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why do you think Matt is so OUT?

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Ferrer will do the job just fine. Stop worrying about him and start worrying about Axl's vocal shape instead, because that's the real deal-breaker here...

We have threads to discuss both issues. Please don't derail this thread into a discussion about Axl's voice.

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It would be amazing and authentic to see Popcorn Adler on the drums. popcorn4life

Popcorn should never be judged on anything other than his drumming. He comes across as childlike, but once he gets behind the drums 'God' is unleashed. So much soul, its like otis redding's voice, but the drum version.

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My 2c on the drummer debate. A mildly qualified opinion as I'm a drum teacher.

Of course "better drummer" is always subjective. But in rock drumming (at the risk of being overly reductive) I think there are basically three types of drummers:

1. blues/jazz influenced drummers - lots of swing/groove - think Bonham, ginger baker, Mitch Mitchell or black guys like Dennis Chambers

2. The Metal school (almost classical influenced) drummers like Lars Ulrich, Mike Portnoy, Sean Kinney. These guys have zero jazz-swing to their playing, very precise and perfect drumming - the parts are almost melodic.

3. White-boy Blues Rock - these are the guys that sit somewhere in between. A bit of swing but not enough to be actual jazz - think Roger Taylor, Phil Rudd, Peter Criss

Frank is cat 1, Sorum cat 2, Adler cat 3.

I'd say GNR needs Cat 3 for AFD songs, which Adler does best and Frank can do (but tends to have too much groove ie brownstone intro)

and needs cat 2 for use you illusion songs like November Rain -

although personally I think some of those more bluesy use your illusion tracks would be better with a cat 1 or 3 drummer (14 years, dust n bones)

Technically, I think Frank and Matt are on par with Frank having the edge although they are completely different styles

Steven is easily the shittest - but best suited to the majority of the bands songs (well he was - now adays he drags a little and the original energy in his playing is gone)

Bonham is a cruncher, not a Jazz player. Jazz drummers always hold their sticks differently (traditional grip) and Bonham is not one of them, holding his sticks like mallets, the matched grip style

Edited by DieselDaisy
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Let's not forget Matt & Adler were both part of the Rock hall of fame tv live performance.

Tht shows tow things, one that Matt & Adler could share stage together, and it shows that Adler did good playing with everyone but Axl on tv for that huge moment.

I had forgotten about Adler playing drums there, and just now went and re-watched it. Duff seemed to really enjoy playing with Adler that night.

I think it's still possible that Matt and Adler both may play drums.

That TMZ thing doesn't mean much, Matt was prolly tired and grump after his flight and maybe still sad about Lemmy.

I watched the whole Lemmy service today online and thought it was cool seeing Matt, Duff and Slash all there. I'm sure they must have discussed things. Seeing them all 3 there made me think even more that Matt may get to play. Of Course I want to see Adler play more than I wanna see Matt, I hope they both get to play. But if Adler can't do it, then I'd rather see Matt do it than anyone else.

And yes, Axl's vocals are the main concern overall. But I think Axl can do it or I don't think he'd set himself up for failure otherwise. Axl has prolly been holding back the last several years on doctors advice to take it easy on what's left on his vocal cords. But I bet Axl sings all out balls to the wall on reunion, because after this tour and a cd does it really matter if his vocals are shot forever? I think he wants to go out with a bang. It's better to have a awesome tour and CD, vs just mediocre tours etc the rest of his life. So maybe he's planning on doing that and going against dr orders and sing all balls to the walls despite the risk it may cause his cords.

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But I bet Axl sings all out balls to the wall on reunion, because after this tour and a cd does it really matter if his vocals are shot forever? I think he wants to go out with a bang. It's better to have a awesome tour and CD, vs just mediocre tours etc the rest of his life. So maybe he's planning on doing that and going against dr orders and sing all balls to the walls despite the risk it may cause his cords.

I don't know how old you are but has it crossed your mind that people at 54 might not yet feel so old as to only prepare for buying a casket and await the moment to get put in there? That, however shocking, they may actually still have plans and goals just like the younger ones?

Tbh, I don't think Axl has decided to damage the remains of his voice on this tour and do nothing other than waiting for death afterwards...

