem and all this shit about promotion and whatnot?

First off, nothing else has been announced in terms of dates and everything. Coachella is going to sell out regardless and it's going to get a lot more coverage whenever the shows come around.

If/when am actual tour is announced, I'm fairly certain there will be plenty of promotion for the band and tour, and by then we'll likely know who is touring for sure (even though Slash and Duff should be enough for people to not complain, but oh well).

Nothing has been handled poorly. Coachella announced their stuff last night and GnR, Slash and Duff all posted the corresponding pictures to go along with it and it's been made more than obvious who the main members in the band are - the ones people have been clamoring to have back for years.

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This whole thing will hinge on good promotion and Axls performance, nothing more, nothing less, simple as.

I agree! Because Slash and Duff have proven that they still kick ass all day and all night with VR and their solo stuff. Axl needs to bring it to that level also. If so, it will be awesome!

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For 20 years, people were screaming for Slash and Duff to return.

Slash and Duff return, people find something else to complain about.


That's sort of a broad statement, isn't it?

I would estimate as many people hoped for a full reunion as people that just hoped for Duff and Slash.

And most people have been positive about what is happening. Some are just annoyed that people like Frank and Kushner are being banded around instead of Adler and Izzy.

Surely you can see how some people would be disappointed that the long awaited and wished for "reunion" isn't really a reunion, but instead just another hybrid version of GnR?

And surely you can admit that GnR / TB is doing themselves no favors by refusing to let the fans know what the deal is.

If Izzy isn't there, it is due to his own choice. Not a chance in hell they didn't offer it to him. He has repeatedly collaborated with Slash, Duff, and Axl over the last 15 years. Was in the studio with Duff in 2015. Izzy might have said "no" as a way to stick up for Adler. That would be an admirable thing on Izzy's part if so, but then again he is the guy that demanded huge appearance fees from Axl's management in 2006. Adler fucked up his own life and has absolutely no one to blame but himself.

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What the fuck is everyone's problem and all this shit about promotion and whatnot?

First off, nothing else has been announced in terms of dates and everything. Coachella is going to sell out regardless and it's going to get a lot more coverage whenever the shows come around.

If/when am actual tour is announced, I'm fairly certain there will be plenty of promotion for the band and tour, and by then we'll likely know who is touring for sure (even though Slash and Duff should be enough for people to not complain, but oh well).

Nothing has been handled poorly. Coachella announced their stuff last night and GnR, Slash and Duff all posted the corresponding pictures to go along with it and it's been made more than obvious who the main members in the band are - the ones people have been clamoring to have back for years.

Some shit don't change. As usual, all the regular people will settle for whatever Axl's selling you.

OK, we'll behave, but our complaints are warranted. We will not be silenced! Its very possible you're just as blind one way as we are the other.

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What the fuck is everyone's problem and all this shit about promotion and whatnot?

First off, nothing else has been announced in terms of dates and everything. Coachella is going to sell out regardless and it's going to get a lot more coverage whenever the shows come around.

If/when am actual tour is announced, I'm fairly certain there will be plenty of promotion for the band and tour, and by then we'll likely know who is touring for sure (even though Slash and Duff should be enough for people to not complain, but oh well).

Nothing has been handled poorly. Coachella announced their stuff last night and GnR, Slash and Duff all posted the corresponding pictures to go along with it and it's been made more than obvious who the main members in the band are - the ones people have been clamoring to have back for years.

From my perspective the Kimmel thing was a misstep. Also I had hoped for more of a return to the old GNR but it's starting to look like Slash and Duff are just joining NuGnr.

Other than that I'm super happy about the recent events!

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Yeah, I really can't understand why people are complaining right now. Let them at least actually fuck something up before you start. Everything is smooth so far (Kimmel appearance is absolutely irrelevant).

Frank and Pittman... They already fucked up..

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For 20 years, people were screaming for Slash and Duff to return.

Slash and Duff return, people find something else to complain about.


That's sort of a broad statement, isn't it?

I would estimate as many people hoped for a full reunion as people that just hoped for Duff and Slash.

And most people have been positive about what is happening. Some are just annoyed that people like Frank and Kushner are being banded around instead of Adler and Izzy.

Surely you can see how some people would be disappointed that the long awaited and wished for "reunion" isn't really a reunion, but instead just another hybrid version of GnR?

And surely you can admit that GnR / TB is doing themselves no favors by refusing to let the fans know what the deal is.

