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Covid-19 Thread


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I know Biden's people are calling for another shut down. I think Gov Abbott of Texas needs to do this right now. We have over 1 million cases in Texas now. He once said if things got over 3% he would shut down, Texas cases have gone up 50% now, what is he waiting for?

If we don't do something the economy will tank anyway because there won't be anyone to spend money because we'll all be sick or dead. And still some people won't wear a mask. No common sense at all. Maybe they should be fined because when you hit some people in their wallets that's when they pay attention.

20 hours ago, PatrickS77 said:

Because it's not really needed? I had a flu shot twice in 43 years and never had the flu.

That's awesome. It's always better to get the flu vaccine even if you get the flu it's not so bad. 

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1 hour ago, Dazey said:

US recording 160,000 new cases today and they haven't finished counting yet. This is going to hit 200,000 a day within a week. :( 

I thought the US would hit 200k cases per day by mid December once the after effects of Thanksgiving kicks in.

Can’t imagine what it will be mid December through the end of January with both Thanksgiving and Christmas/NYE causing even more get togethers. 300k per day?  

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A while ago @DieselDaisywas complaining about new restrictions in England and suggested Sweden was doing the right thing in their approach to the pandemic. Back then, Sweden was enjoying low cases of infections after having been hard hit in March/April, and was starting to open up society more again. Well, this is the result of this laxer attitude:


I am afraid we have to stay vigilant and keep restrictions going, if we want to avoid a surge of new cases and ensuing deaths. One can always argue about what is more important, health or economy,  but you can't escape the fundamental properties of this disease and how it spreads if unchecked.


Edited by SoulMonster
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A US doctor who was on CNN last night said the fall/winter months are going to be very bad with the flu and the virus.

He said not until the spring will things be better hopefully with a good vaccine. It's going to be a very long winter. 

I just hope we all stay well and safe.  It's just too scary to think otherwise.

14 hours ago, SoulMonster said:

A while ago @DieselDaisywas complaining about new restrictions in England and suggested Sweden was doing the right thing in their approach to the pandemic. Back then, Sweden was enjoying low cases of infections after having been hard hit in March/April, and was starting to open up society more again. Well, this is the result of this laxer attitude:


I am afraid we have to stay vigilant and keep restrictions going, if we want to avoid a surge of new cases and ensuing deaths. One can always argue about what is more important, health or economy,  but you can't escape the fundamental properties of this disease and how it spreads if unchecked.


Yeah wearing masks and distancing is the way to go right now. I haven't been to eat in a restaurant since March and I don't intend to anytime this year. Take out and cooking at home has been the way to go for my family and I. Just got to hope and pray schools stay safe. I know teachers and staff are trying their best to keep everyone safe. It's the only way to go right now.

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14 hours ago, SoulMonster said:

Trump demands a recount.

And at the same time he's getting ready for 2024. What a moron! I want this guy out. He's given up on trying to slow down the virus and has fired anyone who doesn't agree with him. It just shows how he never gave a damn about America he just wanted to "win" at all costs.

Not accepting Biden as our new President is just a shame and shows how selfish and stupid he really is!

Can't wait for January, but I feel sorry for Biden and Harris because they are going to be left with a huge mess to try and clean up in our government and with this virus and the problems around the world, I hope they can do it.

18 hours ago, downzy said:

I thought the US would hit 200k cases per day by mid December once the after effects of Thanksgiving kicks in.

Can’t imagine what it will be mid December through the end of January with both Thanksgiving and Christmas/NYE causing even more get togethers. 300k per day?  

It's going to get worse and worse if people don't listen and do all we can right now.  Many more people will get sick and die. it's just too scary and I'm just hoping doing this will keep us safe, but who knows?

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On 11/11/2020 at 8:45 AM, downzy said:

That’s not what those statistics say at all.

1 out of 50 is for a particular point in time. It doesn’t represent the totality of cases, both past and future.

South Dakota currently sits second in the US for cases per a million (just over 65k per million). As of today someone in South Dakota has or had about a twelve percent chance of catching the virus. But that does not speak to the likelihood of catching it in the future (something neither of us can do since it’s safe to assume that neither of us are statisticians).

