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No Holds Barred Thread - Post Anything That Is On Your Mind, Even the Politically Incorrect!

Ace Nova

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1 hour ago, SoulMonster said:

That's your excuse now? There was a thread about unpopular opinions on Guns N' Roses so you had no choice but to fat-shame and diss the looks and age of Axl Rose? It wasn't your fault, the thread was there?

Not an excuse. I liked the topic of the thread and I responded to it, within the rules of forum and the thread itself.
I merely listed my "unpopular opinion", like everybody else did.
There are no faults, flaws or fouls in my proceedings.


1 hour ago, SoulMonster said:

And again, it isn't that you dissed Axl that is the issue, it is the blatant hypocrisy and how it contrasted with your complaints about men saying mean things about women here.

No contradictions either:

- I did not randomly said what I said. It was within the context of a thread that is asking fans to state their "unpopular" opinions. So I did.
- Not hypocrisy when I told you that I don't feel any pity for someone who's hurt people with his words before. I mentioned "Karma".
- Even if I was the so-called "hypocrite" that you insist on exposing (since you are the Hero of the Forum), that does not invalidate what I said about women here.


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I don't know if this is unpopular but I think Axl would be happier with himself if he picked up some weights, laid off the booze and release some new tunes. 

My unpopular thoughts: Christianity is alright, feminism is an anti-woman CIA psy-op, globalism is a dumb Rockefeller stunt that's going to shit, Trump's okay with me.

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17 minutes ago, Roush said:

I don't know if this is unpopular but I think Axl would be happier with himself if he picked up some weights, laid off the booze and release some new tunes. 

My unpopular thoughts: Christianity is alright, feminism is an anti-woman CIA psy-op, globalism is a dumb Rockefeller stunt that's going to shit, Trump's okay with me.

How about pick up the booze and lay off the weights.😄  I wonder how much Axl does drink these days, I don't think it has ever been a problem in the past. 

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11 minutes ago, Len Cnut said:

What the hell is fat-shaming?  What, calling someone fat?  When did that become a crime?

I don't think it ever became a crime. But during the last ten years or so it became socially unacceptable here and there. Like sexist comments. Fortunately, mocking someone's speech impediments is still completely okay. 

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13 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

I don't think it ever became a crime. But during the last ten years or so it became socially unacceptable here and there. Like sexist comments. Fortunately, mocking someone's speech impediments is still completely okay. 

Piss off you fat Norwegian bitch :lol:

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11 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

You Brits are like 10 years in the past :lol:

Either that or we just don't give a shit about a load of made up bollocks that tells you how to think and what to say, wow, someone called someone fat, big deal, get over it.  Its an awful world out there y'know, full of mean mean people, people who say what they think and feel and are not above taken the piss out of someone because they read it in the newspaper or saw someone on the telly saying you shouldn't.  There's a world of difference between what contemporary societal standards tell you the world should be like and what really is going on out there.  To quote the great Lenny Bruce 'there is no should be, there only is what is, should be is a terrible lie that someone made up'.

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If you call someone a fat bastard people go, ''hahaha''. If you call someone a paki or a tranny or a spacca you'll get the politically correct brigade at your door. Fat people are literally the last people you're allowed to take the piss out of. 

When I was growing up everyone was fair game of course. We had about five hundred words for calling gays. 

Edited by DieselDaisy
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Just now, Len Cnut said:

Either that or we just don't give a shit about a load of made up bollocks that tells you how to think and what to say, wow, someone called someone fat, big deal, get over it.  Its an awful world out there y'know, full of mean mean people, people who say what they think and feel and are not above taken the piss out of someone because they read it in the newspaper or saw someone on the telly saying you shouldn't.  There's a world of difference between what contemporary societal standards tell you the world should be like and what really is going on out there.  To quote the great Lenny Bruce 'there is no should be, there only is what is, should be is a terrible lie that someone made up'.

I don't know. I guess discriminating against people based on how they look, whether that is their BMI, handicaps, color of their skin, etc, is something we are better off without. I see no value in it. 

And social norms are a powerful mechanism to reduce such things. Of course certain people will always object when a new thing becomes socially unacceptable but they will soon get with the times and society is better off for it, like when it became unacceptable with racial slurs, open antisemitism, sexism, etc.

Don't get me wrong, this is all just removing symptoms but that has a value in itself. 

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25 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

I don't know. I guess discriminating against people based on how they look, whether that is their BMI, handicaps, color of their skin, etc, is something we are better off without. I see no value in it. 

And social norms are a powerful mechanism to reduce such things. Of course certain people will always object when a new thing becomes socially unacceptable but they will soon get with the times and society is better off for it, like when it became unacceptable with racial slurs, open antisemitism, sexism, etc.

Don't get me wrong, this is all just removing symptoms but that has a value in itself. 

