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2 hours ago, action said:

even though people on here assure that everything will be fine to her, and I'm overacting, she's already being harrassed and threatened



who would have thought?

this reinforces my worries, and proves that she is not properly supported

This has been happening for the entire time. You just dont seem to look into the first thing about her or the news story surrounding her. Its bizarre that you are so incurious yet you state so many words.

1) You didnt know she had Aspergers until yesterday (Aspergers being the term she uses). That is a foundational element to the whole phenomena!!

2) You say her parents should protect her. Her Dad travels with her.

3) I posted a video and transcribed part of it showing her dragging her trolls and conspiracy theorists. You just glaze over facts so you can continue your concern trolling.

4) I dont think you know what cancel culture is. Its not the same as online bullying. You telling her parents to de-platform her and put her back in school is pretty much cancel culture though. :facepalm:

You really think that a 16 year old who gets invited to speak at the UN cares what uninformed, out of touch, jealous old man post about them? :lol: All you have to do is read the tweet you just posted. Its a tweet of her calling out the trolls for their desperate bids to talk about anything other then the Climate Crisis. Like shes been saying the entire time, also in the video I posted. She's a boss. Quit the concern trolling!

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3 minutes ago, soon said:

This has been happening for the entire time. You just dont seem to look into the first thing about her or the news story surrounding her. Its bizarre that you are so incurious yet you state so many words.

1) You didnt know she had Aspergers until yesterday (Aspergers being the term she uses). That is a foundational element to the whole phenomena!!

2) You say her parents should protect her. Her Dad travels with her.

3) I posted a video and transcribed part of it showing her dragging her trolls and conspiracy theorists. You just glaze over facts so you can continue your concern trolling.

4) I dont think you know what cancel culture is. Its not the same as online bullying. You telling her parents to de-platform her and put her back in school is pretty much cancel culture though. :facepalm:

You really think that a 16 year old who gets invited to speak at the UN cares what uninformed, out of touch, jealous old man post about them? :lol: All you have to do is read the tweet you just posted. Its a tweet of her calling out the trolls for their desperate bids to talk about anything other then the Climate Crisis. Like shes been saying the entire time, also in the video I posted. She's a boss. Quit the concern trolling!

I would appreciate it if you would stop calling me "troll", there is no need to be offensive.

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Its amazing how hip hop culture came up with this term 'haters' and its entered the cultural lexicon so heavily that it is almost the go-to term to devalue criticism, valid or otherwise.  Not saying this in terms of Greta, to be honest I don't know or care enough about her thing to comment, just making a broad observation, you hear it from celebrities, sports stars...and its such a devaluing term, you could be saying something entirely valid but the minute you're called a 'hater' you're kinda lumped into this category and what you're saying no longer matters.  I guess cuz it invokes some level of jealousy or something. 

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52 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

I disagree with such a blanket statement. Every 16 year old may not know this, but the same could be said about every 50 year old. 

The parents know her better than us. 

I think there is truth in both your arguments. I think 16 is young to be doing what Greta's doing, but you can also join the army at 17, and go to war soon after, so that is potentially worse. 

It would have been better for Greta not to know about the world's problems, but once you know, it's difficult not to act, unless you shut yourself off.

The more you know about the world the more you realise the problems, and how powerless you are.

Humanity seems much worse to me now than it did when I was young, and felt like I wanted to change it (Guns were the rock cheerleaders!) - I didn't know the majority of the animal cruelty etc then, that the internet has revealed! Now science reveals all the pollution etc, which is indirectly caused by humanity, rather than the intentional to animals etc.

But at least the world is facing up to what we are now, and being more accountable: some of us anyway!

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3 minutes ago, action said:

I would appreciate it if you would stop calling me "troll", there is no need to be offensive.

If facts matter (I get the strong impression that they do not) I didnt call you a "Troll." I said you are concern trolling. And I stand by that. If having that feedback offends you then I invite you to re-evaluate what you are doing here.


