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General Hospital and Other Soap Talk

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Sami was a trouble maker since her teens. Anyway, will be good to see her back and with her kids. She's the mom to Johnny, Will,Ally and Sidney. Not sure if Sidney will come back with her. And I read that next Friday is Connie's last day. I think Rafe will see and hear her and remember. He seems to be hearing her horrible voice. I honestly can't stand her at all. She sucks as a character and an actress. I know I love Leo too. Wish they would give him a love interest. The poor buy never seems to keep his men for long. Not fair. Anyway, glad he's writing for body and soul. lol

Yeah, well, Ava is a great actress like Sonny so they will get away with stuff. Also many fans are calling for GH to keep Sam. Guess we'll see. Molly is going way over the edge to convict Kristina. she is losing it. How can she believe her sister would kill someone? Honestly Molly is getting on my nerves. She will push Alexis over the edge and she might confess to the murder to save her daughter. This definitely will end Molly and Kristtina's relationship for good.

So happy Bill and Poppy broke up. Not a good fit. He should be with Katie.  I read Hope will find a new man. Wonder who?

Have fun on vacation. Wish I could go somewhere. lol

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All caught up! Yeah I have seen the actress who plays Sami before in the Hallmark movies I think it was and then didn't she host The Biggest Loser? Cause I watched her in that too...just never in Days! And I am very tired of Fiona....stop being so wishy-washy lady. Just speak the truth and confess already! Before your son Xander gets arrested for assault. Come on now. I saw a preview on Days and there is an explosion and that will probably be what kills Connie. GOOD RIDDANCE. What an awful, awful character.

I'm sorry but I am team Molly. We are always on opposite sides haha. First with Nina/Ava and now Molly/Kristina. But the minute that Molly found out that Kristina was not going to give up Molly's baby was when the relationship died. Period.

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Sonny made a HUGE mistake by not getting rid of Jagger's body. Now this is getting so out of hand. there's talk of Anna and Jason and I'm not buying it.  Well, the actress that is playing Sam was also on Passions and Days. Anyway, I don't think Connie is going to die this week. Next week said Jada realizes how nuts connie is so the bitch probably lives. I just want her so GONE.

Well they got a new Lulu. Talk is that Sam will die and Lulu will get her liver. Whatever! Now I heard Kelly was fired. I bet once she's off the show she will talk. I'm sorry to see her go. I loved when Alexis was with her girls. Now they will be mourning another Davis death. I think Molly is going to far to get Kristina and she didn't kill Jagger. I think Alexis will sacrafice herself or Kristina will save Alexis. This is going too far too. Rick is being a bastard yet again.

Now Steffy is making demands of Hope. Can't she go to another company? lol I'm glad the whole Luna story is over. Was sick of that too.

Well, I read that Sam may die this week or next week. then Kelly will probably tell her story. Shame to see her go. Hope the new Lulu has chemistry with Dante.

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