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Serial Killers/Prisoners Thread

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6 hours ago, Len Cnut said:

Why on earth would you want to write a letter to some old coke mule that sleeps with a half glass of water with his teeth floating in them every night? :lol:

L M A O....well that's one way to look at it. Definitely sums it up lol


6 hours ago, DieselDaisy said:

I hope you handled his letter with rubber gloves?

Argh.....too late for those precautions! Lol

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3 hours ago, Whiskey Rose said:

I'm curious as to actually what you wrote in your letter.

Man it's been so long that I don't remember specifics, but the gist of it. I'm a big fan of the movie, even moreso about 10 years ago.

I felt compelled to write him to explain that I felt he had a brilliant mind in order to pull off what he did back in the day and to reach the level of "success," for lack of better word that he did. I told him that at one point when I was younger one circle of friends I hung out with were hustlers looking for an angle to make money, and back then it was kind of fascinating. Ultimately, that life wasn't for me.

On a side note here, I heard about some stuff that was really messed up that a couple of them were involved in and that's when I distanced myself from that crowd. 

I remember asking him of he had seen the movie, and if so I wanted to know how close to fact it was. I also told him that I hoped he and his daughter were close again. 

So, I wasn't sure if he would respond but if so I totally expected to receive a response at least somewhat relevant to what I wrote him. Instead like I explained, dude went on about how he needed a woman and how he loved to be dominated. It's safe to say that I didn't write back lol. 

Edited by Tiffani
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Just now, Tiffani said:

Man it's been so long that I don't remember specifics, but the gist of it. I'm a big fan of the movie, even moreso about 10 years ago.

I felt compelled to write him to explain that I felt he had a brilliant mind in order to pull off what he did back in the day and to reach the level of "success," for lack of better word that he did. I told him that at one point when I was younger one circle of friends I hung out with were hustlers looking for an angle to make money, and back then it was kind of fascinating. Ultimately, it was my for me.

On a side note here, I heard about some stuff that was really messed up that a couple of them were involved in and that's when I distanced myself from that crowd. 

I remember asking him of he had seen the movie, and if so I wanted to know how close to fact it was. I also told him that I hoped he and his daughter were close again. 

So, I wasn't sure if he would respond but if so I totally expected to receive a response at least somewhat relevant to what I wrote him. Instead like I explained, dude went on about how he needed a woman and how he loved to be dominated. It's safe to say that I didn't write back lol. 

He weren't really a genius though, its just it was a time where the nation was wide open for coke and he got in on the ground floor, he was hardly shrewd though, he got fucked over pretty quickly and tends to happen in these sorts of enterprises because you have to be a pretty ruthless person.  Nor were his transporting methods particularly ingenious.  He was a bit of a mark really, someone that was used by a lot of coke barons to make them a lot of money and then fucked over the minute they could edge him out of the picture.  Fair dues he made a fair deal of money out of the deal but what use is it, having spent most of his life indoors?  The clever ones are the ones who don't end up inside and generally speaking all of em do.  

And even if you are successful at that shit, some people i know are VERY successful at it, it don't do you a lot of good because you can't move the money.  When you're talking like, a person whoose sitting on a mil or ten or twenty, it's pointless cuz you can't do shit with it, the only people who can thrive on that money are your big boys who earn into the 100s of millions from it because they can pay the right people to clean their money, or you got your Escobars and Chappos.  Other than that, the relatively lower rungs of the ladder, truly speaking, you're better off using your brains and applying them to something legal and profitable, you actually get to live to enjoy your money and you don't have to spend your life looking over your shoulder.  What good is money that you can't parlay off into some kind of worthwhile asset?  Expensive watches and a nice car get boring and, in the long run, are insubstantial.  

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13 minutes ago, Len Cnut said:

He weren't really a genius though, its just it was a time where the nation was wide open for coke and he got in on the ground floor, he was hardly shrewd though, he got fucked over pretty quickly and tends to happen in these sorts of enterprises because you have to be a pretty ruthless person.  Nor were his transporting methods particularly ingenious.  He was a bit of a mark really, someone that was used by a lot of coke barons to make them a lot of money and then fucked over the minute they could edge him out of the picture.  Fair dues he made a fair deal of money out of the deal but what use is it, having spent most of his life indoors?  The clever ones are the ones who don't end up inside and generally speaking all of em do.  

And even if you are successful at that shit, some people i know are VERY successful at it, it don't do you a lot of good because you can't move the money.  When you're talking like, a person whoose sitting on a mil or ten or twenty, it's pointless cuz you can't do shit with it, the only people who can thrive on that money are your big boys who earn into the 100s of millions from it because they can pay the right people to clean their money, or you got your Escobars and Chappos.  Other than that, the relatively lower rungs of the ladder, truly speaking, you're better off using your brains and applying them to something legal and profitable, you actually get to live to enjoy your money and you don't have to spend your life looking over your shoulder.  What good is money that you can't parlay off into some kind of worthwhile asset?  Expensive watches and a nice car get boring and, in the long run, are insubstantial.  

