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Izzy Out.....

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1 hour ago, Archtop said:


Now I know there is no comparison but the point I'm trying to make is that just because he was there in the beginning, no matter how much a part of that magic he was, I do not feel he owes me anything now. 


Of course he doesn't owe anyone anything, same goes for the rest of the guys. But he has been the only old gunner (with the exception of Duff filling in for Tommy) who has been 'active' with GnR over the last years, travelling with them, going on stage for a few songs, so when his old buddies Slash and Duff get back in the band you'd expect him to be part of it too, at least in some way, especially seeing as he has been the only one who never gave a clear ''no'' in interviews regarding a possible reunion (well, and Steven too, of course). That is why for many fans it's a bit curious why he of all people has no involvement at all for as far as we know. 

People are making too many assumptions again, almost none of us know the guy personally, so all we can do is wait and see.

Edited by EvanG
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7 minutes ago, killuridols said:

Yeah but he knew the huge UYI tour would put him in touch with drugs all the time, so in part he quitting the GN'R monster is also related to his drugaddiction.

He didn't want to be part of Don't Cry either... He didn't like anything about the huge fame or else, once he quitted drugs, he could have returned with another big band but he has remained low profile for over 2 decades.

Exactly. Ignoring the drugs / sobriety thing for just a second, that was the other factor that we do know about the 90s. He didn't want to be part of something so big. Nothing about his way of doing things over the last 25 years has indicated that attitude that might have changed.

This reunion would undoubtedly be a return to the big time, to be under a huge spotlight. As much as he might love to play with the others again, the intensity of this particular spotlight might just have swayed his decision. He has no obligation to put himself in that position, as much as we - as fans - might want to see him there with the others.

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2 minutes ago, Kasanova King said:

Maybe.  I don't think it's as complicated as you presume.  Izzy (from what I know) is a pretty simple and straightforward guy....he has a sort of dry sense of humor....but he's a simple dude.  He quit drugs and realized he really didn't like being on stage every night, with a bunch of wasted fans in front of him.

As for the popularity part....I don't think he minded that....he could dig being popular....for the "right" reasons.  I don't think he would have minded if his solo projects would have gone multi platinum....he probably would have loved it. lol

He may not be a complicated guy but the whole GN'R machine IS extremely complicated. It doesn't seem like it changed much from the UYI tour madness, except maybe for the drugs and alcohol...

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1 minute ago, killuridols said:

He may not be a complicated guy but the whole GN'R machine IS extremely complicated. It doesn't seem like it changed much from the UYI tour madness, except maybe for the drugs and alcohol...

My point exactly. There seems to be a hell of a lot of behind the scenes stuff that none of us know about. It doesn't seem to be as simple as grabbing a guitar, doing a couple of rehearsals and just jumping on a stage. One of the things we do know from what's come before is that he's not a fan of complicated situations.

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1 minute ago, Ulnar said:

My point exactly. There seems to be a hell of a lot of behind the scenes stuff that none of us know about. It doesn't seem to be as simple as grabbing a guitar, doing a couple of rehearsals and just jumping on a stage. One of the things we do know from what's come before is that he's not a fan of complicated situations.

And my point is, if the guy already knows how the GN'R Monster Machine works, that it hasn't changed much from the 90s, that reunion shows and tour will bring the same madness from before and he will be under the magnifier of all media and fans....................... why oh why does he go PUBLIC with a Twitter account to say he's not part of it when we all know he's not been part of it for a long time now?

That's what doesn't make sense to me.

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4 minutes ago, killuridols said:

 why oh why does he go PUBLIC with a Twitter account to say he's not part of it when we all know he's not been part of it for a long time now?

That's what doesn't make sense to me.

That's true. It does seem incredibly unusual - and it's why so many people doubted it was him until proved otherwise. You're right - it does seem out of character given what we know of him.

The theories of him using it as some form of 'leverage' seem a little too far fetched too - again, seems out of character, so - yeah - it's a bit of a mystery as to why he's done so.

EDIT: Unless, of course, we take it purely at face value - he did say he wanted to clear up misinformation. Could it be as simple as that? He was getting frustrated that rumours of his involvement were being circulated almost as fact, and he didn't want anyone to bank on him being there?

You know - he must be aware that people are spending big bucks on these tickets & he didn't want people mislead when he could set the record straight himself, so took the chance to do so.

