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Well, guess they will make Sheila a good person now. I hope so and her and Deacon can be happy as long as the other  people stay away from her.

yeah, not sure if Leo knows the baby is Eric's. Only Sloane knows that and Melinda. Oh, I wonder if Dimitri is coming back since he's being released from jail.

I hope GH finishes the whole Pikeman story. Sick of it. Also someone has to notice Sonny isn't himself. I hope it's Carly. Ava will be in big trouble if Sonny finds out, but Ava always seems to land on her feet.

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Yeah, with Sheila I want to believe it is her but seems too good to be true. If Sugar was really trying to look like Sheila, she may have been crazy enough to cut off her toe! I do like how Bold is showing the upcoming Monday preview. Y&R does that but Bold never did. It is about time!

Speaking of previews,  I just saw the Days one and omg it looks soooooo good! Days is getting very good. I LOVE May sweeps! GH is not there yet but there is still time in the month for more drama! 

Hope you have a good weekend. I was sick all last weekend, even lost my voice for 4 days but hopefully I can stay healthy for longer than a month! 

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Oh when we moved down here after 10 years we would all get sinus infections. My mom lost her voice a few times and would ache all over from a sinus infection. Terrible Glad you are better.

Yeah, I even saw online that they are hinting that Deacon and Finn might be getting suckered in by Sheila's story too. I don't trust her at all.

As for GH, I'm hating Ava right now. Sonny is going to do something bad and it'll be her fault. I was hoping Carly would take Sonny's pills to the doctor, but no. Damn it Ava. I was liking her, but now not so much.

yeah, well once Sloane tells EJ the baby is Eric's he won't tell Nicole about Jude being her baby. I can't stand Holly. She is playing everyone around her. I wish these teens would have stayed away. I'm wondering once Nicole (Ari) is gone in July, will she get her baby, will Eric go with her? Not sure how this will go? Same with Harris aka Jason. He's leaving in the summer too. Will Ava go with him? Many old characters are coming back in the fall to honor Doug's death. That will be sad. I hope Maggie finds out about Konstintine and John is a moron. I thought that Malena deprogramed him awhile ago. Days like GH seem to forget that we fans remember. lol

We had storms last night. Houston is a mess. I don't know how those people live through the flooding losing their cars and homes. I would move back to NY if that happened in Dallas. Such a shame. And Oklahoma with the tornados. A whole neighborhood lost their homes. Yet they will rebuild. I wonder how long it takes the insurance companies to pay them? Very sad.

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Yeah, I had a friend who lived near Houston and had her farm flooded not once but twice and finally she said, I'm moving! and that she did, to Arkansas.  But yeah, I could never live in a place that gets such devastation all the time.

I think Deacon and Finn are already suckered into Sheila's storyline. She is a great liar if that is the case. 

I am also really hating Ava, just as soon as I like her they turn her into scheming evil Ava again. :/ But at least Carly tried to see that something is up with Sonny's meds. Hope she won't give up.

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I know I don't think I could live in a place with tornados and flooding. Too much stress. I can only imagine how much their house insurance is?

I'm with you about Ava. She messed with Morgan's meds years ago and he went off the rails and was killed because of his eratic behavior  I think these new writers don't know what they are doing? I don't think Ava would do the same thing to Sonny? Also Sonny wanted to kill Ava because of Morgan but she was pregnant by then. She also killed Connie who was engaged to Sonny and Liv's cousin. Ava has gotten away with so many horrible things including murder and if Sonny finds out about how she is standing by this might be the end of her.

I don't know all about Sheila's history but I know she's lying. It might be she set up Sugar, but not realizing Sugar was killed she almost died herself. I still say Finn and Deacon are morons. Finn will lose Steffy over this for sure. Wait until Li finds out too. Even if Sheila has changed all those horrible things she's done including murder should she get away with it. Can't wait for her to have that smirk on her face.

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So, let's see...Hope faints when she sees Sheila and it was kind of funny seeing Finn be so excited when he is about to tell Steffy the news cause girlfriend is NOT going to be excited lol. This is the end of their marriage for sure. 

I love watching scenes with Nicole and Eric. Man, am I going to miss her! But you are right about EJ, I don't think he will tell Nicole the truth. But maybe she does find out and then leaves town with the baby?? I'm curious how they will write her character off.  And this split personality of Everett and Bobby Stein is soooo interesting. Wonder who will figure it out first?