If I had to wager a guess, barring vaccine, the odds of someone in South Dakota catching the virus (or had it or has it) is likely one in three or one in two.

Perhaps @SoulMonster is better equipped to provide better analysis than our feeble attempts. 

South Dakota had that HUGE motorcycle rally and everyone knew it would be bad. It seems no matter where you go if there is a huge crowd people are going to get this virus.  

All these college football games and people running on the fields. WTF? 

use your common sense, but many people don't. I know life sucks right now, but do you want this virus because it seems to have long lasting effects no matter how little or touch you get it.

I don't want to get it at all. 

Vaccine won't be available until April. Most doctors say this winter will be so bad between the flu and the virus. God help us all!

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On 11/13/2020 at 6:36 AM, SoulMonster said:

A while ago @DieselDaisywas complaining about new restrictions in England and suggested Sweden was doing the right thing in their approach to the pandemic. Back then, Sweden was enjoying low cases of infections after having been hard hit in March/April, and was starting to open up society more again. Well, this is the result of this laxer attitude:


I am afraid we have to stay vigilant and keep restrictions going, if we want to avoid a surge of new cases and ensuing deaths. One can always argue about what is more important, health or economy,  but you can't escape the fundamental properties of this disease and how it spreads if unchecked.


I am not sure why you are citing me here, considering I have produced a plethora of statistical graphs, none of which you replied to? Here is one more,


I don't really see any point in having any further correspondence. 

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1 hour ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

South Dakota had that HUGE motorcycle rally and everyone knew it would be bad. It seems no matter where you go if there is a huge crowd people are going to get this virus.  

All these college football games and people running on the fields. WTF? 

use your common sense, but many people don't. I know life sucks right now, but do you want this virus because it seems to have long lasting effects no matter how little or touch you get it.

I don't want to get it at all. 

Vaccine won't be available until April. Most doctors say this winter will be so bad between the flu and the virus. God help us all!

Great % of people of under 60 years old with serious form of Covid have diabetes.

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1 hour ago, RussTCB said:

I bunch more lock downs going into place again here in Michigan starting in 2 days. Supposed to be for 3 weeks, but I think it's gonna be a lot linger than that. Dammit. 

I wish people would just wear their fucking masks. 

I would bet on more restrictions in 3 weeks, at least gyms. It's gotten out of control here and since cases lag, we won't see the efforts from these lock downs in a month

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33 minutes ago, ZoSoRose said:

I would bet on more restrictions in 3 weeks, at least gyms. It's gotten out of control here and since cases lag, we won't see the efforts from these lock downs in a month

Probably, yeah. Like I said, I wish people would just wear their fucking masks. 

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35 minutes ago, RussTCB said:

Probably, yeah. Like I said, I wish people would just wear their fucking masks. 

I've noticed around metro Detroit, compliance has been terrible. Even retail, bank, and restaurant workers have their noses sticking out all the time now. It is so frustrating

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8 hours ago, marlingrl03 said:

So its not just masks...but wear it correctly. Cover both your fuckin nose and mouth. Ugh! And social distance. You gotta do both. I had to tell a lady in line to back the f up. 

I told her that more nicely but you get the gist lol! 

Absolutelly, face mask under your nose is useless, and i see many people that wear his mask under his nose. How imbecile are ! :facepalm:

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So much promising news about vaccines lately! I was prepared for this to last a lot longer before we started to hear that there's possibly hope on the horizon.

And I cant f'n wait!

But also theres this nagging anxiety in the back of my mind, like 'I forget how normal life goes?' Its weird. :lol:

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51 minutes ago, ZoSoRose said:

That's fantastic news between the two vaccines...Pfizer's is 90% effective and moderna'a is 95% effective....both showing extremely high efficacy levels by any vaccine standards.  If these roll out within the next 3-6 months (as planned) we have a chance to get back to very low (infection rate) levels by spring/sumnmer 2021.  

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