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Izzy says he is NOT involved with the upcoming GN'R shows

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What a great week to finally join this forum....this thread has been epic and wildly entertaining.

I do social media for my day job and my bosses are around Izzy's age and have no idea how to use Twitter and would probably have no idea how to DM, look at their mentions, etc. so I don't find his faux pas of "talking" to Andy from Rolling Stone publicly to be unbelievable. There's been times on my Twitter when the DM notifications never show up too.

There are a few older rock stars who manage their own Twitter accounts who tweet nonsensical stuff like this Izzy account. Ringo Starr is a good example....the first year of his Twitter he tweeted all kinds of odd stuff:

Either way, I've enjoyed reading the witty banter and the analysis!



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This Twitter account has me split two ways. 


Part of me thinks it is a real account, the only people that we know to have had contact with Izzy are telling us it's him. 


Then part of me thinks there is no way. I mean who's to say that the "contact" here isn't just upset about Izzy not being mentioned as a co-founder and not officially part of the reunion so he went out of his way to pull off this stunt to gain attention for Izzy. The weird tweets are throwing me off, some of the sentences are structured like Spanish is his first language. Things just aren't right, and yet we have nothing to compare this to. 


Then I want it to be fake so that the possibility of Izzy in Vegas is real, but idk this is in many ways damaging to Axl, Slash, and Duff. It just feels like Izzy wants in but he's not really felt invited. He opened a Twitter account to essentially talk about GNR...that's the sign of a guy who wants to be part of this. He could have stayed quiet and nobody would have said anything but this clearly means a lot to him because of the level of attention he's given it. 


Just way too much inconsistency here...something isn't right. 

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On 2/24/2016 at 10:48 PM, -W.A.R- said:

that video Izzy posted of the Guns impostors is hilarious to me

he deleted that tweet by the way but heres what he posted 


thats the most hilarious axl rose impersonation i have ever seen

i m not sure if this guy is the worst or the best axl impersonator in the world

too bad he is impersonating axl circa 1992, he could have done the 88 ritz axl

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2 hours ago, vloors said:

I think that was Mr Brownstone

found some french version of the book on google... i dont understand french but it looks like exactly what I remember


slash says he started writing locomotive with izzy



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3 minutes ago, ludurigan said:

and here another version where slash says HE WROTE LOCOMOTIVE WITH IZZY

  MY NEXT HOME WAS A HOUSE IZZY AND I rented up in the Hollywood Hills, and that lasted for about a month. It was partially furnished with all the basics that one might need—beds, a microwave, all of it. We had fun while we were there and I also managed to write a lot; I wrote “Coma,” and the two of us wrote “Locomotive” in that house; there was some creativity going on.


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1 hour ago, born2boogie said:

What a great week to finally join this forum....this thread has been epic and wildly entertaining.

I do social media for my day job and my bosses are around Izzy's age and have no idea how to use Twitter and would probably have no idea how to DM, look at their mentions, etc. so I don't find his faux pas of "talking" to Andy from Rolling Stone publicly to be unbelievable. There's been times on my Twitter when the DM notifications never show up too.

There are a few older rock stars who manage their own Twitter accounts who tweet nonsensical stuff like this Izzy account. Ringo Starr is a good example....the first year of his Twitter he tweeted all kinds of odd stuff:

Either way, I've enjoyed reading the witty banter and the analysis!



Returning to the scene of the crime?


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On 2/24/2016 at 11:40 PM, KiernanProud said:

I'm pretty convinced it's Izzy at this point, but it is funny that one of the greatest songwriters of the past 30 years doesn't use apostrophes properly. lol

writing songs has nothing to do with the correct use of apostrophes, jusrt ask dee dee ramone

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49 minutes ago, ludurigan said:

Yea I'm sure they collaborated on heaps of tunes. Here's the link http://ultimateclassicrock.com/izzy-stradlin-guns-n-roses-songs/  where I remembered Mr brownstones writing process between slash and izzy

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Eventually I had to sleep. Any news? Nah, who am I kidding, Izzy is back underground.

What I find amusing is how different our views are on this. For some, Izzy's appearance in social media was "retarded" and he looked like a "dork". To others it was great and his technological awkwardness was only slightly amusing or even adoring. As someone else has pointed out too, this is what happens when a person we barely know anything about, and for which we have created this persona based on nothing but a few pictures and video shots form the 80s and very few interviews, actually turns out to be a real human being. The holes are fleshed out with real characteristics. And if we stuck to this image of an ultra-cool shades-wearing Izzy who is mean and dark and silent and just über coool than it takes some getting used to him being an organic avocado growing veganer hippie who is barely more functional around a keyboard than your grandma.

