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10 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

Taking the second comment into account, the first one can't be considered confirmation (they say "a lot of accuracy" anyway, which is vague), as this person (or anyone in the family, for that matter) wouldn't be in position to confirm it.

It's likely that it did happen, but this person wouldn't know.

True. I wasn't aware of the second comment about them saying there were "no signs" of abuse and that nobody knew about the physical abuse either. I took it as confirmation when I first saw the thread months ago, but now I think this person doesn't know much at all.  It just seems like something that's impossible to miss if you were as close to the family as this poster is saying they are.

I believe that the poster knows some family members (not Axl himself obviously), but if they're were missing such a big price of the puzzle/story and had to be informed about the physical abuse through the media, than I question the accuracy of their other comments as well. They talk about these events like they got a lot of their info second hand at a much later time then when it all happened.

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13 minutes ago, meadsoap said:

They also said they didn't see Axl talk about any sexual abuse from his stepfather, which makes me think that this person (whoever they are) is not actually so close to Axl and his siblings. It seems to be a known thing among Axl's actual social circle judging by how casually both Tom Zutaut and Beta Lebeis referred to it before. 

6 minutes ago, BluegrassBlues said:

I'm skeptical about no other family member's knowing as well, but I do think this person is being honest about knowing them, especially with the pictures they posted. Maybe they meant it in the way of that is how things were done back then and it was not considered abuse? Idk I'm probably wrong on that, but going off the pic in Yesterdays of Axl with the black eye, I highly doubt it was the only one he ever got. You can explain one away, but not multiple, and people had to see that. Which that's just me speculating, maybe they really didn't know 

I think the person is being honest, however a lot of what they know is from hearsay and some of it not directly from people who were around at that time, as some of the Bailey family members who were around are not alive now.

The sexual abuse, if it happened, is something that probably no one would know. But the physical abuse seems to be common knowledge among the family

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39 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

Where did they confirm that? I only saw a comment by them (in a thread about the Tom Zutaut quote, I think) saying they hadn't heard anything about sexual abuse by his stepfather (but the family believes that he could have abused Amy).

Yes. That's my understanding too. He confirm the physical abuse

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Some of the stuff they seem to know directly, e.g. they seem to have known Axl's stepfather and the way he conducted himself.

This is the saddest part, if true (and it probably is):

After The Rolling Stones interview Axl came back to see Sharon and try to make amends with her. He showed up to the west side house but refused to come in because he didn’t want to see Steve. He asked Sharon to come out and sit in the limo so they could talk and she refused and ripped him a new one over “humiliating them” with the article. She took Steve’s side and defended him. Had she not done that they probably would have had somewhat of a better relationship and maybe he would have shown up when she was dying. Steve was 95% at fault for the falling out but she was definitely at fault as well.

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10 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

Some of the stuff they seem to know directly, e.g. they seem to have known Axl's stepfather and the way he conducted himself.

This is the saddest part, if true (and it probably is):

After The Rolling Stones interview Axl came back to see Sharon and try to make amends with her. He showed up to the west side house but refused to come in because he didn’t want to see Steve. He asked Sharon to come out and sit in the limo so they could talk and she refused and ripped him a new one over “humiliating them” with the article. She took Steve’s side and defended him. Had she not done that they probably would have had somewhat of a better relationship and maybe he would have shown up when she was dying. Steve was 95% at fault for the falling out but she was definitely at fault as well.

Yes. That part Is sad. Do he didn't know that His Mother was dying, he has talk about that ?

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27 minutes ago, Georgina Arriaga said:

Ok. Thank you.

That guy said that he saw the Lisa Marie Funeral and the family was astounded because he looks like the twin of Sharon, his eyes are hers

Yeah, they thought he looks more like her now than when he was younger.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 9/5/2023 at 3:43 AM, BucketEgg said:

yeah, i don't know what's going on with the poop-on-the-walls story either, if it was drugs, or it was some other cause, or hopefully, the story was made up. I tried looking up poop-smearing on the wall because it's such a bizarre behaviour, but most websites talking about  poop-smearing talk about children. (turns out the behaviour even has a name, "scatolia".)
when i try to look for information on adults doing it, it brings up casual discussions on reddit (not exactly reliable) from people who had to clean that stuff or deal with the person doing these things. And the reason why adults smear poop on the wall, according to reddit anecdotes, can range anything from autism, adhd, dementia, psychotic episodes, sexual abuse related trauma, trauma in general, protest and rebellion, wanting to make someone go away by doing something gross, drugs, or just being stupid and inconsiderate. not exactly narrowing things down.

