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Inviting Slash and Duff here

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When Axl came here he endured pretty harsh attacks from people, who first doubted it was the real him and after confirming identify, went berserk on his family, collaborators, band break up, etc. 

He could have left right there but he stayed, replied to all of the mean comments and was pretty informative on a variety of subjects. You should read those chats.

It is apparently Duff the one who will face the interviews after Vegas so it'd be nice to have him here because the guy is incredibly cool. I don't know. I think they may want to stop by their official fan club first...

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The Axl chats were insanely awesome. Couldn't quite believe it was happening at the time. Just wish he'd been mined for more real information about those lost years making Chinese Democracy instead of some of the stupid shit like "What is your favourite movie?" or whatever.

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1 hour ago, flyaway said:

Guys, I'll tell you my point of view why they are not here and probably why they will not come here and why they don't provide much information except the needed one as a whole. I hope you will take your time and think a little bit about this and change something. The thing is... I'm reading the topics here in this forums and also some other places on the net from time to time and based on the comments i have the overall impression that a big part of the GN'R fan base have very DISRESPECTFUL attitude toward the band members (new and old) and not only this they have this disrespectful and negative attitude even between themselves, which is really sad! How can you pretend that you are a "fan" and like someone/something (band, person, music, etc...) if you don't respect it and constantly throw negativism in one or another way at the band and the band members, i can't understand! Just think about it... most of the time the good things in life usually happen when you act in a positive way, not when you are grumpy and negative. People are more open and willing to share with other people when they have positive person in front of them, not a negative and disrespectful one. I really hope that you will think about this, change something in a positive way and with time most probably the things will start to change in a positive direction for everyone (band and fans). It's not that hard to be polite. Try it!

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MyGnR has always been the "bad boy" of G N' R forums.  The same reason it's considered the "bad boy" is the same reason it's the biggest and most active.  MyGnR (unlike some other well known forums) has always allowed fans to freely voice their opinions - both good and bad....and that didn't change when Axl came here....or when Fernando would post, etc.

 Unfortunately, some of the feedback they got back then was pretty harsh and I don't think they want to deal with it anymore.  And having that type of reputation within the G N' R camp could possibly hurt the chances of  other members showing up here to chat.  I'm not saying it's impossible but it would probably take a lot of work from Downzy and the mods here.

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2 hours ago, flyaway said:

Guys, I'll tell you my point of view why they are not here and probably why they will not come here and why they don't provide much information except the needed one as a whole. I hope you will take your time and think a little bit about this and change something. The thing is... I'm reading the topics here in this forums and also some other places on the net from time to time and based on the comments i have the overall impression that a big part of the GN'R fan base have very DISRESPECTFUL attitude toward the band members (new and old) and not only this they have this disrespectful and negative attitude even between themselves, which is really sad! How can you pretend that you are a "fan" and like someone/something (band, person, music, etc...) if you don't respect it and constantly throw negativism in one or another way at the band and the band members, i can't understand! Just think about it... most of the time the good things in life usually happen when you act in a positive way, not when you are grumpy and negative. People are more open and willing to share with other people when they have positive person in front of them, not a negative and disrespectful one. I really hope that you will think about this, change something in a positive way and with time most probably the things will start to change in a positive direction for everyone (band and fans). It's not that hard to be polite. Try it!

Thanks for the advice but No way in hell should anyone change their opinion or outlook on the band simply to pander to celebrities in hopes they'd come and post here. If you can't understand the "negative" attitudes towards GnR than you probably only started paying attention to the band last week. The negativity or reality which many of us prefer to call it, that you speak of stems from YEARS of complete and utter disrepsect and contempt for the fanbase from Axl Rose and his management team. Not only that but from years of watching Axl and co self sabatoge themselves in the most ridiculous ways to the point you have to wonder if it was all done on purpose. Axl and the GnR camp have earned every single thing they've recieved from the fans. The good, the bad and the ugly.  Had you been posting on these boards back in 2000-2006 you'd have seen a much different vibe. But as it stands a lot of fans got sick and tired of being played for fools, got sick and tired of being told to get on board or fuck off when the people saying that never even got on board themselves.  So I'm sorry if I can't take a person who's posted a total of 10 times seriously when they're telling the rest of us we need to be nicer and more polite to Axl fucking Rose. 

Edited by Bono
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If anything they would be chatting on the official night train forums now. 

But yea Flyaway was correct when saying some ppl were really disrespectful when axl was on.

He took the time out of his schedule and out of his own good will to address fans questions and some people made complete jackarses of themselves.

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I think mygnr did an interview with Slash about 3-4 years ago...nothing from Duff though.


on the topic of treatment of the band members in the comments...well nobody should have to feel bad about their opinion, there is a line between opinion and disrespect but people cross that on any subject not just GNR. The fact that there are fans still around from every era of GNR speaks volumes about the love we all have for the band and their music. We have all been critical of the band at the same time. There is a lot of time with GNR that went to waste for reasons that we still don't know to this day. When Axl came here here there were a select few that tried to blatantly attack Axl but it was overall people sucking up and gawking at his internet presence haha. Axl acknowledged the nice comments, but individually acknowledged the negative ones. He would have kept responding if the server would have held up. Axl can handle the negative comments, he did with us and said a lot last time here. However later with Madison he let his emotions get the best of him and I think that's what kind of made him realize the forum wasn't for him. So wisely he's stayed away to avoid that situation again. 


