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06/02/17 - Lisbon, PT - Passeio Martimo De Alges


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1 hour ago, TMAC20 said:

Has Slash switched back to the JCM 800 or still playing the Silver Jubilee Amps? his tone is incerdible either way - just wondering -seems like his really shredding it up and I can't  wait to see that gain in a few months 


He's using the Silver Jubilees.

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56 minutes ago, Tom-Ass said:

I dunno..  Me? I just paid close to $300 for a ticket. I would like him to sound as good as last time I saw him.. Just an observation. Relax

Don't get too hung up on Axl's voice when he's clearly giving his all, the show is amazing, millions of people are happy, you relax.

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1 minute ago, DieselDaisy said:

Problem is, if you've pissed away one hundred quid or whatever it is this costs, you'll pretend to yourself that what you have seen is amazing to justify the indulgence - and before people start criticising me here, I've done this myselfL I have rather talked myself into believing something is great and not dog shit.

Good thing not everybody is like you. 

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7 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

Problem is, if you've pissed away one hundred quid or whatever it is this costs, you'll pretend to yourself that what you have seen is amazing to justify the indulgence - and before people start criticising me here, I've done this myself: I have rather talked myself into believing something is great and not the dog shit which it is.

Yeah, I've done that after many a show. You walk out saying "yeah, that was great weren't it?" even if it was actually a bit ropey. What's the alternative? Admitting to yourself that you forked out hundreds on a ticket, travel and accommodation when you'd have had more fun staying at home watching a double bill of Corrie and an early night?

Edited by Towelie
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Just now, Towelie said:

Yeah, I've done that after many a show. You walk out saying "yeah, that was great weren't it?" even if it was actually a bit ropey. What's the alternative?Admitting that you forked out hundreds on a ticket, travel and accommodation when you'd have had more fun staying at home watching Corrie and having an early night.

''A Pot Noodle and a wank'' haha.


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1 minute ago, DieselDaisy said:

Good thing indeed.

I've heard you say elsewhere that you think most live rock shows are nothing but a rip off. I think maybe your thinking is governed by that. It's all gonna be a rip off in your eyes, right?

No different than cricket. If your biggest heroes are playing, are you gonna go see them for your hundred quid? 

Sometimes, maybe it is dogshit. Maybe Rottingham gets beat 297-5. You don't go back. But I seriously don't remember anyone, even the harshest critics in here, saying they went to NITL show and had a bad time. I don't think it was the money they spent fooling them that they were happy. If anything, I'd expect the opposite...



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1 minute ago, Fitha_whiskey said:

No different than cricket. If your biggest heroes are playing, are you gonna go see them for your hundred quid? 

Analogy does not hold up as if you have seen a dull game on an absolute road, 100% of the spectators will leave complaining that they have seen a ''dull game'' and be moaning about the wicket Trust me, I've been there.

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1 minute ago, DieselDaisy said:

Analogy does not hold up as if you have seen a dull game on an absolute road, 100% of the spectators will leave complaining that they have seen a ''dull game'' and be moaning about the wicket Trust me, I've been there.

Yeah, you're probably right. My analogy sucked. I've been to plenty of baseball games that sucked, and left me pissed at what I spent.

But specifically regarding GnR, have you seen ANY posters here that have said they didn't enjoy a live NITL show? I mean hell, even Tomass is going back for more this year.

My point being- GnR is satisfying the paying customers. If someone felt they didn't get their money's worth, they haven't said so to this point...

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6 hours ago, IncitingChaos said:

THIS!! I love concerts with bad singer performances! Absolutely nothing better 

Bad singer? Oh god, maybe he has his off days, but he still song quite good, and think about the songs Estranged and Come, Novermber Rain, all near 10 minutes long, it takes some power and air, and they go up and down in voice tone, or what it is called, i tried once to sing along on Estranged, halfway i must give up, it is some tuff songs.

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Honestly, I have fear for the Imola (Italy) gig. Axl is surely improving from the Slane, but he's FAR from the 2016 US dates. I'm not one of those who wants the 90's or 2010 back, but something close to Houston would be really appreciated.

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The ignorance of people on here amazes me. There is a reason this band is as huge as they are & a reason millions of people are still going to see them. They put on a hell of a show. It may not be note for note perfect, including musically, but it never has been & with any real live band never will be. All you critics, how perfect is your work, life or performance on a daily basis? Fuck of with your perfection expectations. This band have it going on & if all you can do is bitch, then why keep hoping for periscopes etc? Go watch Something else, cause even the ritz wasn't perfect.

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Fact is: Axl is not as good as he was and he never will be as epic as he was. Duff and Slash are solid. The problem with them: the songs are being played too fast / NuGnR like. 

And here's the main problem. I think most of the critics here and outside the forum would be ok with Axl's Mickey voice if we could get the rest of real GnR. Izzy/Steven/Gilby/Matt. Cause it's the real deal. What we have now is still NuGnR with Duff and Slash. 

