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The "New Album" Thread . The maybe, possibly, at some point, soon, whenever, wtf Axl thread🤞

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1 hour ago, GnR Chris said:

É patético que alguns de vocês estejam aqui defendendo a falta de música nova do GNR comparando-os com algumas outras bandas que fizeram turnê sem música nova. (Sim, isso é mais patético do que todos nós ainda indo ao fórum para discutir um novo disco inexistente.)

Counting Crows lançou oito discos de estúdio. The Misfits tem sete discos de estúdio. The Replacements tem sete discos de estúdio. O fato é que há MUITO mais artistas que lançam músicas regularmente e também fazem turnês. O rock antigo também atua. Ozzy lançou um álbum após a reunião do GNR CO-ESCRITO por Duff McKagan (que também lançou um disco solo). Slash lançou dois álbuns do Conspirators e tem outro praticamente pronto. Scorpions acaba de lançar um novo disco.

Essa formação do Guns já fez duas turnês pelo mundo desde 2016. São SEIS ANOS E MEIO. Houve uma pandemia mundial que deixou as pessoas em quarentena e essa banda AINDA NÃO SE DÁ CUIDADO EM ESCREVER UM DISCO JUNTO.

A ideia de que os GNR são uma banda ativa está morta há muito tempo. Eles são um ato legado em turnê.

I agree. 

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2 hours ago, GnR Chris said:

It's pathetic that some of you are in here defending GNR's lack of new music by comparing them to some other bands that have toured without new music. (Yes, that's more pathetic than all of us still coming to the forum to discuss a non-existent new record.)

Counting Crows have released eight studio records. The Misfits have seven studio records. The Replacements have seven studio records. Fact is, there are FAR more artists that regularly release music  and also tour. Old rock acts too. Ozzy put out an album after the GNR reunion CO-WRITTEN by Duff McKagan (who also put out a solo record). Slash put out two Conspirators albums and has another one pretty much done. Scorpions just put out a new record.

This lineup of Guns has toured the world twice over since 2016. That's SIX AND A HALF YEARS. There was a worldwide pandemic that left people in quarantine and this band STILL COULD NOT BE BOTHERED TO WRITE A RECORD together.

The idea that GNR are an active band is long dead. They are a touring legacy act.

Breath, brother! Breath!

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3 hours ago, GnR Chris said:

It's pathetic that some of you are in here defending GNR's lack of new music by comparing them to some other bands that have toured without new music. (Yes, that's more pathetic than all of us still coming to the forum to discuss a non-existent new record.)

Counting Crows have released eight studio records. The Misfits have seven studio records. The Replacements have seven studio records. Fact is, there are FAR more artists that regularly release music  and also tour. Old rock acts too. Ozzy put out an album after the GNR reunion CO-WRITTEN by Duff McKagan (who also put out a solo record). Slash put out two Conspirators albums and has another one pretty much done. Scorpions just put out a new record.

This lineup of Guns has toured the world twice over since 2016. That's SIX AND A HALF YEARS. There was a worldwide pandemic that left people in quarantine and this band STILL COULD NOT BE BOTHERED TO WRITE A RECORD together.

The idea that GNR are an active band is long dead. They are a touring legacy act.

They are actively touring…

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2 hours ago, jimisbatman said:

When & where did he say that?

Almost two years ago on Reddit. September 2020.

He was asked, “Is there a title for the next Guns N’ Roses album? You have any general idea when we’ll see it?”

Fernando responded: 

Don’t know the title, even if I did I couldn’t share it until the guys did. 

Within the next 6months.



Edited by GnR Chris
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11 hours ago, Coma16 said:

Their manager said new album in 6 months, 3 years ago...

And it’s not just that. I could excuse that, because it’s Axl’s world after all, where "plans change". What I do mind is that this "manager" makes this public promise and then can’t be bothered for years to address that ever again. You know, just to say "plans changed, plus I can’t really talk about it too much, but sorry and we’ll let you know" etc. Loging in to Reddit and typing this would take less than a minute. But this guy doesn’t give a shit, even though it’s the fans’ money (aside from someone else’s talent) that enable him living the life he has. What a great attitude. 

Edited by jamillos
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All righteous criticism of Fernando aside, he wasn't promising an album in 6 months, he was answering about the "general idea". Still, clumsy and unprofessional and should result in him coming back to follow-up on that comment when it turned out he was wrong.

But going back to what we originally discussed, whether a reunion should result in new music: Only if that was the intention of the reunion and it pretty much wasn't and we pretty much should have known that already from the beginning; and whether this current lineup has been teasing us about new music throughout these last years: Not really, Fernando's comment aside (who isn't really part of the band) and Slash recent comments about music being in the works (which has proven to be correct and we shouldn't be shocked that things take longer than planned). Compared to the years before the "reunion", this current lineup has been quite mute.

Edited by SoulMonster
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32 minutes ago, GnR Chris said:

Almost two years ago on Reddit. September 2020.

He was asked, “Is there a title for the next Guns N’ Roses album? You have any general idea when we’ll see it?”

Fernando responded: 

Don’t know the title, even if I did I couldn’t share it until the guys did. 

Within the next 6months.



Are you sure it wasn’t before then? I’m sure it was late 2019, certainly before COVID kicked off. IIRC, the comment has made around the time that the ‘all new show’ was being touted

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47 minutes ago, GnR Chris said:

Almost two years ago on Reddit. September 2020.