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5 minutes ago, Len Cnut said:

Its amazing how hip hop culture came up with this term 'haters' and its entered the cultural lexicon so heavily that it is almost the go-to term to devalue criticism, valid or otherwise.  Not saying this in terms of Greta, to be honest I don't know or care enough about her thing to comment, just making a broad observation, you hear it from celebrities, sports stars...and its such a devaluing term, you could be saying something entirely valid but the minute you're called a 'hater' you're kinda lumped into this category and what you're saying no longer matters.  I guess cuz it invokes some level of jealousy or something. 

I see a lot of hate in greta's expression.

I get it, she has a mental issue. I'm not criticising her, just making an observation. Hate caused by a disorder is still hate.

For that reason, I don't think she is the best person do deliver her message, even though I agree with what she says. She should be protected, she has a mental issue. Clearly she can not cope with the negativity. When are her parents going to do the right thing? No one can tell me with a straight face, that this will go down well.

1 minute ago, soon said:

If facts matter (I get the strong impression that they do not) I didnt call you a "Troll." I said you are concern trolling. And I stand by that. If having that feedback offends you then I invite you to re-evaluate what you are doing here.


I appreciate your feedback.

Just don't refer to me as trolling anymore, thanks.

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1 hour ago, action said:

She should be protected, she has a mental issue. Clearly she can not cope with the negativity.

Clearly? Again you are making assumptions based on.... nothing?

Maybe in 5 years from now she is talking to a therapist because she couldn't handle the criticism and publicity that is coming her way. Who knows? You don't, neither do I. 

Maybe in 5 years from now she will be even more strong than she already is now, because apart from all the criticism, she also receives love and strength from all around the globe, and she will end up an even stronger young woman than she would have been without this experience. Who knows? You don't, neither do I. 

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5 minutes ago, Oldest Goat said:

You're a patronizing, ridiculous, confused, troll who can dish it out but can't take it. And I think it's safe to say well below Greta's level - and mine too btw just to be very clear, despite both of us being on the spectrum. 

You're autistic?  I KNEW there was something wrong with you! :lol: 



































































Jokes! :lol:


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8 minutes ago, Oldest Goat said:

You're a patronizing, ridiculous, confused, troll who can dish it out but can't take it. And I think it's safe to say well below Greta's level - and mine too btw just to be very clear, despite both of us being on the spectrum. 

as a christian, I always turn the other cheek. so have a nice day, brother.

I wish you good luck in your quest to become more tolerant of other people's opinions

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Just now, Oldest Goat said:

As a human being with some sense I'm only tolerant of good or harmless opinions. I don't suffer fools gladly. That being said if you were able to take a step back to reflect and improve your thoughts and words, then, you'll earn some of that precious respect you so desperately want.

I'm perfectly happy with who I am and what I stand for, but thanks for concerning. I admit, it's a never ending challenge, and I keep questioning myself. It's beyond my interest to make other people do the same, but still I hope you'll reach it too, someday (I always wish for the best for people. that includes greta, it includes you, it includes trump, it includes everyone. We're all living on this planet, and we're all in the same boat. Hate is never the answer)

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1 hour ago, Len Cnut said:

Its amazing how hip hop culture came up with this term 'haters' and its entered the cultural lexicon so heavily that it is almost the go-to term to devalue criticism, valid or otherwise.  

I once attended a panel on 'the theft of black language online.' "Haters" was one of the words they explored. Like you say it wields a lot of power. Some on the panel advocated for abandoning language once white people adapted it, some didnt care, some thought it was great - like the next wave of Shakespeares. It was fascinating.


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24 minutes ago, Oldest Goat said:

Question yourself more.

P.S. I don't hate you. There's not many things I do hate tbh.

Everyday I question myself. Only a fool would not. But everyday, the conclusion is that I'm doing great. Just today, the fears that I expressed yesterday were confirmed by greta's tweet. Her apparant shock at being the target of so much hate, proves that she did not expect such a backlash, ergo, that I was right all along that she shouldn't have been put on that platform to begin with.