One weird and questionable reddit anecdote, where the user keeps replying to repliers about how placing a camera in certain places of the bathroom was legal, claims the local neatfreak surgeon of the hospital was a poop-smearer:

the person who told the Axl scatolia story claims that Axl said that he was going to shit everywhere beforehand. so either that means the story's-version of Axl was somehow planning to do this beforehand (wtf), or axl wasn't planning it but he knows he will somehow ends up doing stuff like that because Axl reasons/issues. Or by "do Heroin and shit all over the room", he meant shit as a noun "do Heroin and stuff, all over the room", instead of a verb "do Heroin, and shit all over the room."

Another tale that I really hope was made up because of how absolutely messed up its claim is,


posted 2023

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Axl Rose. My dad's cousin dated him back in the day, and he abused her, mentally and physically, so badly that she put a gun in her mouth.... she's got the mental capacity of a four year old these days.

On the other hand, I've never heard bad things about Kylie Minogue. Dad was a pilot for British Airways, and she came up to the cockpit and was really interested in what everything did and how it worked before walking the length of the aircraft and giving every crew member the address of her hotel so she could invite them all to a party that night.


It makes the concept of Axl spending his time wiping poop on the walls seem absolutely tame.


Maybe I should find another celebrity with a "bad/weird/sullied" reputation with an easy name to search up, to see what sort of stories people write about them. Either these tales are true, or if some of them are fake, something about Axl draws in people to write really weird and disturbing stuff about him.

Someone like Michael Jackson for instance, to see if people also write bizarre and disturbing tales about Michael Jackson.

 Also, why do strange stories and rumours about Axl often involve poop? The groupies had the Stephanie-Seymour pooped in the kitty litter box rumour, they have the Axl likes scat rumour https://alt.rock-n-roll.metal.gnr.narkive.com/gPttaPzl/groupies-on-guns-n-roses , there's the earlier hotel story I found about the clerk saying Axl smelt like shit, and now there's this story. This isn't deliberate on my part, I'm not finding Axl-poop stories for fun, it just so happens that if I find a trashy Axl story, sometimes the teller decided the story needed to involve poop.
 Like, if I collect Michael Jackson stories, would the most bizarre and offputting stories involve poop too? Or would the people telling stories about Michael Jackson pick different disturbing themes that would sound more "believable" to an audience?
 And there's that Buckethead story, that I've seen some people debate fake or not. Axl isn't a fan of (dog) poop in that story.
 And there's this other unreliable reddit story


where Axl doesn't want a lady to use a filthy bathroom, because he prefers that people (including himself) to shit in a box, and then offers to walk alongside her to Denny's since she'd rather not use a box.




with the clearing out of the reddit-link hoard comes this trash story.



posted 2022:

(irrelevant section about Johnny Depp skipped)

Believe me, models are not always as classy as many would like to think. As for the proof of her defecating in the bed? Trust me, my friend's husband was the manager of concierge at the Ritz-Carlton in Boston and he told a nasty story about Stephanie Seymour when she was married to Axl Rose. When the chamber maids went in to their room to clean up after they departed, they didn't find what you'd think you'd find after a rock band leaves your hotel. Lol! They found used tampons all over the room. I've never been able to look at that woman without cringing after that was told to me. I don't care how effed-up or high you are/were, that's disgusting not to dispose of certain things properly. Gee, I hope I don't get in trouble for telling that story! 🤣





I didn't save these other stories, but I also found trash stories about Michael Jackson throwing poop, and other people who said they were cleaners for rich people, and there was filth everywhere. One that I managed to find on the spot with google:


Posted 2023:

I used to work at a member's only golf/country club. There were members who had been actors, athletes, race car drivers, former CEO of Google, some major money and egos going on. There was one family that had 3 teenage kids, 2 girls and a boy. The mom and the girls were very attractive and knew it. They always looked amazing and had overly entitled attitudes to match. They were "fancy." Well, the lady who washed the linens for the county club also did house cleaning for some members. This family was one of them. She said their multi-million dollar home was a disaster filth zone. They basically did no house work in between having the cleaning lady there. Dishes piled with dried food that smelled, dirty clothes thrown everywhere, piles of crap all over, sticky floors, dog poop left on the floor. But the nastiest part was the bathrooms. She said they wouldn't empty their bathroom trashes and the ladies of the house would throw their used tampons on top of overflowing trash so she had to pick up their used women's products thrown on the floor not even wrapped in paper. So these fancy bitches would walk around the club like they were so superior and look down on everyone then would go home and act like wild apes throwing their trash and period products on the ground. The thought of being so out of touch that you decide it is beneath you to even be sanitary bc you can just pay someone to do that for you is just beyond insanity.