All in all I don't think it is the negativity that keeps the band members away, it's the fact that most of them cannot talk openly about what's going on besides Axl, if they have nothing to say then they won't come here to ignore everyone's questions. Axl came here after CD released and he wanted to talk about that. I think he was disappointed to find the same old questions about the old band. 

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@Bono I'm a fan of the band since 1991, so your presumption about this is not correct and surprisingly after all these years and all the things you are explaining in your post (some of them are true some of them not that much from my point of view - a matter of personal perception of course) I still have a huge respect for these guys, what they did, what they currently do and plan to do in the feature and i will fully support them with what i can. A lot of things changed, people changed, i've changed a lot, the guys changed a lot also during these years... the things are not static they move on and no one is perfect but at last we are all trying to do our best. You are right i don't really post that much and i will not post a lot in the feature too but this doesn't mean that i'm not aware or i don't care what's going on. Regarding the number of posts... this is not a competition!

Edited by flyaway
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42 minutes ago, flyaway said:

@Bono I'm a fan of the band since 1991, so your presumption about this is not correct and surprisingly after all these years and all the things you are explaining in your post (some of them are true some of them not that much from my point of view - a matter of personal perception of course) I still have a huge respect for these guys, what they did, what they currently do and plan to do in the feature and i will fully support them with what i can. A lot of things changed, people changed, i've changed a lot, the guys changed a lot also during these years... the things are not static they move on and no one is perfect but at last we are all trying to do our best. You are right i don't really post that much and i will not post a lot in the feature too but this doesn't mean that i'm not aware or i don't care what's going on. Regarding the number of posts... this is not a competition!

 Did I mention my posts and say it was a competetion? Nope because I don't give a shit but like I said it's hard to take someone seriously who has 10 posts telling the rest of us who have been posting and following the band daily for the last 15 years to be polite to Axl and maybe if we're lucky he or the others will come and post here. I call it like I see it and the fact is Axl's GnR since he took over has shown the fanbase pretty much nothing but contempt and disrespect. How could you even begin to think otherwise? What have they done to show the fans they give a fuck? Even this new "reunion" the silence and the way they've rolled out the shows is being half assed and a bit of a slap in the face. Once again GnR is just disregarding it's own fanbase, jacking prices so high it's ridiculous, not releasing a  statement of who's in the band even, the one appearance on Kimmel was already cancelled and we're supposed to sit here and praise the almighty? No I don't think so. If you think being polite online is going to change the entire thought process when it comes to how Axl and the band do business than I'm afraid you have NOT been paying attention. Guns N Roses is about the music an I can call a apsade a spade and still enjoy and appreciate that aspect of it but don't sit there and tell the fanbase they need to be nicer and more respectful to the band. That is just ridiculous. Bands who treat their fans with respect and gratitude get that in return. The GnR fans over the years have shown Axl more gratitude and appreiation than maybe he likely deserves at this point. You can still appreciate stuff while at the same time being honest. We don't all have to kneel at the alter. 

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There would be less negativity if we were told what's happening with this band.However I'm sure Slash and Duff can answer all the questions from the fans without feeling hurt because I guess they're aware of criticism and know it's a normal thing

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3 hours ago, Oldest Goat said:

Being an old fan, even if right from the origin of the band does not mean you are a better fan than me. You don't appreciate the music more than I do. What it does mean is you've been around longer and you've had more opportunities to see them LIVE, to hear the music as it released etc and unfortunately more time to be frustrated(mainly) by, from what I think we can all agree is pretty obvious; Axl's personality problems that has held him back as an artist. I don't agree with the good, the bad and the ugly, I'd prefer the good and the real. Calling Axl and whoever on their bullshit is not a negative attitude as far as I'm concerned?

What I and I assume the others are talking about as unwanted, negative shit is the 'hooray for tolerance!-level' bullshit that is apparent in the Axl chats. That doesn't help anyone.

Clearly you have missed the point. At no time did I even remotely say or suggest certain fans are better than others due to their longevity in terms of posting online or how long they've been a  fan. The point and it's an obvious one at that, is it's incredibly ridiculous for someone who's got a total of 10 posts to login to mygnr and say the fans need to show more respect to the band and start being nicer. 

The fact is when it comes to Axl Rose there is GOOD, BAD and UGLY. That's REAL it's just being specific.  Tr olls are tr olls and they exist everywhere and if an artist expcets them not to exist before they choose to come online then, well,  they will never come on line. BUT there is a massive section of GnR fans that think calling people on their bullshit is negative and there is a massive section of GnR fans that think we just need a little patience, as if we've shown none over the last 20 years. Nah. Axl is praised for his unpreditcable, volitile attitude and personality yet fans are supposed to just be like "oh that's cool man please come online so we can discuss the thought process when it comes to writting a great melody"? Axl has made this bed himself. Fans get "disrespectful" because you get what you give and let's face it Axl has't been respectful towards the fanbase. In fact he's shown much more contempt than appreciation, so if he wants to come online he should expect some piss n' vinegar. 