Edited by Ulnar
Edit to add another point.
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6 minutes ago, Ulnar said:

My point exactly. There seems to be a hell of a lot of behind the scenes stuff that none of us know about. It doesn't seem to be as simple as grabbing a guitar, doing a couple of rehearsals and just jumping on a stage. One of the things we do know from what's come before is that he's not a fan of complicated situations.


I don't think it's that complicated.  Izzy just got tired of touring when he got sober.  Imagine being wasted for 6-7 years of your life, non stop touring, party 24/7.  You decide to sober up.  Everyone around you is still wasted, partying and going nuts.  I personally (probably) wouldn't be into it anymore....the only reason I'd stay would be for the money.  Izzy didn't care about the money so he quit.  Simple, really.




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2 hours ago, Slash787 said:

Back in the day I understood why he quit. But now I really can't think of a sensible reason why he backed out.

When Slash and Axl can be on one stage after god knows how many years and there was so much shit between them over the years. Izzy was neutral to all of them. 

For all we know Axl's been flinging poo and visiting Sedona again. Duff and Slash are stuck  and Izzy said  later, you poor, damned  fools.

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Because people have been speculating about whether he's involvement in the project? Because he can? Because he doesn't want his fans to be disappointed when he's not in a show that didn't advertise him, but that some dumb journalists thought he was, or just didn't care enough to check and said it in some article? 

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1 minute ago, Kasanova King said:

I don't think it's that complicated.  Izzy just got tired of touring when he got sober.  Imagine being wasted for 6-7 years of your life, non stop touring, party 24/7.  You decide to sober up.  Everyone around you is still wasted, partying and going nuts.  I personally (probably) wouldn't be into it anymore....the only reason I'd stay would be for the money.  Izzy didn't care about the money so he quit.  Simple, really.

I agree 100% - I think maybe we're talking at crossed purposes a little. I think the size of it all was definitely referred to as a contributing factor at the time too.
Now - present day - the sobriety element isn't as much a factor as everyone's clean - but the size of the operation is as big as it ever was.

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2 hours ago, Billsfan said:

Sure but all the guys are sober and closer to sane now. His reasons for not being involved back then don't hold true today. It's just selfish on his part to not be a part of such an incredibly demanded reunion especially considering no one would give a shit about him had he not been in GNR. Then again, no one does really care about Izzy so it fits.

Well I guess the fans win.. Fire pitman. Maybe that can free up some cash to put Izzy over the edge and include him.

Nobody would've heard of ANY of them if Izzy hadn't  cofounded the band is what I believe you meant to say. 


Get off my lawn while you're at it, thanks 

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1 minute ago, GibsonLP said:

Been away for a little bit but is Del's 'peril's of rock n' roll decadence' tweet a dig at Izzy? Izzy Stradlin song reference...

I'm sorry - I really don't mean this to sound like a dig - but I find this sort of behaviour rather frustrating. Here we have speculation that Del's having a veiled dig at Izzy on social media. Elsewhere people are speculating that the song Izzy chose to film & put on twitter was a dig at Axl because of the lyrics - or that the video of the Brazilian kid impersonating Axl was a dig. Or that blah blah blah blah. People are always looking for hidden signs. It just gets a bit conspiracy theory.

To be fair, I can't blame you, we're kind of operating in a publicity vacuum here, but I honestly think you're reading too much into it. I mean, of course it *might* be a dig but surely it's far more likely that Del is getting nostalgic, found an old pass & is getting pumped for the new shows? (he's obviously involved in some sort of capacity) And that Izzy just chose that song at random.

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34 minutes ago, killuridols said:
5 minutes ago, KinseyHolley said:

Nobody would've heard of ANY of them if Izzy hadn't  cofounded the band is what I believe you meant to say. 


Get off my lawn while you're at it, thanks 


Out of likes but this one is a big   L I K E





Edited by pacu44
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Guys and gals, this is a lot more complicated than everyone thinks.  This isn't just a band signing on with a promoter to do a few shows.  There are 5-6 major players that all need to agree for anything to happen.  Axl + Slash + Duff camps have agreed to play with each other.  That's when the reunion was announced and the first dates released.  As far as everything else, we have those 3 entities along with promoters, other band members, etc involved....so they all have to agree for it to happen. So be patient.

The cool part is that those 3 agreed and it's gonna happen.  The complicated part is the rest.....making fans happy, the other members, etc.


