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Tell your 9/11 story


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A good post 9/11 story would probably cap this thread off nicely. 


Not sure if anyone remembers, but the first big deal beheading was of an American named Nick Berg.  It was a national news story and got a lot of press.  I lived near his home, and he was buried out of a synagogue that you can see perfectly from my house.  I sit on a hill and the synagogue  is directly behind me and at the bottom of the hill.  The day he was buried, all of the major news organizations were there and everything around my house was closed off because of people coming to see.  It took me 2 hours to get home when it usually took about 45 min from where I was working at the time.  I had a hell of a time getting to my house, because of my neighborhoods choice view, all entries were blocked by the police.  The first roadblock I got to WOULD NOT LET ME ON MY OWN STREET, wouldn't even look at my license to prove I lived there.  The second roadblock let me through, but even then, the cop who looked at my ID walked away to "clear it" with his on-site supervisor.   I was pretty pissed.


The Nick Berg beheading was the first one I ever saw.  I looked it up online and watched it.  It was a real life changer for me because it opened my eyes to how horrific the method of beheading was.  I guess that sounds funny, but I had thought it was like a one strike Marie Antoinette style affair.  I will not get into the disturbing details, but it is about as far from a quick strike beheading as you can get.  It was an eye opening, polarizing event in my life.


Thanks everyone who contributed to this thread, I think it was pretty cool.  I tried to like all the posts, but I kept running out of likes!  Feel free to add any post 9/11 stories you have. 

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