Some people, including you, try to twist and turn this and point out how she's such a "boss", but I remain sceptic. It's clear as glass, that this girl will need a lot of help from here on out. You can not win over the internet, certainly not with maturity not fully developed yet. The internet never stops, it never forgets. It's hard to imagine the damage done to this girl, but people still go on as if everything is fine.

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1 hour ago, action said:

I can say the same about you ;)

Except I don't act like I have this thing figured out, like you do. A little bit of modesty would do you good. I made a post earlier in which I painted two scenarios, I basically said that you could be right. Unlike you, I can't possibly know if this will affect her in a positive or negative way in the future, I could see it go both ways to be honest, but I'm not going to act like I know how her future looks like. Maybe you're some kind of medium, though, and you know more than me. The fact that you genuinely seem to be concerned for her well-being shows you have got your heart in the right place, though, so I will give you that.

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I dont think expressions of concern show that someones heart is in the right place, necessarily. The trope of a 'Damsel in distress' is a powerful and often applied tactic used to diminish real or perceived power. Used in instances like Gretas to keep the same voices in power and to marginalize others.

Really, the concern trolling around her mental health and cyber bullying comes down to the fact that most YouTubers need to post daily to remain in the algorithms favour. But many said YouTubers have nothing new to say.

So they want to silence a climate activists - they only know a few tactics to deal with a young women. The damsel in distress - needing someone to save her, calm her hysteria and get her home safely being one tactic. The other being used is concern trolling about her mental wellbeing. This is clearly ironic as they are silencing and disregarding her merit and worth while simultaneously feigning concern for her sense of self worth.

But I honestly think that these YouTubers have internalized masculine hierarchies to the point that they have real concern - well, rather they are projecting a real concern. See, men kill themselves in large numbers due to their own perception that they dont fit into the ultra narrow and inauthentic frame of what is to be celebrated about a person. Neurological diversity is not a tenant of the patriarchy. So it seems to me that in a frantic need to both upload the days content and silence a climate activist without discussing climate they reveal some of their own neurosis - "They'll laugh at you and then youll end up like me, a lowly one-man-show Youtuber who needs to upload clickbait daily just to scrape by."

And if one doesnt view daily-upload current-events channels skeptically - especially the random dude channels with no background in given subjects, who also lack writers and producers - a viewer can easily see the videos as vital commentary that the great mind behind the channel just needed to get out there into the discourse. And of course from YT people can also be introduced to these tactics-as-content talking points second and third hand - not everyone needs to get it from the source.

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24 minutes ago, EvanG said:

Except I don't act like I have this thing figured out, like you do. A little bit of modesty would do you good. I made a post earlier in which I painted two scenarios, I basically said that you could be right. Unlike you, I can't possibly know if this will affect her in a positive or negative way in the future, I could see it go both ways to be honest, but I'm not going to act like I know how her future looks like. Maybe you're some kind of medium, though, and you know more than me. The fact that you genuinely seem to be concerned for her well-being shows you have got your heart in the right place, though, so I will give you that.

it's already affecting her in a negative way. there isn't much fortune-telling going on here. if what I see with my own eyes, is a wrong interpretation, then so be it. I'm making honest assumptions, based on her own words, and videos of her speeches. What I see, is a girl heading for disaster, so I refuse to take part in the good news rationale that most of you people embrace. At the end of this charade, nothing will be achieved, and there will be yet another victim of onlie bullying / harrassing. But by then I suspect most of you will have moved on. I can't believe the price you pay, for having a kid that's still only 16 years old who speaks in favor of the climate. Yes, she's popular, yes she makes waves. But at what cost will it be?

@soon and @Oldest Goat please don't take this post as yet another opportunity to flame. I'm having a genuine conversation here, and if you two really have nothing more to add than "troll post", or "patronizing, ridiculous, confused, troll", then why not just walk away?