It seems with the trash stories/rumours, those themes aren't unique to Axl. I guess if you're rich and famous, someday a (potentially false) rumour about you being filthy can pop up, especially if you're considered weird.


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8 hours ago, BucketEgg said:


with the clearing out of the reddit-link hoard comes this trash story.



posted 2022:

(irrelevant section about Johnny Depp skipped)

Believe me, models are not always as classy as many would like to think. As for the proof of her defecating in the bed? Trust me, my friend's husband was the manager of concierge at the Ritz-Carlton in Boston and he told a nasty story about Stephanie Seymour when she was married to Axl Rose. When the chamber maids went in to their room to clean up after they departed, they didn't find what you'd think you'd find after a rock band leaves your hotel. Lol! They found used tampons all over the room. I've never been able to look at that woman without cringing after that was told to me. I don't care how effed-up or high you are/were, that's disgusting not to dispose of certain things properly. Gee, I hope I don't get in trouble for telling that story! 🤣





I didn't save these other stories, but I also found trash stories about Michael Jackson throwing poop, and other people who said they were cleaners for rich people, and there was filth everywhere. One that I managed to find on the spot with google:


Posted 2023:

I used to work at a member's only golf/country club. There were members who had been actors, athletes, race car drivers, former CEO of Google, some major money and egos going on. There was one family that had 3 teenage kids, 2 girls and a boy. The mom and the girls were very attractive and knew it. They always looked amazing and had overly entitled attitudes to match. They were "fancy." Well, the lady who washed the linens for the county club also did house cleaning for some members. This family was one of them. She said their multi-million dollar home was a disaster filth zone. They basically did no house work in between having the cleaning lady there. Dishes piled with dried food that smelled, dirty clothes thrown everywhere, piles of crap all over, sticky floors, dog poop left on the floor. But the nastiest part was the bathrooms. She said they wouldn't empty their bathroom trashes and the ladies of the house would throw their used tampons on top of overflowing trash so she had to pick up their used women's products thrown on the floor not even wrapped in paper. So these fancy bitches would walk around the club like they were so superior and look down on everyone then would go home and act like wild apes throwing their trash and period products on the ground. The thought of being so out of touch that you decide it is beneath you to even be sanitary bc you can just pay someone to do that for you is just beyond insanity.




It seems with the trash stories/rumours, those themes aren't unique to Axl. I guess if you're rich and famous, someday a (potentially false) rumour about you being filthy can pop up, especially if you're considered weird.


Those are wild lol, and I believe it about some celebrities, like they just have that dirty vibe, you know what I mean? I don't know if I believe the Stephanie story, I was never a fan of hers but she doesn't seem like the really dirty type 

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On 12/3/2023 at 9:51 PM, BluegrassBlues said:

He had a sweet little smile, sorry I'm being a downer but it just makes me sad to know what he was going through at that time, my heart hurts for any kid going through something like that 

me too :(

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9 hours ago, BluegrassBlues said:

It just makes me so sad, Axl's childhood was so messed up :( seeing pictures of him as a baby or small kid just make the reality of it hit home and makes me even sadder 

exactly. My first thought when I saw that picture was: "how couldn'they just love this adorable baby?"

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13 hours ago, Politania said:

exactly. My first thought when I saw that picture was: "how couldn'they just love this adorable baby?"

I think that anytime I'm watching true crime and a child is involved, my first instinct is to be like give me the baby, I'll take care of them if you won't. I will just never be able to understand child abusers 

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

I was looking for names of Dr Whiskey tracks, when I found this person that says he's Stuart Bailey posting on Usenet.

spoilered because some people may not enjoy reading about birth complications:



Posted 1996:

Hello, alI! I check out this newsgroup periodically. It's interesting to
see what people around the world have to say about my brother. Anyhow, I
don't usually post to newsgroups, but I'll settle this dispute. Axl has no
children. His wife Erin had an unfortunate miscarriage, and Stephanie had
to have one aborted due to a tragic birth defect, which was detected
through a sonogram. I feel this to be a personal matter of Axl's, however
I believe the truth is important in these false-rumor situations. Take
care, and support GN'R.