I bought me an illusion
An I put it on the wall
I let it fill my head with dreams
And I had to have them all
But oh the taste is never so sweet
As what you'd believe it is-
Well I guess it never is
It's these prejudiced illusions
That pump the blood
To the heart of the biz

And while on the topic of Locomotive:

Slash: My next home [in 1989] was a house Izzy and I rented up in the Hollywood Hills, and that lasted for about a month. (...) We had fun while we were there and I also managed to write a lot; I wrote 'Coma' and the two of use wrote 'Locomotive' in that house; there was some creativity going on [Bozza, Anthony, & Slash (2007). Slash. Harper Entertainment: New York. p. 252]

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And Mr. Brownstone:

Slash: (...) One of the first songs we wrote up [at Dean Chamberlain's] was 'Mr. Brownstone,' a track that was conceived under much dimmer circumstances. Izzy, his girlfriend Dezi, and I were up at their apartment one night when we came up with it. They had a little dinette set that we'd sit around cooking up our shit and then we'd just jam. We were sitting there complaining , as junkies do, about our dealers, as well as just complaining about being junkies, and that's where that song came from. It basically described a day in the life for us at the time. Izzy had a cool idea, he came up with the riff, and we started improvising the lyrics. Dezi considers herself a cowriter of that track and for the record she did come up with maybe a noun here, perhaps a conjunction there. When we had it all together, we wrote the words down on a grocery bag. We brought it down to teh Fountain apartment and played it for Axl and he reworked the lyrics a bit before the band worked on it at our next rehearsal. Axl could always take a simple Izzy melody and turn it into something fantastic, and that is just one of the examples ["Slash", 2007]

Izzy: The first time I can remember working out parts with [Slash] was on 'Brownstone.' We wrote that a couple years back in my kitchen. We were sitting around with acoustic guitars [Guitar For The Practising Musician, 1988]

Axl: When we moved out of our place on Fountain and La Cienega, I was the last one to leave, and found this piece of yellow paper wadded up in the corner where Izzy's and Steven's room was. It had the lyrics to 'Mr. Brownstone' on it. I read it and went, "This is great". They said they had music for it and we ended up starting to rehearse this thing [Marc Canter: Reckless Road]

Slash: I guess that was the most heroin-suggesting song on the record. Izzy and I wrote that sitting in his apartment, loaded. And as most junkies do, we started writing lyrics about the perils and the boredom of the whole thing, the sort of redundant process we were immersed in [Back to the Jungle, Guitar Edge Magazine, March 2007]

More here (and on every other GN'R song): http://www.a-4-d.com/t76-mr-brownstone

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2 hours ago, ludurigan said:

thats the most hilarious axl rose impersonation i have ever seen

i m not sure if this guy is the worst or the best axl impersonator in the world

too bad he is impersonating axl circa 1992, he could have done the 88 ritz axl

you have to give the credit he does the role justice but it's just so weird to me the whole impersonating gig

Edited by tberrie007
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5 hours ago, ludurigan said:

there is one simple answer for all your questions

Izzy hates the press and hates giving interviews

By creating this account and saying he aint involved, he probably has taken a zillion journalists off his back

Tell me more about how you and Izzy get lunch together everyday and talk about his likes & dislikes.

By creating this account he's invited more questions & more jerks & more bottom feeder journalists to come and take advantage of him IF and IF it IS him.

What makes the last few months any different than the last 25 years for Izzy Stradlin? He hasn't commented on barely anything in that amount of time, he's been involved in so many rumors, so many solo tours yet people say he hates to tour. They take his dislike of the way the Use Your Illusions Tour was run and his opinion in what followed and when the band became BS for him as forever gospel and throw the baby out with the bath water. Izzy loves being a musician & performing otherwise he'd have quit before Appetite had a chance to get started and certainly before Use Your Illusions dropped. 

My point is that nobody knows Izzy as well as they think they do, as Izzy probably doesn't know what he's going to do day to day.

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7 hours ago, downliner said:

IzzyStradlin999 is the only account fans should follow :)

P.s - Not reading 25 pages to catch up lol. Nothings changed. Thanks to all those who know I'm honest. P.S To avoid any confusion "downliner" "Will" and "chopaway" etc are all me, just different usernames between twitter, here and gnr evo.

Nobody has anything against you. Nobody is accusing you of making shit up. But you have to understand where we are coming from. First this whole reunion thing happening after Axl said many times and in many ways he will never reunite with Slash. On top of that we have no idea how things went on and why Axl has changed his mind. I'm not asking for day, time and place nor everything single detail. But without any kind of detail it seems that the Wizard Of Oz made this reunion possible.

