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So Bold was so weird yesterday with Tom performing and then collapsing and possibly dying? Then you got Li in her medical scrubs just giving Tom the evil eye the whole time. And Justin is back? Like what is happening lol. 

And I'm glad that Carly and Jason were honest with one another but she better not screw up all of his hard work and sacrifice by turning herself in. She needs to stop always thinking of herself. And I can't wait to see the fallout of Natalia being a homophobe and that news article exposing that. 

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I know the whole Tom thing was weird. I guess since he was poisoned, but Finn thinks he was taking drugs, Bold wanted many suspects. Poppy looked very shocked, so not sure it could be her? Li is a doctor so she can get drugs. Why was Jack there? Honestly, should we care and waas Tom Luna's dad. This is crazy.

I just wish someone would help Sonny. Ava is in the hot seat now. I love that Alexis is a lawyer again. Poor Blaze. I would think her fans would support her. Many people have come out and their fans stll love them. Guess we'll see. As for Kristina, I don't know why she could be thrown out of her own company? Weird.

And Days, Ari (Nicole) is leaving the end of the month. I wonder if the truth about Jude will come out and Eric will find out? 

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Wow, what  a way to end an episode on Days! The new Gabi may not be so bad after all! No one was willing to tell the truth and here she is like a day after getting out of prison and just telling the truth like that in front of EVERYONE. Wow! Can't wait for next week. But sad because I guess Greg Vaughn left the show too so I'm sure they will head to Paris together with Jude. GH should have grabbed Greg to play Lucky imho.

And on Bold, please don't tell me that Thomas seriously proposed to Hope a third time?!! Let this be a bad dream lol. Or another one of Hope's daydreams! 


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I know again Thomas? And if Paris would have heard this, how sad! I doubt Hope will say yes, so then she should shut her mouth. I heard she will be making another play for Finn and possibly kissing him. What is wrong with this woman? 

Well, I haven't read anything about Eric leaving, but who knows? Might be keeping it a secret. I'm glad the truth comes out about Jude. It's gone on long enough.

And what does Tom have in his backpack that will shock everyone? Also it seems Jack and Li teamed up, but to kill Tom" I hope the truth comes out and Bill dumps Poppy. I want him back with Katie. If Luna isn't Bill's daugther they will be so hurt. I hope Poppy leaves town. Really never liked her much. This whole thing is out of control.

Well, I'm very happy Jonathan Jackson is back as Lucky. He is the original Lucky and a great actor.

Have a good weekend. Back to being very hot here.

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I know you are happy about Jonathan coming back. The thing for me though, is that I don't have any strong feelings about him cause I didn't watch GH when he was on. When I first started watching GH, it was actually Jacob Young playing a teenage Lucky...but that was very short lived. And I like Jacob, he was on Bold for some odd years too. And then they made Lucky an adult who was then played by a very handsome and still is! Greg Vaughn who I thought played an amazing Lucky...cause like I said I didn't watch Jonathan in that teenage role. 

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Johathan was like 10 when he joined GH. My mom watched it then. He was excellent. Tony Geary said he was the best Lucky. Anyway, there's a lot of history with Lucky and a lot of characters too. Not sure how he will return. He was a cop back in the day too. Not sure how and why he will return. I did see an interview that he actually lived in Ireland for a time and is moving back to America and that's why he is coming back to GH.  I'm worried about Sonny again because Ava is doing something very terrible now.  This isn't going to be pretty.

So glad Nicole and Eric know it's their son, but I don't think Eric is leaving. I think Days is going to kill Nicole off and then Eric will come back to Salem with the baby. Sad, but who knows. I will miss Nicole. And if Abigal is alive I guess she'll be back soon too. I hope Xander's mom comes to their wedding and says he's the son and not Alex.  I'm getting sick of Theresa and her lies.  And I can't stand Tate and Holly anymore. Such a stupid storyline. Wish they would leave. lol 

And Hope? Come on doesn't she ever have a man of her own? Can't wait to see what's in Tom's backpack. I hope it says he's Luna's father. I think Li and Jack had something to do with Tom's death. Maybe they know that Poppy was with him? Honestly, I don't care. I wish Bill would go back with Katie. I'm not sure Poppy is right for him.


