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Greta Thunberg's Groupie

Axl's Agony Aunt

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3 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

Everybody who is passionate enough about something would go to such lengths :lol: But you don't have to be that passionate to make a difference, you don't have to be that passionate to do something that helps. You don't have to choose between doing nothing and doing everything. Don't let this flawed notion that you have to do everything for it to be of use, stop you from doing something. It could very well be that something is sufficient, and besides there are other important things in life that also demands your attention.

The thing is you are a very active contributor. I wouldn't point this out if you went to Magaluf once per year. I'd give you a reprieve. But you spend your entire life on planes. You are part of the problem, as are this lot,


5 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

Plastic not only kills animals, it disrupts ecosystems which is far, far worse. See, your ignorance leads you to make wrong decisions.

I was being facetious. 

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6 minutes ago, Download said:

The answer is most definitely not handing more power and money to the government in order to fix the outdoor ambient temperature

Well here's the problem, we know the vast majority of corporations and individuals aren't going to change the way they do things without actually being forced to or heavily incentivized to. Some will, but not enough to make a difference.

The state is here to stay and has a big role to play. What we really need to do is to make it react to the will of the people, and not to billionaires. 

Edited by Basic_GnR_Fan
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1 minute ago, DieselDaisy said:

Plastic kills animals like so I insist on my, freshly killed animal, being wrapped up in paper (which kills trees by the way).



I thought we were speaking to micro plastics ocean pollution? Anyways, theres a huge difference between harvesting sustainably raised animals from a small scale bio dynamic farm and killing wild animal populations indiscriminately.

And youre gonna hate this, but I am a paper maker as part of my convictions. :lol: I can break down pretty much any type of paper to pulp and reconstitute it very easily. Reconstituted butchers paper can never be used to write on in my humble rig, but I do often coat the reconstituted paper in bees wax and use it to seal in my fermenting bread dough (using the saved butchers twine to tie it snug around the bowl. Or I use it to wrap my sandwiches in. And for wrapping gifts. (also we can sustainably harvest trees. We should use lots more bamboo).

Jeans are a top land fill polluter. And I make paper out of old jeans too. And I make closet organizers out of them sometimes too.

I also make paper out of corn husks. I plan to use that paper to spawn my mushroom spores on once I get that operation ongoing.

  • GNFNR 1
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3 minutes ago, soon said:


I thought we were speaking to micro plastics ocean pollution? Anyways, theres a huge difference between harvesting sustainably raised animals from a small scale bio dynamic farm and killing wild animal populations indiscriminately.

And youre gonna hate this, but I am a paper maker as part of my convictions. :lol: I can break down pretty much any type of paper to pulp and reconstitute it very easily. Reconstituted butchers paper can never be used to write on in my humble rig, but I do often coat the reconstituted paper in bees wax and use it to seal in my fermenting bread dough (using the saved butchers twine to tie it snug around the bowl. Or I use it to wrap my sandwiches in. And for wrapping gifts. (also we can sustainably harvest trees. We should use lots more bamboo).

Jeans are a top land fill polluter. And I make paper out of old jeans too. And I make closet organizers out of them sometimes too.

I also make paper out of corn husks. I plan to use that paper to spawn my mushroom spores on once I get that operation ongoing.

What do we have here? The Good Life?

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Just now, DieselDaisy said:

Your job then contributes to killing the environment. You should be ashamed to work for such an organisation.

Heh. Well, I am not. What we do is way too important and great. Besides, you are not being serious, you don't care about the environment, this is just another flailing attempt at criticizing me.

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Just now, SoulMonster said:

Heh. Well, I am not. What we do is way too important and great. Besides, you are not being serious, you don't care about the environment, this is just another flailing attempt at criticizing me.

Not especially. Just pointing out that it - this Greta craze, your stance, these celebs - is all a bunch of hypocritical bollocks, that is all. 

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Just now, DieselDaisy said:

Not especially. Just pointing out that it - this Greta craze, your stance, these celebs - is all a bunch of hypocritical bollocks, that is all. 

And again, it is flawed thinking to say that you have to go all in otherwise you are hypocritical, but I guess this is the best you can do. You are beyond reason and logics. 

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25 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

Heh. Well, I am not. What we do is way too important and great. Besides, you are not being serious, you don't care about the environment, this is just another flailing attempt at criticizing me.

He’s got a point y’know, how many planes leave airports each day, how much pollution does that cause?  Is it relatively negligible?  I mean reasonably speaking if we were to start doing as much eco-friendly shit as we can as ordinary citizens...that would still be a pretty sizeable dent being made in the envoirnment would it not?  

Perhaps the fact of the matter is that humans and our progress as a species is ecologically unsound full stop?  Now I’m not suggesting we all go live in mud huts or anything just saying, perhaps we’re the virus.  

I’m about as ecologically unaware as they get, I don’t seperate the bin rubbish but I’ve probably been on a plane about 10 times in my life, compared to you I’ve done the planet a favour by being uncultured :lol: 

Edited by Len Cnut
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Fox News did a skit referencing Children of the Corn: https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/empowering-the-planet/a-fox-news-guest-called-greta-thunberg-mentally-ill-the-network-apologized-for-the-disgraceful-comment/ar-AAHM3Ua?ocid=spartanntp

Greta should take some followers to a corn field, and make a great speech, but stressing she is the one fighting for life... rather than death.