P.S. For those of you in the Hollywood area, my band "Dr. Whiskey" will be
playing the Roxy on Saturday, November 30. We'll be co-headlining with
Rachel Bolan's new side project, "the Primitives." Check 'em out, they



Edited by BucketEgg
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42 minutes ago, BucketEgg said:

I was looking for names of Dr Whiskey tracks, when I found this person that says he's Stuart Bailey posting on Usenet.

spoilered because some people may not enjoy reading about birth complications:

  Hide contents


Posted 1996:

Hello, alI! I check out this newsgroup periodically. It's interesting to
see what people around the world have to say about my brother. Anyhow, I
don't usually post to newsgroups, but I'll settle this dispute. Axl has no
children. His wife Erin had an unfortunate miscarriage, and Stephanie had
to have one aborted due to a tragic birth defect, which was detected
through a sonogram. I feel this to be a personal matter of Axl's, however
I believe the truth is important in these false-rumor situations. Take
care, and support GN'R.


P.S. For those of you in the Hollywood area, my band "Dr. Whiskey" will be
playing the Roxy on Saturday, November 30. We'll be co-headlining with
Rachel Bolan's new side project, "the Primitives." Check 'em out, they



Lol, I forgot people were already on the internet in 1996. I wasn't, even if I was a university student back then.

Do you think there were trolls around even then? I would lean to thinking this could be the real Stuart. The internet was pretty niche back then, nevermind a usergroup discussing GNR.

Never heard of the second pregnancy, but inclined to believe it, unless someone knows otherwise.

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That is really sad, if it's true. I know the internet was brand new then and I have no idea if people trolling was a thing. I suppose they could have been, but the responses to that message seemed to think it was him. But with as private as Axl is, I'm not sure his brother would be telling that kind of stuff. It's a bit out of pocket to share that kind of information around if the person/people it's happened to haven't said anything first imo but everyone's family is different 

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21 hours ago, Lio said:

Lol, I forgot people were already on the internet in 1996. I wasn't, even if I was a university student back then.

Do you think there were trolls around even then? I would lean to thinking this could be the real Stuart. The internet was pretty niche back then, nevermind a usergroup discussing GNR.

Never heard of the second pregnancy, but inclined to believe it, unless someone knows otherwise.

I haven't really kept a close eye on when some conversations were occurring while browsing Usenet conversations, but generally even for posts dated to the 90's, you can find really stupid conversations going on, so I wouldn't be surprised if there was trolling happening back then too. Especially since the conversation starter for that thread seems to indicate someone was trolled into believing Axl became a father.

It's hard to tell if it's Stuart. It could easily be a troll doing a good impersonation, but as the same time, I don't know how many people knew about Stuart's band and the location Dr Whiskey was going to playing at, because someone later in the thread didn't know about it. It depends on how widely publicized that information was.

If you search up how often this Stuart Bailey posts, he's correct with saying that he doesn't post a lot. So if it's a troll, the troll doesn't use Stuart's name a lot.


14 hours ago, BluegrassBlues said:

That is really sad, if it's true. I know the internet was brand new then and I have no idea if people trolling was a thing. I suppose they could have been, but the responses to that message seemed to think it was him. But with as private as Axl is, I'm not sure his brother would be telling that kind of stuff. It's a bit out of pocket to share that kind of information around if the person/people it's happened to haven't said anything first imo but everyone's family is different 

With all the rumors going on in Usenet, I had to wonder why out all the things someone claiming to be Stuart had to refute, it had to be the rumor about fatherhood. Some other usenet rumors you might find is that Axl Rose died, Axl has AIDS, Axl was a prostitute,  Axl had plastic surgery, Axl likes litterboxes.
I think with the other rumors, they're not really celebratory happy rumors. No one sane is going to go up to Axl and say "Congratulations on your AIDS, plastic surgery, women using litterboxes, being a prostitute, and also being dead!"
Whereas if the fatherhood rumor spreads and gets out of hand, people might congratulate Axl on becoming a father. Axl reads the internet sometimes, so then he would see all these people celebrating his fatherhood in the aftermath of possibly tragic events. And then he'd have to find a way to stop the rumors, and the news would report on it if he reveals too much info.
But if someone calling themselves Stuart Bailey steps in, reveals some tragic information that Axl might not want to do himself, it could be enough to stop the fatherhood rumor from spreading further, and no one from a gossip magazine can cite this Stuart Bailey on the internet for money, because it's not reliable.
It might be a bit overkill though, since all the other posters in the conversation were already refuting the idea of Axl becoming a father, but maybe it was to prevent it from a troll reusing the rumor again in the future.