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3 minutes ago, 2414225 said:

Fact is: Axl is not as good as he was and he never will be as epic as he was. Duff and Slash are solid. The problem with them: the songs are being played too fast / NuGnR like

And here's the main problem. I think most of the critics here and outside the forum would be ok with Axl's Mickey voice if we could get the rest of real GnR. Izzy/Steven/Gilby/Matt. Cause it's the real deal. What we have now is still NuGnR with Duff and Slash. 

I don't mind that. I actually listen to the Boston '02 version of Nightrain or the Colombus '02 version of Mr. Brownstone more often than to the album versions.

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16 minutes ago, ckgent said:

The ignorance of people on here amazes me. There is a reason this band is as huge as they are & a reason millions of people are still going to see them. They put on a hell of a show. It may not be note for note perfect, including musically, but it never has been & with any real live band never will be. All you critics, how perfect is your work, life or performance on a daily basis? Fuck of with your perfection expectations. This band have it going on & if all you can do is bitch, then why keep hoping for periscopes etc? Go watch Something else, cause even the ritz wasn't perfect.

Out of likes ? clap,clap

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50 minutes ago, 2414225 said:

Fact is: Axl is not as good as he was and he never will be as epic as he was. Duff and Slash are solid. The problem with them: the songs are being played too fast / NuGnR like. 

And here's the main problem. I think most of the critics here and outside the forum would be ok with Axl's Mickey voice if we could get the rest of real GnR. Izzy/Steven/Gilby/Matt. Cause it's the real deal. What we have now is still NuGnR with Duff and Slash. 

Axl IS good enough, AC/DC tour is the proof. I know he preserves his voice with Gn'R, but he's a bit exaggerating I think.

50 minutes ago, ckgent said:

The ignorance of people on here amazes me. There is a reason this band is as huge as they are & a reason millions of people are still going to see them. They put on a hell of a show. It may not be note for note perfect, including musically, but it never has been & with any real live band never will be. All you critics, how perfect is your work, life or performance on a daily basis? Fuck of with your perfection expectations. This band have it going on & if all you can do is bitch, then why keep hoping for periscopes etc? Go watch Something else, cause even the ritz wasn't perfect.

No one here is complaning about Gn'R themselves. The shows might be epic, I agree, but the point of the entire matter is Axl: he sounds weak on a lot of songs, even if reaching controlled high notes.
Sure, Ritz wasn't perfect like whatever gig comes in your mind, but these Axl performances are below the average, definitely. 

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2 hours ago, 2414225 said:

Fact is: Axl is not as good as he was and he never will be as epic as he was. Duff and Slash are solid. The problem with them: the songs are being played too fast / NuGnR like. 

And here's the main problem. I think most of the critics here and outside the forum would be ok with Axl's Mickey voice if we could get the rest of real GnR. Izzy/Steven/Gilby/Matt. Cause it's the real deal. What we have now is still NuGnR with Duff and Slash. 

Absolutely not the case at all. You are so off the mark with that point it's disgusting.

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2 hours ago, 2414225 said:

Fact is: Axl is not as good as he was and he never will be as epic as he was. Duff and Slash are solid. The problem with them: the songs are being played too fast / NuGnR like. 

And here's the main problem. I think most of the critics here and outside the forum would be ok with Axl's Mickey voice if we could get the rest of real GnR. Izzy/Steven/Gilby/Matt. Cause it's the real deal. What we have now is still NuGnR with Duff and Slash. 

If Axl screws up an AFD reunion with his Mickey vocals I'll be pissed 

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2 hours ago, 2414225 said:

Fact is: Axl is not as good as he was and he never will be as epic as he was. 

What the fuck are you even talking about? No one is expecting him to sound like 1992. But people are paying top dollar and we expect him to at least give us the fucking courtesy and respect to actually rehearse enough to sound as good as he did on the NA leg as we're paying the exact same extortionate prices. I don't even mind if he can't be assed delivering his AC/DC level performances, but at least work up to the level at the beginning of this money raping NITL tour. He owes us that much.

And to everyone saying "oh stop being negative, all the reviews are great from people who attended the shows." Fuck you. It's easily pleased cunts like you who are encouraging Axl's piss poor attitude towards this tour. Don't you dare tell me that I should be satisfied with unprepared, half assed performances of Welcome to the Jungle, when I've seen what Axl is capable of first hand less than 15ft in front of me with AC/DC less than 12 months ago.

If I've payed for tickets, travel and overnight stay of an upcoming show then I'm perfectly entitled to express my distaste at Axl's obvious lack of respect for his fans by delivering subpar performances well below his capability.

The bottom line is, he's capable of this. 

And he's content to deliver this.

This is the last I'll say on this subject but it has nothing to do with age or any of that bullshit (as the evidence of this tour and AC/DC clearly show) it's purely down to effort and the amount of fucks that he does or does not give.

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