I'd be willing to be bet though if Slash and Duff came online you'd find the reception much, much, much different. Then again for that to happen Axl and TB would have to lift the obvious gag order. 

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I fail to see how being a keyboard thug to Axl will make him change his ways or the way he handles his business.

I agree with @flyaway all this negativity is useless. I don't know one single person who reacts in a positive way to insults or starts doing things different after being mobbed. All the contrary, the outcome of that it is always distancing, withdrawal and disdain.

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I don't know if any of the guys actually go on here and read topics about themselves... I mean, I wouldn't.

Also, people are and probably always will be very negative on the internet, I think it's human nature or something. Often fans are the biggest critics so on a discussion board they don't shy away from giving their opinion and GnR isn't like the freaking Foo Fighters or some other band who have always been very respectful towards their fanbase, it goes beyond saying that it's not easy being a GnR fan. Of course there are negative nancies who will always be that way no matter what, but best thing is to just ignore them.

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There is a difference between criticism and disrespect.  Unfortunately the Internet has blurred that line and given people an opportunity to hide behind a shroud and say things they never would say in person to someone.  I love this band and  am very excited to see what is to come, but at the same time I'm totally fed up with the lack of communication and disrespect to the fan base.  I understand people being negative and pessimistic but at the same time as fans we should see the positive in this.  I do hope that the GNR camp will do some formL interviews and reach out to the die hards like us as well.  If that happens we need to at least act like adults and ask question respectfully but not sugar coat everything either.  I believe a dialogue should occur even if some questions are hard or uncomfortable.  

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9 hours ago, Gracii Guns said:

Would be fantastic if it happened. The mygnr staff do have some fun things planned to celebrate this exciting time. I'd encourage you all to chill out and enjoy those when they come along. Downzy does everything he can for this forum.

Thanks for the info. Im glad things are planned.To me this is and has been the best forum to visit. When I created this topic it wasn't meant to be a bash Axl. All along Slash and Duff have been more media friendly so thats why they would be great here. Back to Axl. If he would realize that his chats helped out his side tremendously I think he would be more open to coming back. Most aren't looking to hang him out to dry,  we just want to hear his point of view. He doesn't have to come here to share his plans but he could use multiple websites at his disposal to do so. And I'm not talking about here and now I'm referring to the last 20 years. But great singer and the guys are back together thats what matters most.

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Well it would be cool, but its not going to happen. Slash and Duff have "better" things to do and are busy with their own work.

Some interviews would be cool, even a chat would be cool, but a section like Canter Banter won't happen.

But its really great to have Marc on here, he is the reason why I registered here. 

The Admins and Mods directly don't know the band members nor they have their personal emails or things. For Slash they would have to go through @Slash2baz or @wasted or @Bono.

For Axl it would be Fernando and maybe /Jarmo. 

For Izzy, it would be @downliner.

When it came to the members of NuGNR, they are easily contactable, but again it depends on them to give an interview or not. 

At the moment I care about that the shows go good and I really hope to see Izzy and Steven up there. 

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I like having Marc here and he's been so generous with his knowledge and thoughts. Can't help but thinking that having him here impairs his chance of getting close to Axl again though. Wonder if we should release him back into the wild so he can find his clan again...

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I don't think Slash or Duff would get any trouble, they are universally respected. The negativity stemmed from new Guns. 

I guess a free form discussion will cause problems in the end. And they can do an interview or say anything they want anytime. 

So what do we actually want to know? 

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8 hours ago, Slash787 said:

For Izzy, it would be @downliner.

Izzy has Twitter now so you can all go and invite him yourself at IzzyStradlin999, no need for me to get involved and I would have absolutely no say in the matter at all anyway :) Rolling Stone, Loudwire, Wall Street Journal and Alt Nation have all mentioned on Twitter that they want to interview Izzy and nothing has come to fruition. Maybe he has nothing else to say right now? :(

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1 hour ago, Oldest Goat said:

This is what I want from the band; New album(s?), remastered full GNR boxset including all the unreleased songs and documentaries and a new one covering the band and this new tour(CD would benefit from this obviously, include the remix version in this), the dates for the world tour and whether they'll come to NZ, pro-shots of most if not all of these new shows and I'd also really really like AT LEAST one special Appetite For Destruction line-up show with pro-shot DVD.

Pretty sure that's what all of us want, am I missing anything? So as much info and confirmation about these things as possible. This is what I'd ask them about. I actually think we'll get all that just not 100% sure of new music

Dream big or go home right?

I've been a slacker in this department. I've been willing to settle for UYI documentary/footage and (recently added) footage from Appetite shows.

I need to work on my wish list.

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