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The whining thread

john lennon

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51 minutes ago, Kris_1989 said:

I have no idea. The heating & air guy said something about them all being hardwired together. I guess if one malfunctions none of the others will work either? So that's probably what happened. He also said it's always good to have a spare plug in detector so I got this one today: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00002N86A/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and it works great. It also tells you the level of CO2.  (350-1000 is when it's dangerous but prolonged exposure over 50 will make you feel sick. Mine was at 314. :facepalm:)

i think that's the kind i have. man that must have been so scary! *hugs*

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11 hours ago, Kris_1989 said:

Found out my furnace is cracked and has been leaking CO2 for awhile. Weird thing is the carbon dioxide detectors didn't go off but I guess that explains why I've had so many headaches lately. Kinda creepy to know I could've died at anytime and not even known it. :wacko:

Yikes girl....that is scary! We have had a few people die up here where I live cause of that. You don't want to mess with that. Which reminds me that I need to buy a new detector. 

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3 minutes ago, Kris_1989 said:

What's annoying me though is I've been to the doctor probably 5 or 6 times over the past few months trying to figure out why I was getting headaches and was dizzy all the time. If they had done a blood test they would've known a long time ago it was carbon monoxide. That's what scares me more than anything. That something so obvious could be missed by so many different doctors. :unsure:

oh girl drs these days are mostly incompetent! i have to keep on mine all the time or i will never get the meds i need. my advice is if you feel something is NOT RIGHT insist on a retest. if that doesn't work get a second opinion! my dr left and the one i got in her place is an idiot. my nurse practitioner is so much better i only see her now!

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1 hour ago, AslatIE said:

I think I may have strep throat, feel like kicked shit. I also had the worst fever I've experienced for two days, but I feel better now. My throat is killing me though, I can barely speak and I'm chugging as much warm drinks as I can.

Oh no....feel better soon. But if it is strep you need antibiotics..??

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7 hours ago, AslatIE said:

I think I may have strep throat, feel like kicked shit. I also had the worst fever I've experienced for two days, but I feel better now. My throat is killing me though, I can barely speak and I'm chugging as much warm drinks as I can.

GO. GET. ANTIBIOTICS!  strep is not something to play around with! honestly please do. the fever part scares me. does ypur throat feel like you've been gargling with broken glass??

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9 minutes ago, AxlsFavoriteRose said:

GO. GET. ANTIBIOTICS!  strep is not something to play around with! honestly please do. the fever part scares me. does ypur throat feel like you've been gargling with broken glass??

well for a while it felt kinda swollen inside, but now it's like gravelly and really damn painful, like the broken glass thing. 

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3 hours ago, AslatIE said:

well for a while it felt kinda swollen inside, but now it's like gravelly and really damn painful, like the broken glass thing. 

I was told by a doctor If your not allergic paracetamol works best for sore throats not ibuprofen :shrugs:and lots of warm water. 

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3 hours ago, AslatIE said:

ah fuck

i looked this up:

Sudden onset of severely sore, red throat

Painful swallowing

Fever and chills


Stomach ache

Pus on tonsils; very red throat

Red, sandpaper-like rash


so if any of those apply go to the dr plz! aso if it is strep you can spread it to others very easily...

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35 minutes ago, janrichmond said:

Is strep throat the same as tonsillitis? cos i don't think we get strep throat here.

no they are different. i have had both. in college i had tonsillitis 3 times and the dr said one more time and they will have to go. have not had it once since! strep throat:

The terms sore throat, strep throat, and tonsillitis often are used interchangeably, but they don't mean the same thing. Strep throat is an infection caused by a specific type of bacteria, Streptococcus

thus why strep needs to be treated with antibiotics @AslatIE! plz do k?

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Hey I dont wanna interrupt this conversation, because it sounds serious.  Actually I'd add that as you wait to see a dr, consider gargling sage tea.  Dried sage from the spice rack, steeped as tea, cooled enough to be safe and comfortable to gargle.  the higher quality the sage the better.  Warm salt water too, if you're not already.

Okay, but I wanted to whine that today I called a song cheesy that my buddy had just posted in a different thread.  Right here in this forum.  Sorry again.  You know who you are.


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12 hours ago, janrichmond said:

Is strep throat the same as tonsillitis? cos i don't think we get strep throat here.

It's something yanks get cuz they've gone soft from drinking all their water out of plastic bottles you pay a quid for, us what drink the Grand Union Canal ain't got no worries about catching that...AIDS maybe but not strep throat :lol:

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I'm pissed off ?Was driving down a very busy road earlier when we saw this man in the middle of the road stopping the traffic and saw he was trying to stop the cars from running over a mother duck and babies. So we pulled over and seeing as we had a box in the boot we decided to collect them all up and take them to the local river. 

Just got a load of shit on Facebook from people I don't know for gathering them up and taking them to the wrong river. 

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4 hours ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

I'm pissed off ?Was driving down a very busy road earlier when we saw this man in the middle of the road stopping the traffic and saw he was trying to stop the cars from running over a mother duck and babies. So we pulled over and seeing as we had a box in the boot we decided to collect them all up and take them to the local river. 

Just got a load of shit on Facebook from people I don't know for gathering them up and taking them to the wrong river. 

you did a good thing Spidey:hug:

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5 hours ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

I'm pissed off ?Was driving down a very busy road earlier when we saw this man in the middle of the road stopping the traffic and saw he was trying to stop the cars from running over a mother duck and babies. So we pulled over and seeing as we had a box in the boot we decided to collect them all up and take them to the local river. 

Just got a load of shit on Facebook from people I don't know for gathering them up and taking them to the wrong river. 

This is so sweet of you to save these precious ducks, you did the right thing   and your intentions are great:heart:

Edited by melina i
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