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Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

Ace Nova

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Nearly half of all U.S. millennials believe the greatest safe space of them all would be living under a socialist regime.

That’s according to a new study from research firm YouGov and Washington, D.C.-based Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, which surveyed over 2,000 people regarding their views on socialism and the communist political system. The biggest takeaway from the study was that one out of every two millennials surveyed said they would rather live in a socialist or communist country over a capitalist democracy like the U.S.

“Millennials now make up the largest generation in America, and we're seeing some deeply worrisome trends," Marion Smith, executive director of the foundation said in a statement to Fox News. "Millennials are increasingly turning away from capitalism and toward socialism and even communism as a viable alternative.”

Nearly 45 percent of millennials polled said that they would prefer to live in a socialist country compared to the 42 percent who said they preferred a capitalist one. Another 7 percent said that the preferred living in a communist country above all. The findings show that the percentage of millennials who prefer socialism over capitalism if a full 10 points higher than that of the general population.


By comparison, over half of baby boomers polled favor capitalism, compared to 26 percent who support a socialist system.


The report also found that one in five Americans in their 20s consider former Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin a hero, despite his genocide of Ukrainians and Orthodox priests. Over a quarter of millennials polled also thought the same for Vladimir Lenin and Kim Jong Un.


One of the most troubling findings of the report is that over 40 percent of Americans believe that there should be restrictions placed on the First Amendment and free speech to ensure that anything being said is not “offensive.”

The survey also uncovered that a basic working knowledge of communism among all Americans is lacking.

Seven out of 10 Americans do not know the definition of communism as it is most often confused with socialism. The same amount also underestimates the number of people who have been killed by communist regimes.

"This troubling turn highlights widespread historical illiteracy in American society regarding socialism and the systemic failure of our education system to teach students about the genocide, destruction, and misery caused by communism since the Bolshevik Revolution one hundred years ago,” Smith said.



Edited by Kasanova King
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It is how it works. I wouldn't worry about it. Young people begin lefty because they have no money or jobs and are most likely students, listen to anarchic music and rebel against their parents. Then, they all get jobs/money, start driving Volvos and become parents themselves. Never forget that the '60s hippy generation voted Reagen. 

In Britain we have these left-wing fruit loops called Corbynistas. Fifteen-twenty years time these Corbynistas will be Tory voting professionals living in semi-detached shaggers' estates while worrying about paying too much tax- mark my words. 

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36 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

It is how it works. I wouldn't worry about it. Young people begin lefty because they have no money or jobs and are most likely students, listen to anarchic music and rebel against their parents. Then, they all get jobs/money, start driving Volvos and become parents themselves. Never forget that the '60s hippy generation voted Reagen. 

In Britain we have these left-wing fruit loops called Corbynistas. Fifteen-twenty years time these Corbynistas will be Tory voting professionals living in semi-detached shaggers' estates while worrying about paying too much tax- mark my words. 

Yeah this is accurate. I had just made a post in another forum about how in the last few years I went from being a long-haired, rock-obsessed rebellious twit, to being a standard working adult. Getting a full-time job really changes one's perspective on things.

Edited by rocknroll41
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Fox News :rofl-lol:

Do they know the difference between a socialist and a communist? Or the difference between petty social democrats and actual socialists ?

I particularly like how they state these young people consider Stalin a hero then define his legacy with the Holdomoron schtick. I don't know, could it be that Americans understand they're living in poverty with no access to healthcare (including mental health that everyone has been raving on about) , education and are starving or suffering malnutrition?  That the majority fear losing their job or becoming homeless and are completely alienated and denied their humanity and wish for something else  ? Or maybe this:


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41 minutes ago, Pishy said:

Fox News :rofl-lol:

Do they know the difference between a socialist and a communist? Or the difference between petty social democrats and actual socialists ?

I particularly like how they state these young people consider Stalin a hero then define his legacy with the Holdomoron schtick. I don't know, could it be that Americans understand they're living in poverty with no access to healthcare (including mental health that everyone has been raving on about) , education and are starving or suffering malnutrition?  That the majority fear losing their job or becoming homeless and are completely alienated and denied their humanity and wish for something else  ? Or maybe this:


Who are you talking about?  Americans that have no access to healthcare, education...etc? 

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The majority of Americans do not have access to these things. The US is the only so called developed country where people can't go to a dr and sleep on the street. And don't tell me because they're somehow lazy or deficient, they work extremely hard. 

the article is written so absurdly , a socialist state has a 'regime' not an government and a capitalist system is a democracy , what is this some new take on 1984:rofl-lol:

Im saying it's not surprising that people living in misery, are aware of that fact.  Unfortunately, they are not always aware of the solution. Most are reactionary and would give the same spiel as Fox News here.

