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The US Politics/Elections Thread 2.0


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4 hours ago, Oldest Goat said:

I'm pleasantly surprised by no red wave. Hopefully Trump doesn't end up returning either.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall at Mar-a-Lago just now to see the kind of mental gymnastics he's performing to try and justify this situation to himself and those around him.

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9 hours ago, Graeme said:

I'd love to be a fly on the wall at Mar-a-Lago just now to see the kind of mental gymnastics he's performing to try and justify this situation to himself and those around him.

It has been reported that he’s blaming his wife for some of the failed endorsements he made during the primaries.

Also being reported that his daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared are telling their former social circles in New York that they have no intention to help Donald run for President in 2024 as an attempt to get an invite to the Met Gala…

At this point I’m not sure who has had a worse week: Republicans, Trump, Twitter, or the crypto bros.


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5 hours ago, downzy said:

It has been reported that he’s blaming his wife for some of the failed endorsements he made during the primaries.

Also being reported that his daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared are telling their former social circles in New York that they have no intention to help Donald run for President in 2024 as an attempt to get an invite to the Met Gala…

At this point I’m not sure who has had a worse week: Republicans, Trump, Twitter, or the crypto bros.



He is blaming his lap dog... Mc Connell!!! :lol:  

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So it looks like Republicans will have a two seat majority in the house.

That is a shocking result.

Essentially Republicans won the House because Florida’s State Supreme Court allowed Republicans to gerrymander the shit out its Congressional districts to a degree that the New York State Supreme Court would not.   Had the court in New York allowed Democrats preferred map to stand Republicans likely don’t flip three house seats in the state and Democrats retain a one seat advantage in the House. 

Not one or Trump’s endorsed candidates in competitive House races won against their Democrat rival.  And yet he’s plowing ahead with his announcement to run tonight.

As much as it would have been better not to have divided control for the next two years, Republicans are doing themselves no favours having such a slim majority in the House. Forget about passing legislation, it’s going to be fun watching them trying to agree on a Speaker. 

That said, Democrats would be wise to nuke the debt ceiling limit, ideally permanently but at least for the next couple of years.  It will be the only leverage Republicans have before the 2024 elections.  Raise it to $100 trillion and we won’t worry about Republicans nuking the global financial system over something stupid. 

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19 minutes ago, Dazey said:

Where are you seeing this? Can't find any estimates.


Republicans currently have a lock on 217 seats. 

Of the remaining uncalled races, they're up in two districts that many expect them to win (CAL-3, COL-3).  Though in COL-3, Boebert's is leading by 0.35 percent and will likely prompt a recount.  

They're also up by 5 and 9 point margins in two California districts, but those races will tighten as only half the votes have been counted and much of the outstanding vote is expected to favour the Democrat candidates. 

So there's still a chance Republicans end up with 221 seats, but many are expecting a 219 and 220 seat total.  

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46 minutes ago, downzy said:


Republicans currently have a lock on 217 seats. 

Of the remaining uncalled races, they're up in two districts that many expect them to win (CAL-3, COL-3).  Though in COL-3, Boebert's is leading by 0.35 percent and will likely prompt a recount.  

They're also up by 5 and 9 point margins in two California districts, but those races will tighten as only half the votes have been counted and much of the outstanding vote is expected to favour the Democrat candidates. 

So there's still a chance Republicans end up with 221 seats, but many are expecting a 219 and 220 seat total.  

That's awesome! :lol: 

NYT tracker is a pretty good indication too.


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10 hours ago, Padme said:

About time!!!

Some Republicans did the right thing, better later than never. The Senate passed same sex marriage act


Now they better do something with Roe vs Wade

They don't have the votes for Roe.  They'd need 10 Republican Senators to support codifying abortion rights into federal law.  Never going to happen.

From a Machiavellian perspective, the Supreme Court upending the constitutional right to choose is political gift for Democrats.  Up until now Republicans have been better at driving voter attention on singular issues, particularly on the issue of guns.  Election denialism and abortion are two issues that work in Democrats favour with respect to driving their base and winning over independents/swing voters.  While I suspect election denialism will become less pertinent after 2024 (once Trump is finally sent packing), having the issue of abortion as wedge issue is a real gift for Democrats.  As much as almost every elected Democrat would love to protect a woman's right to choose, having it taken away is a political gift for democrats until the issue is resolved.  

