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The US Politics/Elections Thread 2.0


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Just some rambling, cause I watched part of the debate live.

I knew Biden was doomed within a minute. Trump may be late 70s, but Biden looked early 90s.

Biden looks like he aged 20 years just since 2020. 

Like most non Americans, I think it'd be best for the world to avoid Trump getting another term in the midst of the current crisis, however in any other situation/role would anyone think that Biden's fit/well enough to be taking on the most important job in the world for another 4 years? He legitimadely looks worse than many people in care homes.

I don't think he has dementia ect. or whatever else nonsense conspiracy/right wing smears throw out. ....but Anthony Hopkins in The Father? He looked a lot more fit than Biden did.

It wasn't even the answer/forgetting imo, it was the him just standing there with his mouth open and his eyes staring like he's confused and couldn't hear what was being said look.


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Most Presidents age when they have the White House. I honestly don't know how Biden sleeps at night with all the horror in our country and the world.

I don't know whey biden would want to be President again. I know it's to stop Trump, but I don't think he will win this election and I'm vrey scared for Trump to  be President again. He lies and cheats and doesn't give a shit about Americains or the world. He just wants to win.

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15 hours ago, Rindmelon said:

Thing is even if it were there job they wouldn't be able to because of the volume of lies. He is using Bannon's 'flood the zone with shit' technique at least I think that's what he called it. He is clearly an appalling man but the least you can say is that he still appears to be who he was 4 years ago and it seems quite clear that Biden isn't. 

Biden may have gotten worse but his issues were known last election. It's annoying that everyone knew this and decided NOW is the time to ask Joe to step aside. While it's technically not too late it's basically too late. Party head honchos should've sat down with him back in 2022 and asked him to step aside or at a minimum informed him he was going to face a primary process.

At the time Biden's approval was sub 40% and 2/3 of Democrat voters wanted someone else.

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I still remember Biden would stand down after two years. And now he wants to make it eight :wow:

Does he think no one remembers? Or has he forgotten it himself? Or maybe no one cares?

How will future generations view this? As the predictable bizarre end of an era? This is nuts and every objective person would say so.

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7 hours ago, EvanG said:

I wish he was judged on the last four years and not on him being old and a terrible debater but I guess that is the way the cookie crumbles.

The problem is that they're running to be the President for the next four years.  One could arguably say in 2020 that there was enough left in the tank to give him a term, and considering his opponent, it was worth the risk.  Does anyone feel confident that Biden will be at all functioning in two to three years?  That's the problem.  It's not about what he's done, but where he'll be in the next couple of years.  It's a big ask to ignore his age (he would be 86 at the end of a second term), it's an almost impossible ask considering the cognitive decline he's demonstrated the last few months, culminating in his performance on Thursday.  

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8 hours ago, -W.A.R- said:

Biden may have gotten worse but his issues were known last election. It's annoying that everyone knew this and decided NOW is the time to ask Joe to step aside. While it's technically not too late it's basically too late. Party head honchos should've sat down with him back in 2022 and asked him to step aside or at a minimum informed him he was going to face a primary process.

We don't know what discussions happened in 2022.

I'm sure many expected to have the discussion with him, but the red wave that wasn't in the 2022 mid-terms gave Biden ground to demonstrate that he still had the American public.  Had it been a wipe-out I'd bet party elders would have pressed him harder. 

Biden is known for his babbling blunders for the better part of his career.  It's kind of been his thing.  But the performance on Thursday goes well beyond and is incomparable to what we've seen before.  I'm not sure how apparent it was to many who work with him but don't see him often (like House and Senate leadership teams).  I'm sure this caught a lot of people off guard, save for those in his inner circle. 

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15 hours ago, -W.A.R- said:

Biden may have gotten worse but his issues were known last election. It's annoying that everyone knew this and decided NOW is the time to ask Joe to step aside. While it's technically not too late it's basically too late. Party head honchos should've sat down with him back in 2022 and asked him to step aside or at a minimum informed him he was going to face a primary process.

At the time Biden's approval was sub 40% and 2/3 of Democrat voters wanted someone else.

I don't know about issues, obviously his age was no secret of course, but the guy we heard talk 4 years ago and the guy we heard speak the other day are like night and day. He has always had a stammer of course but this feels more like a more Dianne Feinstein or Mitch McConnell type situation. I'm sure most people who watched that debate have trouble believing he will be around in 4 years never mind in charge of his faculties.

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3 hours ago, Rindmelon said:

He has always had a stammer of course but this feels more like a more Dianne Feinstein or Mitch McConnell type situation

You would think Democrats would have learned from the RGB and Feinstein situation and not put themselves into this situation by having to defend a man who clearly doesn't have it anymore.

It's one thing to be President, it's another to run for the job.

Biden has up until this point a good to great track record for the job.  His challenge now is getting re-elected.  It's fair for people to say, "well, you've done a decent job so far, but because of the issues you have exhibited in the last six months, I have doubts you can keep it up (or even by alive by the end of your term)."

And what's really getting me right now is how much some Democrats are acting like Republicans with respect to attacking the press, as is the press is the problem. It wasn't the press who offered to debate Trump early; that set the terms of the debate as a means of dispelling any issues around Biden's age, and then did everything to validate people's concerns.  The press didn't fail at their jobs, Biden did.  And Democrats expect people to ignore this fact?  That the New York Times is now somehow wanting Trump to become President again because it has the audacity to call for Biden to step down and allowing someone else to run instead?  It's nonsense and resembles the absurd and craven responses MAGAs have with respect to the media.

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I guess Trump won't pay for what he did on January 6 and probably not about calling the Gov of Georgia and demanding he find more votes for him to become President and also not acknowedging BIden as President.

I'm pretty sure Trump will be President again and we are all doomed. he will do whatever the hell he wants and no one will stop him.

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Biden's gonna step down within the coming days imo.

They're briefing now that he's "weighing it behind closed doors".

The press and his party have been briefing against him for the past week, they all know it'd be a disaster for him to continue through the election.

It's for the best, hopefully whoever comes next beats Trump.

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