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Anthony Bourdain, Celebrity Chef, Found Dead at 61 From Suicide


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Bourdain came from a wealthy family but he always seemed to want no part of it.

He drifted in and out of colleges, relationships and eventually, found drugs as a means of a coping mechanism. When he got it together and took off as both a professional traveler and chef, I was always charmed by the fact that he would go to these poor, poor countries, stay with poor families, eat their homemade food and was always very polite and gracious about it. He never really hung his nose high.

A very outspoken fellow, too. If he saw something he didn't agree with, he told you about it. He was in Hollywood but wasn't of Hollywood. That means calling Quentin Tarantino a phony and a coward when everyone else wouldn't, less they never get a role in his films.


The saddest thing is leaving children behind in the wake of suicide. The void and lifelong damage done to his daughter. That's something I'll never understand about suicide.

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Someone constantly seeking new experiences and new people... its easy to romanticize. But for some this is an effort to find some unattainable thing to fill a void. Like a junkie longing to go back to that first high - that simply doesnt exist, its a mirage. Obviously I don't know about his situation.

Hope there isnt a suicide contagion being released.


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Another shock! RIP Anthony. So sad.

This is off topic but author Dean Koontz has a series of books with a new character called Jane Hawk. She's an ex FBI agent, who's ex navy seal husband commits suicide. Anyway, Jane knew her husband would never do this, so she starts to investigate and finds that the suicide rate in the US has gone up quickly year after year. In her investigating she finds this group of US government people who through a computer choose people who are a danger to their cause so they eliminate them.

by doing this they inject a computer chip into the brain that controls them in a matter of hours. If you are of use to them, they control you and you do terrible things for them. If they deem you a threat to them, they make you commit suicide. so far, Dean has written 3 books with Jane Hawk and as she finds some of these people, you find that there are many more of them she has to stop or expose, but will anyone believe her?  She and her friends and her son are in danger, but I have confidence Jane will come out on top and expose them.

I know these books are fiction, bit since it seems so many people are committing suicide these days, it just gave me a chill.

Too many people suffering from depression and sadness. It sucks.

Okay, I'm not by any means suggesting this is true. Please don't think I'm saying this. It's just weird and I think Dean is an amazing writer of fiction, but it just gets you thinking sometimes.

Edited by dontdamnmeuyi2015
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Suicide is not a way to  go, it leaves so many totally devastated family members wondering if they could have done something. 😣  My 24 year old niece married the love of her life a few years ago after he had served in the Army in Afghanistan.  3 weeks after their marriage, she came home to find his PTSD had caused him to commit suicide in their garage. One month later she found out she was pregnant and is now raising their little girl alone. 😣

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13 minutes ago, 31illusions said:

He's on CNN. Probably a democrat. First thing I though was..

No God  =  No peace


If Im understanding you, you are saying that you believe that all Democrats are Godless? 

And the Peace of Christ represents and immunity to mental health struggles?

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3 minutes ago, Gracii Guns said:

To add to this, mygnrforum is a very caring community. This includes the mod team, who always try to consider someone’s mental health or home situation when dealing with certain posts. @alfierose and I would go out for lunch when I was a mod and say things like “X is attracting a lot of attention to themselves but I’ve gathered that they’re dealing with Y and Z so I’m being fair”. 

I may write like an idiot on here, but I do know how helpful it is to have someone listen in a non-judgemental, removed way. Obviously seek professional help if you need it, but if you fancy a rant I’ll take a PM any time, as I’m sure would some others. 

Agreed, DM'S are open.

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Rip this sucks

My family is going through some very scary issues that pertain to this. It freaks me out so much. Mental health is no joke. I want to strive to be more understanding towards others


Edited by ZoSoRose
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Really gutted about this. Anthony Bourdain was someone I really, truly look up to. I got into him about the same time I was discovering my own love of travel. The fact that his shows were neither strictly travel shows, nor food shows, but how the two coexist was so appealing to me. Parts Unknown in particular was like the gospel of travel to me. The Layover was great too - I've tried many restaurants he visited on that one in particular. This feels especially surreal because my last meal on this European trip I just completed was a hot dog place he visited on his episode of Parts Unknown on Copenhagen; that was not even 48 hours before he died. 


RIP Anthony :( 

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Can't believe it :(

I loved his show, it was so cool and different... I think depression is worse than any other disease, you can't beat it... looks like nothing helps, no matter how much money, success and even love you have, there's something that one day clicks inside your head and makes you go into that final step.

Another devastasting news was learning Queen Maxima's sister also committed suicide yesterday in Buenos Aires. She was only 33 years old and had a long history of depression. Maxima, the king and their daughters came to the funeral.



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My grandmother suffered from depression and tried to commit suicide when my mom was little. She explained that the pain you are feeling is so intense you just want to die.

Eventually she was diagnosed with Bi Polar in the 80's, but my mom remembers bouts of depression throughout her life and it was so hard to help her mom. It's hard to understand how a person can feel and how they just feel helpless.

It's saddens me that a lot of us just don't know what a person is feeling until it's too late. It sucks.

I know his g/f Asia Argento is so upset and he also left behind an 11 year old daughter. It's just very sad for everyone involved. I do hope he's found peace.

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4 hours ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

My grandmother suffered from depression and tried to commit suicide when my mom was little. She explained that the pain you are feeling is so intense you just want to die.

Eventually she was diagnosed with Bi Polar in the 80's, but my mom remembers bouts of depression throughout her life and it was so hard to help her mom. It's hard to understand how a person can feel and how they just feel helpless.

It's saddens me that a lot of us just don't know what a person is feeling until it's too late. It sucks.

I know his g/f Asia Argento is so upset and he also left behind an 11 year old daughter. It's just very sad for everyone involved. I do hope he's found peace.

I typed out a whole thing about someone I knew who committed suicide recently. He was depressed because he took some drugs that gave him a speech problem. He couldn't get words out but his mind worked perfectly but the meds made him weird and isolated. My real problem is I feel like I could have got him to chill out and get over it. But he was surrounded by judgmental people who resented him because it was drugs that did it. Because he became dependent on them he was kind of brainwashed into depression. It's not really my place to say that but fuck it. 

But anyway someone explaind that depression can make it feel like every cell in your body is in pain and that is why people kill themselves, it's almost logical. So there was nothing I could do. 

Was Bourdain depressed? I haven't seen that. I was shocked. If he wasn't I don't get it at all. He was active and engaged and a solid guy. The fact he was involved in bringing down Weinstein means there are some flags on the play. 

With Kate Spade I was surprised, but then she seemed to have mental issues, just a really nervous sensitive person. So in the end not as shocked. 

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30 minutes ago, wasted said:

I typed out a whole thing about someone I knew who committed suicide recently. He was depressed because he took some drugs that gave him a speech problem. He couldn't get words out but his mind worked perfectly but the meds made him weird and isolated. My real problem is I feel like I could have got him to chill out and get over it. But he was surrounded by judgmental people who resented him because it was drugs that did it. Because he became dependent on them he was kind of brainwashed into depression. It's not really my place to say that but fuck it. 

But anyway someone explaind that depression can make it feel like every cell in your body is in pain and that is why people kill themselves, it's almost logical. So there was nothing I could do. 

Was Bourdain depressed? I haven't seen that. I was shocked. If he wasn't I don't get it at all. He was active and engaged and a solid guy. The fact he was involved in bringing down Weinstein means there are some flags on the play. 

With Kate Spade I was surprised, but then she seemed to have mental issues, just a really nervous sensitive person. So in the end not as shocked. 

Really sorry for your loss, man.

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