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China Exchange: 60 Minutes with Axl Rose

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1 hour ago, IncitingChaos said:

Great that he got a vocal coach! Should help maintain the voice for the long run.

Surprised to hear that he said Slash made things up in his book, maybe Slash admitting this allowed for the reunion. I still would have thought Axl say something like "there was a lot of misunderstanding at the time and there were people around us who made things up to get their way...blah blah blah" 

That´s Alternative nation´s or blabbermouth´s next headline...

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The last thing I'd waste a question on is new music. How many times have people asked over how many years and had a reply. Would be the most annoying question to be asked. 

How did people go to this I wonder. Was it like a press conference that you are sent to from work and how great does he look compared to the Eddie Trunk night. He's going nude again - minus hat and sunnies which gives me a glimpse of the young Axl. I'll bet he never thought he'd be called sweet/polite/endearing or funny by people.

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1 hour ago, CardinalGunner said:

What would you expect him to say?

Frank and Richard are filling those spots in the band.

I expect axl to say that izzy and steven will be back soon because when they get back we will have GNR again


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3 hours ago, ACP said:

Hi everyone, my first post here.  Well I WAS THERE TONIGHT!!!!   I am posting this info because it's what I'd like as a GnR fan if I hadn't made it. I registered recently for some online website that informs you of when bands are playing and got a notification on Friday from them about an Axl Rose event today.  I booked it immediately and asked for the afternoon off work. As has been stated, Axl was late but the traffic in London was a nightmare today with the heavy rain and it genuinely wasn't his fault.  I thought the venue seemed a bit odd too but online I could see other stars have done this.  I have to say I have no insider info and was just lucky to get the ticket on Friday. I managed to get a seat on the front row too and I asked Axl a question.  

Axl looked and sounded great, he was happy, smiling, polite, very friendly and I have to say endearing.  The moderator talked wth him first for a while then opened the floor to questions and said they had to be intelligent questions. Mostly they were to be honest and Axl came across as very intelligent himself. There was a camera filming so I'd assume there will be a video posted online at some point.  There was no bitching about Slash so if anyone says otherwise it's a lie.  The only thing I remember in this regard is someone asked how they got on now, and Axl said words to the effect of its all great/good and that it had been 19yrs since they'd spoken and that Slash had written things in his book that were just made up.  Someone asked Axl if he would write a book so we can hear his side, and he said he would but that it would be hard to tell his side now they've made up without it affecting things. I'm sorry those aren't Axls exact words, it's just how I remember. 

When I got the chance to ask a question, I asked now that GnR have reformed, do you have any plans to tour in the UK/Europe (outside the states)?  My mind was a bit jellied because I was in awe but he said definitely, that they want to pursue or push this to be a big thing.  

While people managed to take photos on their phones, the moderator eventually said we should put down on phones/stop recording and enjoy the moment for its rarity in the here and now  - he didn't want people to film it and said we can look at the video later on YouTube.  That's why there isn't much video footage.  At the end the moderator said because they'd been mobbed outside coming in, he didn't want us to be all middle class and start taking selfies/autographs, and said Axl and his entourage will leave shortly.  But then Axl said he was happy to stay for photos/autographs.  I was hoping to have my photo taken with him, but it was like a scrum - people trying to get to him, brandishing albums for his signature.  I felt during the whole session Axl had been relaxed and friendly and been happy to answer people's questions, and I felt this scramble at the end was a shame.  It felt like people were just keen to get signatures (maybe to sell on) or take a selfie and before I got a chance to get close to Axl his bodyguard said that was enough. I saw the videos when Axl left and was walking back to his taxi - I think it's shameful how people were jumping in front of him and snapping etc.  I have to be honest and say he was a really lovely guy, and I think he deserved treating with greater respect.  

I am still star struck.......I will try and post some photos if I can figure it out....