I'm a great believer in not repressing anything, if people feel a certain way let them say it, right or wrong, true freedom of speech, notions, ideas, sentiments don't die because you're told you can't speak about them.  Get it out there, if you feel anti-semitic or racist say it, you wanna call me a foreign bastard, go for it.  The first step to solution is discourse, its gotta get out there for it to be dealt with, otherwise it just festers in hearts and minds and manifests itself at a later date, you make it harder to deal with.  No word in and of itself is offensive, it simply can't be, I don't understand how words can be offensive, there is no language jail, words exist to facillitate communication, its the difference between us and dumb beasts.  And if perchance you don't like what someones saying so what, its their right, freedom of expression right?  Whether they be a pacifist or a nazi or a conservative or a left winger or a feminist or a whatever.  If it can be thought of or concieved then it should be allowed to be expressed.

Take an offensive word, n!gger...right, bad word?  OK, lets say we outlaw it.  No one can say that word ever again.  Ever.  The word is banned.  So no one can say it out loud.  It would be difficult to bring charges against someone who said it if you can't say it right, its just farcical.  You are charged with saying a bad word...OK, what word?  I can't tell you, we're not allowed to speak it :lol:  How would you even teach people that its a bad word if no one can say it?  So then it becomes about context right?  And context requires interpretation.  But then the intent lies with the speaker, who can always look at your interpretation and go 'no, sorry, you're wrong, thats not how I meant it, what I ACTUALLY meant was...'. 

Perhaps we're getting the cart before the horse, perhaps there is an easier way than limiting our freedom of expression and that way, perhaps, is for each individual or group to be responsible for their own sensitivities and not impose them on others.  Reach for and aspire to a better adjusted you that doesn't fall to pieces because someone said a word.  Because you begin with repressing that and God knows where it ends.  The performances of the man in my avatar were, at one time, and still to a point today, considered offensive and an affront to social norms but so what, it is his right. 


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10 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

Not talking about outlawing anything, but having some social guidelines on how to behave. It causes less friction and anguish. 

Sounds like a subtle form of oppression to me.  Friction is not always a bad thing, you learn a lot from conflict, if you come out of it the other side without killing each other you generally grow from it. 

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1 minute ago, Len Cnut said:

Sounds like a subtle form of oppression to me. 

Call it what you want, it is vastly agreed upon that we need some rules for social interaction, and slurs that discriminate against race, appearance, ethnicity, etc, is generally considered to result in more negative effects than positive. 

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Call it what you want, it is vastly agreed upon that we need some rules for social interaction

I agree, I just don't think those rules should be centred around restricting language and expression.


and slurs that discriminate against race, appearance, ethnicity, etc, is generally considered to result in more negative effects than positive. 

Limiting freedom also results in a lot more negative effects than positive.

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11 minutes ago, Oldest Goat said:

Every god damn one of your words I have to read with a lisp you son of a bitch! *breaks chair over your back*

I picture him in the dark in St. James's Park, violating a swan while angrily uttering, "I thad, thop fuckin' mocking me!" 

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18 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

Limiting your freedom to sprout racist, sexist, and, yes, fat-shaming slurs, is a positive, I think. I think we got it right on this one :).

It's spout.  And I think its meaningless.  What difference does it make, you don't kill the sentiment, you don't get to the root of the problem, you solve nothing.  All you have is a society that is a little less free than before.  And the prescedent it sets is dangerous. 

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20 minutes ago, Len Cnut said:

It's spout.  And I think its meaningless.  What difference does it make, you don't kill the sentiment, you don't get to the root of the problem, you solve nothing.  All you have is a society that is a little less free than before.  And the prescedent it sets is dangerous. 


So because you don't eradicate the disease treating the symptoms is pointless? Not if you think the symptoms in themselves are a negative. But obviously you don't. 

As for the danger of limiting freedom of expression. Again we ate talking about social norms here, not making things illegal. Society itself decides to react on certain behaviors and expressions. And society already oppresses so many forms of expression for various reasons that reacting to racism and fat.shaming, etc, too, doesn't make much of a difference.

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1 hour ago, SoulMonster said:


So because you don't eradicate the disease treating the symptoms is pointless? Not if you think the symptoms in themselves are a negative. But obviously you don't. 

As for the danger of limiting freedom of expression. Again we ate talking about social norms here, not making things illegal. Society itself decides to react on certain behaviors and expressions. And society already oppresses so many forms of expression for various reasons that reacting to racism and fat.shaming, etc, too, doesn't make much of a difference.

I know you know what I'm talking about.  Take us two, you call me all kindsa shit and I do the same, its all bullshit though innit I mean, I think you're alright, I don't mean no harm or nothing and I think you know that, its just a bit of a giggle, now how shite would it be if you were like 'how dare you call me xxx' and I go 'how dare you call me xxx', we could easily choose to be offended here, you don't know me and I don't know you but reasonably secure well adjusted human beings, to my mind at least, don't give a fuck.  Sticks and stones etc, I mean thats like rudimentary stuff isn't it, they teach you that in nursery.

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