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New Alan Niven interview

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Of course it's a money decision. It was always going to be the catalyst for a reunion. If anyone thought they lived in a world where the 5 guys would magically say, "yay. Let's forget everything and be good friends," they were fooling themselves. I know some like to look at celebrities as alternate beings on a high plain but it's not like that. They are still people with grudges and egos.

It's also funny how the best news to come out of the GNR scene in 20 years results in many finding reasons to piss and moan. You'd think a neglected fanbase would at least find some positive in the reconciliation they currently have. Life is progressive and any return to the original 5 will also be progressive and the band just took a huge first step.

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50 minutes ago, tremolo said:

The point is that maybe GNR/Axl doesn't want a reunion.

As alive as Izzy and Adler are, maybe Axl sees old gnr as part of the past and not as an incarnation of the band he wants to revisit. It worked for a while, it had its glory, but it's gone now. When I say "dead" I'm talking about the classic GNR lineup.


It's like getting back together with an old ex... seriously, what the fuck

Aren't Duff and Slash both an old ex?


What is dead is Axl's "vision"..  It didn't work..  Not sure why anyone has any confidence in any of his visions or decisions.. He destroyed the old band and has failed to do squat with NuGuns..

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Cool website and I'll be giving your page a follow too!

As for Niven and his opinion, I really used to value it, but based on recent developments it seems to have become quite apparent that he really must know about as much as the users on this forum about what's REALLY going on behind the scenes. 

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1 hour ago, Apollo said:

Saying they didn't regroup ten years ago actually PROVES the point that this current situation is 99% about the money. 

Yeah, apparently I am dumber than a box of rocks. I don't see how any of that PROVES the situation is 99% about money.

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1 hour ago, Apollo said:

Again - the "it's not about the money because they could have did it ten years ago" stance literally holds no water. 

Axl was already playing CD songs ten years ago. Seven years ago Velvet Revolver was selling millions and winning a rock Grammy. Axl's 14-million dollar baby had just been born. NONE of the big three needed money!!!!!!!!

But fast forward to today. Loaded can't sell out an Elk's lodge. VR is dead. Slash/Myles aren't going platinum. And Axl has had three band members recently quit and there is no sign of CD2 coming out.  

Saying they didn't regroup ten years ago actually PROVES the point that this current situation is 99% about the money. 

The situation you described fits more the "99% about the failure". I kinda agree with you that all of them going solo has not been what they may have expected to happen when going solo.

Now they've tasted what it is like to release material and play shows without the rest of the band, they are giving it one more chance to the project. And I think that's great.

For the money or for the sake of reviving the "first love", they have to do it. It may work or it could get even worse. This is Guns N' Roses: Welcome to the Jungle!

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56 minutes ago, tremolo said:

That doesn't make sense.


I'm not going to pretend Izzy wasn't important in the songwriting, but the reason GNR were not producing any music wasn't because Izzy wasn't around, it was because the band was falling apart. They were a dysfunctional group of junkies, cokeheads, alcoholics and crazies. According to what has been said by Axl and Slash, there was material to be worked on and to be released, and it didn't happen because they didn't work as a band anymore, not because they were screwed without Izzy. Slash and Duff have made a lot of music after GNR

That still doesn't mean they will work on new music and release it. Sure it would be awesome if Izzy was involved, but even if he was, that music might never be released because it all comes down to Axl's decision.

Axl was upset when Izzy left and a part of the creative work went missing , the band wasn't a unit anymore...I mean it was falling apart because crucial members were leaving. 

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1 hour ago, tremolo said:

Gilby's songwritting skills are pretty average. I'm not saying the guy is bad at what he does, but he's nothing special. I know Pawnshop Guitars gets a lot of love around here, but I think the lyrics are terrible and the music is good, but pretty "meh."

"Feel" is such a subjective thing that in many cases it doesn't make sense to debate about it. I wouldn't say that Fortus doesn't have any feel in his playing, actually the guy's guitar playing is very expressive and has his own very personal mark.

I think that he is a fantastic melody writer and a distinctive lyricist. 