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I think Matt was (and is) a decent drummer, but he is fairly busy with his current work, and with producing his wife's band. Also, I think some people come to a point where things of the past should stay things of the past. I mean, returning to GN'R could feel like returning to an ex-gf. And how many of you have considered getting back with their ex's ? Not necessarily a good idea, if you ask me. There is a reason why Matt left GN'R and I suppose that he doesn't see any good reason to return. That doesn't make him a bad person in my opinion.

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But I bet Axl sings all out balls to the wall on reunion, because after this tour and a cd does it really matter if his vocals are shot forever? I think he wants to go out with a bang. It's better to have a awesome tour and CD, vs just mediocre tours etc the rest of his life. So maybe he's planning on doing that and going against dr orders and sing all balls to the walls despite the risk it may cause his cords.

I don't know how old you are but has it crossed your mind that people at 54 might not yet feel so old as to only prepare for buying a casket and await the moment to get put in there? That, however shocking, they may actually still have plans and goals just like the younger ones?

Tbh, I don't think Axl has decided to damage the remains of his voice on this tour and do nothing other than waiting for death afterwards...

Oh, I'm 41. I wasn't really saying Axls life is over after this reunion, I was just saying his singing career is prolly going to be over. Well, in my mind Axl has been over with ever since Slash left GNR. I didn't think Chinese Democraxy was good. And Axls vocals live have been really hit or miss, mostly miss since Slash left him. So all I was saying is his carreer has already been over with since the day Slash left, but this reunuinion will resurrect him as long as he can sing like Axl and not mickey mouse. Hopefully we can get another Axl & Slash GNR CD. But if Axl can't sing like anything other than Mickey, or when he fails to be able to sing like Axl, then that there is a musical death. I'm sure Axl will have a nice long life spending all his money, enjoying his pets, having goodtimes with women etc, and maybe learn a instrument, maybe get into producing other artists etc. I just meant a "musical death" I wasn't ripping on the guy for being in his 50s. Age is just a number anyway. It shocks me that Mick Jagger is about 70 years old and he still sounds as he did in his 20s. But Axl.... I just don't understand what happened to Axls voice and why for him to be so young compared to mick jagger and steven tyler

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Matt is really good friends with Slash and Duff and as some one pointed out that all 3 were there at Lemmy's funeral.

It would be really weird If Matt is not there full time.

Personally I want Adler to be there, I want him to see play UYI songs, but man I would rather see Matt than Frank.

I really don't know what is this deal between Axl, Slash and Duff, but it doesn't seems a fair one to me, yeah its their band and they can do whatever they want. But as being friends, Im still wondering how Slash and Duff would agree to have Frank full time and not Matt?

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Matt is really good friends with Slash and Duff and as some one pointed out that all 3 were there at Lemmy's funeral.

It would be really weird If Matt is not there full time.

Personally I want Adler to be there, I want him to see play UYI songs, but man I would rather see Matt than Frank.

I really don't know what is this deal between Axl, Slash and Duff, but it doesn't seems a fair one to me, yeah its their band and they can do whatever they want. But as being friends, Im still wondering how Slash and Duff would agree to have Frank full time and not Matt?

they are not loyal. Steven is a childhood friend of Slash's and Slash hasn't played with him full time since GNR. They go with what is best for the tour/album and think about security.

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Personally I want Adler to be there, I want him to see play UYI songs, but man I would rather see Matt than Frank.

I agree.. Adler all the way... Anyone but Frank Really... Nothing against the guy but he is one of the reasons I didn't think NuGnR sounded good. I think Brent Fitz would be great... Was never a huge Sorum fan anyway.

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How do we know he's out? I'm assuming the people involved got gag orders in place, kinda like the members of new gnr did for all those years. Personally I think Brain would be a great fit as a drummer, but I think multiple drummers will be used on the tour, not at the same time but kinda Axl, Duff, Slash & friends tour.

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He's out because GnR is Axl. Axl owns the GNR name and the band including duff and Slash in theory work for Axl. The drummer is Frank because that's who Axl wants

If that is the legal arrangement, Slash and Duff being hired hands. But they may have revived the 1992 partnership, by which Axl, Slash and Duff are equal partners. I personally find that latter more probable.

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I believe that slash, duff and Axl are part owners of the old GnR logo and such, but the bands name is still solely owned by Axl. I'm sure that slash and duff will get a much bigger piece of the Pie than the NuGnR guys but they are still contracted workers in theory.

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I believe that slash, duff and Axl are part owners of the old GnR logo and such, but the bands name is still solely owned by Axl. I'm sure that slash and duff will get a much bigger piece of the Pie than the NuGnR guys but they are still contracted workers in theory.