Edited by BucketEgg
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It's a longshot, but does anyone here know about what photos of Axl might've been licensed for a sex CD? There's this conversation from 1999 talking about it. (The links to the pictures don't work.) :


Pic of Axl Rose in a sex CD


it's not acutall, but in the time I got the CD, I haven't had internet
access. I think it's perhaps funny to know, that you can find two pictures
of Axl Rose on a Sex CD.

The CD is: Word of Pinups (a double-CD)

It's a whole Sex-CD with about 2100 Pics of nude girls and some videos. At
every Pictures you see nice girls, never mixed (man/woman),...it's a

But,...there are two pictures...you don't belive it,...with Axl Rose !

If uploaded the file to:...


This are two nice pics of Axl, but I ask me, why they are on this sex-cd ???





> This are two nice pics of Axl, but I ask me, why they are on this sex-cd ???

Those were really good pictures, thank you for posting them. I don't know why
for sure, but I suspect they have him on there cuz he's real attractive, as is
Steph *gag*. It would depend on the rest of the pictures on the CD. Are the
others nudes or just sexual in nature?

Peace & thanx again,


Original poster:
Just soft picture of naked woman, all of them seems very well, are model


lmao at any people trying to :jerkoff:   to 2100 pics of women... and then Axl Rose randomly comes up.

Any guesses for which Axl photos (possibly with Seymour) made it in?

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15 hours ago, BucketEgg said:

But if someone calling themselves Stuart Bailey steps in, reveals some tragic information that Axl might not want to do himself, it could be enough to stop the fatherhood rumor from spreading further,

I think that's very likely, that would be like Stuart running 'damage control'. As he is family, and was an assistant to Axl would make sense.

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3 hours ago, BucketEgg said:

It's a longshot, but does anyone here know about what photos of Axl might've been licensed for a sex CD? There's this conversation from 1999 talking about it. (The links to the pictures don't work.) :


Pic of Axl Rose in a sex CD


it's not acutall, but in the time I got the CD, I haven't had internet
access. I think it's perhaps funny to know, that you can find two pictures
of Axl Rose on a Sex CD.

The CD is: Word of Pinups (a double-CD)

It's a whole Sex-CD with about 2100 Pics of nude girls and some videos. At
every Pictures you see nice girls, never mixed (man/woman),...it's a

But,...there are two pictures...you don't belive it,...with Axl Rose !

If uploaded the file to:...


This are two nice pics of Axl, but I ask me, why they are on this sex-cd ???





> This are two nice pics of Axl, but I ask me, why they are on this sex-cd ???

Those were really good pictures, thank you for posting them. I don't know why
for sure, but I suspect they have him on there cuz he's real attractive, as is
Steph *gag*. It would depend on the rest of the pictures on the CD. Are the
others nudes or just sexual in nature?

Peace & thanx again,


Original poster:
Just soft picture of naked woman, all of them seems very well, are model


lmao at any people trying to :jerkoff:   to 2100 pics of women... and then Axl Rose randomly comes up.

Any guesses for which Axl photos (possibly with Seymour) made it in?

found the photos.

i managed to find a download of World Of Pinups volume 2. While there's a lot of naked women, there's some clothed ones, photos of the head, and I saw another two photos of a different man there.

The ones with Axl are the black and white ones with Stephanie, where he's up against a wall, and the one where they're tongue kissing.

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On 6/22/2024 at 5:12 AM, BucketEgg said:

found the photos.

i managed to find a download of World Of Pinups volume 2. While there's a lot of naked women, there's some clothed ones, photos of the head, and I saw another two photos of a different man there.

The ones with Axl are the black and white ones with Stephanie, where he's up against a wall, and the one where they're tongue kissing.

This is so funny to me, who in the world even made that cd :lol: I was gonna say maybe they mistook Axl for a woman but then you said there were other men as well, idk about people lol 

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