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Covid-19 Thread


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Saw my doctor today for a check up. He said wearing a mask that covers your nose and mouth is the best thing to do right now and he said the new vaccines are safe. Guess we'll find out.

Meanwhile numbers are way up again.

A 35 year old father of 5 kids, who served two tours in Iraq and made it back got the virus in November and died on November 28. He had mild symptoms and then got worse until he was admitted into the hospital where he died. he had no other underlying symptoms and was in perfect health. This virus doesn't give a shit how old you are or how healthy you are. It finds a weakness and attacks. So damn sad.

Meanwhile, some government morons, Trump included, are having holiday parties. Biden will have to fumigate every room in the white house before moving in.

Vaccines are on their way but too many people are still sick and dying. Just sucks.

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15 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

Handy little guide,


(The presence of the Yanks ruins otherwise a decent gag about it being the World Cup semis). 

I hope I can get the pfizer one. they have been in business for a very long time. My grandfather worked for them in Brooklyn until he retired.  I trust that company.  We get one shot and then 3 weeks later another one. I saw on CNN today that one doctor said the shots would last for 119 days.  

If that's true, that's only four months? Will we get more shots or wait until next year?

Also the only way a mask really works is if you cover both your nose and mouth. Your nose has more germs than your mouth and right now the most accurate test is the one that goes up your nose!

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2 hours ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

I hope I can get the pfizer one. they have been in business for a very long time. My grandfather worked for them in Brooklyn until he retired.  I trust that company.  We get one shot and then 3 weeks later another one. I saw on CNN today that one doctor said the shots would last for 119 days.  

If that's true, that's only four months? Will we get more shots or wait until next year?

Also the only way a mask really works is if you cover both your nose and mouth. Your nose has more germs than your mouth and right now the most accurate test is the one that goes up your nose!

Trust the Brits to come up with the only vaccine which costs the price of a pint and you can keep it in your fridge with your pack of Stella. 


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@action @DieselDaisy

I am tired and it has been a miserable year for most of us on here. I have strong views on things now, but I wish you and everyone else I have sparred with on the boards with well. It is rough out there no matter what your views are, and I look forward to when things get better for all of us. I really think it will get better with some time. 

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Overheard two boomers at the bar I work at:



boomer1: Yknow, the news was saying [x00000] people got COVID last month...yeah right! WHERE ARE THEY? I DON'T SEE EM!

boomer2: Because its all bullshit! No one has that shit

boomer1: Exactly, it's just a bunch of bullshit


I hear this kind of conversation play out among this demographic VERY often at the bar

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11 hours ago, Jakey Styley said:

Overheard two boomers at the bar I work at:

I hear this kind of conversation play out among this demographic VERY often at the bar

It’s all so sad.

Reminds me of the accounts by nurses in North and South Dakota about people in disbelief that they are dying of covid and refusing to call their love ones.

It’s a shame since Covid-19 is now the leading cause of death in the US:


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On 12/3/2020 at 5:13 PM, DieselDaisy said:

Trust the Brits to come up with the only vaccine which costs the price of a pint and you can keep it in your fridge with your pack of Stella. 


I thought these vaccines are free? Yeah, Dr. Fauci made a statement thinking the UK was moving too fast. It's the only time I disagreed with him. I know Britain is smart enough to know what they are doing. 

I think US pharmacies are getting the vaccines first before your doctors. It'll be easier for me since Walmart is right around the corner. I guess from this time on it'll be a flu shot and a covid shot every year. I can live with that.

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7 hours ago, downzy said:

It’s all so sad.

Reminds me of the accounts by nurses in North and South Dakota about people in disbelief that they are dying of covid and refusing to call their love ones.

It’s a shame since Covid-19 is now the leading cause of death in the US:


I agree. Everyday the death numbers go up. I think about these people and the families left behind. My boyfriend's mom has covid and now pneumonia. She went to the ER and they gave her meds and a machine to breath easier, but I worry because she is type 2 diabetes and also ashma. She is also over 60. I know some hospitals are turning patients away because they are full, but I pray she will gt over this soon. 

I feel for the people who are losing their loved ones at this time. 

Biden says he has a plan to help Americans, I really hope he does. 

On 12/4/2020 at 6:25 AM, EvanG said:

I'd like to add that I don't wish anyone well and I hope you all suffer.

I do wish everyone a great weekend, though!

Evan how terrible of you!

Enjoy your weekend thinking how we may be suffering you bloody bastard! lol

On 12/3/2020 at 7:51 PM, ZoSoRose said:

@action @DieselDaisy

I am tired and it has been a miserable year for most of us on here. I have strong views on things now, but I wish you and everyone else I have sparred with on the boards with well. It is rough out there no matter what your views are, and I look forward to when things get better for all of us. I really think it will get better with some time. 

Well, said. I do hope we all stay well and next year is better. We humans have to do better or else this can happen again.  And wear a damn mask. Our doctor said that is the one thing that helps you stay well.

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15 hours ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

I thought these vaccines are free? 

The NHS is free at the point of use, however all medicines cost money to produce and that's the cost the NHS will be paying on our behalf. 

I read somewhere that the NHS budgets £2200 per person, per year. Obviously there are years where individuals won't depend on it much at all, and years when we will. It's something I'm glad my taxes pay for. 

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The UK has the vaccine now.

I also read that both China and Russia have their own vaccine. Not sure how they are. We'll probably never find out either.

Texas has the vaccines, just waiting for approval.  Too many people have died and the medical personnel are so tired and stressed out.

We need to get them help and continue to wear masks and stay inside as much as we can.

It's hard to believe some people still don't believe this virus. Now Rudy G has it and has probably spread it all over with his travels.


2 hours ago, downzy said:


Not to mention the thousands of US soldiers that died in the Civil War. What a history our planet has!

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Maybe the first time I’ve said this, but as a non American, I want to thank Trump for his consideration of citizens from other nations!  You’re willingness to throw your own citizens under the bus is greatly appreciated by anyone who benefited from your shortsighted decision...


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The UK has the vaccine now.

Leading the fuckin' way as usual, while all you foreign bastards shit yourselves,  always a pleasure :lol: 


(watch it kill a bunch of grannies now :lol:)

Edited by Len Cnut
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