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Yeah, these are just rumors about Eric leaving but some fans said yesterday that when he leaves, either a vacation or longer...than that he always comes back so I have some hope! and so a double wedding? Oh yeah this will be good. Ha, not. I don't trust Theresa. I know she signed the prenup but have a feeling that something is up her sleeve. I do like how she handles Holly though! and you know how I feel about this Tate. He can go....both!

and Hope....is like her namesake, hopeless lol! Girlfriend just wants what she can't have! and if Jack and Li did kill Tom, why did he come back? To do just that? What? Does not make any sense.

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I know having Jack and Li seeing Tom has to be some reason. I think we may find out something soon. I'm glad Tom's backpack has been found. I think those letters he mailed to Poppy but she sent back might peak Deacon's interest.  And I swear if Hope goes after Finn, I will scream. She should be worried about Thomas going back to France. Who will design Hope for the future now? This is so weird. If this wedding takes place I will be shocked. lol  

well, I heard that maybe Nicole might die and Eric will come back to Salem with Jude. I don't think Days is going to treat Nicole with a good ending. We'll see. This whole Connie woman is annoying me. Who the hell is she? And why should we care? And if Abby is alive where is she? Today was the last scene between Julie and Doug. I guess he will die soon on Days. will be super sad.

And on GH, Ava wants to do the same thing she did to Morgan to Sonny. WTF? Honestly, does she think Avery will be okay with Sonny losing it and going to jail? I read that Maurice was having bad anxiety and had to leave GH for a bit. It seems like Sonny is going down now instead of manic, but if he goes off the meds like Ava plans, he will become super manic and lose all control. I'm hating this and want this to end.  Someone has to help Sonny before it's too late. And don't get me started on Portia. Never really liked her and now she's going after Laura.  She needs to shut up and talk to Laura again.  And I hope Mac doesn't take too long to forgive Cody.

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Now that nice handsome waiter is dead! Sad. I liked the guy. Sheila can scream well though I must say. I can see maybe Li doing this but Jack? I just don't know. And well I'm sure you saw the previews but Hope is going to tell Finn how she feels. Here we go!

And ha, yeah that Connie lady is uber annoying. I read that she isn't even an actress, that she won the role from a contest if you can believe it?! What kind of contest lets you have a role on a soap??? I sure would like to know. But here she is stabbing everyone she doesn't like in the back. And I knew Bobby was faking, damn him. I like Everett but Bobby is a creep!

I agree with you about Portia. She is getting as whiny and repetitive as Steffy. So over it. And yeah I did hear about Maurice leaving GH for a bit. Hooe he is feeling better now but this stupid storyline doesn't help matters.

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Yeah, so now connie stabbed Rafe. He better now die. I know Bobby was faking it too. What the hell kind of doctor is Marlena? Can't she tell he's not on his meds? Stupid.  I hope someone finds this Connie soon and she leaves. She's very annoying and it makes no sense who the hell she is!

Yeah, Hope needs to just step back and take care of herself right now.  I don't know about Sheila? She still might be a killer and faking it too. I really wish she would be gone too. Bringing back  Jack and Li, why? And if Tom is Luna's dad, this is going to kill Bill. Not liking Poppy. She just wants all the good life and doesn't care who she bothers by it. I want Bill with Katie again.

And GH. So many fans online are complaining about how so many characters are gone and Lucky is coming back. I guess they never saw the original Lucky because he's amazing. I'm glad Laura will have family in PC again. She and Lucky were very close.

I hope you had a good weekend. It's very hot here and horrible.

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Man alive, so I get that everyone seems to hate Sheila but the way they are all automatically saying it is her without any kind of proof whatsoever is ludicrous. I just don't know at this point but if it is Li, she is not showing any signs of being guilty. But she have a great rbf haha so can be hard to tell!

and yeah Marlena is slipping, can't believe no one can tell that is is still Bobby or maybe even stop to think, huh....could this guy be playing us? 

As far as those other GH fans not sure about the original Lucky, I think it is because they are like me....they started watching when Greg was on and I am sorry but I liked him as Lucky and loved him and Sam together as a couple. 

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Well once you see the original Lucky you will see how amazing this man is!

yeah, Marlena is slipping. How can he fool everyone? I honestly can't stand this Connie. I want her gone.