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We're in a global system characterised by unethical consumption, but the idea that you can only critique or suggest changes to that system if you have already personally removed yourself from it and gone to live alone in the woods with no electricity (otherwise you're nothing but a hypocrite) is unhelpful. 

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This blogger writes like Axl/Guns should be writing songs? https://afrosapiophile.com/2019/09/23/an-open-letter-to-greta-thunberg/?fbclid=IwAR18SXj-2BH3yu4dgr46-HICxYtmk2sJcwDcIwD5mHAaqbvYp4XyLgBAtng

“You say you hear us, and that you understand the urgency, but no matter how sad and angry I am, I do not want to believe that, because if you really understood the situation, and still kept on failing to act, then you would be evil, and that I refuse to believe.”

Honey, they are, and you have to believe it to win this fight.  This is the part I struggled with writing.  I wrote a thousand words above because I didn’t want to say this to you – I was putting it off because it hurts me to say it, because I admire your passion and your heart and even though we’ve never met I want to treat you with the love and respect of my own daughter.  And I don’t want to discourage you or put a damper on your fire.  But I have to tell you the truth.  I didn’t want to be the one to ruin your innocent belief that deep down, humans are good at heart, but you deserve to be told the truth, even if it’s a horrible truth.

Dear, sweet, lovely Greta, they are evil.  I’m so, so sorry.

Every one of them.

They are complicit in the greatest crime against humanity of all time, one that will cost us our very existence, and they’ve done it for filthy lucre.

And they don’t care.  They don’t feel the shame of your words or your scorn.  They don’t care about your fear or anger.  They don’t even pretend.  

They’ve undone the measures we’ve already taken, the progress we’ve made in the last 30 years.  The Clean Air Act.  The Clean Water Act.  Endangered Species Acts.  Environmental review statutes for construction of heavy industry.  Fracking rules.  They’ve defunded research into renewable energy, halted the construction of new renewable energy sources, refused to allow solar fields and windmills to be built.  They’ve been blocking the use of safe nuclear product storage for 25 years, then claimed nuclear energy is too dangerous to use.  They send our military to war to protect the oil pipeline, kill thousands of soldiers and hundreds of thousands of civilians, plunge entire societies into chaos and deadly disorder, and for what?  Fossil fuel profit.

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28 minutes ago, Len Cnut said:

He’s got a point y’know, how many planes leave airports each day, how much pollution does that cause? 

If the point is that lanes pollute, then he got a point, yes, but if his point is that we must end all flights or that everybody who flies can't possible be concerned about the environment, then he doesn't have a point. And I am afraid it is the latter that has been his argument.

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2 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

If the point is that lanes pollute, then he got a point, yes, but if his point is that we must end all flights or that everybody who flies can't possible be concerned about the environment, then he doesn't have a point. And I am afraid it is the latter that has been his argument.

You can fly all you want - by all means - but just do not consider the ground you stand on to be too firm when hectoring others on the environment. 

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9 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

You all want to have your cake and to eat it. Hypocrites. 

Only those who don't do what they say they do are hypocrites - my main criticism of Meghan.

I do quite a lot, but not the full amount, but it's a bit late for me to start being a vegan (I'm veggie and buy free-range eggs and organic milk/yoghurt), and I don't believe in veganism for the planet totally anyway.

I've never owned a car, and am now living a 'new life in the wild' without moving, as I think I'm having less impact on the environment living within walking distance of a supermarket! I also haven't flown for 18 months, although I love flying and travelling.


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Just now, DieselDaisy said:

You can fly all you want - by all means - but just do not consider the ground you stand on to be too firm when hectoring others on the environment. 

Of course I can hector others about needless carbon emission, like joyflying -- because I am not guilty of that ;) You really aren't getting this. You are trying so very hard to make this stick and it is just hilarious.

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1 minute ago, Axl's Agony Aunt said:

Only those who don't do what they say they do are hypocrites - my main criticism of Meghan.

I do quite a lot, but not the full amount, but it's a bit late for me to start being a vegan (I'm veggie and buy free-range eggs and organic milk/yoghurt), and I don't believe in veganism for the planet totally anyway.

I've never owned a car, and am now living a 'new life in the wild' without moving, as I think I'm having less impact on the environment living within walking distance of a supermarket! I also haven't flown for 18 months, although I love flying and travelling.


I have absolutely no problems with someone living the spirit of their convictions.

Just now, SoulMonster said:

Of course I can hector others about needless carbon emission, like joyflying -- because I am not guilty of that ;) You really aren't getting this. You are trying so very hard to make this stick and it is just hilarious.

Joyflying haha. ''Come ed, we'll nick some scally's Boeing and take it for a spin''. 


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I believe everybody should recycle as much as they can. Too much crap ends up in landfill, we do need to slow down on all the 'fast fashion' and all do our bit.

I am not a leftie by any means but I believe we should all do what we can to help the planet.

I don't see this as a political issue, it's a worldwide issue no matter who's in power.

Trump can fuck off though

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