If it's 1 in 5 that view Stalin and Kim Jong Un favorably, I'm saying sometimes younger people are more open to reality and can see the state of things . As someone else mentioned , often they change along with their personal interests and as another person said, they never were principled about it in the first place.

With all this said, there are some positive rumblings going on, maybe some people don't want to live in a place that's constantly blowing people to bits and creating an environment at home where folks in churches end up dead. 


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11 minutes ago, Pishy said:

The majority of Americans do not have access to these things. The US is the only so called developed country where people can't go to a dr and sleep on the street. And don't tell me because they're somehow lazy or deficient, they work extremely hard. 

the article is written so absurdly , a socialist state has a 'regime' not an government and a capitalist system is a democracy , what is this some new take on 1984:rofl-lol:

Im saying it's not surprising that people living in misery, are aware of that fact.  Unfortunately, they are not always aware of the solution. Most are reactionary and would give the same spiel as Fox News here.

If it's 1 in 5 that view Stalin and Kim Jong Un favorably, I'm saying sometimes younger people are more open to reality and can see the state of things . As someone else mentioned , often they change along with their personal interests and as another person said, they never were principled about it in the first place.

With all this said, there are some positive rumblings going on, maybe some people don't want to live in a place that's constantly blowing people to bits and creating an environment at home where folks in churches end up dead. 



Actually, the VAST majority of Americans DO have access to everything you mentioned.  Are you drunk?

And the only reason some millennials would consider those ruthless dictators heroes is because some far left nut job, (whether it be schooling, media, crazy conspiracy sites...heck maybe even Russian fake news) ..sort of what you're implying right now, put the thought in their heads...which would be based on pure ignorance of history and what it means to live in one of those regimes.  

We are in a golden era of civilization.  And the U.S., although not perfect, is still among the best places to live on Earth.  The opportunities and potential abundance here are endless.

I wish I could get a time machine and transplant anyone who would have preferred to live under Stalin or Lenin and drop them off there.  Good riddance and good luck.  :lol:


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4 minutes ago, Kasanova King said:


Actually, the VAST majority of Americans DO have access to everything you mentioned.  Are you drunk?

And the only reason some millennials would consider those ruthless dictators heroes is because some far left nut job, (whether it be schooling, media, crazy conspiracy sites...heck maybe even Russian fake news) ..sort of what you're implying right now, put the thought in their heads...which would be based on pure ignorance of history and what it means to live in one of those regimes.  

We are in a golden era of civilization.  And the U.S., although not perfect, is still among the best places to live on Earth.  The opportunities and potential abundance here are endless.

I wish I could get a time machine and transplant anyone who would have preferred to live under Stalin or Lenin and drop them off there.  Good riddance and good luck.  :lol:


Is the 100 year anniversary of the Great October Socislist Revolution getting you down? 

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9 minutes ago, Kasanova King said:


Actually, the VAST majority of Americans DO have access to everything you mentioned.  Are you drunk?

And the only reason some millennials would consider those ruthless dictators heroes is because some far left nut job, (whether it be schooling, media, crazy conspiracy sites...heck maybe even Russian fake news) ..sort of what you're implying right now, put the thought in their heads...which would be based on pure ignorance of history and what it means to live in one of those regimes.  

We are in a golden era of civilization.  And the U.S., although not perfect, is still among the best places to live on Earth.  The opportunities and potential abundance here are endless.

I wish I could get a time machine and transplant anyone who would have preferred to live under Stalin or Lenin and drop them off there.  Good riddance and good luck.  :lol:


A similarity could be made between USA, North Korea and USSR, in that they both shared high inequality between people -- you would have a big difference between the lives of the rich and the poor. In the USA, if you make it and are reasonable resourceful, it is a great country to live in. But if you are not competent, or just unlucky, it is a bad place to be. Similarly, if you are part of the elite in NK or USSR, you had fantastic lives eons away from the masses of poor people who struggle to get by. So in that sense, there are similarities between these countries, although, of course, I'd much rather prefer USA :)

Studies have shown that people are more content when they live in countries with smaller differences between the rich and the poor, a more equal country.

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Just now, Pishy said:

Is the 100 year anniversary of the Great October Socislist Revolution getting you down? 

Not at all.  I didn't even know it was the anniversary.  Not sure why anyone would celebrate something that has been a proven failure over and over again throughout history.   Well, then again, they are communists....celebrating failure and mediocrity is what they're based on.  