No that is not how it works. Axl has the right to use the name if he creates a new band but the original partnership still exists. If the 'partnership' is the working relationship, Slash and Duff would not be contracted but be equal partners with Axl. It would be as if all of the nugnr period never happened and we would be resuming from 1995 when Axl left the partnership.

Of course, we don't know this. Duff and Slash could have been just been contracted and be to all intents nugnr members. I rather suspect a resumption of the partnership however.

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Has anyone considered the possibility that Matt is out because he just can't be bothered with the whole reunion thing? We all know that reunions tend the leave the bad aftertaste of "we do it for the money".

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I believe that slash, duff and Axl are part owners of the old GnR logo and such, but the bands name is still solely owned by Axl. I'm sure that slash and duff will get a much bigger piece of the Pie than the NuGnR guys but they are still contracted workers in theory.

No that is not how it works. Axl has the right to use the name if he creates a new band but the original partnership still exists. If the 'partnership' is the working relationship, Slash and Duff would not be contracted but be equal partners with Axl. It would be as if all of the nugnr period never happened and we would be resuming from 1995 when Axl left the partnership.

Of course, we don't know this. Duff and Slash could have been just been contracted and be to all intents nugnr members. I rather suspect a resumption of the partnership however.

Yeah, especially that that's what Marc says and I suppose he knows what he's talking about, much better than we do, for sure.

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But I bet Axl sings all out balls to the wall on reunion, because after this tour and a cd does it really matter if his vocals are shot forever? I think he wants to go out with a bang. It's better to have a awesome tour and CD, vs just mediocre tours etc the rest of his life. So maybe he's planning on doing that and going against dr orders and sing all balls to the walls despite the risk it may cause his cords.

I don't know how old you are but has it crossed your mind that people at 54 might not yet feel so old as to only prepare for buying a casket and await the moment to get put in there? That, however shocking, they may actually still have plans and goals just like the younger ones?

Tbh, I don't think Axl has decided to damage the remains of his voice on this tour and do nothing other than waiting for death afterwards...

Oh, I'm 41. I wasn't really saying Axls life is over after this reunion, I was just saying his singing career is prolly going to be over. Well, in my mind Axl has been over with ever since Slash left GNR. I didn't think Chinese Democraxy was good. And Axls vocals live have been really hit or miss, mostly miss since Slash left him. So all I was saying is his carreer has already been over with since the day Slash left, but this reunuinion will resurrect him as long as he can sing like Axl and not mickey mouse. Hopefully we can get another Axl & Slash GNR CD. But if Axl can't sing like anything other than Mickey, or when he fails to be able to sing like Axl, then that there is a musical death. I'm sure Axl will have a nice long life spending all his money, enjoying his pets, having goodtimes with women etc, and maybe learn a instrument, maybe get into producing other artists etc. I just meant a "musical death" I wasn't ripping on the guy for being in his 50s. Age is just a number anyway. It shocks me that Mick Jagger is about 70 years old and he still sounds as he did in his 20s. But Axl.... I just don't understand what happened to Axls voice and why for him to be so young compared to mick jagger and steven tyler

I just think he won't quit. His voice has been what it has been for years now and he's still doing it. So I'd say that as long as he can let out any voice whatsoever, he'll be at it. I agree with you that his greatness ended with Slash leaving. I didn't like CD either (except a couple of songs maybe) and the new band live was just atrocious, especially in recent years. I do believe, though, the with Slash and Duff on board again they can still make something of value even if Axl's voice is a little compromised. I hope so because I don't think Axl is ready to give up his music career entirely.

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I believe that slash, duff and Axl are part owners of the old GnR logo and such, but the bands name is still solely owned by Axl. I'm sure that slash and duff will get a much bigger piece of the Pie than the NuGnR guys but they are still contracted workers in theory.

That's not how it works. Owning the name does not automatically supersede the business partnership. For example, in U2 Adam Clayton holds the trademark to the name, this was established before their record deal, and the band is in a partnership, making them all business partners controlling and owning U2's catalogue and assets. Bono is not Adam's contracted worker. Though unlike Axl, Adam is loyal to his bandmates and has said he'd never leave them to form a new band under the U2 name. So there isn't the same confusion. In the end it will depend on whatever arrangement Duff, Axl and Slash have come to.

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