I don't think Sheila killed Tom or Hollis, but maybe Poppy? I honestly, wish this story would end too. If Tom is Luna's dad, please hurry before Bill adopts her. Do you think Poppy and Jack are working together?  

And Ava is being a real bitch! If John is that gullible then I give up.  and Anna, come on! Either she leaves with Valentin or have him arrested. John will want answers more than the phone evidence and he might just arrest Anna for this. lol And I don't want Drew and Willow getting involved. Come on!

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Yeah I can't believe John Cates is on Ava's side....like really? But it seems like many people will speak on Sonny's behalf in court so I think he has a good chance of winning.

And what evidencen do they have on Sheila? They can really just take her in because people are accusing her? And wow, Hope is going all out now to Finn revealing how she feels. Oy! Awkward!

And wow, what a cliffhanger on Days with Xander's mom showing up! She about to blow up everyone's world! Can't wait to see this play out....

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Well, Days just fired the guy in charge. Not sure of his name. WTH? Anyway. Sheila didn't do it. Someone probably Li and maybe Poppy and Jack are framing her. I swear if they left Sheila alone I think she could actually be okay with Deacon. Deacon will figure out that Hollis and Tom died by murder. Can't wait for this. I don't think Bill is Luna's dad and I don't like Poppy at tll.

Well, Xander's mom will tell the truth this week and Alex will find out that Theresa changed Victor's will. Can't wait for this either. Gonna be awesome. Well, Nicole (Ari's) last day is coming so I wonder what they will do? So sick of Holly, Tate and now Sophia. Please who the hell cares.

As for GH, well is Sonny is now not getting any lithium this won't be good. He probably will go off in public and that will put him in Jail. Hating Jagger now. He won't let Jason go because he lost Valentin. Not sure if Valentin will be coming back or leaving GH. Anna will probably be in the hot seat. Jagger always hated Sonny and won't stop until he arrests him. Also Morgan is coming up soon, but who will he appear to? Ava is going way too far now. I did read that Spencer might be coming back to Gh after all, but who knows? I'm anxious to see Lucky. Also hoping since we "saw" Lulu again, she will finally wake up. Maybe Lucky will be the one to do it? We did see blonde hair last week. I wish she would come back because I don't like Dante and Sam.

Hope you had a good weekend. It's super hot here. Hate it! lol

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My weekend was good, was super nice and sunny but now it is very rainy. I am leaving next Saturday for Mexico for the week so was busy packing and getting ready for that.

Days was awesome, it did not disappoint! I loved Xander's mom, has a great accent, people with an English accent always sound so posh and sophisticated lol. Almost all of the secrets were told except for the one about Theresa kidnapping Victoria. Xander will be furious when he finds out!

and yeah it was Ron Carvilarti who was let go as head writer, not sure why. 

and Hope was just embarrassing throwing herself at Finn like that. I felt bad for him. It was majorly awkward!!! :lol:

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I know I agree about Hope. What the hell is her problem? do they want to make her like Brooke? This whole Logan Forrester feud. When will it end? They need to bring more men on this show. And I'm not liking Poppy at all? I hope whoever is the killer they find them fast. I want Bill to be with Katie. Not liking Poppy. She's another tramp. lol

Well, I really hate that woman Connie. I hope she gets found out quickly. She's very annoying. Yeah, glad Xander's mom cleared it up, but Xander and Sarah never got married. I hate that.  I also hope Rafe makes it. And this Bobby/Everett has to end too, but I think some people are getting wise to him now.

As for GH, I'm so disgusted with Jagger! WTF is he thinking about Ava? What another moron of a man! I want Jason to be free and Carly too. Jagger either gets his head on straight or he needs to leave PC.

have a wonderful time in Mexico!  I'm sure tons of stuff will be happening on the soaps.

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So I am watching Bold from the beginning and Brooke setting her eyes on Ridge started from the beginning. So things really never change...even after 30 years haha. Yeah every so often they will add a new guy...but they never stay! It is always the main guys...Bill, Ridge, Liam, etc. etc. Like I was just thinking about RJ...where the hell has he been? Is he gonna be like Wyatt...forgotten and never seen again?!

 and yeah. I don't know anyone who likes that Connie woman. Uber annoying! and what Theresa is going to leave the country without telling Brady or her kid? Although it looked like she was having second thoughts. 