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8 minutes ago, Oldest Goat said:

@Kasanova King She is right though that most Americans who go rah rah rah communism rah rah rah don't actually even know what communism is.

I agree.  It's based on pure ignorance.  But she was implying the opposite with this comment, "If it's 1 in 5 that view Stalin and Kim Jong Un favorably, I'm saying sometimes younger people are more open to reality and can see the state of things."

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2 hours ago, Kasanova King said:

Not at all.  I didn't even know it was the anniversary.  Not sure why anyone would celebrate something that has been a proven failure over and over again throughout history.   Well, then again, they are communists....celebrating failure and mediocrity is what they're based on.  

The anniversary is what the hysterics in the article are about, whether you the reader are aware of that or not, matters little, effect remains the same , reinforcement of the capitalist system and fanning fear and aversion to an equitable system.

Business as usual 

Edited by Pishy
I must use learn to use computer , not phone & single digit
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3 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

A similarity could be made between USA, North Korea and USSR, in that they both shared high inequality between people -- you would have a big difference between the lives of the rich and the poor. In the USA, if you make it and are reasonable resourceful, it is a great country to live in. But if you are not competent, or just unlucky, it is a bad place to be. Similarly, if you are part of the elite in NK or USSR, you had fantastic lives eons away from the masses of poor people who struggle to get by. So in that sense, there are similarities between these countries, although, of course, I'd much rather prefer USA :)

Studies have shown that people are more content when they live in countries with smaller differences between the rich and the poor, a more equal country.

There is absolutely ZERO comparison in the quality of life for someone living in the U.S. (Or the West) vs. someone living in North Korea.  Even the poor in the U.S. (Other than maybe the homeless, which are usually homeless because they have mental health issues or drug addiction issues) have a better quality of life than the majority of North Koreans.  

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11 minutes ago, Pishy said:

The anniversary is what the hysterics in the article are about, whether you the reader is aware of that or not, matters little, effect remains the same , reinforcement of the capitalist system and fanning fear and aversion to an equitable system.

Business as usual 

Since when has Communism ever been an equitable system to Capitalism?  Communism has been a failed experiment over and over again.  Even China (The last major Communist Nation)  has basically gone to a free market economy and has allowed individual property ownership.  The only people that think Communism is an equitable system to Capitalism in 2017 are delusional Communists....probably with mental health issues.  :lol:

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20 minutes ago, Kasanova King said:

There is absolutely ZERO comparison in the quality of life for someone living in the U.S. (Or the West) vs. someone living in North Korea.  Even the poor in the U.S. (Other than maybe the homeless, which are usually homeless because they have mental health issues or drug addiction issues) have a better quality of life than the majority of North Koreans.  

Sure, but that's not relevant to the point I was making. I wasn't comparing average quality of life, but comparing economic inequality and noting some similarities.

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18 minutes ago, Kasanova King said:

There is absolutely ZERO comparison in the quality of life for someone living in the U.S. (Or the West) vs. someone living in North Korea.  Even the poor in the U.S. (Other than maybe the homeless, which are usually homeless because they have mental health issues or drug addiction issues) have a better quality of life than the majority of North Koreans.  

Seems like you're implying that people who suffer mental health issues and/or addiction, are to blame for their homelessness.  There is not a single person with these issues , in the entire country of Cuba, who is homeless, there are no homeless people there. 

Lack of affordable housing and unemployment are the main reasons for homelessness in America . And no, the poor do not have any quality of life. 

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9 minutes ago, Kasanova King said:

Since when has Communism ever been an equitable system to Capitalism?  Communism has been a failed experiment over and over again.  Even China (The last major Communist Nation)  has basically gone to a free market economy and has allowed individual property ownership.  The only people that think Communism is an equitable system to Capitalism in 2017 are delusional Communists....probably with mental health issues.  :lol:

My entire point has been that there is recognition that things in America are not so great for the majority of Americans. There are people that prefer an equitable system over one that is merciless.

Regardless of what anyone thinks of Trump, the main reason why he was popular and won, is because people are suffering and he acknowledged their misery.  They are desperate. Why shouldn't  they have jobs and living wages, or healthcare or adequate food? Half of Americans make less than 27K a year, half the country is unlucky ? That's before taxes! 

Do you know why jobs go overseas?  do you know why their working hours are longer and cost of living has far outpaced wage increases? 

Peoole are always bragging how great and rich the place is, well then take care of the people living in it!

And I most certainly did not say communism was equitable to capitalism . 