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Yeah, it was painful today seeing Finn so excited talking about Sugar and Sheila and Steffy looking so puzzled. It took him the whole half hour to spit it out.  A few other people know Sheila's alive now too. Still say she's screwing with everyone.

Yeah, Nicole and Eric go way back. From the time Jensen Ackles was Eric they were an item. I'm wondering if he'll leave with her? Guess we'll see? Hven't heard how she will leave the show. I do like EJ, but I knew he wouldn't tell Nicole, but he is having another dna test performed.  It will kill EJ too because he does love Nicole. Still can't stand Holly, Tate and now those other two teens. lol Yeah, Bobby/Everett is interesting. It's funny when this actor played Nick he was a crazy character too and was killed by Gabi. Guess we'll find out. I'm just glad Maggie is learning the truth about Konstintine and hopefully he will leave for good. Can't stand him.

Now GH. The big wedding is coming up. Can't stand Blaze's mother at all. And Sonny is going against Ava now. Wonder what she will do?

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That was a very tough Mother's Day episode of Days to watch. Everyone was treating their mom like shit! What was that about?! But yeah, Holly was extra annoying and cruel. But I have to admit that when I was a teen I was like that. My mom and I didn't have a great relationship then, but thankfully now we do. Being a teen sucks lol.

Yeah so what is going on with Sonny and Blaze's mom?. I don't want him with Ava or her but it is funny seeing Sonny totally brush Ava off now! 

And dang, do you think it took Steffy enough time to believe Finn? And wow, Sheila definitely has not changed. Torturing poor Li to the point where she was about to kill her. She hates Sheila soooooo much, maybe even more than Steffy! :lol:

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I know it took Finn two days to say my birth mother is alive. Sheila has not changed and I still say she planned that fiasco, but Sugar might have turned the tables on her or Sheila changed herself up. The woman is a sociopath and they don't changed. I think Finn and Steffy are going to break up over this. Hope is another moron too. Deacon is so in love/lust with Sheila he can't see she's fooling him agian.

Yeah, true about being a teen. My mom and i had some problems because I did seom stupid stuff. We mostly get along, but sometimes we fight over a different of opinion but always make up. My daughter is 13 now and she is pushing it sometimes too. lol

Poor Sonny I don't know why he can't fee he's different. Natalia is just using Sonny to get to the wedding. I think there will be some problems with the wedding. It's like the whole week. lol They are bringing on a new young man actor. Not sure who he will be with eventually?  And Ava needs to tell Sonny the truth. That pharmacist is the guy messing with the meds and Ava knows it.  She needs to say something.  And Anna knows Valentin is into something, but she takes too damn long to do anything about it. It annoys me so much. lol

I'm not liking Holly at all. Not Tate either. He does look too old for her and those other teens, please. Days had teens years ago when it was Shawn and Belle and Chad and Chloe but they were good actors. these kids are just annoying. lol


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Posted (edited)

So Finn agrees to Steffy's ultimatum and says yes to her and no to his birth mother as he loves to call her lol. Sorry, but not buying it! Especially cause you know that there is NO way that Sheila will accept that. No way in hell! And Luna is most likely pregnant?! But.of.course! Who couldn't have seen that coming?! Oldest storyline in the book. 

I will say that I really, really enjoyed Agent Cates getting all up into Ava's face like that. Especially when describing how he had her tailed. That was awesome! And somehow I missed how the pharmacist was the one messing up his meds, but yup...of course Valentin is behind it. 

And poor Leo. You gotta love drunk Leo but I think he will still tell the secret despite accepting EJ's money deal. Cause Leo can't help himself. Boy is a hot mess express! :lol:

And Tate looked like Holly's high-school teacher. Big ick factor. Dude is TOO old!

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Don't like Holly and Tate. Holly is a brat and I'm sick of her crap. lol Yeah, I do hope Nicole finds out that Jude is her son and Days gives her a good send off.  

and Luna being pregnant, can't stand it. And still who the hell is her daddy? I hope there are abortions in whatever state they are in incase she wants one.  There's not enough women on the show for the amount of men.

I hope Brooklyn and Chases's wedding goes well, but with Sonny off the rails who knows? They are hinting someone will be shot or hurt. I guess Sonny will do something stupid at the wedding. Ava is a real bitch if she doesn't say something. And Cates didn't ask her why she was at the pharmacist office. Come on! And Natalia will be with Sonny, she's another user and Jason will attend for Monica. Can't wait to see how this goes at the end of the week.