If Izzy isn't there, it is due to his own choice. Not a chance in hell they didn't offer it to him. He has repeatedly collaborated with Slash, Duff, and Axl over the last 15 years. Was in the studio with Duff in 2015. Izzy might have said "no" as a way to stick up for Adler. That would be an admirable thing on Izzy's part if so, but then again he is the guy that demanded huge appearance fees from Axl's management in 2006. Adler fucked up his own life and has absolutely no one to blame but himself.

Yep. Spot on.

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Yeah, I really can't understand why people are complaining right now. Let them at least actually fuck something up before you start. Everything is smooth so far (Kimmel appearance is absolutely irrelevant).

I wouldn't go that far. Axl has a very negative reputation for not showing up, leaving early, etc. and the Kimmel thing is going to make people very skeptical that this Coachella show will even happen. People don't trust him and the Kimmel thing makes it easy to be very skeptical.

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I think there's more to the Kimmel thing than Axl saying "No, fuck it, I don't wanna do it." I still think he (and maybe others) will be on TV at some point. But regardless, it's irrelevant right now with Coachella being the only announced shows. That'll sell out regardless and there will be huge coverage on it when the show comes.

If/when an actual tour is announced and they don't do any kind of promos, OK, then you have some right to complain this much, but right now? I just don't get it.

The Kimmel thing is hardly a huge deal. It's not like we all sat and waited and Axl didn't come walking out and Kimmel had a blank look on his face :lol: It's really not a huge deal.

And the Coachella shows are gonna happen :lol: Besides, I think Axl is actually excited for it all based off of his tweet about it. If he didn't think it was a big deal or didn't care much, I don't think he wouldn't have tweeted anything about it, just like festivals in the past.

Some of you just blow little things way out of proportion. We have the big three confirmed to play together again in 4 months, after 23 years, and people are still complaining. It's baffling really.

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What the fuck is everyone's problem and all this shit about promotion and whatnot?

First off, nothing else has been announced in terms of dates and everything. Coachella is going to sell out regardless and it's going to get a lot more coverage whenever the shows come around.

If/when am actual tour is announced, I'm fairly certain there will be plenty of promotion for the band and tour, and by then we'll likely know who is touring for sure (even though Slash and Duff should be enough for people to not complain, but oh well).

Nothing has been handled poorly. Coachella announced their stuff last night and GnR, Slash and Duff all posted the corresponding pictures to go along with it and it's been made more than obvious who the main members in the band are - the ones people have been clamoring to have back for years.

But it seems the only people not clamouring are Axl, Slash & Duff. One grudging tweet from the first, and not a word from the others. Imagine - just imagine - if Axl were to say something like "I'm thrilled to have slash back in gnr, he was integral to the band's sound". Or if slash said "Amazing to be back in guns with one of the best frontmen of all time".

Reposting the cochella line-up like it's no big deal is about as understated as it gets.

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The Kimmel thing was almost unnecessarily ridiculous. They didn't even need to do that, they went out of their way to basically tell us all to watch the show, then they cancelled. The stupidest thing ever. They made an unnecessary appearance and then canceled it. Only in GNR.

Also, everyone stop it with the "there's no need to complain". 5 years ago you couldn't even mention Slash here. How fickle everyone is. All of a sudden all those people that couldn't speak Voldemort's name are just fine with his return and telling others they should be lucky?! Bullshit. Stop it. The upset people are the ones that couldn't speak their minds here for 10 years. Well we're speaking up now, so get ready cause if they don't make this better we're only just getting started!

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I think there's more to the Kimmel thing than Axl saying "No, fuck it, I don't wanna do it." I still think he (and maybe others) will be on TV at some point. But regardless, it's irrelevant right now with Coachella being the only announced shows. That'll sell out regardless and there will be huge coverage on it when the show comes.

If/when an actual tour is announced and they don't do any kind of promos, OK, then you have some right to complain this much, but right now? I just don't get it.

I think you're falling into the HTGTH trap of confusing Spirited Discussion with Complaining. We all care a lot mate.

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Yea, at this stage, it's all so super understated like "So what!" That has to change, this should be major!

If you're gonna do it, GO BIG or go home!

It hasn't reached the casuals yet, it was news to a few of my friends! So there has to be something a bit

more than this to tide us over the next 100 days

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There is still time, there is already some people using terms such as "monumental screw up". The announcement has been teased well, everything happened normally. Now more info should gradually follow and press appearances should ensue. If that doesn`t happen in the next few weeks, then an onset of aprehension will be reasonable. It isn`t right now.

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