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17 minutes ago, Pishy said:

Seems like you're implying that people who suffer mental health issues and/or addiction, are to blame for their homelessness.  There is not a single person with these issues , in the entire country of Cuba, who is homeless, there are no homeless people there. 

Lack of affordable housing and unemployment are the main reasons for homelessness in America . And no, the poor do not have any quality of life. 

Typical liberal gibberish.  Are you aware that the average Cuban salary is $25 per MONTH?  It's a myth that there are no homeless in Cuba.  Living in a shack, in many cases with no running water or toilets, would be considered homeless in the U.S.  As a matter of fact, homeless shelters in the U.S. have much better living conditions than the average working class Cuban has.  So go spew that nonsense somewhere else.  


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Just now, Kasanova King said:


Typical liberal gibberish.  Are you aware that the average Cuban salary is $25 per MONTH?  It's a myth that there are no homeless in Cuba.  Living in a shack, in many cases with no running water or toilets, would be considered homeless in the U.S.  As a matter of fact, homeless shelters in the U.S. have much better living conditions than the average working class Cuban has.  So go spew that nonsense somewhere else.  


Liberal? :rofl-lol:

homelessness was eradicated in Cuba , your own country admitted as much. 

Everyone there has free healthcare , free education , housing , water etc. Yes, something called the US embargo and countless terrorist attacks on Cuba , attempts at destabilizing the country and assassinating the leaders, caused the people there a lot of suffering. 

The days of shacks in Cuba and abject poverty , ended when your pal Batista was eliminated and the 95% of Cuban wealth was no longer being stolen by a certain state . 

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2 minutes ago, Pishy said:

Liberal? :rofl-lol:

homelessness was eradicated in Cuba , your own country admitted as much. 

Everyone there has free healthcare , free education , housing , water etc. Yes, something called the US embargo and countless terrorist attacks on Cuba , attempts at destabilizing the country and assassinating the leaders, caused the people there a lot of suffering. 

The days of shacks in Cuba and abject poverty , ended when your pal Batista was eliminated and the 95% of Cuban wealth was no longer being stolen by a certain state . 


Don't forget our Cosa Nostra pals. The ones who helped kill Kennedy.

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10 minutes ago, Pishy said:

Liberal? :rofl-lol:

homelessness was eradicated in Cuba , your own country admitted as much. 

Everyone there has free healthcare , free education , housing , water etc. Yes, something called the US embargo and countless terrorist attacks on Cuba , attempts at destabilizing the country and assassinating the leaders, caused the people there a lot of suffering. 

The days of shacks in Cuba and abject poverty , ended when your pal Batista was eliminated and the 95% of Cuban wealth was no longer being stolen by a certain state . 


  Cuba is a severely poor country...people have lived in shacks there and still do since the Communist Revolution.  The quality of life there has decayed beyond comprehension since Batista was overthrown.  Do you just make things up as you go along?



Image result for cubans live in shacks


Go ahead.  Go work there as an experiment with the average working class person's salary and see how you do.


And sorry for calling you liberal...you're obviously off the charts in that regard...:lol:

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4 minutes ago, Kasanova King said:


  Cuba is a severely poor country...people have lived in shacks there and still do since the Communist Revolution.  The quality of life there has decayed beyond comprehension since Batista was overthrown.  Do you just make things up as you go along?



Image result for cubans live in shacks


Go ahead.  Go work there as an experiment with the average working class person's salary and see how you do.


And sorry for calling you liberal...you're obviously off the charts in that regard...:lol:

National review? Come on now .

i go by facts . Well documented ones. 

Apology accepted, I felt maimed by the slight.

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1 hour ago, Kasanova King said:

Not at all.  I didn't even know it was the anniversary.  Not sure why anyone would celebrate something that has been a proven failure over and over again throughout history.   Well, then again, they are communists....celebrating failure and mediocrity is what they're based on.  

I'll explain why.

Communists invent -isms, -its and -ites that are then labelled betrayers of 'true' communism, also an -ism, -it or an -ite!  The one constant in communism is its ability to procreate constantly feuding substrata: thus Trotskyites claim to be antithetical to Stalinists and they are both rather different from Leninism/Bolshevism which in turn was different from Menshevism. Later, Maoism separated itself from Russian communism when Russia sought rapprochement with the west, and then you have Juche communism which is sort of communism with a weird Confucius monarchical cult attached - and the history of communism proceeds thus.

On and on it goes, constantly producing quarreling offspring. 

They all of course claim to be Marxists, but obviously there can be only one (to quote a low budget action-adventure film) as communist is rather like religion in that aspect. And some Marxists state Marxism has never occurred in the proper manner and all these -isms are bastard offspring. 

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