On top of that here comes Izzy, of all people, who just opened a twitter account. I'm very happy that Izzy decided to be more visible. And the fact that he wants to interact on the internet with fans. But again not even a little explanation at all about his radical change of mind other than he wanted to clarify a few things. It looks like too much, too soon coming from someone like Izzy. And the climax of this surprsing event is that he gave us important or at least very interesting information about his lack involment with the upcoming GN'R shows. Maybe Izzy wanted Duff to be his spokesperson again and Duff told him that this time he can't play that role. I guess Izzy couldn't find any help so he decided to do it himself and in his own terms. Is that the case? I don't think it is so hard to understand why people are skeptical

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11 minutes ago, Padme said:

 I'm very happy that Izzy decided to be more visible. And the fact that he wants to interact on the internet with fans. But again not even a little explanation at all about his radical change of mind other than he wanted to clarify a few things. It looks like too much, too soon coming from someone like Izzy. And the climax of this surprsing event is that he gave us important or at least very interesting information about his lack involment with the upcoming GN'R shows. Maybe Izzy wanted Duff to be his spokesperson again and Duff told him that this time he can't play that role. I guess Izzy couldn't find any help so he decided to do it himself and in his own terms. Is that the case? I don't think it is so hard to understand why people are skeptical

I think you are exaggeratong the impact of Izzy being on twitter. To me it is pretty clear he did it just to defute the rumours. I don't expect he will have a strong presence there from now on, in fact I suppose he won't tweet much more at all. So this is not Izzy suddenly turning into Matt or Slash with their constant blabbering, it is Izzy doing what he has always done: Occasionally coming out of hiding to comment on something to his fans. The only thing that is new is that he uses social media for his rare communication. But hey, maybe he just got Internet installed down at his avocado farm? Maybe he decided to check out what all the Internet fuzz is about? Maybe he felt adventourous and reckless? I just don't see it as such an astonishing breach of character as some here do.to a

I don't find it hard that people are skeptical. I think that is the sensible thing to be. But to the point of not beliving downliner, beliving downliner has been hacked, too, or is the culprit behind the hacking, goes beyond mere skepticism into the slightly insane. I understand people might not be aware of what downliner has done and who he is, but even then it it is a pretty fanciful scenario that has to be conjured accomodate this being a hacker and not just Izzy on Twitter.

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12 minutes ago, Padme said:

Nobody has anything against you. Nobody is accusing you of making shit up. But you have to understand where we are coming from. First this whole reunion thing happening after Axl said many times and in many ways he will never reunite with Slash. On top of that we have no idea how things went on and why Axl has changed his mind. I'm not asking for day, time and place nor everything single detail. But without any kind of detail it seems that the Wizard Of Oz made this reunion possible.

On top of that here comes Izzy, of all people, who just opened a twitter account. I'm very happy that Izzy decided to be more visible. And the fact that he wants to interact on the internet with fans. But again not even a little explanation at all about his radical change of mind other than he wanted to clarify a few things. It looks like too much, too soon coming from someone like Izzy. And the climax of this surprsing event is that he gave us important or at least very interesting information about his lack involment with the upcoming GN'R shows. Maybe Izzy wanted Duff to be his spokesperson again and Duff told him that this time he can't play that role. I guess Izzy couldn't find any help so he decided to do it himself and in his own terms. Is that the case? I don't think it is so hard to understand why people are skeptical

I'm accusing him of making stuff up...kinda. 


Obviously Downliner is a huge Izzy fan, so maybe he's just upset this reunion hasn't involved Izzy, and is trying to get clarity on why not...to get answers he's gone public with a fake account. 

But then again he could be telling the truth, where did that profile pic come from? Why did Izzy edit his name on the picture? 

Downliner might have access to all the things necessary to make this up. 


I think this whole situation is odd, but so is GNR. As fans we have been let down far too many times to start believing anything, so I guess we will just ride this one out and see where it takes us. 

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41 minutes ago, Padme said:

Nobody has anything against you. Nobody is accusing you of making shit up. But you have to understand where we are coming from. First this whole reunion thing happening after Axl said many times and in many ways he will never reunite with Slash. On top of that we have no idea how things went on and why Axl has changed his mind. I'm not asking for day, time and place nor everything single detail. But without any kind of detail it seems that the Wizard Of Oz made this reunion possible.

On top of that here comes Izzy, of all people, who just opened a twitter account. I'm very happy that Izzy decided to be more visible. And the fact that he wants to interact on the internet with fans. But again not even a little explanation at all about his radical change of mind other than he wanted to clarify a few things. It looks like too much, too soon coming from someone like Izzy. And the climax of this surprsing event is that he gave us important or at least very interesting information about his lack involment with the upcoming GN'R shows. Maybe Izzy wanted Duff to be his spokesperson again and Duff told him that this time he can't play that role. I guess Izzy couldn't find any help so he decided to do it himself and in his own terms. Is that the case? I don't think it is so hard to understand why people are skeptical

the wizard of oz reference made me laugh, but he wasn't necessary, nugnr had run its course, that's all.

they couldn't tour in the usa, nobody cared anymore. reunion was the next logical step, some of us saw it coming.

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It's a real bummer if this is really Izzy and he is not involved in the shows. However, I don't really get a lot of people seem to be blaming the band for not paying him what he wants because of his background in the band. I mean he hasn't really contributed greatly to the band since around 1990 and it is assumed that he would not fully commit to the shows but rather come and go as he pleases, whereas the others are probably working their asses off. Neither is he a very accomplished or engage live performer. Of course he can't get paid on the same level as the core three. 

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