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Covid-19 Thread


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Gov Abbott of Texas said he won't shut down the state again. Texas has over 1 million cases and it goes up each day. My daughter's school has had cases but by law they can't say who and I don't know if they have been near her or not? The school is trying to keep everyone safe, but when you go home who knows what goes on?

I saw a nurse who runs a clinic with her husband and she was saying how they are getting very low on gloves now. She said they have been sanitizing the gloves when treating other patients who don't have covid, but change gloves with covid patients, but supplies are getting low again.

Now this is bullshit, since this virus has never gone away, so what is going on with the supplies again? These supplies should be ongoing and should have never stopped being made? Walmart has boxes of masks and gloves now, so why aren't the hospitals and clinics getting what they need?

Trump continues to shut out Biden's people and I'm sure will take credit for the vaccine if/when there is one.

All this politically bullshit needs to be stopped because people are still dying and at this rate, I'm pretty sure we may all have this virus before a vaccine is approved. This scares the shit out of me. My parents are over 60 and I'm afraid if my daughter or I bring it to them, they will be very sick. My mom has pre-existing conditions and her immune system is weak, so this virus won't be easy on her.

This should show all Americans that Trump doesn't give a shit about any of us. He needs to get out and go to jail.

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1 hour ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

Gov Abbott of Texas said he won't shut down the state again. Texas has over 1 million cases and it goes up each day. My daughter's school has had cases but by law they can't say who and I don't know if they have been near her or not? The school is trying to keep everyone safe, but when you go home who knows what goes on?

I saw a nurse who runs a clinic with her husband and she was saying how they are getting very low on gloves now. She said they have been sanitizing the gloves when treating other patients who don't have covid, but change gloves with covid patients, but supplies are getting low again.

Now this is bullshit, since this virus has never gone away, so what is going on with the supplies again? These supplies should be ongoing and should have never stopped being made? Walmart has boxes of masks and gloves now, so why aren't the hospitals and clinics getting what they need?

Trump continues to shut out Biden's people and I'm sure will take credit for the vaccine if/when there is one.

All this politically bullshit needs to be stopped because people are still dying and at this rate, I'm pretty sure we may all have this virus before a vaccine is approved. This scares the shit out of me. My parents are over 60 and I'm afraid if my daughter or I bring it to them, they will be very sick. My mom has pre-existing conditions and her immune system is weak, so this virus won't be easy on her.

This should show all Americans that Trump doesn't give a shit about any of us. He needs to get out and go to jail.

I'm really sorry to hear this.

One strategy that people sometimes use to oppose an authority is called a "general strike." People just stay home and refuse to do school, work, buy extra things, drive unless necessary, etc. Its a powerful tool since it brings the marketplace to a near hault.

In this case a general strike could be a form of protest while also keeping Texans safe :shrugs:

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7 minutes ago, spunko12345 said:


The study did not investigate whether masks prevented those infected with Covid-19 from infecting other people.



In the end, there was no statistically significant difference between those who wore masks and those who did not when it came to being infected by Covid-19. 1.8 per cent of those wearing masks caught Covid, compared to 2.1 per cent of the control group. As a result, it seems that any effect masks have on preventing the spread of the disease in the community is small.


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So I got home from work last night and the missus told me that my parents (in their late 60's) had both been diagnosed with Covid. 

She prefaced this by saying "everything is okay" followed by the revelation that they were actually diagnosed about three weeks ago and just didn't want to worry me. 

The fuckers are both fine now and Dad's gone back to work but I don't know whether to be pissed or just not arsed. I've gone with not arsed for the moment. :lol: 

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1 hour ago, Dazey said:

So I got home from work last night and the missus told me that my parents (in their late 60's) had both been diagnosed with Covid. 

She prefaced this by saying "everything is okay" followed by the revelation that they were actually diagnosed about three weeks ago and just didn't want to worry me. 

The fuckers are both fine now and Dad's gone back to work but I don't know whether to be pissed or just not arsed. I've gone with not arsed for the moment. :lol: 

I am glad to hear they are doing well :)

52 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

You should only follow empirical peer reviewed scientific evidence. This is what I had in mind,


Says something about following peer-reviewed science and then posts a link to some musicians' opinion,

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2 hours ago, Dazey said:

So I got home from work last night and the missus told me that my parents (in their late 60's) had both been diagnosed with Covid. 

She prefaced this by saying "everything is okay" followed by the revelation that they were actually diagnosed about three weeks ago and just didn't want to worry me. 

The fuckers are both fine now and Dad's gone back to work but I don't know whether to be pissed or just not arsed. I've gone with not arsed for the moment. :lol: 

What have you got to be pissed about, that they didn't tell you? :lol:  It ain't about you, you fuckin' egomaniac, its about the ones that are sick and they're alright so what you getting your tits in a flap for? :lol:  

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6 minutes ago, Len Cnut said:

What have you got to be pissed about, that they didn't tell you? :lol:  It ain't about you, you fuckin' egomaniac, its about the ones that are sick and they're alright so what you getting your tits in a flap for? :lol:  

Well I haven't have I nobhead? :lol: That's kind of my point. Even went as far as to say that the missus was narked that I wasn't arsed. :lol: 

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7 hours ago, DieselDaisy said:

Landmark Danish study shows face masks have no significant effect



we've come full circle

- mouth masks don't help, false sense of safety

- mouth masks are mandatory, severe penalties for those who refuse

- mouth masks have no significant effect

repeat ad infinitum

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26 minutes ago, Len Cnut said:

Whats he talkin' about? :lol:  I've never really paid attention to all this type of shit but since its Brownie I read it, I can't make head nor tail of it, perhaps because he's referring to stuff I know nothing about, 

I got as far as "vaccines cause autism" and concluded that he's an idiot. :lol: 

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4 hours ago, Dazey said:

So I got home from work last night and the missus told me that my parents (in their late 60's) had both been diagnosed with Covid. 

She prefaced this by saying "everything is okay" followed by the revelation that they were actually diagnosed about three weeks ago and just didn't want to worry me. 

The fuckers are both fine now and Dad's gone back to work but I don't know whether to be pissed or just not arsed. I've gone with not arsed for the moment. :lol: 

Same thing happened with my mother. She was just coming out of the time where she had to stay indoors when she told me she'd had the positive test. Reminded me of this 😂


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UK comedian Sir Stevo Timothy's new video about loneliness at Christmas is off side! I kept waiting for the punchline. There is no punch line. Fuck me, that is sad.

Im more used to his everyday musings as Farmer Michael such as "If ya love a girl or you're showing your respect for the womankind - you pinch their ass, Kathleen. And you slap em by the tits." :lol:

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