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9 minutes ago, sonofnazareth said:


?..you think Gilby is as talented a guitar player as Fortus? It does not make him a bad musician, as Keith Richards is hardly a virtuoso, but if you talking about playing ability I don't think they are in the same league and I am a big fan of Gilby in general.....you disagree?

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3 hours ago, classicrawker said:

You keep bringing up that nonsense about fans being bitter about Axl making them wait 3 hours anytime someone criticizes Axl....did you ever think that maybe people actually are bringing up valid points about what happened back in the day and it has nothing to do with some petty grudge or are you one of the Axl defenders who think he is being persecuted? Reading your posts I am starting to believe it is the latter..........

Well if axl has never done anything to someone personally them reacting to him like he gave them AIDS seems like a silly idea. Just speaking some truth..

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5 minutes ago, classicrawker said:

?..you think Gilby is as talented a guitar player as Fortus? It does not make him a bad musician, as Keith Richards is hardly a virtuoso, but if you talking about playing ability I don't think they are in the same league and I am a big fan of Gilby in general.....you disagree?

I care about the spirit/feel (things which are important in rock n' roll) and Gilby has it...Fortus doesn't. If we are talking about 'talent', both Fortus and Gilby are talented in what they do..that may or may not suit the sound of GNR..but Gilby was/is the closest fit in terms of the spirit/feel of the playing after Izzy left. 

I don't think any musician is more talented than another in general..most musicians have something unique to offer...but this is about GNR..a down n' dirty, rough n' ready, outcast rock n' roll band...you can't take a 'pro' musician and put them in the mix and expect it to work...you have to have guys with the right vibe/spirit/feel. 

Edited by sonofnazareth
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Just now, Billsfan said:

Well if axl has never done anything to someone personally them reacting to him like he gave them AIDS seems like a silly idea. Just speaking some truth..

So speaking the truth about what went down is reacting to him like he has AIDS?....I have no bitterness towards Axl as I don't think he owes me anything and never have. I could care less if he is doing the tour as a money grab but that does not change the fact that it is probably true.....

...and I thought the days of the Axl defenders attacking anyone they think has insulted Axl was history here but guess I was mistaken......there will always be those who have blind faith I guess......:shrugs:

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7 minutes ago, sonofnazareth said:

I care about the spirit/feel (things which are important in rock n' roll) and Gilby has it...Fortus doesn't. If we are talking about 'talent', both Fortus and Gilby are talented in what they do..that may or may not suit the sound of GNR..but Gilby was/is the closest fit in terms of the spirit/feel of the playing after Izzy left. 

I don't think any musician is more talented than another in general..most musicians have something unique to offer...but this is about GNR..a down n' dirty, rough n' ready, outcast rock n' roll band...you can't take a 'pro' musician and put them in the mix and expect it to work...you have to have guys with the right vibe/spirit/feel. 

Fair enough I would prefer to see Gilby play with NuOldGuns myself as I get your vibe feel and agree but have to disagree with you that one guitar player is not technically better than another which in the case of Gilby and Fortus is not contest. Like I said Keef Richards is not the greatest guitar player in the world but there is nobody I would want to see playing the old Stones songs more than Keef..........but to claim he is as good a guitar player as say Jeff Beck is absurd....

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7 minutes ago, classicrawker said:

Like I said Keef Richards is not the greatest guitar player in the world but there is nobody I would want to see playing the old Stones songs more than Keef..........

Great analogy... 

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1 hour ago, classicrawker said:

Fair enough I would prefer to see Gilby play with NuOldGuns myself as I get your vibe feel and agree but have to disagree with you that one guitar player is not technically better than another which in the case of Gilby and Fortus is not contest. Like I said Keef Richards is not the greatest guitar player in the world but there is nobody I would want to see playing the old Stones songs more than Keef..........but to claim he is as good a guitar player as say Jeff Beck is absurd....

technically better..possibly, but not 'more talented' (whatever that means). Keith and Jeff do completely different things on the guitar and both are masters of it.....Jeff couldn't play the way Keith does and vice versa. 