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Very nice wedding, glad that everything turned out well cause you never know at these things. Jason looked so different in his suit, but good different! Very handsome. Finally Maxie admits her love to Spinelli, awwww...

And Sarah and Xander are so sweet together, love them! Hopefully their marriage goes off without a hitch too. Can't believe how Alex is so careless with his money. I kept thinking when the truth comes out and it will, he will have to pay it ALL back and that will suck for him! 

And wow, Luna dodged a bullet there. But she should take a few more pregnancy tests just in case it was a false negative. And Brooke needs to shut up. This is a woman who slept with her daughter's husband and had his baby! What a freakin hypocrite.

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So glad Luna isn't pregnant. That would be a bummer.

Glad I was wrong about anyone dying on GH! lol I wish Sonny would realize he's not well and get a blood test. You know when you're not fully okay.  I wish Ava would come clean.  The wedding was very nice.  Glad Gregory was good. As for Finn taking a sip of champange. Please it was one sip. Go to a meeting and talk about it. I hope Alexis gets her license back to become a lawyer again and work with diane. That would be cool.

Yeah, I always liked Xander and Sarah. You're right about Alex paying back the money. He might get some money from Maggie, but not the millons he thinks he has. Theresa is a bitch for lying. I do hope they get rid of Konstintine soon. I really hate him.

Well, Texas will be in the 90's. Hate the summer here. Never get used to the heat.

Have a good weekend.

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Ok, so now Sonny beats up Dex? I am really hating this storyline of Sonny not taking his meds and being all manic and violent. This needs to stop. BUT at least both Kristina and Jason saw him in violent action so maybe something will be done! We can only hope!

And wow, Holly can just go. I seriously can not believe the things she said to Nicole. What a hateful girl. Shameful. No wonder Nicole got drunk. After hearing all that. Poor thing. 

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Well soon Days will finish the baby switch storyline. Not sure if they will say it's also Eric's baby not EJ's but since Ari (Nicole) is leave in July) I just want her to have her baby. I wonder if Holly will leave too or stay? Her dad is dead so I'm not sure, unless she lives with Maggie, that's her gramdmother. I also hope Konstintine's story is almost done. I can't stand this man. And find Clyde and end that shit too. Also like we figured Everet/Bobby probably has a split personality. How convenient. lol

Everyone the net agrees Sheila is lying. This wedding will be one big mess and if Finn stands up for them, Steffy will kill him. lol

I know Maurice (Sonny) has been posting saying how being off your meds for bi polar is not pretty. I know that first hand with my grandma. How will he get out of going to jail now? Poor Kristina saw this and being pregnant, can't be good. If Molly and TJ find out, they will freak out. At least the wedding went okay. I was afraid that Chase was going to get shot. So who is bleeding out? That was in a GH preview? I know it's not Dex. Poor Finn took one sip of wine and is going nuts over this? Hope he will be okay.

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Ugh, I knew that yesterday's episode was going to be very sad so I grabbed a tissue beforehand and am really glad that I did! A lot of people said that they had Gregory die prematurely but am glad that they did. It would be impossible to show all aspects of ALS but you did get to see glimpses of it involving his speech, breathing and balance. My father's death was also quick and sudden related to the heart so the similarities were crazy. I am glad that my father did not have to suffer for years. He did not want the tubes, etc but left on his own terms, a strong family man just like Gregory. I will miss the actor, he did a damn fine job!

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I thought of you during this episode. I also was glad Gregory died peacefully in his sleep. I think he did suffer enough. I'm glad he had a good day for the wedding. I also cried too. And when Violet said I didn't say goodbye I lost it. It's so sad and GH has always done drama that touches your heart. I feel like this is my other family and my mom does too watching it for so long. Now we have to get through the memorial. I know Finn shouldn't be drinking but he is not ready to feel the pain of the grief right now. Poor Chase and Brooklyn. And today Tracy will find out about Gregory's death. I was hoping they would have more time. This will effect Alexis too. Very sad. As for Sonny, I'm losing my mind watching him struggle so much. But when a person is off their bi polar meds it's not pretty. Maurice knows first hand, so he is doing a great job. I saw this with my grandma. There is no holding you back you say what you feel at that time and most of the time it's not pretty.

As for Bold, I was happy Finn said no.  Everyone agrees Sheila is lying. Can't wait fo that to come out.

