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Covid-19 Thread


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Can't believe how high the numbers are? Scares the shit out of me.

Prince William admitted that he had corona virus back in April.  So glad he is well.

Trump is still doing his rallies and people are still bitching about wearing a mask. My God, if it keeps you well, what's the problem.  I went to pick up dinner on Saturday night and waited outside until my order was ready. Everyone that either ate in the place or took out, had a mask on.  I don't see what the problem is? I have so many pretty looking masks and honestly, I don't care if I have to wear a mask for the rest of my days, I'll do it.

Vote and stay well people!

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16 minutes ago, ZoSoRose said:

I know it's bad taste but couldn't that announcement have waited until polls are closed? :lol: 

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Just now, ZoSoRose said:

Well it's very under the radar right now! There isn't an announcement yet, and there probably won't be for the next week or 2

If they announce it's available tomorrow that's cool. Just get this cunt out of the White House first eh? :lol: 

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I watched The new season of The Good Doctor last night, dvr 'd it from Monday) The show is focusing on the corona virus and it was pretty scary showing the early patients getting the virus and doctors and nurses struggling to help these patients while trying to stay well themselves. I felt like I was watching it in real time and realizing how hard it was for families and hospital staff to try to find out what the hell was going on, while also trying to get the equipment they needed to fight this virus. Also how everyday a different patient would come in with a different symptom and doctors being puzzled by it all. So sad. Anyway, it freaked me out.

The actors on this show are amazing as we know all the front line workers are especially now.

Numbers still are going up. Don't see any end in sight.

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16 hours ago, AtariLegend said:

You're planning on living that long? Retirement age will probably be 80 by then.



I certainly hope so. It's the reason I run so much. 

And my younger sister is definitely the kind of person who is here for a long time, not for a good time. I need to outlive her. 

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Just now, downzy said:

122k new cases yesterday in the US.  

I'm reading projections that we could see 200k new cases per day in the next month or two.  

I think it's a certainty at this point. Trump will give even less of a shit than before now that there's nothing in it for him.

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6 minutes ago, Dazey said:

I think it's a certainty at this point. Trump will give even less of a shit than before now that there's nothing in it for him.


Or maybe he rolls out his gold-star, diamond encrusted covid-19 "ointment" that sells for 45 easy payments of $99.99 before he leaves office.

It's half bleach, half Pinesol.

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13 hours ago, downzy said:

122k new cases yesterday in the US.  It will pass 10 million cases today.

I'm reading projections that we could see 200k new cases per day in the next month or two.  

132,542 yesterday. I think that 200,000 will be hit in the next couple of weeks.

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We were supposed to host the Men's World Curling Championships but our numbers are so out of control - and people are dying - that it will likely be moved to elsewhere in the country :(

Worse yet, it will likely be moved to Alberta, where all of our maga types live... because even those conspiracy theorists are handling the virus better than us :facepalm::anger:

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1 minute ago, soon said:

You don't figure that the initial farming of Minks for fur would be the bigger concern to animal rights types? :lol:


They might rationalise that at least farming for fur awards them with some life, and that it (the culling) is staggered and sustainable.

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30 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

They might rationalise that at least farming for fur awards them with some life, and that it (the culling) is staggered and sustainable.

This covid transmission was a huge win for animal rights activists who've long fought to abolish mink fur farming in the Netherlands.

It is the only country in the west (the world??) who still allowed mink fur farms*. On August 29th the Dutch Govt announced that it was phasing out Mink farming by 2024. It will be illegal thereafter.

Animal Rights activists for the win :headbang:


*Edit: Correction, the Dutch were one of the 4 largest producers of factory farmed mink.


Edited by soon
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