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Covid-19 Thread


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Yes, they've gotten rid of them. By stopping the virus from spreading. Not by making you feel shitty for a week after you get it and the making you feel shitty for yet another week because you still caught COVID. But thank God I got that vaccine or think of what COULD HAVE happened. COVID has morphed into a cold at this point. Again, if you feel safer with the shot that still lets you get sick, go nuts.

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7 hours ago, AxlisOld said:

Yes, they've gotten rid of them. By stopping the virus from spreading. Not by making you feel shitty for a week after you get it and the making you feel shitty for yet another week because you still caught COVID. But thank God I got that vaccine or think of what COULD HAVE happened. COVID has morphed into a cold at this point. Again, if you feel safer with the shot that still lets you get sick, go nuts.

Are you denying that the vaccines reduce the likelihood of severe disease? :lol:

And not all vaccines completely eradicate diseases. It would have been great if that was the case, but it isn't for Covid-19 vaccines and it isn't for many others like flu shots. 

And even with vaccines, Covid-19 is much deadlier than the common cold. 

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5 hours ago, AxlisOld said:


There's no way to prove either way, because vaccinated people still die, and unvaccinated people still have mild illness.

It's called science. They gave the vaccines to thousands of people and placebo (fake medicine) to an equal amount of people and simply counted how many got severe disease and how many didn't. Turned out it really reduced the chance of severe disease. So FDA approved the vaccines and since then they have saved millions of lives.

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3 hours ago, AxlisOld said:

How about when the disease is no longer severe? I've known a few people who had OG COVID, and yes, they said it was absolute hell. We're now to the common cold strain.

Well, I haven't looked at the recent numbers but it's definitely less deadly. Many reasons for that, most people are protected now through innoculations and previous infections, many of the most vulnerable have already died, the new variants are less virulent, etc. 

Still, it's more dangerous than the cold. 

Now, in hindsight, it just dawned on me what a remarkable time in history it was. Good to be beyond it. One less thing to fight about :)

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15 minutes ago, SoulMonster said:

many of the most vulnerable have already died, the new variants are less virulent, etc.

Here's the key. The flu kills people every year as well, but you don't have people getting tattoos to commemorate their flu shot, or more importantly, losing their fucking minds at those who don't believe they need to get a flu shot.

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1 hour ago, AxlisOld said:

Here's the key. The flu kills people every year as well, but you don't have people getting tattoos to commemorate their flu shot, or more importantly, losing their fucking minds at those who don't believe they need to get a flu shot.

The deaths from Covid-19 were unprecedented in our generation. Still, of course people overreacted on either side. Never have I seen such a grand display of anti-science as all the anti-vaxxers that popped up and steadfastly refused to accept the science behind the vaccines. Quite disheartening, actually. Oh well. 

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • downzy unpinned this topic
  • 1 month later...

A guy at work last night told me he developed diabetes after his covid vaccine. I had never heard of that before, (typically only heart issues as a result of it/them) so I Googled it at home and there was a study from a .gov website that found it having occurred in some others as well who were genetically more prone to get diabetes. 

I have had covid at least once. No covid vaccines though. 

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  • 6 months later...

I have had this for about a week and it sucks.

First few days my bones felt like ice, but no cough or anything else. Then the cough came/runny nose.

A sore throat that made it difficult to sleep for multiple days was the worst, it felt like swallowing acid almost every few moments. I took gazillion lossegeners, chloroseptic sprat ect just to ease it about 50% for a few hours. It's fortunately calmed down and now I just cough. Tests still show positive after a week.

I assume it's FLIRT I have.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought I had COVID again but I tested myself and I was negative. 5 days later and I started to feel worse. I got an appointment with the doctor and was told that I have whooping cough.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Increasing evidence that the Sars CoV-2 virus actually did originate from the lab in Wuhan. Still, nothing conclusive and experts divided on the matter. We will likely never get it confirmed unless the Chinese grants full access to samples in the labs.

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