And Days. Finally Nicole will get her baby.  I really hope Sloane leaves the country or whatever! Poor Eric. Not sure if he wil find out the baby is his and Nicole's or if he will be leaving with her?

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Well I have not had time to watch GH for I am traveling to SF for Memorial Day weekend tonight! 

But I did watch the other soaps. Wow, Greg Vaughn killed his scenes. I just wanted to hug that tanned silver fox and wipe his tears away! Sloan hardly showed any emotion, I hope he dumps her ass! 

Of course I loved seeing Nicole reunited with her baby but it is bittersweet cause I know the time for her to go is near. And I know I have not been watching Days for too long but I love Nicole and the actress Ari who plays her. Days really fucked up with that one..#dislike.

And Finn, wow....his face lol. So conflicted cause he know Steffy will freakin flip but he is kind of a pushover. :lol:

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Finn has no backbone. Wait until Steffy finds out. I think looking at Hope's pleading face, made him do it. Still say Sheila is lying. Let's see how long it takes for the truth to come out.

Well, watching Sonny spiral out of control is making my mom relive some times with my grandma. When a bi polar patient that is manic, once they're off their meds or wrong dosage, there is no control over what they say or do. Whatever they are feeling at that moment comes out very badly. I know Maurice is having a great time, but I do wish someone, AVA, would do something. I'm not liking this, but I know Maurice is loving playing this Sonny. His downfall is involving too many people and I'm hating Ava so much now.

Well, good for you going to San Francisco. My mom went twice and loved it. It's like a smaller NYC.

And yeah, I felt so badly for Eric (Greg) I think Sloane better leave town. Glad Nicole has her baby, but will Days let Eric know it's his and not EJ's. I hate that Ari is leaving. She has been on Days off and on for a long time. Days needs to check into her accusations. The actress that played Gabi is saying the same thing.  

Have a wonderful weekend. GH and Bold are repeats on MOnday, but Days is new

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I know I still can't believe it.  It's scary how savages can just shoot someone without thinking about it.  Just too sad.

Next Friday is the Daytime emmy awards and it's heartbreaking when they show the ones who are gone.

I hope you had a good time in SF. My parents love that city.

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So I read a rumor about Days and I sure hope it was a rumor but that Nicole was going to be killed off?! I sure hope that is not true! and there are some questions that Greg is not on the show anymore. Not sure about that one though. I am glad that Alex is being truthful but when is he going to find out that he is not the true heir? I hope Days doe not let that go. It is too important of a storyline for both him and Xander.

and now Poppy is back to Bill being Luna's dad probably. Wow, just wow! All that lying that whole time and wtf is with Steffy's high and mighty attitude towards Hope? The things she says to her are just downright mean girls material. I just can't with her sometimes and also how she treats Finn. I know he is a pushover about Sheila but she is demanding!

It is really hard looking at Dex with that eye injury lol. Wonder how long till he is healed? Poor guy! :lol:

and I had a GREAT time in SF, yes there are homeless and yes some stores closed down because of high crime in 2021 and 2022 but I saw every store down there have a security guard and my hotel was in a great area, Union Square close to Chinatown and I walked everywhere taking in the sights and felt safe. You just have to know which areas to avoid. Loved going near the Bay and seeing the boats, people and smelling the salty sea air. Best part for sure. Can't wait to go again!

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My mom went to SF twice in her life and she loved it very much. She had a great time too. I guess this day and age all cities have their problems now. wish something could be done to house the homeless and get rid of the criminals that steal instead of getting a job.

I heard about Nicole being killed too but not sure. I know she is definitely gone already and her last air date if July 29. I think the truth about Eric being Jude's dad is coming out. I also read that Holly will remain on the show. I really don' tlike her at all. lol  I guess we'll see. If they find out Eric is the dad and Nicole leaves, I would think they would both want to leave. Harris aka Jason is leaving this summer too. I wonder if Ava will go too?

I know Steffy is being spiteful with Hope because of Finn and Sheila. I think that marriage will be ending soon. I do hope Poppy is telling the truth. There's something about her I don't like, but I don't like Li either. She's being a real bitch. I was thinking her husband was Luna's dad since it looked like for a while Poppy was worried about that. I think they might be going in a different direction or Poppy will tamper with the results. lol

Have a good weekend. Texas has been getting very bad storms so many people without power still and I saw many trees by me broken.  More storms this weekend too.

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