Jagger is WAY over the line, I did love that Carly got into his face. Yes, she got arrested but don't think that will stick.

Have a great weekend!

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Well, honestly I hope Jagger either leaves or dies. lol Sonny is out for blood. I do hope someone realizes he's not right? I mean now Ava told Scott and because he hates Sonny too he won't say. This isn't right. A lot of fans are saying they don't like the stories and GH's ratings have dropped. This sucks. I do want Ava to finally get found out. She's done too many horrible things including murder and has gotten away with it. Now she's done.  I also want Jason to go free and Carly too. Sick of that shit. What the hell is Anna doing about it? Whoever the writers are now aren't doing best by the characters.  Guess we'll see. usually if fans bitch a lot there will be a change.

Oh yeah, who the hell is this Connie. I want her gone like NOW! She came out of nowhere and Bobby isn't saying anything either. Marlena finally realized he might be lying. WTH? lol Also Theresa has to go and bring Gwen back. Monday is Nicole's last day. I wonder how they will end her? I'm sure Eric will be back with some bad news.  Also can't stand Holly. She will cause Maggie much trouble.

And Bold! Hope is acting like a jealous child. If Steffy finds out what she told Finn, she will kill her. I read that Steffy is quiting Forrester all over Brooke and her bed line.  ALso I'm sure that Luna isn't Billl's daughter. For some reason, Li lied too. I bet either Tom or Jack is her dad. I honestly don't care about this storyline I don't like Poppy so she needs to go and is Thomas ever coming back. He and Paris have no chemistry at all. She needs to be with Zende. 

It's not too hot here now, but the 90's are coming back next week. My electric bill was very high. Hate Texas summers.

Enjoy your trip to Mexico

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So the only soap that I can see down here without needing a VPN is Bold...so needless to say I have a lot to catch up on! I fly home tomorrow so on Sunday can start my catch-up. :)

Although I did see the clip of Kristina tripping on the bag and falling out the window! Man! I hope she doesn't lose the baby, she is so far along. And I thought the bug court case was coming since Molly's dad Ric is coming back to GH. I am excited about his return.

I also heard that Bobby/Everett died. What the heck? But Connie stays?! Make it make sense Days. I did not like Bobby but liked Everett. That guy is a great actor. 

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Yeah, Bold was crazy. Steffy and Hope are at it again. lol

Yeah, Everett/Bobby was poisoned by Connie. Hate her so much. Keep tweeting to Days to get rid of her. Why is she here?

And yeah, Thursday and Friday I was screaming at my tv. I don't know what will happen to Kristina? They left if open, but the news wasn't good. I think Morgan, Sonny's son, will appear to him as a ghost. I hope he tells Sonny to go to a doctor. I'm so annoyed with Ava, John and Scotty. Instead of trying to help Sonny, because of their hate for him, they just try to provoke him. Also I blame TJ and Molly for adding stress to Kristina throughout her pregnancy. Next week will be crazy. Now Rick wasn't such a good guy. He crossed the line many times, but I hope he and Sonny will act like brothers. I also think Alexis will need him now.

I hope you enjoyed your vacation. Have a good flight home.

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I find it strange that Steffy just can not go on a later flight like the next day or something, Like even if she can't fly in her family's jet....she can still get there via another airplane! But whatever lol.

And wow, that girl Hope has got to stop fantasizing about Finn! When Steffy finds out how Hope feels about her hubby omg, I can't even imagine. 

A lot of people are upset just like me that they killed Bobby/Everett. I really wanted to know the backstory about all the trauma he suffered and how his DID came into play! But noooooo, Days had to have that freakin psycho Connie kill him. Speaking of...so I used to watch Santa Barbara way back when and they just recently had their 40th reunion special in CA. Even Nancy aka Alexis was there since she was on that show! But anyways I saw a pic of the woman who played Connie! I assume she must have gone as a fan cause she surely was not on that show. I just could not believe it. And her hair was the same. she looked just like the character Connie!