Very, very true. I hadn't looked at it that way, but you are absolutely correct.

I would personally hate to live a life of constantly looking over my shoulder for either the law or rivals looking to take me out. Then being paranoid that someone could murder or abduct someone in my family to get to me. Always having to have a plan B, C and D and looking to stay steps ahead of everyone else.

Like my mother used to tell me, "All money isnt good money," and that kind of drama and danger isn't worth the payday. 

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actually there is a guy i would write to. his name is Randy Wood and he did a good thing to make sure a bad person got the punishment he deserved but in doing so he turned down a plea deal and now is going to be in prison til he is quite old. here is a link to his story, it's long but very interesting IMO :)



Edited by AxlsFavoriteRose
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28 minutes ago, Tiffani said:

Very, very true. I hadn't looked at it that way, but you are absolutely correct.

I would personally hate to live a life of constantly looking over my shoulder for either the law or rivals looking to take me out. Then being paranoid that someone could murder or abduct someone in my family to get to me. Always having to have a plan B, C and D and looking to stay steps ahead of everyone else.

Like my mother used to tell me, "All money isnt good money," and that kind of drama and danger isn't worth the payday. 

It's one thing talking about it but the actual stress of it, the real life tangible fear involved, unless you're actually a street person and a real fuckin' hardcase you wouldn't be able to handle it.  And y'know what, everyone thinks its easy money but it's not, it is anything but, you REALLY have to work to do that shit and if you're gonna work hard anyway you can do that shit making an honest living.

You have to know people, know your town, they have to know you, you have to have lived a life in that shit, it's not something you can wake up one morning and go 'oh, i wannabe a drug dealer'.  Also, those people are...not like ordinary people, they can read you like a book and tell if you're the real mccoy or not in seconds flat, it is an awful awful life, everybodys looking to rob everybody else 100% of the time, you can trust literally no one and the one that makes it anywhere in that game is the person willing to fuck anybody and everybody.  They take advantage of the weak and vulnerable for their own ends.

I know the biggest dealers in my town and most of their family and people who work for them, i went to school with a great many of em and literally all of em are fucked except the top guy who is just a man sitting on a shitload of money that he can't really do shit with, he's ruined the lives of most of his brothers who were working with him, their having seen 8 to 10 years in prison and coming out like...dead inside.  It's weird cuz i knew a lot of these guys as kids so i still kinda remember that cheeky 14/15 (or 11 even) year old in them but...they just become dead in the eyes.  Half of their kids have been taken away by social services...and that ain't counting the many lives ruined by the selling of drugs.  I mean it's alright people like me who just do it for recreation but the regulars, the bread and butter customers, crack and heroin and all that shit, the amount of lives you ruin, it's one thing when you're young but when you get older, if you got any kind of heart, looking back at that shit, it's like...i dunno, i can't imagine a worse thing.

And just in a day to day sense, any kind of intelligent person can't get along in that environment.  I had a friend once call me up and pass me the phone and i could hear like, what sounded like a human being barking...and I'm like what is that and he's like I'm making such and such bark like a dog for their browns and its like...i dunno, i'd like to think i have a bit more humanity than that.  The kind of person you have to be to exist in that environment is extremely unpleasant.  These guys don't think nothing of like...abusing underage girls or setting some kid up to get the life beaten out of him or whatever.  The reverberations of that shit , the effect it has on innumerable lives is just heartbreaking.  

I guess it's to do with the difference between the image of something and the reality of it.  Like take pimps for example, you think pimp you think Snoop, Huggy Bear, The Mack, these cool fuckin' guys with tonsa ladies around em, just the slickest dudes on the planet...and then you have the reality, human traffickers basically, people that abuse vulnerable girls for money and live on the lifeblood of the innocent, they're in the same category as pedophiles as far as I'm concerned.

Gimme a choice between all that shit and poverty and I'd take poverty all day long.

Edited by Len Cnut
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ok this is a story i don't often tell but my horrid ex bf was a mid level drug dealer. when we met all he did was smoke pot, we both did. i was in a bad position, bad bad stuff at my house. i was 18, my mom had passed, my dad and i had a very bad relationship and had moved his gf, who he was screwing as my mom was dying from cancer, into my mom's house. it was just...really unbearable. so i met this guy, he seemed nice ( not too bright but nice. ) i moved in with him a month after we met.

fast forward he gets addicted to cocaine and to pay for the coke he starts dealing drugs for ( and this is one thing that shows he was not very bright ) our next door neighbor who was a Hell's Angel.

well i was freaking out. very bad people were coming around our house and i felt like any minute i was going to be in bad trouble of some sort. i started fighting with him about it and sometimes the fights got loud and i was yelling things about him being a drug dealer. not smart on my part i know. anyway, i started getting death threats on our answering machine. very soon i decided i had to get out. i moved in with friends but they also knew my ex and i didn't feel safe there either.

