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Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

Ace Nova

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1 minute ago, Georgy Zhukov said:

Just how America and Britain had millions of tragedies of their own.

But hey, as long as they are not white or Christian, right? And not Catholic.

Those don't count, those people died for 'freedom', you know, freeing other people of their land and resources.

Not only that, the Holodomor propaganda hoax, spearheaded by Nazi Joseph Goebels, is something yanks and brits swallow with no investigation, keeps their delusions of heroics going and conceals their crimes.

They  fear Stalin's true legacy more than anything or anyone,  past or present, to the point not a single factual book exists in English. 


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2 minutes ago, Pishy said:

Those don't count, those people died for 'freedom', you know, freeing other people of their land and resources.

Not only that, the Holodomor propaganda hoax, spearheaded by Nazi Joseph Goebels, is something yanks and brits swallow with no investigation, keeps their delusions of heroics going and conceals their crimes.

They  fear Stalin's true legacy more than anything or anyone,  past or present, to the point not a single factual book exists in English. 



Well the famines did happen. Radical changes such as Collectivization, going from having 90% of the land owned by peasants to converting them into collective farms lead to a huge drop in productivity and when food isn't produced, people starved. It was all part of a step by step plan to modernize the Soviet Union. This eventually saved them in World War II.


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Vietnam remains a Communist country despite introducing market enterprises. It is still state run and the government remains a one party state with control over the media.

Vietnam is now one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Projected to be the 21st largest economy in 2050, not bad considering decades of war and poverty.

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Just now, Georgy Zhukov said:


Well the famines did happen. Radical changes such as Collectivization, going from having 90% of the land owned by peasants to converting them into collective farms lead to a huge drop in productivity and when food isn't produced, people starved. It was all part of a step by step plan to modernize the Soviet Union. This eventually saved them in World War II.


There were famines and people were starving to death , one of the reasons the revolution happened in the first place . 

The famines continued to occur while they were developing but there were no deliberately orchaestrated famines nor means to an end famines. 

The Soviet Union accomplished 100 years of development in a mere handful of actual years. And that's the entire point of these lies, to conceal that Communism worked and worked very well. One only has to examine the state of affairs beforehand and how people lived, in complete and total misery, dying in the streets, and then look at the numerous accomplishments and quality of life, afterwards.  


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Just now, Pishy said:

There were famines and people were starving to death , one of the reasons the revolution happened in the first place . 

The famines continued to occur while they were developing but there were no deliberately orchaestrated famines nor means to an end famines. 

The Soviet Union accomplished 100 years of development in a mere handful of actual years. And that's the entire point of these lies, to conceal that Communism worked and worked very well. One only has to examine the state of affairs beforehand and how people lived, in complete and total misery, dying in the streets, and then look at the numerous accomplishments and quality of life, afterwards.  


I don't think it was intentional, but I also don't think they didn't care about the short term effects either. They were going for the long term.



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1 minute ago, Georgy Zhukov said:

Vietnam remains a Communist country despite introducing market enterprises. It is still state run and the government remains a one party state with control over the media.

Vietnam is now one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Projected to be the 21st largest economy in 2050, not bad considering decades of war and poverty.

What people conveniently ignore is how the US invaded Vietnam and butchered millions of people, destroyed the agriculture and dumped chemical weapons everywhere because sovereign Vietnam opted for a Communist government and it was working, meaning it did not need to rely on US capital and its social conditions benefited the people who lived there, making it resistant to foreign invasion, i.e they could fight back if attacked.

After the US was beat and kicked out, Vietnam was left to contend with severe wreckage, imagine what it would be if not invaded and butchered for merely choosing a form of government contrary to the US liking?

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These men who ran the Soviet Union were use to loss. Tsarist oppression, The Great War, Revolutions and the Civil War. Collectivization was meant to end famine. The last great famine was in Central Asia in 1946. Again they were recovering from the Nazi invasion and since the Germans burned Ukraine, collective farms in Central Asia had to prioritize the populated cities in the Western Soviet Union.

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5 minutes ago, Kasanova King said:

So other than millions and millions of people dying from starvation, genocide, and wars....Communism worked well.



Settle down there, if it wasn't for the Communists and the millions of lives that the Soviets sacrificed for humanity, you would be giving a heil hitler.

Maybe do a little research into America's role in all that, you might want to get a therapist on standby :rofl-lol:

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2 hours ago, Pishy said:

Settle down there, if it wasn't for the Communists and the millions of lives that the Soviets sacrificed for humanity, you would be giving a heil hitler.

Maybe do a little research into America's role in all that, you might want to get a therapist on standby :rofl-lol:


  And not sure how anyone would consider Russia heroes for simply defending their home state. ANY Sovereign state would have done the same thing.  I'm glad they defended it and won...obviously it helped defeat Hitler...but their role in the War was to protect Russia, not the world.

Even if Hitler would have been victorious in Russia, his losses were so severe that I doubt he could have overcome them to defeat the allies.

Not to mention the fact that had he gained momentum against the allies...the U.S. would have been left with little choice ....probably would have used the Atomic Bomb against him as well.  And that would have been the end of it. 

