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I haven't worn a mask once. I don't even own one. It's only mandatory on public transport and I haven't used it since this all started. Anyway, starting next month it is going to be mandatory here in all indoor public spaces so I will have to get used to it. Oh well, I don't really mind.

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1 hour ago, EvanG said:

I haven't worn a mask once. I don't even own one. It's only mandatory on public transport and I haven't used it since this all started. Anyway, starting next month it is going to be mandatory here in all indoor public spaces so I will have to get used to it. Oh well, I don't really mind.

I just don't get the issue with it. It was mildly irritating at the start when I kept forgetting to take it out of the house but now I never even notice. I once bumped into an ex of mine in the chip shop. She'd gotten fat and I didn't want to talk to her but I didn't have to and she didn't recognise me anyway in my mask. :lol: 

@DieselDaisy is just a moaning old woman who lives to complain about the most insignificant things in life. 

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9 minutes ago, Dazey said:

I just don't get the issue with it. It was mildly irritating at the start when I kept forgetting to take it out of the house but now I never even notice. I once bumped into an ex of mine in the chip shop. She'd gotten fat and I didn't want to talk to her but I didn't have to and she didn't recognise me anyway in my mask. :lol: 

Yeah, I don't mind it, I guess the reason I haven't worn one yet is because I don't really go anywhere anyway and experts here keep saying that they don't work, so most people simply don't wear them, although I am seeing it more and more now. But even if there's only a 1% chance of them being effective, I am okay with it becoming mandatory in indoor public places.

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20 minutes ago, Dazey said:

I just don't get the issue with it. It was mildly irritating at the start when I kept forgetting to take it out of the house but now I never even notice. I once bumped into an ex of mine in the chip shop. She'd gotten fat and I didn't want to talk to her but I didn't have to and she didn't recognise me anyway in my mask. :lol: 

@DieselDaisy is just a moaning old woman who lives to complain about the most insignificant things in life. 

Who is moaning? You can look like a fanny if you want - by all means. 

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7 minutes ago, soon said:

You talked almost daily about "sunbathing" for a stretch. Which, yes, one can reasonably assume that you looked like a fanny.

You also talked about jogging along the shore.

Sunbathing in my garden. And yes, visiting the coastline with very few people rendering the wearing of a mask superfluous. 

I think I have even posted pictures of my coastline, and you didn't see anyone around, did you?

Edited by DieselDaisy
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Still can't go to a dentist here except for temp filling or an extraction until at least the new year. Fuck this shit. I'm going to have set up a go fund for dentist costs by the time I can go to a dentist. I've needed to go since lockdown started.

2020 sucks. The ability to go on Pub crawls/Greek holidays were literally prioritized over teeth this year by the press.

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9 hours ago, SoulMonster said:

And in case anyone is wondering:

I am not an expert on infectious diseases or any diseases, really. I am not a doctor or an epidemiologist. Any advice I might give on health matters is coming from a non-professional. 

But I do have a PhD in molecular biology, more specifically bacterial genetics, and this makes me an expert on microbiology, including viruses, their structure, function and evolution. I have also worked for 12 years in the drug development and manufacture industry, which makes me somewhat on an expert on vaccines and other drugs. 

Still, credentials shouldn't matter. I always try to argue well for my statements, and cite relevant research when appropriate. My arguments should be able to stand on their own without this background information. One of the things I really like about discussion forums is the fact that we don't enter them with credentials, our arguments must be inherently valid on their own. 

You have common sense and that's a plus! I appreciate your input on different subjects. Like I've said, you're never too old to learn something new about anything.

I do hope a vaccine is found for covid soon. I feel like time is running out for so many people and it's very very sad.

3 hours ago, AtariLegend said:

Still can't go to a dentist here except for temp filling or an extraction until at least the new year. Fuck this shit. I'm going to have set up a go fund for dentist costs by the time I can go to a dentist. I've needed to go since lockdown started.

2020 sucks. The ability to go on Pub crawls/Greek holidays were literally prioritized over teeth this year by the press.

My dentist is open, but only the patients go into the rooms. Anyone else sits outside in the hallway. They also take your temperature and ask you the usual questions. I have a cleaning next week. I haven't been to my dentist since March, so I really need it.


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1 hour ago, DieselDaisy said:



You might as well post graphs from the Sunday Sport for all the notice I will take of the Mail online dribble.

Or just have a shit, chuck it at the wall and see if any of it forms a shape like a letter. Do that a thousand times and try and get a headline out of it. Then send it to Mail online and they'll more than likely run with it.

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21 minutes ago, spunko12345 said:

You might as well post graphs from the Sunday Sport for all the notice I will take of the Mail online dribble.

Or just have a shit, chuck it at the wall and see if any of it forms a shape like a letter. Do that a thousand times and try and get a headline out of it. Then send it to Mail online and they'll more than likely run with it.

It is merely quoting third-party estimates, King's, Imperial, ONS and Cambridge. You are free to verify these sources individually...

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2 hours ago, downzy said:


At this point you have to assume that Trump is deliberately trying to make this worse in order to hand Biden the worst possible shitshow on January 20th.

As far as he’s concerned 200,000 cases a day and tens of thousands more deaths are the other guy’s problem as soon as he takes office. 

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