Thank you for this.  I went on and subscribed to the China Exchange You Tube Channel.  I see others who have done the 60 minute interviews have videos posted so I suspect Axl's will also.  It is a shame that the event ended in such a way.  I would have LOVED to have gone to something like this.  Very glad for you that you had the chance : )  It is nice to hear that he continues to be happy and in a good place.  

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I've now thought about this and I am sure that it is a good thing that I will never likely be able to go to a Q&A for any of the GnR members. I would somehow get picked to ask a question and I'd forget all the important questions and get distracted.

"You got dogs? :hug:Tell me about your dogs"  I'd say.

Then all the rest of fans would come after me with pitchforks for asking a useless not-question and taking up valuable question asking time.

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11 minutes ago, jamillos said:



is something that would logically be appropriate...

Was it Fred durst or steven Tyler? We need details (pitchfork in hand)

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9 hours ago, Pedrolg said:

I think it's probably more on the lines of he really enjoyed playing the CD stuff with Slash and Duff, as in it meant a lot for him to have the guys play those songs as GNR songs.

no it is more of his way of saying FU to the fans who are only interested in hearing the "old" stuff

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4 hours ago, ACP said:

I don't think so.  I'm really sketchy on the questions, being that close to Axl kind of fried my brain to be honest.  I'm really hoping the video comes out soon so I can refresh my memory. Some one asked which song he likes performing best, and he answered Coma, as someone else has said.  Spence asked if he'd be interested in another genre of music like jazz, someone else asked how he writes songs - piano etc, someone asked how he's maintained his voice all these years (he's brought in a voice coach), Axl said he loves animals and has had cats and dogs etc,.  Someone else asked how he compared himself now to back then (he said something like they were young then), he did mention something about the band having been stupid all those years ago with the business side of things, not so much monetary but in the control.  The record labels wanted shorter songs so they could get more air time and thus make more money, so the band got rid of the record label as they didn't want to be restricted as artists. 

Thanks a lot!!! Could you please elaborate on the label and short songs issue? Did Axl said they are not signed to any label?

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8 minutes ago, rendestroi95 said:


wow, looks like I am going to be up for at least another 50 minutes, I am also willing to bet this is taken down by a copyright claim or something

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The guy had the chance to ask anything to axl. It could be about new music, how the reunion happened, if the troubadour concert will be released, if old concerts will be released, anything!!

And the question is...:

"Axl, your voice is, of course, perfect for rock and roll, but have you ever thought about joining a jazz band?"



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Listening to it now and wow i think he actually acknowledged the Micky voice. He said he wanted his voice to be "clearer" for Chinese democracy and the way he sings it is better for him  then what he's doing at th moment (rasp?) it's hard to hear but I think that's what he said

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7 minutes ago, Silent Jay said:


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Axl has always been keen to work on a film soundtrack and may do so in the future, saying ‘I was more interested in that than staying in Guns N’ Roses’.

Axl does regular vocal exercises and has resumed work with a vocal coach he had stopped working with 20 years prior, since the Back In Black material is particularly demanding.

Axl has a varied music taste and particularly enjoys Frank Sinatra, but doesn’t see too much branching into genres such as jazz.

Axl apparently made a concious effort to make his voice ‘clearer’ for the Chinese Democracy album which he feels people did not respond to.

Axl is working on new music which has been received positively by Duff McKagan and Slash.

There no plans for a solo album.

Axl may release his own book.

Axl believes that Slash fabricated some details in his book and told him so over the phone when they patched things up in 2015.

Axl feels that he and Angus Young have good chemistry and is open to working on new music with him.

Slash’s new work ethic impressed Axl, as he and Duff learned the Chinese Democracy material without being prompted.

There are definite plans for a Guns N’ Roses tour in the UK

The current Guns N’ Roses arrangement is one that Axl hopes to keep ‘going for quite a while’

In retrospect, Axl believes he should have self-released more music rather than use a large record label.

Sir David Tang is a douchebag


Wait! Did Axl say he had phone conversations with Slash last year? :ph34r:

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