i swallowed my pride and moved back in with my dad and the gf he had now married. my dad was ex militaty, had several high powered rifles in the house and i felt fairly safe.

i moved to where i live now, about 100 miles from where he lived, a few years ago. in 2014 i was back in town and i decided i would drive by the old house. i had heard from friends that the Hell's Angel guy was in prison but had never found out anything about my drug dealing ex. i was curious. i drove by and the house was gone! there was another house there, they had torn down the old one and built a new one. when i got home i googled the address and found by going thru a bunch of links that he had died. i didn't know what had happened but i was sure it was him, saw a picture of his grave on that find a grave site. same name, same birthday, birth year and it even showed his dad's grave. 100% sure it was him.

i found out later thru a friend that he'd died of complications from diabetes. the friend said he had kept doing drugs and was a heavy drinker so not a surprise.

i still feel very dirty when i think i ended up with a person like that. 

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3 hours ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

actually there is a guy i would write to. his name is Randy Wood and he did a good thing to make sure a bad person got the punishment he deserved but in doing so he turned down a plea deal and now is going to be in prison til he is quite old. here is a link to his story, it's long but very interesting IMO :)



Wow...I read the whole thing. What a terrible story and a complete waste of life for the poor girl Heather and Randy. I can see why you felt the desire to write to him. I'm sure he greatly appreciated the correspondence. 


@Len Cnut You're a wise, wise man. To hell with all that crazy bullshit. No way...lol

@DieselDaisy  LOL..

@AxlsFavoriteRose OMG, I am so sorry you had to go through that kind of stress and grief at such a young age. That is terrible. And I am also sorry for the loss of your mother. I lost my mother 12 years ago so i can relate. I can't relate to the other stresses and dangers you were subjected to. I'm so happy you got out with your life and sanity. That's so scary and as @Whiskey Rose noted, you were so young to be going through that shit. You must be a very strong woman today.

 As for your ex, I'm sorry for your loss there also. I imagine that you felt some sense of something when you found out his fate. Man...hard drugs and prescription narcotics are nothing but a recipe for an early grave and a lot of hell and turmoil on the way there. It's all fun and games until that monkey wraps its limbs around your back. 


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1 hour ago, Tiffani said:

Wow...I read the whole thing. What a terrible story and a complete waste of life for the poor girl Heather and Randy. I can see why you felt the desire to write to him. I'm sure he greatly appreciated the correspondence. 


@Len Cnut You're a wise, wise man. To hell with all that crazy bullshit. No way...lol

@DieselDaisy  LOL..

@AxlsFavoriteRose OMG, I am so sorry you had to go through that kind of stress and grief at such a young age. That is terrible. And I am also sorry for the loss of your mother. I lost my mother 12 years ago so i can relate. I can't relate to the other stresses and dangers you were subjected to. I'm so happy you got out with your life and sanity. That's so scary and as @Whiskey Rose noted, you were so young to be going through that shit. You must be a very strong woman today.

 As for your ex, I'm sorry for your loss there also. I imagine that you felt some sense of something when you found out his fate. Man...hard drugs and prescription narcotics are nothing but a recipe for an early grave and a lot of hell and turmoil on the way there. It's all fun and games until that monkey wraps its limbs around your back. 


thanks for the kind words Tiffani :)

as for Randy i want to write him but have not yet. i saw this on an episode of American Justice and afterwards i went to this board called Prison Talk. anyway there was a woman there who said she and Randy had married in prison and asked that all the women writing him to stop and any women who wanted to please not to. i took her at her word.

then i found out she had lied about the whole situation. i saw an interview with Randy and he said he is now and has always been single and is lonely. i have been meaning to write but have been so busy, just moved into a new home this year and still have tons of unpacking and settling in to do. 

but your post made me remember him so i will be writing as soon as i have the chance. i have the address and his inmate # so i just need to gather my thoughts and do it.

thanks again :)

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13 hours ago, Tiffani said:

Wow...I read the whole thing. What a terrible story and a complete waste of life for the poor girl Heather and Randy. I can see why you felt the desire to write to him. I'm sure he greatly appreciated the correspondence. 


@Len Cnut You're a wise, wise man. To hell with all that crazy bullshit. No way...lol

@DieselDaisy  LOL..

@AxlsFavoriteRose OMG, I am so sorry you had to go through that kind of stress and grief at such a young age. That is terrible. And I am also sorry for the loss of your mother. I lost my mother 12 years ago so i can relate. I can't relate to the other stresses and dangers you were subjected to. I'm so happy you got out with your life and sanity. That's so scary and as @Whiskey Rose noted, you were so young to be going through that shit. You must be a very strong woman today.

 As for your ex, I'm sorry for your loss there also. I imagine that you felt some sense of something when you found out his fate. Man...hard drugs and prescription narcotics are nothing but a recipe for an early grave and a lot of hell and turmoil on the way there. It's all fun and games until that monkey wraps its limbs around your back. 


oh and i am very sorry about your mom too. 

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