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General Chat / Random Musings - 2021


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Back in the olden days of MyGnRForum (when it was actually MyGnR.com/forum) we had a section called Use Your Illusion which was for uploading photos which were taken with a camera with the same pixel density as a potato, or scanned in. We had a Forum Members Photo Album where creepy old men could find impressionable teenagers to exploit. This was my submission. (Year: 2006) 


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It was shocking that possibly Israel sabotaged the pagers of the terrorist group, I'm not surprised since everyone knows you screw with Israel they will do whatever they have to to destroy you.

It started with Hamas and then the other terrorists groups are coming out to play. Well Israel doesn't play and this is on them.

I feel America needs to shut up and let Israel what they need to do to survive. This war is for their existence. 

How about America calling out the Arab nations to put a hold on these terrorirst that live in their countries.

This is was the 23 anniversary of 9/11. We know Saudi Arabia had some of these terriorists living in their country yet no one called them on it. this is bullshit. HOnestly when push comes to shove these nations will stick together, so America and the rest of the free world better step up and call them out for the shit they have pulled. Be a voice for the over 3000 people from all over the world that were killed on 9/22/2001

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