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I hate Connie and I agree they talked about Bobby protecting Everett from childhood trauma, but now we'll never know? That was stupid. I tweet a lot about how I hate Connie and get rid of her! I hope they do quickly. I don't like her and it was stupid to kill off Bobby/Everett. And you know the experts can get DNA off the inside of gloves, so I wonder if they will do this? If Connie doesn't have a record at least the police will know Bobby wasn't the killer. Let's see if they do this? I doubt it.

Yeah, exactly Steffy could have taken another flight or probably rented another plane. lol Oh well. I do hope they figure out who murdered Tom and Hollis because I want it overwith. I don't like Poppy at all. I want to know how she and Luna lived on their own all those years? Was she living with different rich men and didn't Luna realize what her mother was doing? They never mention that? And I think Hope has a brain tumor or something? Let's see. I'm glad Taylor is coming back. Steffy needs her mom. I wonder is Thomas, Paris every coming back or is that it? Weird.

And what a bitch Ava has become! She has gotten away with murder but she always seemed to redeem herself! Not now especially after Kristina and what she said today. What a witch! And today was a great episode. Kevin and now Sonny and everyone know about his meds. It'll all lead to Ava I'm sure and hopefully get rid of Cates too. He still wants Sonny in jail and I'm sick of him. He's a hateful character and thinks he's a good guy. No way!

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So I guess Theresa is gone from the show? Wow, 3 main characters leaving all at once. Interesting. and I knew the new Aby was portrayed by a different actress but had no idea that they would have her play an amnesiac Abby that has a new face? Um, ok....that is one way to go I guess!  As far as getting DNZ on the glove, I doubt they do this...now is this was like Criminal Minds....sure but not not Days. I could be wrong though. Guess we will see! 

I am glad to see that Luna is questioning her mom and that RJ told Katie what was going on. Questions will need to be answered now.  But this is Poppy we are talking about, a first class liar all around! Girl doesn't know ho to tell the truth.

Well I thought that Ric was coming back to back up Molly in the custody case but since that is no more, I will be very curious to see what his storyline will be. And seeing Jason and Sonny talk and act like they used to was awesome to see. Awww.

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since Molly is not grieving like she should, maybe something happens because I read Rick was coming back to support Molly. A lot of people online, me included, say TJ was putting too much pressure on Kristina. Well, I hate that the baby died, but glad this is over for Kristina. But I see by next week's previews, that Natalia wants Kristina to let go of Blaze. This woman never quits. First she says she understands how her daughter feels about Kristina, and then she goes to K and tells her to let her daughter go. I can't stand this woman at all!

Yeah, I don't like Poppy. I want to know how this woman lived all these years? Was she just with rich older men? Well, did Luna know this? Free spirit, right! That means you lived off other people's money. lol I want this murder mystery solved. Not liking Poppy at all. And I Hope we find out before Bill adopts Luna. And Hope is really getting on my nerves. God! Move on woman! Is Thomas coming back?

I know Days let Theresa go too. I think they will bring her back as Gwen. I read that Greg was let go and not happy about it. I thought they would kill off Nicole and Eric would come back? Yeah, I guess the new actress playing Abby has no memory of who she is and a new face. Okay. So does this mean even if she is Abigal, she has to fall in love with Chad again or will she go with someone else. The kids and her parents will be very sad about this. I hope they do Doug's funeral soon. It'll be sad.

And I really want Ava and John gone. Ava has always had a dark side in the past, but then you would like her again. Now I really hate her for what she did to Sonny and waht she said to Kristina. What a bitch! nope, she has to go!

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Ok, so Connie started off as an annoying pest but now I just freakin hate her lol! I mean her voice, her acting...it's all so bad. :lol: and yeah I kinda figured that Greg was let go too, that is why I kept mentioning that he should go to GH. Any soap since I watch all 4. Ava I don't mind but sometimes her acting is a little exaggerated like her hand moments and such, like she is a real Italian or something. Maybe she is?!

and speaking of GH, Maxie is looking so healthy and beautiful...she definitely seems to be in a better space healthwise which is great to see because the poor girl has suffered from so many various ailments.

I read that "Molly" and "Jack Brennan" were put on contract so guess we will see them more often!

and I am sure you are happing about Poopy being carted off to jail, maybe you will se her less now. Ha!

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