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8 minutes ago, sonofnazareth said:

technically better..possibly, but not 'more talented' (whatever that means). Keith and Jeff do completely different things on the guitar and both are masters of it.....Jeff couldn't play the way Keith does and vice versa. 

Never said more talented just technically better.............but sorry I have to disagree Beck could not master Keef's riffs but I guarantee you Keef could not play a lot of Beck's.........Keef uses a lot of non standard tunings, which is why most Stones cover songs don't sound right,  and once you understand that they are no difficult to duplicate......Not to say they aren't brilliant but not that complex really.........................even Keef jokes 

Keith Richards: Five strings, two notes, two fingers and one asshole.

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1 minute ago, classicrawker said:

Never said more talented just technically better.............but sorry I have to disagree Beck could not master Keef's riffs but I guarantee you Keef could not play a lot of Beck's.........Keef uses a lot of non standard tunings, which is why most Stones cover songs don't sound right,  and once you understand that they are no difficult to duplicate......Not to say they aren't brilliant but not that complex really.........................even Keef jokes 

Keith Richards: Five strings, two notes, two fingers and one asshole.

Keith's rhythmic feel is unmatched and is extremely difficult to emulate. Slightly behind the beat or slightly ahead...he puts all his life experience into his playing. 

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1 minute ago, sonofnazareth said:

Keith's rhythmic feel is unmatched and is extremely difficult to emulate. Slightly behind the beat or slightly ahead...he puts all his life experience into his playing. 

We will have to agree to disagree on that one mate as I have no doubt someone like Beck could emulate Keef.....as I said once you understand the tuning the rest is timing as the riffs are very basic...........

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4 minutes ago, classicrawker said:

We will have to agree to disagree on that one mate as I have no doubt someone like Beck could emulate Keef.....as I said once you understand the tuning the rest is timing as the riffs are very basic...........

The riffs, the timing, the tuning, the notes....all of that can get you close, but not close enough. Keith puts his life experience behind the notes/chords/riffs/solos...that's what makes it sound like Keith...and that's what moves listeners.

But yes...we will agree to disagree. 

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As far as this whole Gilby vs Fortus thing goes, here is the bottom line. If you didn't know EITHER guy, they were just two random dudes playing guitar at your local bar; Gilby is the typical "ya he's good, solid musician, but nothing special". Where Fortus would make you look up from your beer and say "whoa what was that?" perhaps Gilby is the better songwriter, but we are not talking about that. We are talking about who is the better guitar player to play next to slash. I for one am excited to see Fortus with Slash.

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46 minutes ago, Iron MikeyJ said:

As far as this whole Gilby vs Fortus thing goes, here is the bottom line. If you didn't know EITHER guy, they were just two random dudes playing guitar at your local bar; Gilby is the typical "ya he's good, solid musician, but nothing special". Where Fortus would make you look up from your beer and say "whoa what was that?" perhaps Gilby is the better songwriter, but we are not talking about that. We are talking about who is the better guitar player to play next to slash. I for one am excited to see Fortus with Slash.

I'm excited to see Fortus play with Slash too, but no I don't necessarily agree that I'd "look up from my beer" more for Fortus than Gilby. You had me when you said they were "just two random dudes" which I think is correct, but I don't see why there's one I'd go "whoa what was that?" and not the other. They both play essentially the same to me, which is fine but nothing special.

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3 hours ago, sonofnazareth said:

I care about the spirit/feel (things which are important in rock n' roll) and Gilby has it...Fortus doesn't. If we are talking about 'talent', both Fortus and Gilby are talented in what they do..that may or may not suit the sound of GNR..but Gilby was/is the closest fit in terms of the spirit/feel of the playing after Izzy left. 

I don't think any musician is more talented than another in general..most musicians have something unique to offer...but this is about GNR..a down n' dirty, rough n' ready, outcast rock n' roll band...you can't take a 'pro' musician and put them in the mix and expect it to work...you have to have guys with the right vibe/spirit/feel. 

I can't imagine that there was a good feeling from Gilby's disastrous SCOM cover.

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