He was asked, “Is there a title for the next Guns N’ Roses album? You have any general idea when we’ll see it?”

Fernando responded: 

Don’t know the title, even if I did I couldn’t share it until the guys did. 

Within the next 6months.




12 minutes ago, gavgnr said:

Are you sure it wasn’t before then? I’m sure it was late 2019, certainly before COVID kicked off. IIRC, the comment has made around the time that the ‘all new show’ was being touted

It was in September 2019. 

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9 hours ago, GnR Chris said:

It's pathetic that some of you are in here defending GNR's lack of new music by comparing them to some other bands that have toured without new music. (Yes, that's more pathetic than all of us still coming to the forum to discuss a non-existent new record.)

Counting Crows have released eight studio records. The Misfits have seven studio records. The Replacements have seven studio records. Fact is, there are FAR more artists that regularly release music  and also tour. Old rock acts too. Ozzy put out an album after the GNR reunion CO-WRITTEN by Duff McKagan (who also put out a solo record). Slash put out two Conspirators albums and has another one pretty much done. Scorpions just put out a new record.

This lineup of Guns has toured the world twice over since 2016. That's SIX AND A HALF YEARS. There was a worldwide pandemic that left people in quarantine and this band STILL COULD NOT BE BOTHERED TO WRITE A RECORD together.

The idea that GNR are an active band is long dead. They are a touring legacy act.

My gawd. Reading is difficult, eh?
No one is defending GnR, merely debunking the lies in here.
It's like some people here want GnR to have a monopoly on sucking, but the truth is that many bands suck in the same way.
First the argument is ''GnR is the only band that does a reunion without new music''. Not true. We've given plenty of examples.
Then it's ''Yeah, well, GnR is the only one that tours for years without new music''. Not true either.
Then it's ''Yeah, but GnR is the only one that has been teasing new music for years.'' Nope, not true, a lot of the bands that were mentioned have actually talked about releasing new music (but still haven't done so).
So, I don't even know what the argument is, just that people can't seem to accept that GnR isn't the only band that sucks in this regard.

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I think going "well some other bands also do this" is a pretty lame thing to say when talking about GNR's behaviour. Most bands do not do this, let's not pretend that they do in order to make them look better. (which is what this is, even though some like to be incredibly awkward and act like they are on some type of lies debunking mission, lol).

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19 minutes ago, Jw224 said:

I think going "well some other bands also do this" is a pretty lame thing to say when talking about GNR's behaviour. Most bands do not do this, let's not pretend that they do in order to make them look better. (which is what this is, even though some like to be incredibly awkward and act like they are on some type of lies debunking mission, lol).

Except no one is doing this. We were just debunking the nonsense that is written here. Why is this so hard to understand?

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Fernando is a weak source regardless of what is said. I think we all knew, even when reading that, that there wasn't going to be an album out within 6 months of that date.

I feel like it should be pretty clear by now that there is no album. GNR is a touring machine, and has been for quite some time. There's nothing inherently wrong with that. It would've been nice if they had taken advantage of the pandemic/lockdown situations to bang out some original tracks, maybe an EP. But they chose not to. Instead, we get a couple of half-assed re-recordings. Better than nothing, I guess.

There are plenty of bands who have done the same thing, and will continue to do the same thing as long as touring makes more money than music sales, which we all know to be the case.

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Ah good, the thread is back to "GNR aren't the only band that do jack shit you know". 

Weren't we all being soundly told off for daring to compare GNR's work rate with that of other bands a few weeks ago? 

Is it alright to compare GNR with other bands now, as long as the band also release fuck all? 

Either way, they're doing fuck all I suppose, so hats off to anyone still discussing something to keep this thread rumbling on! It's comforting and reliable In a volatile world. 


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It's a total useless exercise to compare one band to another because every band is different. And you guys are too drunk or high or simply too unintelligent to understand what is actually being said. But don't come on here saying ''GnR is the only band who does this, or doesn't do that, or blah blah blah'' when you are factually incorrect and expect no one to correct you on that. 

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My take is this. I don’t compare GnR to other bands. Their musical output sucks. I agree with the comment above - if they are purely a touring band now they should come out and say so. A new album has been teased for over 10 years now. Pretty shitty of them to do that without delivering in my book.

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The funny part is that no one on these last few pages has been comparing GnR to any other band. 
It's like people are dyslexic or just trolling at this point.

The only thing we did is debunk the claims that were made that GnR is the only band who doesn't do this or that regarding new music, because those claims are simply not true and we used examples to prove this. But that's not the same as comparing GnR to other bands. This should be really easy to understand.

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Yes, we're all drunk, high, unintelligent dyslexic trolls. Purposely missing the point and not understanding why people are complaining does not make those complaints invalid. Other bands doing what gnr are doing does not mean that it's fine. IF you truly are just pointing the fact that some other bands also do this to be annoying and aren't trying to make gnr look better then you should probably find some other use of your time. It's a totally moot point in regards to the complaints people have (the complaints that you're always complaining about).

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Just now, Jw224 said:

Yes, we're all drunk, high, unintelligent dyslexic trolls. Purposely missing the point and not understanding why people are complaining does not make those complaints invalid. Other bands doing what gnr are doing does not mean that it's fine. IF you truly are just pointing the fact that some other bands also do this to be annoying and aren't trying to make gnr look better then you should probably find some other use of your time. It's a totally moot point in regards to the complaints people have (the complaints that you're always complaining about).



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