So Russia saving the world from the 3rd Reich is another, conspiracy driven, myth.  They saved themselves, in the process, they helped weaken Hitler, which lead to the Allies defeating Hitler....who would have been defeated anyway....with or without a Russian victory. 

Edited by Kasanova King
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Just now, Kasanova King said:


  And not sure how anyone would consider Russia heroes for simply defending their home state. ANY Sovereign state would have done the same thing.  I'm glad they defended it and won...obviously it helped defeat Hitler...but their role in the War was to protect Russia, not the world.

Even if Hitler would have been victorious in Russia, his losses were so severe that I doubt he could have overcome them to defeat the allies.

Not to mention the fact that had he gained momentum against the allies...the U.S. would have been left with little choice ....probably would have used the Atomic Bomb against him as well.  And that would  have been  been the end  of  it. 

So Russia saving the world from the 3rd Reich is another, conspiracy driven, myth.  They saved themselves, in the process, they helped weaken Hitler, which lead to the Allies defeating Hitler....who would have been defeated anyway....with or without a Russian victory. 

The Soviet Union destroyed and defeated Nazi Germany.



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6 minutes ago, Pishy said:

The Soviet Union destroyed and defeated Nazi Germany.



I'm not going to sit here and diminish Russia's role in WWII.  But comments like if it wasn't for Russia, the world would be saying "Sig Heil" are not true. 

Russia lost more lives than anyone else involved so I think it's disrespectful to play down their role.  At the same time it should be known that they did it for themselves....just like the allies did it for themselves.

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America can be summarized as 'every man for himself'. It's a dog-eat-dog society, which is why at the age of twenty-five, I practically live (or have all my favorite belongings) in my car. 

I don't ever plan on having a home, or paying a mortgage. Why should I?

You never know when things will go to complete shit.

I have a feeling it will eventually.

My only required monthly bill is $170 for car insurance. Other than that I don't owe anyone shit.


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4 minutes ago, arnold layne said:

America can be summarized as 'every man for himself'. It's a dog-eat-dog society, which is why at the age of twenty-five, I practically live (or have all my favorite belongings) in my car. 

I don't ever plan on having a home, or paying a mortgage. Why should I?

You never know when things will go to complete shit.

I have a feeling it will eventually.

My only required monthly bill is $170 for car insurance. Other than that I don't owe anyone shit.


You are correct, it's a ruthless society where the poor are jeered and ridiculed . No country on earth hates it's poor the way the US does. At the same time, they worship the shiftless criminals that don't lift a finger for the millions and billions they've stolen. They idolize them, 'please let me worship and lick your boots for one day I may be you if I play my cards right!' Disgrace.

Im sorry you live in your car though. No one ever owns anything here, we slave to pay to borrow it. However, you need a place to reside outside of your car. Don't want to get into your personal details on a public board here, just concerned .  

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50 minutes ago, Pishy said:

Settle down there, if it wasn't for the Communists and the millions of lives that the Soviets sacrificed for humanity, you would be giving a heil hitler.

Maybe do a little research into America's role in all that, you might want to get a therapist on standby :rofl-lol:

Russians for sure played a big role in defeating Hitler, but that has nothing to do with the fact that they were communists.

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24 minutes ago, Kasanova King said:

You trying to say Russia did not lose more lives than anyone else?

Because they lost another 10+ million civilian lives due to the war, on top of those losses. 

No I'm not saying that , sharing a table relevant to what you stated , concur 

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2 hours ago, Georgy Zhukov said:

Just how America and Britain had millions of tragedies of their own.

But hey, as long as they are not white or Christian, right? And not Catholic.

Which tragedies would these be?  Great Britain's ''tyrants'' existed far earlier than the twentieth century; Britain had developed into a constitutional monarchy by the early 18th century thus strengthening Parliamentarianism to withstand the arrival of despotism. Further, Britain's despots were all pre-Industrial Revolution, i.e. active when Great Britain's population was minuscule (under six million). These perceived 'atrocities' (the majority were constitutional) were paltry and victims of hyperbole in the hands of playwrights, authors and filmmakers - under Henry VIII, England's most murderous tyrant, c. 40,000 people were executed.

I do not know why you make the distinction of Catholicism here seeing as two of our more famous tyrants, 'Bloody' Mary and James II were Catholic, reverting the nation to Catholicism through autocracy. Around 280 protestant 'martyrs' were burned at the stake during the short reign of Mary I. 

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The Soviet Union did defeat the Third Reich but one important factor which is often overlooked is lend-lease supplies: Britain and America kept the Soviets supplied via artic convoys during her darkest period. I suspect the (western) allied contribution of the Mediterranean and north-west Europe contributed in much the same manner as the Duke of Wellington's campaign in the Peninsular War did against Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon's Grande Armée  suffered its crippling losses (400,000 including practically the entirety of mounts) in Russia in 1812 but underneath that was a 'running sore' between 1808 - 1814, which tied French soldiers down (c. 250,000) in the Iberian Peninsular and drained away supplies - and, offered something of a propaganda victory to Napoleon's enemies. 

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