All I can say is let's take baby steps and be happy with it, people.  We have Axl, Slash and Duff CONFIRMED.  That's more than ANYONE could have hoped for a few years ago.


Take it one day at a time and maybe we'll get more.....but don't dare demand it or expect it.  What gives you the right??



Edited by Kasanova King
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Misleading title to this thread.. not the case at all by any means. I don't think he'll play the first few shows. No one will want to upset this reunion in it's infancy. He's got his own thing and doesn't need the drama but he'll happily play if he gets the chance IMO.

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26 minutes ago, Ulnar said:

That's true. It does seem incredibly unusual - and it's why so many people doubted it was him until proved otherwise. You're right - it does seem out of character given what we know of him.

The theories of him using it as some form of 'leverage' seem a little too far fetched too - again, seems out of character, so - yeah - it's a bit of a mystery as to why he's done so.

EDIT: Unless, of course, we take it purely at face value - he did say he wanted to clear up misinformation. Could it be as simple as that? He was getting frustrated that rumours of his involvement were being circulated almost as fact, and he didn't want anyone to bank on him being there?

You know - he must be aware that people are spending big bucks on these tickets & he didn't want people mislead when he could set the record straight himself, so took the chance to do so.

Seriously, the rumors about him being involved were not that huge!

I'm sorry but I dont remember the major media sites headlining articles with "Izzy Stradlin is reuniting with old bandmates". It was mostly forums and little music websits like Alternative Nation, that kind of thing, speculating over nothing, really. The shows were never promoted on anyone else but Axl-Slash-Duff.

Then yes, there was Alan NIven saying Izzy was recording with GN'R. But nothing out of the usual BS that you read everyday on the Internet.

I feel this was just an excuse for him to show how upset he is about something we don't know what the hell it is. It must be some big crap Axl or Duff or Slash did to have Izzy coming out from under the rock he lives and make a Twitter account. LOL, Twitter!

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Just now, GibsonLP said:

Should we only talk facts?

No, of course, there's definitely room for speculation, but I just see this sort of thing as a coincidence that is being read into too much.

I mean - I can see why you might, in the absence of any official info, of course...

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4 minutes ago, killuridols said:

Seriously, the rumors about him being involved were not that huge!

Yeah - also another fair point there. But clearing up misinformation seems more likely than the other 2 scenarios. When all's said and done - until we get some sort of official information on anything, we're all clutching at straws and speculating on whys & wherefores. In this instance, all we've had is an official "not in" from Izzy. But people want to know why.... hence these threads I guess. <_<

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Okay, I got it! I got it! I thought about this really hard, studied the past, shook the magic eight ball a few times, asked my dog his opinion, then divined the answer.

See, Izzy is allergic to Axl and Slash being on decent terms. By themselves they are okay. Bearable even. It is only when they are together that they give him migraines and hives. Izzy would love to join them on a tour, but well... he just rather not be miserable. If by chance Axl and Slash begin to produce less of the... byproduct that makes Izzy ill, or Izzy himself becomes immune to it then he will agree to join them.

He'd love to do this for the fans, but he has to look out for his own well being first.

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27 minutes ago, Ulnar said:

I'm sorry - I really don't mean this to sound like a dig - but I find this sort of behaviour rather frustrating. Here we have speculation that Del's having a veiled dig at Izzy on social media. Elsewhere people are speculating that the song Izzy chose to film & put on twitter was a dig at Axl because of the lyrics - or that the video of the Brazilian kid impersonating Axl was a dig. Or that blah blah blah blah. People are always looking for hidden signs. It just gets a bit conspiracy theory.

To be fair, I can't blame you, we're kind of operating in a publicity vacuum here, but I honestly think you're reading too much into it. I mean, of course it *might* be a dig but surely it's far more likely that Del is getting nostalgic, found an old pass & is getting pumped for the new shows? (he's obviously involved in some sort of capacity) And that Izzy just chose that song at random.

Fair enough. Original message deleted

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I used to love her....but I had to kill her......


I had to put her 6 feet under....and I can still hear her complain....

I used to love her....but I had to kill her......

I knew I'd miss her...so I had to keep her....she's buried right in my back yard.....

I used to love her....but I had to kill her......

She meant so much.....she drove me nuts.....and now we're happier this way.....



Take it for what it is....








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