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12 hours ago, Graeme said:

Are they in a position to legislate on that, or does that still come down to the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court?

Both Republicans and Democrats, if they had the numbers in Congress, could both potentially enshrine or abolish abortion through legislation.

The Supreme Court got involved in the issue because legislators at the federal level have largely remained silent (from a legislative standpoint).  Legal challenges turned on whether the Constitution includes the legal right of body autonomy with respect to pregnancy.  With the Dobbs decision in June, the Supreme Court reversed 50 years of legal precedent and said that all previous rulings were wrong, that there is no precedent, and that the Constitution does not protect a women's right to do what she wants with her own body. 

Hence the door is now open for Republicans to ban abortion nationally should they ever get control of the House and a 60 seat majority in the Senate (and a Republican President who would sign the bill into law).  Since abortion is no longer a constitutional protected right, its legality is now based solely on the will of legislatures, both state and federal.  Hence Democrats could also pass a federal law that made abortion legal nationally. 

I said potentially at the beginning as there is a question whether the federal government has the authority to ban or enshrine access to an abortion (banning it would result in Democratic states put in the unenviable position of arguing it's a state's right issue and not covered by the 10th Amendment).  If Republicans were somehow able to pass a law abolishing abortion today, with the current makeup of the Court, it would likely be upheld and abortion would be banned nationally.  

That said, it's highly unlikely Republicans would legitimately pass a national abortion ban, even if some members really want to.  As abortion has the public support of 60-70 percent of the American public (and that number is likely to grow with generational changes), Republicans would get wiped out come the next election.  So they may talk about it, but actually doing it would ensure their political annihilation.  

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14 hours ago, Padme said:

About time!!!

Some Republicans did the right thing, better later than never. The Senate passed same sex marriage act


Now they better do something with Roe vs Wade

I'm proud that both of my Republican senators voted for this bill.

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On 11/15/2022 at 7:24 AM, downzy said:


Republicans currently have a lock on 217 seats. 

Of the remaining uncalled races, they're up in two districts that many expect them to win (CAL-3, COL-3).  Though in COL-3, Boebert's is leading by 0.35 percent and will likely prompt a recount.  

They're also up by 5 and 9 point margins in two California districts, but those races will tighten as only half the votes have been counted and much of the outstanding vote is expected to favour the Democrat candidates. 

So there's still a chance Republicans end up with 221 seats, but many are expecting a 219 and 220 seat total.  

Alaska has not been called yet. Mary Peltola (D) is expected to be called the winner on November 23rd. We have RCV so it takes longer....so we get forgotten!

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14 hours ago, downzy said:

They don't have the votes for Roe.  They'd need 10 Republican Senators to support codifying abortion rights into federal law.  Never going to happen.

From a Machiavellian perspective, the Supreme Court upending the constitutional right to choose is political gift for Democrats.  Up until now Republicans have been better at driving voter attention on singular issues, particularly on the issue of guns.  Election denialism and abortion are two issues that work in Democrats favour with respect to driving their base and winning over independents/swing voters.  While I suspect election denialism will become less pertinent after 2024 (once Trump is finally sent packing), having the issue of abortion as wedge issue is a real gift for Democrats.  As much as almost every elected Democrat would love to protect a woman's right to choose, having it taken away is a political gift for democrats until the issue is resolved.  

Already in many States they came up with their own abortion protection laws. And I guess the Democrats can get at least 10 Republicans. Starting with  normal and rational Republican women. Republicans know that abortion was one of the reasons why there was no red wave.

Democrats needs to fix the economy if they want to keep winning. There has to be some improvement in 2 years if they want to stay in the White House. And grab more seats here and there in the House and Senate. Fooling around with abortion won't help them much in 2024

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/5/2022 at 2:55 AM, Padme said:

Trump really WTF????? We have a new Terminator :rolleyes: :facepalm::no:


Imagine if his black predecessor said the same thing...

The sad part is very few Republicans have condemned the remarks.  

And people took issue with Biden labelling the current Republican party semi-fascism for its loyalty to Trump.  

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