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4 minutes ago, action said:

it's already affecting her in a negative way. there isn't much fortune-telling going on here. if what I see with my own eyes, is a wrong interpretation, then so be it. I'm making honest assumptions, based on her own words, and videos of her speeches. What I see, is a girl heading for disaster, so I refuse to take part in the good news rationale that most of you people embrace. At the end of this charade, nothing will be achieved, and there will be yet another victim of onlie bullying / harrassing. But by then I suspect most of you will have moved on. I can't believe the price you pay, for having a kid that's still only 16 years old who speaks in favor of the climate. Yes, she's popular, yes she makes waves. But at what cost will it be?

It's okay to be critical and sceptical. But you form an opinion and think you have this girl figured out by judging her tweets, speeches, or her face expression. Do I really have to explain how ignorant and presumptuous that is? You don't know this girl at all. You can't know how she is handling all of this and neither can I.

9 minutes ago, soon said:

I dont think expressions of concern show that someones heart is in the right place, necessarily.

It does if they are genuine, I think.

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4 minutes ago, EvanG said:

It's okay to be critical and sceptical. But you form an opinion and think you have this girl figured out by judging her tweets, speeches, or her face expression. Do I really have to explain how ignorant and presumptuous that is? You don't know this girl at all. You can't know how she is handling all of this and neither can I.


plenty of people on here who seem convinced she is doing fine. So how does it come, that their opinion holds more value than mine? you say we can't be sure either way

the cautionary principle (ironically, that's a juridical principle in environmental law), says that when the outcome of something is unsure, we should pick the option with the least likely negative effects.



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6 minutes ago, action said:

plenty of people on here who seem convinced she is doing fine. So how does it come, that their opinion holds more value than mine? you say we can't be sure either way

the cautionary principle (ironically, that's a juridical principle in environmental law), says that when the outcome of something is unsure, we should pick the option with the least likely negative effects.



Either I haven't read this thread carefully enough, or you are the only one in here who seems to be ''convinced'' because of the words you use and the assumptions you keep on making, and that is basically all I have been calling you out on. I don't care if you have a different opinion than me, there's no point in arguing that, but the fact you seem so damn sure about this, is what kinda rubbed me the wrong way, because no one can be sure about this except for people who might know her personally and can see what this is really doing to her. But you're not one of them.

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5 minutes ago, soon said:

Yeah, haha, watch this "victim" dunk on Republican Congressmen Garret Graves and then laugh in his face.


that proves nothing to me. How many "strong" people end up a complete emotional wreck? If you expose yourself to the world with strong opinions, you're becoming a target. Sinead o connor thrashing a picture of the pope, Axl Rose was a badass in the 90s then became a complete recluse needing a nanny to function, and so on and so on.

It's easy to come forth, and be strong, taking people by surprise. But then, the backlash comes, the hate never ends, and I have yet to see the first person in history that wasn't affected by this.

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3 minutes ago, EvanG said:

Either I haven't read this thread carefully enough, or you are the only one in here who seems to be ''convinced'' because of the words you use and the assumptions you keep on making, and that is basically all I have been calling you out on. I don't care if you have a different opinion than me, there's no point in arguing that, but the fact you seem so damn sure about this, is what kinda rubbed me the wrong way, because no one can be sure about this except for people who might know her personally and can see what this is really doing to her. But you're not one of them.

that's quite a futile thing to get wound up of. If I accept that I'm not sure about anything, will that work better for you? :P

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8 minutes ago, Oldest Goat said:

So much overt and covert irony in this thread lol.

It's posts like this which remind me disengaging from the forum and not bothering to put energy into posting anymore was the right call.


I think your problem is, you want to change people too much. It's pointless, it won't happen. There are more important issues than fools on a message board. I could get wound up from some of the things I read on here too, if I chose. But I don't. Why don't you?

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